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I asked about body building anabolic steroids as I am supposed to use small doses to recover from problems. Seriously, I do not want to do that without a doctor. Response: "For your inquiry, please note that Decadurobolin and Testosterone are legally available in Thailand. However, please note that Anavar is not available at our clinic (we have the similar one named Anadrol)." *** Anadrol is not all that similar and is quite dangerous for me, so I will not be going here. Nice to know these meds are legal. Anyone know another doc or clinic? Oxandrolone (Anavar) is what I should start with.


I guess you need a doctor prescription for this kind of product an then you go to the first big drugstore in Bangkok that

should supply this product (like the one near nana).

Don't know why they never ask to see any prescription when you order this kind of product, Is it possible that some pharmacists

in Thailand does not respect the law ?

Or maybe they assume that if you order this kind of product it's because you saw a doctor already ?

i wish you a good recovery and agree with you, you have to be cautious with this kind of product,and if you use Anavar, don't

forget to protect your liver with an additional traitement (Liv 52,....) but ask your doctor for that cause it's quit toxic.


I guess you need a doctor prescription for this kind of product an then you go to the first big drugstore in Bangkok that

should supply this product (like the one near nana).

Don't know why they never ask to see any prescription when you order this kind of product, Is it possible that some pharmacists

in Thailand does not respect the law ?

Or maybe they assume that if you order this kind of product it's because you saw a doctor already ?

i wish you a good recovery and agree with you, you have to be cautious with this kind of product,and if you use Anavar, don't

forget to protect your liver with an additional traitement (Liv 52,....) but ask your doctor for that cause it's quit toxic.

In dosages bodybuilders use you should not exceed a 6 week period.


I guess you need a doctor prescription for this kind of product an then you go to the first big drugstore in Bangkok that

should supply this product (like the one near nana).

Don't know why they never ask to see any prescription when you order this kind of product, Is it possible that some pharmacists

in Thailand does not respect the law ?

Or maybe they assume that if you order this kind of product it's because you saw a doctor already ?

i wish you a good recovery and agree with you, you have to be cautious with this kind of product,and if you use Anavar, don't

forget to protect your liver with an additional traitement (Liv 52,....) but ask your doctor for that cause it's quit toxic.

In dosages bodybuilders use you should not exceed a 6 week period.

in bodybuilder use this product is useless expept if you are a woman .

Often useful to regain some lost weight after certain disease.

Once again I insist on the fact that this product is toxic for the liver.


I guess you need a doctor prescription for this kind of product an then you go to the first big drugstore in Bangkok that

should supply this product (like the one near nana).

Don't know why they never ask to see any prescription when you order this kind of product, Is it possible that some pharmacists

in Thailand does not respect the law ?

Or maybe they assume that if you order this kind of product it's because you saw a doctor already ?

i wish you a good recovery and agree with you, you have to be cautious with this kind of product,and if you use Anavar, don't

forget to protect your liver with an additional traitement (Liv 52,....) but ask your doctor for that cause it's quit toxic.

In dosages bodybuilders use you should not exceed a 6 week period.

in bodybuilder use this product is useless expept if you are a woman .

Often useful to regain some lost weight after certain disease.

Once again I insist on the fact that this product is toxic for the liver.

Yes its toxic that is why it should not be used more then 6 weeks. Duh.. and yes its useless for gaining a lot of muscle. Its more used during a cutting phase so you dont loose muscle and keep your strength up. Anyway I have used this product once and i must say i noticed nothing. But others swear by it. Its one of the weakest compounds for building muscles. But still toxic to the liver because of the delivery system.


Intravenous is the primary method used to boost these hormones. Testosterone type pills are useless for men- my question would be WHY for women. Thailand allow hormone replacement therapy- well that is what it is meant to be used for. Primarily for the over 40yo men who want a boost. My father swears by his injections and he in his late 50s, yet has as much energy as me. His lean muscle gained and body fat decreased greatly without further exercise. Although he has always been active- yet eats what he wishes.

Basically the hormones given increase to what we all have at our peak at the approx age of 25yo. Then the hormones slowly decrease year by year, slowing our metobolic rate, etc.

Even in Developed nations many clinics advocate hormone replacement for both men and women and it is legal if prescribed by a doctor. The doctors will only get in trouble if prescribe to anyone under 40 or whom does not have a decreased hormone rate. Let's face it- at 35yo you will not test the same as a 25yo.

Problem currently is COST. Approx $1500 pm, yet in Thailand this cost is dramitcally reduced. But be careful which Doctor is your supplier as he may be giving you junk to save a buck. Best practice is to got to a professional- get hormones readings every few months and have them monitor you physically and mentally.

If using for body building purposes you still need to put in the gym time- some think you can simply take the goods without doing the time. These guys just bloat up. Problem with body builders is that they get a bad reputation due to them regulating themselves- thus leading to dangerous overuse. If body building simply do not over do it. Naturally if you perform a professional sport then you know that most sports this advantage is not allowed.

Anyway in terms of where to get in BKK- ring several clinics for treatment plans and cost. Should be approx $300-$600 pm, if quoted less they using less superior products. Should be injected initially by the Doc, then yourself daily. It not illegal, just be monitored correctly and do not be tempted to increase dosage or you can go into ROID RAGE. I have experienced this from mates on several occasions, upping the dosage a lot will not help you or anyone around you. Personal you should be happy to simply have the normal dosage to keep your hormones to that of a 25yo, as many of us wish that we could be 25yo as long as possible whilst we get wiser.

I remember Sly Stallone being caught with a bag full at Aussie airport when filming in Thailand- this brought much more attention to steroids and I think he created a bigger market. As he 60 something and many would love to be as fit as he is now. He believed these drugs would be available over the counter in a few year, they are in Thailand... as I know many Drug Stores whom sell it cheaper than the Quacks yet would not advocate unless you know what you are doing and trust the supplier. Not illegal if monitored by a Quack, and you do not necessarily need to get it from a Quack. To start off i would recommend it.



"Intravenous is the primary method used to boost these hormones."

Female HRT rarely uses injections: "HRT may be delivered to the body via patches, tablets, creams, troches, IUDs, vaginal rings, gels or, more rarely, by injection.

Testosterone type pills are useless for men- my question would be WHY for women."

For the life of me, I do not understand what you are trying to say. The answer might be "women receiving HRT can receive several different hormones, including testosterone",

but I'm unsure of what you mean.


Intravenous is the primary method used to boost these hormones. Testosterone type pills are useless for men- my question would be WHY for women. Thailand allow hormone replacement therapy- well that is what it is meant to be used for. Primarily for the over 40yo men who want a boost. My father swears by his injections and he in his late 50s, yet has as much energy as me. His lean muscle gained and body fat decreased greatly without further exercise. Although he has always been active- yet eats what he wishes.

Basically the hormones given increase to what we all have at our peak at the approx age of 25yo. Then the hormones slowly decrease year by year, slowing our metobolic rate, etc.

Even in Developed nations many clinics advocate hormone replacement for both men and women and it is legal if prescribed by a doctor. The doctors will only get in trouble if prescribe to anyone under 40 or whom does not have a decreased hormone rate. Let's face it- at 35yo you will not test the same as a 25yo.

Problem currently is COST. Approx $1500 pm, yet in Thailand this cost is dramitcally reduced. But be careful which Doctor is your supplier as he may be giving you junk to save a buck. Best practice is to got to a professional- get hormones readings every few months and have them monitor you physically and mentally.

If using for body building purposes you still need to put in the gym time- some think you can simply take the goods without doing the time. These guys just bloat up. Problem with body builders is that they get a bad reputation due to them regulating themselves- thus leading to dangerous overuse. If body building simply do not over do it. Naturally if you perform a professional sport then you know that most sports this advantage is not allowed.

Anyway in terms of where to get in BKK- ring several clinics for treatment plans and cost. Should be approx $300-$600 pm, if quoted less they using less superior products. Should be injected initially by the Doc, then yourself daily. It not illegal, just be monitored correctly and do not be tempted to increase dosage or you can go into ROID RAGE. I have experienced this from mates on several occasions, upping the dosage a lot will not help you or anyone around you. Personal you should be happy to simply have the normal dosage to keep your hormones to that of a 25yo, as many of us wish that we could be 25yo as long as possible whilst we get wiser.

I remember Sly Stallone being caught with a bag full at Aussie airport when filming in Thailand- this brought much more attention to steroids and I think he created a bigger market. As he 60 something and many would love to be as fit as he is now. He believed these drugs would be available over the counter in a few year, they are in Thailand... as I know many Drug Stores whom sell it cheaper than the Quacks yet would not advocate unless you know what you are doing and trust the supplier. Not illegal if monitored by a Quack, and you do not necessarily need to get it from a Quack. To start off i would recommend it.


I think roid rage is a nice fairytale told by people who lack control without the stuff. I have known many people and the only ones who suffer this are the ones who are in real life already bad at controlling their temper.

As for taking the stuff and not training.. your right.. that wont work if you want muscle. Many people

You can go real cheap with hormone replacement therapy if you want because basically if you inject yourself and buy the stuff yourself its quite cheap. I would only advise that after loads of research or after having done it under supervision of a doctor.

But what do you mean with intravenous.. don't you mean intramuscular ? I would say that injection is the best delivering mechanism.


Intravenous is the primary method used to boost these hormones. Testosterone type pills are useless for men- my question would be WHY for women. Thailand allow hormone replacement therapy- well that is what it is meant to be used for. Primarily for the over 40yo men who want a boost. My father swears by his injections and he in his late 50s, yet has as much energy as me. His lean muscle gained and body fat decreased greatly without further exercise. Although he has always been active- yet eats what he wishes.

Basically the hormones given increase to what we all have at our peak at the approx age of 25yo. Then the hormones slowly decrease year by year, slowing our metobolic rate, etc.

Even in Developed nations many clinics advocate hormone replacement for both men and women and it is legal if prescribed by a doctor. The doctors will only get in trouble if prescribe to anyone under 40 or whom does not have a decreased hormone rate. Let's face it- at 35yo you will not test the same as a 25yo.

Problem currently is COST. Approx $1500 pm, yet in Thailand this cost is dramitcally reduced. But be careful which Doctor is your supplier as he may be giving you junk to save a buck. Best practice is to got to a professional- get hormones readings every few months and have them monitor you physically and mentally.

If using for body building purposes you still need to put in the gym time- some think you can simply take the goods without doing the time. These guys just bloat up. Problem with body builders is that they get a bad reputation due to them regulating themselves- thus leading to dangerous overuse. If body building simply do not over do it. Naturally if you perform a professional sport then you know that most sports this advantage is not allowed.

Anyway in terms of where to get in BKK- ring several clinics for treatment plans and cost. Should be approx $300-$600 pm, if quoted less they using less superior products. Should be injected initially by the Doc, then yourself daily. It not illegal, just be monitored correctly and do not be tempted to increase dosage or you can go into ROID RAGE. I have experienced this from mates on several occasions, upping the dosage a lot will not help you or anyone around you. Personal you should be happy to simply have the normal dosage to keep your hormones to that of a 25yo, as many of us wish that we could be 25yo as long as possible whilst we get wiser.

I remember Sly Stallone being caught with a bag full at Aussie airport when filming in Thailand- this brought much more attention to steroids and I think he created a bigger market. As he 60 something and many would love to be as fit as he is now. He believed these drugs would be available over the counter in a few year, they are in Thailand... as I know many Drug Stores whom sell it cheaper than the Quacks yet would not advocate unless you know what you are doing and trust the supplier. Not illegal if monitored by a Quack, and you do not necessarily need to get it from a Quack. To start off i would recommend it.


I think roid rage is a nice fairytale told by people who lack control without the stuff. I have known many people and the only ones who suffer this are the ones who are in real life already bad at controlling their temper.

As for taking the stuff and not training.. your right.. that wont work if you want muscle. Many people

You can go real cheap with hormone replacement therapy if you want because basically if you inject yourself and buy the stuff yourself its quite cheap. I would only advise that after loads of research or after having done it under supervision of a doctor.

But what do you mean with intravenous.. don't you mean intramuscular ? I would say that injection is the best delivering mechanism.

Yer I meant a simple injection- intramuscular- not directly into your vein- not necessary. Some of the pills I am a bit concerned about as they are very toxic to the liver and kidneys. Stick with the injections I would say...

In terms of ROID RAGE- I think it is real as some can feel more anxious on the drugs as their metobolic rate increases and thus some let their angst out in the form of ROID RAGE. As their whole system speeds up, so to does the mental state- it can be a bit too much for some. So I am a believer in the stories from what I have witnessed. Yet in moderation and as directed you should be fine.

I am an advocate of anyone taking the drugs if they feel it of benefit to them- quality of life wise.

Also Anavar is available in Thailand- well in CMai anyway thus I presume going frfom BKK. Drug store near Thapea Gate on Nimarean Rd has no problem supplying what you wish within reason and law. Maybe they import it in- who knows but it available. I think you will have no issues importing it in. Yet I have found that the mark up from the drug stores- once they know you is not very much.

Who can get their med's under $300 pm? I think this is difficult for the right injectables. Plus I am an advocate of being monitored by a professional, so this is an extra cost.

I think newbys should be careful of the proposed China\India generic stuff- I knew some who went a year or 2 b4 discovering their meds were doing nothing and they wasted their time and money... Goto reputable or order from reputable sites only.

If online, expect customs to have a close look through all the needles supplied to you... yet I am yet to hear of anyone who did not receive their goods. Yet they are meant to officially only be available under the supervision of a doctor... so they could with hold and have you pay them a fee (Tea money). Yet as I said I am yet to hear of a case, except with former MR Universe in Pattaya, whom paid off police 50000bt for having a bagful of the goods without a script. So they can raid you and ask for tea money... yet no likely....Many will now whom I am talking about- he was simply too open and was insulting to Thai officials thus the raid and payout. Thailand has always been a cheap place for the the potential Mr Universes to gain cheap access to the goods and do some hard core training on the cheap.... Pattaya been the place of choice + BKK. :lol:


I think roid rage is a nice fairytale told by people who lack control without the stuff. I have known many people and the only ones who suffer this are the ones who are in real life already bad at controlling their temper.

As for taking the stuff and not training.. your right.. that wont work if you want muscle. Many people

You can go real cheap with hormone replacement therapy if you want because basically if you inject yourself and buy the stuff yourself its quite cheap. I would only advise that after loads of research or after having done it under supervision of a doctor.

But what do you mean with intravenous.. don't you mean intramuscular ? I would say that injection is the best delivering mechanism.

Yer I meant a simple injection- intramuscular- not directly into your vein- not necessary. Some of the pills I am a bit concerned about as they are very toxic to the liver and kidneys. Stick with the injections I would say...

In terms of ROID RAGE- I think it is real as some can feel more anxious on the drugs as their metobolic rate increases and thus some let their angst out in the form of ROID RAGE. As their whole system speeds up, so to does the mental state- it can be a bit too much for some. So I am a believer in the stories from what I have witnessed. Yet in moderation and as directed you should be fine.

I am an advocate of anyone taking the drugs if they feel it of benefit to them- quality of life wise.

Also Anavar is available in Thailand- well in CMai anyway thus I presume going frfom BKK. Drug store near Thapea Gate on Nimarean Rd has no problem supplying what you wish within reason and law. Maybe they import it in- who knows but it available. I think you will have no issues importing it in. Yet I have found that the mark up from the drug stores- once they know you is not very much.

Who can get their med's under $300 pm? I think this is difficult for the right injectables. Plus I am an advocate of being monitored by a professional, so this is an extra cost.

I think newbys should be careful of the proposed China\India generic stuff- I knew some who went a year or 2 b4 discovering their meds were doing nothing and they wasted their time and money... Goto reputable or order from reputable sites only.

If online, expect customs to have a close look through all the needles supplied to you... yet I am yet to hear of anyone who did not receive their goods. Yet they are meant to officially only be available under the supervision of a doctor... so they could with hold and have you pay them a fee (Tea money). Yet as I said I am yet to hear of a case, except with former MR Universe in Pattaya, whom paid off police 50000bt for having a bagful of the goods without a script. So they can raid you and ask for tea money... yet no likely....Many will now whom I am talking about- he was simply too open and was insulting to Thai officials thus the raid and payout. Thailand has always been a cheap place for the the potential Mr Universes to gain cheap access to the goods and do some hard core training on the cheap.... Pattaya been the place of choice + BKK. :lol:

My opinion on roid rage is the following let me be even more clear:

If your an prick without the stuff you will be a prick on the stuff even worse.. same with other kinds of drugs and alcohol. If your normally a nice guy you dont have to worry if you are already an idiot.. sure it will enhance this. I just hate it how it is used as a excuse.. the guy is responsible for it not the drug. He took the drug. If you cant handle it dont take it.

I think it would be really bad to inject directly into a vain.

I dont know much about what you take for hormone replacement therapy but if it is only testosterone you can get Schering (real reputable brand) for around 3000bt (100$) for 20 vials of 250mg of test. Im pretty sure that is more test then is used in hormone replacement therapy in a month. Most bodybuilders will not even use that amount in a month.


I thought Sly got busted with HGH?

Are there any doctors you can go to in Bangkok at the age of 30 which will prescribe you with testosterone and PCT meds such as novla or clomid to aid gym use?


I thought Sly got busted with HGH?

Are there any doctors you can go to in Bangkok at the age of 30 which will prescribe you with testosterone and PCT meds such as novla or clomid to aid gym use?

Sly was done for a multi bag of hormone coctails- HGH is testosterone + he had others ...from his trip from Thai to Aussie. Aussie not as lenient as Thai in this regard (Thus his mistake). As Thai class it as therapeutic use with or without a script to my knowledge. Thus you can import HGH to Thai with no issue- but it dead cheap here for even good stuff. He needed a script which he probably had but his qualitity was far too much. As he was getting CUT for his final Rambo and Rocky. He is naturally an advocate of HGH for all- men and women over 40yo.

Sure Doctors will put you on HGH at 30yo, what do they care as long as they make a buck in Thailand. Not in the developed world however and do not bring it home. Yet your benefits will be minimum- far less than pumping up your workouts to a hardcore 6-8 hours pw. As if you do very little now, then your metobolic rate and testosterone HGH will increase a far bit if you sluggish now. Adding HGH will only enhance the effects if you going for muscle and lower the recovery period to do more workouts thus faster gains.

If you just wishing to strip fat and be more cut then HGH may help some--- yet you still need to workout. Too many think it the easy way to getting as ripped as Pitt in his Prime, say in Fightclub. It takes discipline, motivation and work. It difficult to do unless you have a goal and you make it a permanent part of your lifestyle. Most i see last a couple of weeks to 2 months then give up for XYZ reasons- mainly motivational value not worth the pain for us. So we select XYZ excuse.

I think before you PUMP yourself full of drugs for a good deal of money- if under 40yo. You should get on a muscle building plan firstly and see if you can stick to it for 6 months to make it part of your lifestyle then add 'extras' to enhance your results. Nothing happens overnight. Always admire those whom transform their body thus mind in 6 months. My brother went from a FAT 120kg 180cm to now 70kg through martial arts becoming apart of his lifestyle in approx 6 months last year. Now I doubt he will regain the fat, as he a martial arts instructor. So he made it apart of his life. He not ready to take HGH at 24yo as he in his prime now- andrenal grand, metobolic rate and hormone wise. He states he will near 35yo- maybe if feels he needs it. Of course he feels immortal at the moment.

At 27yo I tried HGH only to bloat up like a blow fish, not enough workouts and I think the quack was not good. Or I had a adverse reaction. I will give it ago again shortly. Thus I been getting recommended to the best Quack suppliers. I nearing 35yo and need to work out more to gain same results at 20-25yo. So the extra HGH boost is needed now. Yet still need intensive workouts 5 times weekly. As my recovery time longer now than 10-15 years ago, as this slows through aging bit by bit- year by year. It only a bit of a short cut- you still need to work fairly hard- depending on the results you desire- whether u strive for B Pitt in Fightclub or Sly in Rocky 4 it totally different workouts and supplements. Your genetics play a part also. Sly would never have got as big as he did in his later Rambos and Rockys without HGH- IMO. As genetically he was not blessed, he needed to workout very hard like most of us. Whereas the Arnolds of the world bulk wise are genetically blessed as well as taking 'extras'. You wish to be like Sly at 60 something- discipline, motivation and HGHs, etc.

Cancers, etc are supposedly not an issue if taken in MODERATION. Yet Jury still out on this- as hardcore guys have had many issues, but they often use x20-30 times more than other when become obsessed. They spoil it for the rest of us- thus the banning in many countries because of these guys. U know who u are??? :whistling:

Cheers Jay


I think roid rage is a nice fairytale told by people who lack control without the stuff. I have known many people and the only ones who suffer this are the ones who are in real life already bad at controlling their temper.

As for taking the stuff and not training.. your right.. that wont work if you want muscle. Many people

You can go real cheap with hormone replacement therapy if you want because basically if you inject yourself and buy the stuff yourself its quite cheap. I would only advise that after loads of research or after having done it under supervision of a doctor.

But what do you mean with intravenous.. don't you mean intramuscular ? I would say that injection is the best delivering mechanism.

Yer I meant a simple injection- intramuscular- not directly into your vein- not necessary. Some of the pills I am a bit concerned about as they are very toxic to the liver and kidneys. Stick with the injections I would say...

In terms of ROID RAGE- I think it is real as some can feel more anxious on the drugs as their metobolic rate increases and thus some let their angst out in the form of ROID RAGE. As their whole system speeds up, so to does the mental state- it can be a bit too much for some. So I am a believer in the stories from what I have witnessed. Yet in moderation and as directed you should be fine.

I am an advocate of anyone taking the drugs if they feel it of benefit to them- quality of life wise.

Also Anavar is available in Thailand- well in CMai anyway thus I presume going frfom BKK. Drug store near Thapea Gate on Nimarean Rd has no problem supplying what you wish within reason and law. Maybe they import it in- who knows but it available. I think you will have no issues importing it in. Yet I have found that the mark up from the drug stores- once they know you is not very much.

Who can get their med's under $300 pm? I think this is difficult for the right injectables. Plus I am an advocate of being monitored by a professional, so this is an extra cost.

I think newbys should be careful of the proposed China\India generic stuff- I knew some who went a year or 2 b4 discovering their meds were doing nothing and they wasted their time and money... Goto reputable or order from reputable sites only.

If online, expect customs to have a close look through all the needles supplied to you... yet I am yet to hear of anyone who did not receive their goods. Yet they are meant to officially only be available under the supervision of a doctor... so they could with hold and have you pay them a fee (Tea money). Yet as I said I am yet to hear of a case, except with former MR Universe in Pattaya, whom paid off police 50000bt for having a bagful of the goods without a script. So they can raid you and ask for tea money... yet no likely....Many will now whom I am talking about- he was simply too open and was insulting to Thai officials thus the raid and payout. Thailand has always been a cheap place for the the potential Mr Universes to gain cheap access to the goods and do some hard core training on the cheap.... Pattaya been the place of choice + BKK. :lol:

My opinion on roid rage is the following let me be even more clear:

If your an prick without the stuff you will be a prick on the stuff even worse.. same with other kinds of drugs and alcohol. If your normally a nice guy you dont have to worry if you are already an idiot.. sure it will enhance this. I just hate it how it is used as a excuse.. the guy is responsible for it not the drug. He took the drug. If you cant handle it dont take it.

I think it would be really bad to inject directly into a vain.

I dont know much about what you take for hormone replacement therapy but if it is only testosterone you can get Schering (real reputable brand) for around 3000bt (100$) for 20 vials of 250mg of test. Im pretty sure that is more test then is used in hormone replacement therapy in a month. Most bodybuilders will not even use that amount in a month.

I agree and diagree- I seen rather sedate well mannered guys become not themselves via over doing it. The brain is a sensitive organ- a few neuron clicks wrong here and there DOES change some personalities greatly.

Yet I agree the arrogant pricks before- turn into far greater pricks... :lol:

If you quiet (more introverted than extra) yet can get angry easy then do not overdo it- as I seen these types absolutely snap and perform life altering bad judgment events. Wheras otherwise they never would have made rash and poor decisions to harm their lives.:o Just take care- also over doing it with mixing other drugs and large amounts of booze does not HELP. Cheers...


My opinion on roid rage is the following let me be even more clear:

If your an prick without the stuff you will be a prick on the stuff even worse.. same with other kinds of drugs and alcohol. If your normally a nice guy you dont have to worry if you are already an idiot.. sure it will enhance this. I just hate it how it is used as a excuse.. the guy is responsible for it not the drug. He took the drug. If you cant handle it dont take it.

I think it would be really bad to inject directly into a vain.

I dont know much about what you take for hormone replacement therapy but if it is only testosterone you can get Schering (real reputable brand) for around 3000bt (100$) for 20 vials of 250mg of test. Im pretty sure that is more test then is used in hormone replacement therapy in a month. Most bodybuilders will not even use that amount in a month.

I agree and diagree- I seen rather sedate well mannered guys become not themselves via over doing it. The brain is a sensitive organ- a few neuron clicks wrong here and there DOES change some personalities greatly.

Yet I agree the arrogant pricks before- turn into far greater pricks... :lol:

If you quiet (more introverted than extra) yet can get angry easy then do not overdo it- as I seen these types absolutely snap and perform life altering bad judgment events. Wheras otherwise they never would have made rash and poor decisions to harm their lives.:o Just take care- also over doing it with mixing other drugs and large amounts of booze does not HELP. Cheers...

That is what i mean.... he could get angry easy before... so now he would get roid rage. So that is the problem if you dont have control to start with then you loose it with this stuff.


Sly was done for a multi bag of hormone coctails- HGH is testosterone + he had others ...from his trip from Thai to Aussie. Aussie not as lenient as Thai in this regard (Thus his mistake). As Thai class it as therapeutic use with or without a script to my knowledge. Thus you can import HGH to Thai with no issue- but it dead cheap here for even good stuff. He needed a script which he probably had but his qualitity was far too much. As he was getting CUT for his final Rambo and Rocky. He is naturally an advocate of HGH for all- men and women over 40yo.

FIrstly, Sly didnt get problems for a "multi bag of cocktails", he simply had 4 months worth of Jintropin (HGH) he was carrying in his luggage and it wasnt allowed to be inported in to Australia. Second, HGH is NOT a testoterone, where did you pick up that tidbit of information from? HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and secreted mostly at night (the biggest pulse happens 2 to 3 hours in to your nights sleep). The body also received several lesser pulses thoughout the day making in total, dependent on age, around 2 to 5i.u per day total. Testosterone is something completely different from HGH and has a completely different function. HGH cheap here in Thailand? Depends on what you are basing your prices on. If you are basing them on the prices outside of Thailand then they are at best, averagely priced, generic HGH for example, retails in the pharmacies around the 12,000 baht price for 100i.u. For Jintropin and hygetropin + other branded (genuine) kits, the pharmacy price would be anywhere between 14 - 16,000 baht. Not so cheap as you make it out to be!

Adding HGH will only enhance the effects if you going for muscle and lower the recovery period to do more workouts thus faster gains.

Yet again this is completely the wrong information being given here. Depending on what you are training for, fat loss or bodybuilding or both, HGH will either work or it wont. Lets have a look at the first part first, the fat loss. Using HGH speeds up your metabolism pretty well and increases your calorie burning by an additional 500 calories per day no matter what sort of a lifestyle you lead, it just is what it is and does what it does. HGH for bodybuilding - when taking HGH for bodybuilding, it wont do too much on its own and needs the added imput of testosterone, 250 to 500 ml per week should do it. With this combination, your body will make good gains and will be mostly lean gains which are kept 90% when going off the testosterone. HGH does help enormously with the recovery and you will see less injuries like muscle strains/tears, etc.

At 27yo I tried HGH only to bloat up like a blow fish, not enough workouts and I think the quack was not good. Or I had a adverse reaction. I will give it ago again shortly. Thus I been getting recommended to the best Quack suppliers. I nearing 35yo and need to work out more to gain same results at 20-25yo. So the extra HGH boost is needed now. Yet still need intensive workouts 5 times weekly. As my recovery time longer now than 10-15 years ago, as this slows through aging bit by bit- year by year. It only a bit of a short cut- you still need to work fairly hard- depending on the results you desire- whether u strive for B Pitt in Fightclub or Sly in Rocky 4 it totally different workouts and supplements. Your genetics play a part also. Sly would never have got as big as he did in his later Rambos and Rockys without HGH- IMO. As genetically he was not blessed, he needed to workout very hard like most of us. Whereas the Arnolds of the world bulk wise are genetically blessed as well as taking 'extras'. You wish to be like Sly at 60 something- discipline, motivation and HGHs, etc.

Cancers, etc are supposedly not an issue if taken in MODERATION. Yet Jury still out on this- as hardcore guys have had many issues, but they often use x20-30 times more than other when become obsessed. They spoil it for the rest of us- thus the banning in many countries because of these guys. U know who u are???

You probably got bloated due to water retention which is a common occurence while taking HGH, at least for the first couple weeks or so, plus feeling tired all the time but once your body gets used to the extra HGH being put in to your system it recovers and your energy should be better and not feel tired or bloated. As far as stallone not being able to get as big and cut without the testosterone and HGH, well, at his age now, you are right but if you have ever seen him train you would understand why and how he gets so big and shredded. WUre the HGH and testosterone plays a part but without the hard training and clean eating, it wont do anything. You wont find any doctors in Thailand who know anything about steroids or HGH, there are only a handful of "specialists" around the world that know anything worth speaking about as, after all, the medical world view everyhting to do with steroids and HGH and similar compounds as evil.

People get the wrong idea again when discussing about HGH and cancer. HGH wont and doesnt cause cancer to occur in the body as it is a natural substance that we all produce daily, howver, if there is any cancerous growths in the body that maybe we are not aware of, HGH (actualy IGF-1) will speed up the growth of the cells by as much as 10x. When taking HGH, the actual HGH only stays in the body for 50 minutes to an hour max and then is gone. However, in that hour it has done a lot, it has for example, told the body (liver) to produce IGF-1 (insulin like Growth Factor 1) which is then sent around the body to do its work - this is the compound that is actualy working on the body, not the HGH.

The only other thing that I would say is that, while taking the HGH, you should take some T3 (thyroxine) too as HGH decreases the natural production of T3 while you are taking it.


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