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My Thai Girlfriends Visa Application Was Rejected, What Now ?

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Hi all.

Iam an Australian, and have a Thai girlfriend who is a school teacher there in thailand.

We met online and chated for 3 months before i went to thailand to meet her in june for 2 weeks.

We hit it off from the start and i decided to try and get her hear to Australia for a 2 week holiday.

I did everything that the Australian embassy in BKK said to do, the letter of support, my bank statments, a letter from her work, we sent photos together,

Anyway, the application was refused on the grounds that thay felt she could not support her stay here, ( even though i was providing for her ). and also thay didnt like that we had only spent 2 weeks together in thailand.

So, after this news, we where upset, so i went back to see her again for another 2 weeks in july/augaust.

My question is what do i do now??

We love each other and i want her to live here with me, we dont want to be apart.

We would like to marry in the future also, iam just not sure what is the best visa to apply for and what to do so we get it approved.

How many times do i have to go there before thay let her come here.?

Should i send money to her every week / month to show suport?

What do these people want to see.?

Iam lost.

Please help!!!!!!!!!

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2 weeks is not a sustainable relationship that any country would recognize for a visa. You need to start using your brains. Do some research. Then try again in a year or so.

It's only a visitor's visa for 2 weeks he's after isn't it? Sounds a bit harsh if he's provided all the evidence he says. What do others think?

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2 weeks is not a sustainable relationship that any country would recognize for a visa. You need to start using your brains. Do some research. Then try again in a year or so.

Sorry but i have to agree,but i do appreciate there could be love in such a small period of time.All countries are tightening up especialy ozzieland so i dont think you were that surprised.My advice is fall in love with an aussie teacher,much simpler and much cheaper.

There is far too much bull on forums where guys come for a holiday and fall in love very quickly,why cant you do this in your own country.I have a thai gf of 6 years and lived here 7,and would never ever fall in love if i wasnt living here.She has no desire to visit uk,other than to see my mum and brother/wife,and would never live in the uk,due to loving her mum and 2 brothers very much.

Visa applications will get much tighter in the years to come for obvious reasons,too many scams happening in the uk.

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2 weeks is not a sustainable relationship that any country would recognize for a visa. You need to start using your brains. Do some research. Then try again in a year or so.

Sorry but i have to agree,but i do appreciate there could be love in such a small period of time.All countries are tightening up especialy ozzieland so i dont think you were that surprised.My advice is fall in love with an aussie teacher,much simpler and much cheaper.

There is far too much bull on forums where guys come for a holiday and fall in love very quickly,why cant you do this in your own country.I have a thai gf of 6 years and lived here 7,and would never ever fall in love if i wasnt living here.She has no desire to visit uk,other than to see my mum and brother/wife,and would never live in the uk,due to loving her mum and 2 brothers very much.

Visa applications will get much tighter in the years to come for obvious reasons,too many scams happening in the uk.

Guess you'll have to holiday over there again and continue with a long-distance relationship for 6 months or so. Maybe then the added time will be a deciding factor in granting the visa, but then again my guess is as good as yours.

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2 weeks is not a sustainable relationship that any country would recognize for a visa. You need to start using your brains. Do some research. Then try again in a year or so.

Sorry but i have to agree,but i do appreciate there could be love in such a small period of time.All countries are tightening up especialy ozzieland so i dont think you were that surprised.My advice is fall in love with an aussie teacher,much simpler and much cheaper.

There is far too much bull on forums where guys come for a holiday and fall in love very quickly,why cant you do this in your own country.I have a thai gf of 6 years and lived here 7,and would never ever fall in love if i wasnt living here.She has no desire to visit uk,other than to see my mum and brother/wife,and would never live in the uk,due to loving her mum and 2 brothers very much.

Visa applications will get much tighter in the years to come for obvious reasons,too many scams happening in the uk.

Guess you'll have to holiday over there again and continue with a long-distance relationship for 6 months or so. Maybe then the added time will be a deciding factor in granting the visa, but then again my guess is as good as yours.

Keep all correspondants,emails,text messages,phone bills etc etc

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Time chatting online doesnt count toward knowing her in the Embassy's eyes.

Time known will start from the day you actually physically met in person. Try for another visitor visa later this year.

Whether you send her monthly money is upto you, It may assist with a future application.

You need to show proof of income, if you are supporting the application. (6 months worth of pay slips or your tax return assessment notice.)

Slow it down a bit.....A visitor visa is really your only option.....you havent known her long enough for a more substantive visa at this stage.

One question, Did she list you as an additional funds provider in the application. If she hasnt then they will look at her finances only.

Edited by gburns57au
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You have not spent enough time together. Try again after you can prove you have spent about six months together and have copies of all e-mail and phone bills to show evidence of continued contact.

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2 weeks is not a sustainable relationship that any country would recognize for a visa. You need to start using your brains. Do some research. Then try again in a year or so.

Cool down a bit, you appear to be panic-stricken, falling in love during two weeks in one thing, but trying to bring the girl to your home country to live with you after such a short time, together with plans to also marry her is quite another, and does not make much sense.

The decision of the Immigration department apart from applying the law, is also in your favour, it gives you the opportunity to step back for a while and cool down, and then see how matters progress.

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Your problem is, that the immigration in your country, have to believe that she will marry you and not return to Thailand again. A school teacher salary is quite low and probably not considered worth enough to return for.

Try to apply again after your second visit to her in Thailand and make sure that you are mentioned as the funds provider in the visa application. You should also write a formal invitation to her, to be submitted together with the visa application, where you clearly state, that you will provide accomodation and pay all expenses for her during her stay in your country.

If you are planning to marry her to live in your country please also consider, if you really think that she will be able to be happy, living so far away from her family. Most Thai girls will be homesick and return to Thailand within the first year.

Good luck.

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Next to the consideration if the relationship is stable there is also the money question.

If you could take a Thai girl friend to Oz based on your declaration of income if means the Immigration authorities of that country are not pesky at all.

About 15 years ago I went with my Thai wife by car from Belgium to Italy and the idea was to transit Switzerland : we were married in a Belgian city hall 7 years earlier.

Nevertheless the Swiss Embassy in Brussels refused a visa to my Thai wife because she was the applicant and she had no proof of income in Belgium (she left Thai bank book at home in Bangkok) and we had to drive to Italy going first to Southern France.

My Belgian passport and our Belgian marriage certificate was not enough...probably the Swiss believed that their country is an ideal transit place to dumb not only your dog but also your wife if you go on a vacation :rolleyes:

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Contact bridge.Is my advise.You can get the visa but need to have your application done properly.There are many ways to get your girlfriend here with you.

Bridge is good but he is not a magician.....they havent known each other long enough yet. I think even Bridge would acknowledge that


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Your problem is, that the immigration in your country, have to believe that she will marry you and not return to Thailand again. A school teacher salary is quite low and probably not considered worth enough to return for.

Try to apply again after your second visit to her in Thailand and make sure that you are mentioned as the funds provider in the visa application. You should also write a formal invitation to her, to be submitted together with the visa application, where you clearly state, that you will provide accomodation and pay all expenses for her during her stay in your country.

If you are planning to marry her to live in your country please also consider, if you really think that she will be able to be happy, living so far away from her family. Most Thai girls will be homesick and return to Thailand within the first year.

Good luck.

Teachers rate highly in status in Thailand...She has a letter from her school confirming her job on her return, Thats the important part.

Agree with your second paragraph.

Most Thai girls do not return home in the first year, not sure where you got that from. But what he needs to consider is can they live together as a couple anywhere, they havent spent enough time together to establish that point. Obviously if she comes here and stays for a few months then he might find that the flush of new love may dissipate. Be interesting to know the age of the OP and his girl.

Edited by gburns57au
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Thank you to you all for your advise.

I know comunication with her by e-mail dose not count as a physical relationship. however we chated every day for 3-4 months before i went there the first time er.

Maybe in some peoples eyes that does not count, but to her and i, it was months of getting to know each other.

So when i got there in early june, we allready knew alot about each other and thats why it was easy to fall in love with her.

As i said, i went back in late july also, where i meet her family , and we spent two weeks together again.

To answer some questions,

we are both in our 30 s.

She has no problem in living here, she just wants us to be together.

I would live there if i could, but i dont think i could earn a good wage in thailand.

I did supply my income info, bank statements and she had 30,000b in her bank.

I signed a stat deck saying i would provide for her on her holiday here.

I did everything i could, but at the end of the day thay said no.

I think she would have had a better chance if she just booked a holiday here herself and i just put some money in her bank to cover the trip.

But now that we have been rejected once, i think that it will make it harder for future applications???

I have no problems in playing by the rules, I just want to know what Exactly do thay wont to see from us.

A longer time together is fine, if i was applying for a marrage visa or somthing, but iam just trying to get my girlfriend to come and meet my family and see my country for gods sake.

( pe-par )


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Hi jasonaustralia

I have always believed that the people at the Embassy take it upon them selves to refuse applications that they feel may be misjudged ... often to the benefit of the very new partner of the applicant --- sometimes not. Kindly do not take offense - but you have been with your lady for a very brief time.

Your outline of the application made suggests that it was correctly done -- which, if so, leaves only the brevity of your relationship as the cause for refusal.

It probably leaves you unhappy--- but I think that only more time in the relationship shall be the answer.

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Thank you to you all for your advise.

I know comunication with her by e-mail dose not count as a physical relationship. however we chated every day for 3-4 months before i went there the first time er.

Maybe in some peoples eyes that does not count, but to her and i, it was months of getting to know each other.

So when i got there in early june, we allready knew alot about each other and thats why it was easy to fall in love with her.

As i said, i went back in late july also, where i meet her family , and we spent two weeks together again.

To answer some questions,

we are both in our 30 s.

She has no problem in living here, she just wants us to be together.

I would live there if i could, but i dont think i could earn a good wage in thailand.

I did supply my income info, bank statements and she had 30,000b in her bank.

I signed a stat deck saying i would provide for her on her holiday here.

I did everything i could, but at the end of the day thay said no.

I think she would have had a better chance if she just booked a holiday here herself and i just put some money in her bank to cover the trip.

But now that we have been rejected once, i think that it will make it harder for future applications???

I have no problems in playing by the rules, I just want to know what Exactly do thay wont to see from us.

A longer time together is fine, if i was applying for a marrage visa or somthing, but iam just trying to get my girlfriend to come and meet my family and see my country for gods sake.

( pe-par )


She can apply again. Your TGF probably just submitted a weak application. What were the reasons for the refusal.

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Thank you to you all for your advise.

I know comunication with her by e-mail dose not count as a physical relationship. however we chated every day for 3-4 months before i went there the first time er.

Maybe in some peoples eyes that does not count, but to her and i, it was months of getting to know each other.

So when i got there in early june, we allready knew alot about each other and thats why it was easy to fall in love with her.

As i said, i went back in late july also, where i meet her family , and we spent two weeks together again.

To answer some questions,

we are both in our 30 s.

She has no problem in living here, she just wants us to be together.

I would live there if i could, but i dont think i could earn a good wage in thailand.

I did supply my income info, bank statements and she had 30,000b in her bank.

I signed a stat deck saying i would provide for her on her holiday here.

I did everything i could, but at the end of the day thay said no.

I think she would have had a better chance if she just booked a holiday here herself and i just put some money in her bank to cover the trip.

But now that we have been rejected once, i think that it will make it harder for future applications???

I have no problems in playing by the rules, I just want to know what Exactly do thay wont to see from us.

A longer time together is fine, if i was applying for a marrage visa or somthing, but iam just trying to get my girlfriend to come and meet my family and see my country for gods sake.

( pe-par )


She can apply again. Your TGF probably just submitted a weak application. What were the reasons for the refusal.

The reason for the refusal was,

1. the officer did not beleave she had enough funds to suport her stay here, ( I said i was providing everything, so dont know what that was about )

2. That he was not satisfied that the relationship was long enough / genuine. ( its just a holiday visa. )

3. That he was not convinced she would return to thailand. ( She had a letter from her school saying she was working there and was exspected back.

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Quote Jason Australia; "But now that we have been rejected once, i think that it will make it harder for future applications???"

I don't think that is the case Jason, and the reason for the Visa refusal would most likely be the length of time that you have known the lady.

However on another aspect of the Visa application, and hopefully this may help you, I took my Thai lady to Melbourne with me two years ago when I was undergoing an operation and I made sure that her application and my support contained everything and more than what was required. For example, in your case you could get........ a character reference or two from friends and acquaintances, especially if they owned companies and can put it on company letter headed paper; a written reference from the school she teaches at and any previous employers; a letter of support from your folks in Oz saying that they could support you with accommodation and financially if necessary; bank statements showing her monthly salary going into her account; photographs of her at her school.............and so on. I am sure you get the drift -- -- get everything you can to support her and more.

Try again soon, but don't be put off, and of course, good luck.

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On the 48R form at question 33 it asks if anyone else is providing funds.....that must be filled out with your details and then question 34 deals with the type of support. As I said before if that is not filled out then they will only look at her finances.

Online time is not considered full stop, that means that you only have known her since the June trip.....in the Embassys eyes...they wont move from that.

Do not load her account prior to applying, they will be suspect on this, re apply around November/December put in the same evidence that you did before, make sure that part of the form is filled out, Put in extra photos from the second trip, get an updated letter from her work and update your Stat Dec. If you have sent her any monthly money put in any receipts that you have. Include at least 6 months of payslips/receipts and/or your tax assessment notice.

That should give you a better chance.....remember the details of the refused application are on file now, changing it to a solo application with a loaded bank account will not help you. Simply re apply the same as you did before and address the refusal points, with more actual time of knowing her, you stand a reasonable chance of success.

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3. That he was not convinced she would return to thailand. ( She had a letter from her school saying she was working there and was exspected back.

I don't think the letter from the school would carry much strength in terms of guaranteeing her return to Thailand. People walk in and out of jobs all the time, even teachers. Is there nothing else that could be used as proof of her tie to return? Land / property ownership for example.

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Jason don’t give up just yet.

I went through the same with my now wife’s initial tourist visa. We weren’t married and only known each other for a short time. This was just before they stopped visa applications being submitted at the embassy.

She held a good government job for many years, submitted a letter from a senior banker in her banks head office stating her account averaged a high 6 figure amount over a period of years plus letter from her senior provincial head stating she had holidays for the period she sought the visa for and a letter of support from me.

Refusal was on the same grounds mentioned.

I arrived in country 3 weeks after the refusal and we submitted a new visa application. All new letters from the bank etc were required. We were both interviewed separately by embassy staff. She was interviewed first, how did you meet etc. I was then asked the same questions by the same staff member.

The application was approved (3 month single entry) and we flew to Oz that night.

Since then all visas have been 1 year multi entry. She only applies with booking details of a 2 week holiday including travel insurance. She always ticks the box she’s previously been refused a visa.

Remember she’s applying for a tourist visa. The embassy needs to be sure she’s traveling for tourist reasons.

There’s been a couple of times when the embassy has called to clarify things. Once when her passport had 11 months left, they asked her to renew so they could place a 12 month stamp in it. Another time she’d sent a photo of her in uniform with the application, They told her they could only use the photo for an official visit visa, she had to send a standard photo.

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Jason don't give up just yet.

I went through the same with my now wife's initial tourist visa. We weren't married and only known each other for a short time. This was just before they stopped visa applications being submitted at the embassy.

She held a good government job for many years, submitted a letter from a senior banker in her banks head office stating her account averaged a high 6 figure amount over a period of years plus letter from her senior provincial head stating she had holidays for the period she sought the visa for and a letter of support from me.

Refusal was on the same grounds mentioned.

I arrived in country 3 weeks after the refusal and we submitted a new visa application. All new letters from the bank etc were required. We were both interviewed separately by embassy staff. She was interviewed first, how did you meet etc. I was then asked the same questions by the same staff member.

The application was approved (3 month single entry) and we flew to Oz that night.

Since then all visas have been 1 year multi entry. She only applies with booking details of a 2 week holiday including travel insurance. She always ticks the box she's previously been refused a visa.

Remember she's applying for a tourist visa. The embassy needs to be sure she's traveling for tourist reasons.

There's been a couple of times when the embassy has called to clarify things. Once when her passport had 11 months left, they asked her to renew so they could place a 12 month stamp in it. Another time she'd sent a photo of her in uniform with the application, They told her they could only use the photo for an official visit visa, she had to send a standard photo.

Thanks for your info.

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On the 48R form at question 33 it asks if anyone else is providing funds.....that must be filled out with your details and then question 34 deals with the type of support. As I said before if that is not filled out then they will only look at her finances.

Online time is not considered full stop, that means that you only have known her since the June trip.....in the Embassys eyes...they wont move from that.

Do not load her account prior to applying, they will be suspect on this, re apply around November/December put in the same evidence that you did before, make sure that part of the form is filled out, Put in extra photos from the second trip, get an updated letter from her work and update your Stat Dec. If you have sent her any monthly money put in any receipts that you have. Include at least 6 months of payslips/receipts and/or your tax assessment notice.

That should give you a better chance.....remember the details of the refused application are on file now, changing it to a solo application with a loaded bank account will not help you. Simply re apply the same as you did before and address the refusal points, with more actual time of knowing her, you stand a reasonable chance of success.


I did enter my details on the 48r form about me supporting her with everything, ( money, accomadation and so on.) but one of the refusal points was her lack of funds to support her trip?, so that confussed me.

I know now, that it was the short time, that stoped it, and allso the officers not thinking she would go back there after the holiday.

Thank for your advise.

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Satisfying the adequate funds criteria

The Migration Regulations provide that any visitor must have adequate funds or access to adequate funds, for personal support during the period of visit (Cl. 626.213(a)).

The funds can be provided by another person. Although it is not a legal requirement to provide a letter of support, or in fact the support itself, DIAC will therefore at the very least want to see that a moral obligation exists that you will provide the support so that they can attach weight to your letter of support.

Any letter of support should therefore include the following:

1. Documentary evidence of how long you have know the applicant.

2. The extent of support that you are prepared to offer the applicant whilst they are in Australia (airfares, accommodation, financial etc).

3. Documentary evidence of your ability to provide the support offered.



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Hi Jason,

have a read thru that post, my situation didn't seem all that different to yours ? :unsure:

I always liked to speak with the case officers to try and gain as much info as possible prior to lodging each one.

I'd give the embassy a call, speak with the case officer directly and explain that you'd like further clarification on the refusal so that the "concerns" can be rectified and lodge the new application straight away.

Good luck

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The knockback reasons were the usual ones.

Post 27 sums up the financial requirements very well. I would add that you'll be getting her travel insurance.

Telephone records will enhance your 'relationship'. So will pics with the family. Note that at this stage the 'relationship' is only important to establish your moral obligation to support her whilst she is here. Love, marriage plans etc are not required. Neither is monthly support.

IMMI also have to be satisfied that she will return to Thailand and not end up in a brothel (the stats for SE Asian females doing that are OVERWHELMING!). She must demonstarte ties to Thailand. The fact she is a teacher is good. A letter from her school detailing that she has been granted 2 weeks leave would help.

Do not let the girl do the visa app by herself. Thais attention to detail isn't good. You do it and then go with her to the VAC to lodge it. Not sure why, but it does seem to help. They'll want to flick through your passport anyway and will want a copy of it.

Once you've done one successfully (and she went home) the others will be easier even if they are for 3 months.

Brief her on what she can and can't bring through customs and make sure she understands. She'll probably be the last one through on her first trip anyway.

Good luck.

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