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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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BN try this.

Or this, still banned in America (the land of the free LOL) to this day, even better read, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

How do you ban something in the USA. I've never heard of the Waterboys being banned. In your head perhaps?

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LOL, BN, nothing more than the drunken ramblings of a madman, what was the name of the famous bootleg, Woke up this morning and found myself Dead?

Jim just took the William Blake quote- 'The road to wisdom lies through excess' too seriously. He reminds me of Keith Moon in that way, I remember Townsend complaining, ' Well of course he couldn't take the normal dose could he? I mean he's Keith Moon,he's indestructible so rather than taking 2 pills like any normal soul, he swallowed the whole contents of the bottle, the idiot'.

Likewise Grace Slick recalling the Jefferson Airplane and Doors joint ( pun intended) tour of the UK in 68 said, ' We were walking down the street in London and people were so friendly, 'Here take some of these, love your music'. Well, me and Paul (Kantner) smiled said thank you and put the drugs away to enjoy after the concert but Jim, well Jim just said thank you and swallowed the lot on the spot!'

I have to thank you rgs and DB for introducing e to a lot of music that I have never heard of and can only describe as after my time. I especially like The Waterboys-melodic, celtic, countryish with uplifting lyrics, moving and enjoyable

Don't be too hard on Jim, he wrote some great tunes, just needed to cut down on the booze and stay away from Pamela and the nasty stuff.


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BN try this.

Or this, still banned in America (the land of the free LOL) to this day, even better read, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

How do you ban something in the USA. I've never heard of the Waterboys being banned. In your head perhaps?

rgs means the Hawkwind number about native Indians

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BN try this.

Or this, still banned in America (the land of the free LOL) to this day, even better read, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

How do you ban something in the USA. I've never heard of the Waterboys being banned. In your head perhaps?

Think you must have ingested too much Agent Orange back in the day, no doubt the VA can render assistance.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) eventually banned the Ghost Dance, because the government believed it was a precursor to renewed Native American militancy and violent rebellion.

taken from here,


White officials became alarmed at the religious fervor and in December 1890 banned the Ghost Dance on Lakota reservations

Taken from here,


Please feel free to point me in the direction of any legislation that "unbanned" it.

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BN, as much as you say you detest punk, even you should at least admit, this is a classic.

No, rgs i would never say i detest punk, jeez, I spent my formative years living in Hull !. I understand completely their rebellion against the rock dinosaurs of ELP, Yes, Genesis, the self indulgence of some bands by the mid 70s was truly dispiriting

I love rock on 2 levels- live- danceable or rhythmic with melody, secondly,studio- moving, emotionally or spiritually

Being a simple soul, for me there has to be continuity of rhythm- get into the groove, whether fast or slow, it doesn't matter

But you have to see- growing up on Hendrix, Cream, Rory, early Floyd, Dylan- it was an embarrassment of riches musically as they say. The bar was set so high, very little later could match it.

And naturally our memories of growing up, in all its aspects, are tied to the music and songs we heard at t

he time- so for probably 80% of the contributors here, the late 70s or 80s are the times they feel most attached to. For me and one or two others , it was earlier.

Never mind! we all hear new music from each other and enjoy healthy banter- I can't understand these other threads where folks are moaning about how unhappy everyone is.

What's wrong with them?!

One thing we can all agree on,I'm sure - Neil Young is the real thing!

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BN @ post # 5930,

Never mind! we all hear new music from each other and enjoy healthy banter- I can't understand these other threads where folks are moaning about how unhappy everyone is.

What's wrong with them?!

One thing we can all agree on,I'm sure - Neil Young is the real thing!

To be sure BN, I dont understand them either, personally I blame The Nanny State and the PC gone mad brigade.

Living in an Oriental paradise surrounded by beautiful women and great food, no property taxes and yet they moan, for me,

Agree about NY, though he did lose the plot about 30 years ago, released some right dodgy albums, the electronic crap that was Trans, the dreadful country

Old Ways, and even worse, Neil Young & The Shocking Pinks, Landing On Water wasnt much better either.

Never mind, at least we still have Rory & Roxy Music to keep us going.

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