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It would appear not just TOT.

I am using a previously very fast test torrent on U torrent It is very very slow now

I am with 3BB

Something is going on.

I am being totally blocked by Pattaya TOT for all torrents from a membership type torrent site I'd rather not mention, since last night. Other torrents going OK so far, but I think very slow. Something is going on with TOT, that's for sure.

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OK spent the last couple of hours running some tests. It seems that TheBox uses magnetic (hash/content based) links. For me these do not work any more. In PirateBay I an down load any file using standard Name based links, but Magnetic links just time out (on the announce tracker). I also notice that some individual trackers seems to be blocked too - demenoid for example. Also both UDP (port 80) trakers and HTTP trackers are both working/affected.

So, it looks like a conerted (though inept) effort to me. Blocking message types, certain well known trackers and I dare say some sites too (certainly PB access can be hit or miss). It may be worthwhile people sending emails to TheBox stating the problem and asking if they can either offer non-magnetic downloads or some other work around - it is affecting a percentage of their customers.

Personally I don't use TheBox (other than just today for this test), and I have had no problems streaming TV episodes from other sources (or downloading them using something like Orbit - not DVD quality, but fine by me).

I see NO magnetic links in thebox. All torrents are started by downloading a .torrent file.


It would appear not just TOT.

I am using a previously very fast test torrent on U torrent It is very very slow now

I am with 3BB

Something is going on.

3BB Pattaya....all torrents acting normally, both private and public...currently downloading 6 torrents at a speed of 1.2mb/sec and uploading 20 at a speed of 1mb/sec. I suggest your problem is something else.


OK spent the last couple of hours running some tests. It seems that TheBox uses magnetic (hash/content based) links. For me these do not work any more. In PirateBay I an down load any file using standard Name based links, but Magnetic links just time out (on the announce tracker). I also notice that some individual trackers seems to be blocked too - demenoid for example. Also both UDP (port 80) trakers and HTTP trackers are both working/affected.

So, it looks like a conerted (though inept) effort to me. Blocking message types, certain well known trackers and I dare say some sites too (certainly PB access can be hit or miss). It may be worthwhile people sending emails to TheBox stating the problem and asking if they can either offer non-magnetic downloads or some other work around - it is affecting a percentage of their customers.

Personally I don't use TheBox (other than just today for this test), and I have had no problems streaming TV episodes from other sources (or downloading them using something like Orbit - not DVD quality, but fine by me).

I see NO magnetic links in thebox. All torrents are started by downloading a .torrent file.

Yes, both magnetic (i.e. discovery by Hash) and normal P2P (discovery by file name) still download torrents. You can tell if you use UTorrent for example and click the Tracker tab. Go into Pirate bay, download a file using the non-magnetic link. Now do the same for a different file (on PB) but click the Magnetic Link. Looks different (same stats as listed by other posters above - and a private tracker announcing). Now click a file on TheBox - same as the magnetic link from PB. Maybe later I'll trace the messages with Fiddler and double check this, but evidence is good. One note here: TheBox (in the above panel in UTorrent) SHOWS AS not allowed whereas the same type of download (magnetic) is not specifically listed as such - but neither are picking up seeders nor complete an announce.


TOT is now working in ChiangMai

Cockup or conspiracy, this is Thailand, my vote is cockup

Private trackers such as TheBox?

Everything is still dead here in Phuket


I can now logon to TORRENTDAY but any file you try to download in uTorrent comes up with DHT not allowed, local peer discovery not allowed, peer exchange not allowed.......................

'DHT not allowed' means the torrent was created with the private bit set, so clients cannot use DHT. Most private trackers use this to restrict their torrents to members of their community.


Everything seems the same this morning.

If TOT are indeed blocking torrents deliberately, the objective would seem to be to free up bandwidth and improve their download speeds for users in general.

So - has anyone noticed any improvement?

Not me! Browsing is as painfully slow as ever and direct downloads on my 2Mb line are running at about 30kb/s this morning. Before this I could always count on at least 80 and often 150kb/s.

After last night's little burst of activity, it's back to worse than ever now. I did manage to get 5 torrents down from TVChaosUK (@ 350 Mb each) and 2 from TPB (1 @ 900 Mb - tracker: nemesis.1337x.org, 1 @ 1.5 Gb - tracker: tracker.publicbt.com)

I'm still downloading @ 20kB/s file #6 from TVchaosUK - I guess my client knows the IP addresses of the peers, as the tracker is down - "Connection Error (timeout)".

I had to wait 5 minutes for this page to load, reloading it a few times in the process but Thaivisa has always been incredibly slow to load for me compared to other sites especially since the recent "upgrade".

I think there must be another problem with ToT. I can't believe even they are so incompetent as to <deleted> up the Internet so much, or are so clever as to stop only torrents.

The best thing that has come out of this situation is "welo" recommending the "TextArea Cache" extension for Firefox. I certainly make use of that now when it all goes pear-shaped.


Suddenly, at 1:20 am, TVChaosUK is working and a torrent is coming down at over 700 kB/s.


You waste precious bandwidth torrenting crap from British telly???!!!

Troll off.


OK spent the last couple of hours running some tests. It seems that TheBox uses magnetic (hash/content based) links. For me these do not work any more. In PirateBay I an down load any file using standard Name based links, but Magnetic links just time out (on the announce tracker). I also notice that some individual trackers seems to be blocked too - demenoid for example. Also both UDP (port 80) trakers and HTTP trackers are both working/affected.

So, it looks like a conerted (though inept) effort to me. Blocking message types, certain well known trackers and I dare say some sites too (certainly PB access can be hit or miss). It may be worthwhile people sending emails to TheBox stating the problem and asking if they can either offer non-magnetic downloads or some other work around - it is affecting a percentage of their customers.

Personally I don't use TheBox (other than just today for this test), and I have had no problems streaming TV episodes from other sources (or downloading them using something like Orbit - not DVD quality, but fine by me).

I see NO magnetic links in thebox. All torrents are started by downloading a .torrent file.

Yes, both magnetic (i.e. discovery by Hash) and normal P2P (discovery by file name) still download torrents. You can tell if you use UTorrent for example and click the Tracker tab. Go into Pirate bay, download a file using the non-magnetic link. Now do the same for a different file (on PB) but click the Magnetic Link. Looks different (same stats as listed by other posters above - and a private tracker announcing). Now click a file on TheBox - same as the magnetic link from PB. Maybe later I'll trace the messages with Fiddler and double check this, but evidence is good. One note here: TheBox (in the above panel in UTorrent) SHOWS AS not allowed whereas the same type of download (magnetic) is not specifically listed as such - but neither are picking up seeders nor complete an announce.

I still disagree that thebox uses magnet links. A magnet URL would look something like:


whereas a torrent like looks like:


you will not see any magnet:?xt=urn: type links in thebox. They are all http://whatever.torrent

If you look at the magnet link above you will see a tracker name denis.stalker.hq3.com. This is where your torrent client goes to to download the .torrent file for the hash 2b7f5be etc. when using a magnet link. Thebox does not use this method as you directly download the .torrent file which contains all the names of files, their sizes etc. as well as the trackers. Magnet links are used in order to save torrent sites bandwidth in delivering .torrent files to clients. thepiratebay is now a trackerless site. It no longer has trackers. Any attempt to connect to tracker.thepiratebay will result in a closed connection by the tracker. thebox would never issue magnet links as it only uses its own trackers. So the magnet link would simply point your client to thebox to download the .torrent file. So either way the bandwidth suffered by thebox would be the same so that is why they don't use magnet links. So I'll say it again .. THEBOX DOES NOT USE MAGNET LINKS...

Any problems you are having in connectiing to thebox tracker has therefore to be something else. Firstly because of the error message you say you are getting (not allowed) I'd look at the version of uTorrent you are using as well as consider if you are hiding behind a proxy/VPN. Windows versions of uTorrent >1.8.3 are all banned as are all methods of hiding your true IP address with proxies/VPNs.


I can now logon to TORRENTDAY but any file you try to download in uTorrent comes up with DHT not allowed, local peer discovery not allowed, peer exchange not allowed.......................

'DHT not allowed' means the torrent was created with the private bit set, so clients cannot use DHT. Most private trackers use this to restrict their torrents to members of their community.

That is the problem you see, I am a member, and I am logged on. It has been working fine for months until those horses asses at TOT started their incompetent meddling.However, since I installed TOR and Polipo, it has begun working again, I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

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I'm still not sure what TOT are actually doing. It looks like they are blocking port 6881. <snip>

Does anyone use the default port? I don't think so. I've been using a port number over 50,000 since day 1 - several years ago.


It would appear not just TOT.

I am using a previously very fast test torrent on U torrent It is very very slow now

I am with 3BB

Something is going on.

3BB Pattaya....all torrents acting normally, both private and public...currently downloading 6 torrents at a speed of 1.2mb/sec and uploading 20 at a speed of 1mb/sec. I suggest your problem is something else.

What 3bb plan are you using. My 3BB s*cks today. I'm in Chiang Mai


TOT CM working fine downloading for me. Fine yesterday, fine today....

I'm on Ubuntu and use Deluge as my download programme.

Interesting. Are you downloading from private trackers such as TheBox?

Generally I use thebox a lot, but all of the downloads I have had going for the last few days have been from piratebay - no problem. I just tried adding something from thebox at the front of the queue - dead as a doornail, just like everyone else... doh!


THis has got to be one of the fastest growing threads of all time...............18 pages in a matter of hours!

GOOD.The more people get on the phone to TOT the better. No doubt some smart asre is sitting in his office right now pleased with how much bandwidth he's saving TOT from purchasing, but when next months revenue figures hit the desk heads are going to roll.....Just my opinion :)

That is the problem you see, I am a member, and I am logged on. It has been working fine for months until those horses asses at TOT started their incompetent meddling.However, since I installed TOR and Polipo, it has begun working again, I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

This is a private site? Are you sure they allow proxies?

I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

You do know that that you can update your TOT subscription to 4MB without any cost?

No I did not, any more information?? That would be great thanks!


I can now logon to TORRENTDAY but any file you try to download in uTorrent comes up with DHT not allowed, local peer discovery not allowed, peer exchange not allowed.......................

'DHT not allowed' means the torrent was created with the private bit set, so clients cannot use DHT. Most private trackers use this to restrict their torrents to members of their community.

That is the problem you see, I am a member, and I am logged on. It has been working fine for months until those horses asses at TOT started their incompetent meddling.However, since I installed TOR and Polipo, it has begun working again, I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

Glad to hear that your back downloading again. As for TORRENTDAY I'd like to make the following comments:

1. You do not need to be logged onto the website in order to torrent with them.

2. As a private site which records user stats DHT/PEX etc would have always been off. This has no relationship with current TOT issues.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to give more information on TOR and Polipo.

That is the problem you see, I am a member, and I am logged on. It has been working fine for months until those horses asses at TOT started their incompetent meddling.However, since I installed TOR and Polipo, it has begun working again, I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

This is a private site? Are you sure they allow proxies?

Don't know, but it is working fine.


The position really hasn't changed since earlier in the thread. The situation is that http 'trackers' however invoked by the client [Magnet or Link] fail. However, UPD based trackers are still working [thus far]. Since I have no connexion nor interest in 'The Box' a subscriber there should ascertain if they have UDP trackers, if they do use them in the interim until the position is clarified.

By the by using tor for torrents is a really bad idea for a range of reasons. It should be noted that for a range of reasons the majority of tor nodes identify themselves as such, so it's fairly easy for a aggregator to kill any such account.


I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

You do know that that you can update your TOT subscription to 4MB without any cost?

No I did not' date=' any more information?? That would be great thanks!


Thought so! Just call into any TOT office and sign a new agreement. The price remains 590Baht. It's then just a case of going home and changing your user name in the modem to 'telephone number'@tothome. About 1 hour later it'll be working :)


Just a reminder to anybody having issues with thebox.

Please check that your client (uTorrent, Vuze etc) is an allowed version. thebox started banning all kinds of bad clients recently and if you're using an unapproved one you'll not get any data. Check their website announcements for a list of approved client programs.

Also don't try and hide behind a proxy or VPN. They have banned that as well.

Once you've cleared both those hurdles then you can start yelling at TOT.


A word of advice here. Unless the rules have changed discussions and linking to proxy information is not permitted. Would respectfully suggest posters note this and maybe make use of PMs.

I've just checked and 'rule 9' is still in place, though maybe these days the moderators are more lenient and only apply it to 'government screening'.



Can all those affected get on the phone NOW and start complaining to TOT. If nobody does anything we'll be stuck with the situation :annoyed:

I am in Bangkok with TOT no problems with downloading only problem is cant sign in to kickass torrents>


The position really hasn't changed since earlier in the thread. The situation is that http 'trackers' however invoked by the client [Magnet or Link] fail. However, UPD based trackers are still working [thus far]. Since I have no connexion nor interest in 'The Box' a subscriber there should ascertain if they have UDP trackers, if they do use them in the interim until the position is clarified.

By the by using tor for torrents is a really bad idea for a range of reasons. It should be noted that for a range of reasons the majority of tor nodes identify themselves as such, so it's fairly easy for a aggregator to kill any such account.


thebox does not use udp trackers...only http ones.....6 of them spread over 5 ports


I can now logon to TORRENTDAY but any file you try to download in uTorrent comes up with DHT not allowed, local peer discovery not allowed, peer exchange not allowed.......................

'DHT not allowed' means the torrent was created with the private bit set, so clients cannot use DHT. Most private trackers use this to restrict their torrents to members of their community.

That is the problem you see, I am a member, and I am logged on. It has been working fine for months until those horses asses at TOT started their incompetent meddling.However, since I installed TOR and Polipo, it has begun working again, I am currently getting 297KB download on my 3MB line!!!!!

Glad to hear that your back downloading again. As for TORRENTDAY I'd like to make the following comments:

1. You do not need to be logged onto the website in order to torrent with them.

2. As a private site which records user stats DHT/PEX etc would have always been off. This has no relationship with current TOT issues.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to give more information on TOR and Polipo.

KKK I just read an earlier post about proxies, sent you the info by PM


Just a reminder to anybody having issues with thebox.

Please check that your client (uTorrent, Vuze etc) is an allowed version. thebox started banning all kinds of bad clients recently and if you're using an unapproved one you'll not get any data. Check their website announcements for a list of approved client programs.

Also don't try and hide behind a proxy or VPN. They have banned that as well.

Once you've cleared both those hurdles then you can start yelling at TOT.

Go to page one of this thread and read all the pages ;)

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