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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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The Undertones- cos I hate University Challenge -555 there was a thread recently about an edition of University Challenge and how difficult it was- but I think members should realize the contestants were nearly all reading History and the Classics, European literature, so it was not surprising our contestants here were at a serious disadvantage.

Perhaps Thai Visa University could send a team from our musical department,- ' Hello I'm DB, reading Ivor Cutler and 'gravity begins at home' or ' Hello I'm rgs, reading Hawkwind and their development in the Robert Calvert era'.

Yourself, Soihok, could be reading 'A cultural analysis of Thailand in response to imperial stupidity by ignorant farangs' , an enormous subject with endless possibilities for research and development.

Meanwhile, that track by The Damned should be condemned as an exact copy of the great Arthur Lee song.


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The late great Arthur,

One of the few West Coast bands I could get into.

BN, rgs reading The Viz, and why have HW been utter shoit since 1979.

PS my upcountry friend, why the heck are you posting a link to the ugliest man is the musical industry?

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I only have 3 music hero' s, as in those that have had a major affect on who I am and what my outlook on life is.

In no particular order:-


John Lydon

Captain Sensible

Sadly Prince is no longer, but his music and talents are timeless.

Captain, I was baptised by the Damned and the Ruts (a week or so after Malcolm Owen's death) in Sheffield in 1980 when i was 15.


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Written after a night out boozing with Paul McCartney apparently, one of Gene's classics

Interesting remarks by soi 6, some memories of songs and places are indelibly burned into one's consciousness- I'll never forget a trip to one of the towns outside Rutland, it had a cathedral or a large church on a ridge opposite with sloping grassy banks leading down to a river. We went there on a beautiful summer's day, sat down on the grass and someone with a portable tape recorder put on Cirrus Minor by the Floyd. The tranquil and picturesque setting, a peaceful English town on a lovely summer's day with lots of attractive stone buildings combined with that song has always stayed with me.

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