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Pattaya Looks To Iran For Next Tourist Invasion


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This is bad news for the ladies of pattaya.

as we all know how they treat the girls back home.

BTW Iran executes, Prostitutes, little girls and Homosexual young men

Such a nice county Iran.. Not :bah::bah::bah:

I share your objections to the barbaric policies of the Iranian government. People should learn about that and also if anyone really believes Iran isn't going for nuclear weapons that will destabilize the entire middle east, and perhaps the entire oil dependent world, I have a bridge to sell you. However, people are people, and just because someone is Iranian doesn't mean they support the policies of their government. As we have seen lately, there is a vast undercurrent in Iran towards freedom (but most still want the bombs, oh well ...).

Only one country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons and it is not Iran. Iran was one of the first countries to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty in 1968. The country in the middle east who has nuclear weapons happens to be quite aggressive and have refused to sign the treaty.

Depends on how you define aggressive. Using or threatening to use those weapons in offense would be aggressive; I don't think Israel has ever done that. As far as treaties, they are worthless as the world knows Iran is playing games and going towards these weapons, any other view is purely Tehran propaganda. BTW, you DO know that much of the Middle East is now quietly (as they also hate Israel) ALLYING themselves with Israel to push opposition to Iran's program, because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Speaking of aggressive, I'll give you aggressive, such as the leader of Iran's rhetoric that the Jewish state of Israel should be wiped off the map, now that's aggressive, really, we don't nuclear weapons in the hands of such lunatics and we also don't need another holocaust.

I am not a fan of Iran but they have not attacked another sovereign nation in 200 years. They have fought but never as the aggressor.

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I am not a fan of Iran but they have not attacked another sovereign nation in 200 years. They have fought but never as the aggressor.

Even openly threatening to murder the almost 6 million Jews in Israel is aggressive enough for me, like I said, we don't need a second holocaust or WMDs in the hands of countries with insane governments like Iran. The civilized world including most of the Arab world sees it the way I do, they should be denied these weapons (easier said than done).

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I am not a fan of Iran but they have not attacked another sovereign nation in 200 years. They have fought but never as the aggressor.

Even openly threatening to murder the almost 6 million Jews in Israel is aggressive enough for me, like I said, we don't need a second holocaust or WMDs in the hands of countries with insane governments like Iran. The civilized world including most of the Arab world sees it the way I do, they should be denied these weapons (easier said than done).

I agree that they do not need nuclear weapons but, I do not feel at all threatened by them. Perhaps I am just being naive.

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I am not a fan of Iran but they have not attacked another sovereign nation in 200 years. They have fought but never as the aggressor.

Even openly threatening to murder the almost 6 million Jews in Israel is aggressive enough for me, like I said, we don't need a second holocaust or WMDs in the hands of countries with insane governments like Iran. The civilized world including most of the Arab world sees it the way I do, they should be denied these weapons (easier said than done).

I agree that they do not need nuclear weapons but, I do not feel at all threatened by them. Perhaps I am just being naive.

Yes you are indeed. I would trust most of the Arab world on this one, their neighbors. I also expect most likely when the US leaves Iraq that Iran will take over, similar to how Iran ally Syria has taken over Lebanon.
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I am not a fan of Iran but they have not attacked another sovereign nation in 200 years. They have fought but never as the aggressor.

Even openly threatening to murder the almost 6 million Jews in Israel is aggressive enough for me, like I said, we don't need a second holocaust or WMDs in the hands of countries with insane governments like Iran. The civilized world including most of the Arab world sees it the way I do, they should be denied these weapons (easier said than done).

I agree that they do not need nuclear weapons but, I do not feel at all threatened by them. Perhaps I am just being naive.

Yes you are indeed. I would trust most of the Arab world on this one, their neighbors. I also expect most likely when the US leaves Iraq that Iran will take over, similar to how Iran ally Syria has taken over Lebanon.

Jing, you seem to be too well read to not know that what Ahmadinejad said in his speech was literally translated as follows:

Juan Cole, a University of Michigan Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History, agrees that Ahmadinejad's statement should be translated as, "the Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).[13]

The western media had a field day with this one and everybody, with an axe to grind with Iran jumped on it. There is much material on this subject and he probably wants Israel wiped off the map but that is not what was said.

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Translation disputes notwithstanding, there is a rich vein of evidence that the rhetoric of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the most virulently antisemetic of any powerful world leader since Adolph himself. Not only anti-Zionist but specifically antisemetic.

Also, your claim that Iran is not aggressive militarily is questionable. Right now it appears they are agitating for some kind of proxy war with Israel through Syria controlled Lebanon.

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What do the dogs have to do with the way you were seen as being the lowest of the low?

Dogs are dirty as far as Arabs are concerned and we Brits are dirty for keeping them

I have to remind myself not to wear any BIG DOG t-shirts to Arabic restaurants. Drats ... No red, no yellow, and now no dogs? I may have nothing to wear now.

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What do the dogs have to do with the way you were seen as being the lowest of the low?

Dogs are dirty as far as Arabs are concerned and we Brits are dirty for keeping them

I have to remind myself not to wear any BIG DOG t-shirts to Arabic restaurants. Drats ... No red, no yellow, and now no dogs? I may have nothing to wear now.

You can still keep the Leather Cap with studs on Jing!!!!! :lol::lol:

Sorry couldn’t help it.

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Lets get back on topic please.

Pattaya Looks To Iran For Next Tourist Invasion

Well taken, but check the OP. It specifically mentions that sanctions against Iran by other countries are a motivating factor in inviting the Iranians. I don't completely understand the logic of that. While of course US and European tourist visas may be somewhat difficult to get, I don't think the intention of economic sanctions on Iran is targeted at all towards suppressing the vacation choices of Iranian civilians.

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Personally I don't mind where tourists come from as long as they do come and spend their money here. I've seen too many businesses fold in Pattaya over the last six months.

However, from what I hear the many sweet young damsels who work in Pattaya are far from happy about the change in tourist demographics. In the good old days they could dream about marrying a rich handsome farang and going to live in Europe or America. But no Thai girl is ever going to be putting on a burkha and going to live in Iran.

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Personally I don't mind where tourists come from as long as they do come and spend their money here. I've seen too many businesses fold in Pattaya over the last six months.

However, from what I hear the many sweet young damsels who work in Pattaya are far from happy about the change in tourist demographics. In the good old days they could dream about marrying a rich handsome farang and going to live in Europe or America. But no Thai girl is ever going to be putting on a burkha and going to live in Iran.

Hey, you never know, they just might. Persian money spends as well as any other, and some people find the unibrow look quite fetching ...

post-37101-072311600 1281451668_thumb.jp

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Personally I don't mind where tourists come from as long as they do come and spend their money here. I've seen too many businesses fold in Pattaya over the last six months.

However, from what I hear the many sweet young damsels who work in Pattaya are far from happy about the change in tourist demographics. In the good old days they could dream about marrying a rich handsome farang and going to live in Europe or America. But no Thai girl is ever going to be putting on a burkha and going to live in Iran.

I don’t know, about the Bonging with a Burka thing.

It’s a bit like the two paper bag joke.

One for her and one for yourself, just in case hers slips off.!!!!:o

Think a Burka might stay on, so could be good, for this purpose only. :D

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he probably wants Israel wiped off the map

That is the point. :whistling:

I personally do not care for the guy. But, I can be objective on the subject. He is nowhere near the only world leader wanting Israel to go away, he is simply "Out of the Closet" on the subject

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What do the dogs have to do with the way you were seen as being the lowest of the low?

Dogs are dirty as far as Arabs are concerned and we Brits are dirty for keeping them

Interesting, never knew that.

I remember the rant Ahmadinejad had at the U.N. conference. He had the audience on their feet :lol: .

Sorry...off topic.

Edited by soihok
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There’s a few leaders around the world that I feel

the UN should not sit round the table with. :ph34r:

But Mr. Ahmadinejad is a mega star as far as im concerned.

This guy, allows women and young girls to be stoned to death.

In his country.

This man is just pure evil. :bah:

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Iranians are actually pretty normal... not sure how they ended up with a bunch of "head the ball" Muslim fanatics running the country...

Every time I see that little weasel eyed PM on TV, I would really like to punch him square in the face .. <deleted> they have huge reserves of oil so there is no argument wahtsoever for a need of nuclear power..

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Iranians are actually pretty normal... not sure how they ended up with a bunch of "head the ball" Muslim fanatics running the country...

Every time I see that little weasel eyed PM on TV, I would really like to punch him square in the face .. <deleted> they have huge reserves of oil so there is no argument wahtsoever for a need of nuclear power..

Not an expert on Iranian history but the incredibly repressive regime of the US supported Shah of Iran set the table up for the Islamic revolutionaries. It's really a shame because with a less brutal non-fundamentalist leader, Iran could have been something entirely different today.

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It is generally agreed that the Shah made many improvements in Iran and was far better than what followed.

In the 1990s and the decade following 2000, the Shah's reputation has staged something of a revival, with many Iranians looking back on his era as a time when Iran was more prosperous[58][59] and the government less oppressive.[60] Journalist Afshin Molavi reports even members of the uneducated poor - traditionally core supporters of the revolution that overthrew the Shah - making remarks such as 'God bless the Shah's soul, the economy was better then;' and finds that "books about the former Shah (even censored ones) sell briskly," while "books of the Rightly Guided Path sit idle."[61]
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The Shah was great if he didn't murder you. Yes he modernized Iran but he had a heavy hand which opened up an opportunity for revolt. I can't see much point in westerners praising either system. They can do better.

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Since jingthing likes writing posts calling Bush "insane" and comparing him with the current leader of Iran, less PC posters might want to take his opinion with a grain of salt and do your own research. :D

To N. Korea, not Iran. It was clearly a little bit tongue in cheek. The substance part of it is my belief that history will show Bush's war in Iraq was the biggest foreign policy error in American history, and in the long run it will have been a total waste, as it has softened the country for an Iranian takeover. Foreign policies are supposed to be in the rational self interest of the countries, but of course mistakes are made, the Bush mistake was of such massive scale that it is valid to question his sanity. For example, didn't he himself say something like God talked to him?

As far as Iran's president, I don't think he is insane. I think he is EVIL.

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Can we try please to drag this topic back to where its supposed to be, as a reminder that is:

Pattaya Looks To Iran For Next Tourist Invasion

I know its all kind of related but this is getting just too far off the wall now.

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Can we try please to drag this topic back to where its supposed to be, as a reminder that is:

Pattaya Looks To Iran For Next Tourist Invasion

I know its all kind of related but this is getting just too far off the wall now.

I guess the real topic is do we want an Iranian sitting next to us at the go-go bar or as a next door neighbor in our little paradise or is it appropriate for the Thai government to seek them out as a target group for increased tourism. Should their national interests come into play in order to make a determination on the matter?

Thailand is essentially taking a stand against the US and Israel by doing this in the open or otherwise. Is that a good political move? That remains to be seen.

The drift of the forum, based upon what has been posted in this thread, seems to be anti-Iranian based largely upon the policies and opinions set forth by Iranian leadership.

There could be a penalty to Thailand if they do not think this through carefully and make the short sided choice. Are they sophisticated enough to really consider true cost/benefit? Nothing has been released thus far to suggest they are; at least as it pertains to this particular matter.

There is a strong possibility of a preemptive strike against Iranian Nuclear facilities by Israel, the US or both. Should that matter to Thailand? I think it should.

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