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Filipina And Uk National Marrying In Thailand

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There is no such thing as a permanent visa but once married she can obtain a non immigrant O visa and then obtain a dependent extension of stay based on your extension of stay. She would need to take marriage proof and copy of your passport showing the extension of stay to obtain the visa.

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There is no such thing as a permanent visa but once married she can obtain a non immigrant O visa and then obtain a dependent extension of stay based on your extension of stay. She would need to take marriage proof and copy of your passport showing the extension of stay to obtain the visa.

I work in Thailand. So I have a NON-B VISA. What type of VISA will she be able to get once my Filipina and I are married? How would we make this happen?

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I work in Thailand. So I have a NON-B VISA. What type of VISA will she be able to get once my Filipina and I are married? How would we make this happen?

You need to have an Extension of Stay from Immigration. Not a Visa.

She could then get an extension of stay as your dependant.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just back in Chiang Mai after marriage in the Philippines. How great it is to be back. It is good to see people who smile again! Usually, I have to show a return ticket back to the Philippines from Thailand, but now that she knew we were married the women at immigration has stopped asking. This is contrary to what we were told at immigration on arrival. They reiterated to me that despite being married, without a residency visa, my wife wouldn't be allowed to leave the Philippines without proving possession of a return ticket. My wife's sister was with us on our return and was not asked for any return ticket either. Looks like this is an arbitary requirement by whoever is on duty. It seems to just depend on what class you look to belong to. This does little to protect anyone from enslavement if that is the purpose. It is just a waste of 2,000 baht (the refund fee for the unused ticket).

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Well, I was there for about two months that time. I felt like kissing the ground when I got back here. Although, my wife's family are quite wonderful, my impression of the Philippines is not that great. I find the place rather grey and lacking character. A bit like the food! The men seem to me to me to be lacking much of a sense of humour. Perhaps just around me anyway! You can make any kind of joke to a Thai and they always try and see it as such. Despite less language problems in the Philippines, there seems to be less connection with the people than in Thailand. The relationship is always that as I am perceived to be higher status than they are, our human relationship is not an equal one. It is a bit like a guest's relationship to the staff in a five star hotel. It is not a genuine one. They are nice to you, but only as they are paid to or want a tip. i am talking about the men principally. It is no wonder that the women are so interested in finding a foreign partner and getting the hel_l out of the place. I don't find that Thai women want out of Thailand. They just want your money to enjoy themselves in this paradise of a country. If they have to go abroad, it is more an occupational hazard than anything else.

No, I can't say i think much of the place. The Philippines will never have much of a tourist industry as they just can't run one. Boracay is their biggest asset, but the touts on the beach road are getting out of hand. Most of the ATM's on the beach road are out of order most of the time. They just can't seem to get anything to work properly.

You could pump several billions of dollars into the country and a year later the common people would still be just as poor. The rich would have had it all. What the people need is political action like the reds in Thailand to get the rich there a little bit frightened. I am politally right wing; a pro Margaret Thatcher Scot (not many), but in Asia politics is different. It is also so annoying to see how the rich and the church take the piss out of the poor in the Philippines, but they all seem too poor and unhappy to do much about it. They are all of course heavily dosed with the great opiate of the people, together with low quality TV.

My wife and I are only too glad to be back. Funnily enough, she eats food more Thai and a Thai does. She sits with Issaan girls and relishes all on her plate. It is strange really. They love her for it too. The first thing she did when she got back was grab some som tam. With Pla Ra too! It sure feels good to be back "home".

Just going out now to our favourite noodle shop.... I am now free to eat again outside of Jolly Bees and Chicken Inasal!

Every time I leave Chiang Mai it is the same though and there's no more annoying place to come than the Philippines. The Philippine people make such great employees abroad. Where would Dubai be without them? In the Philippines though, they just don't function the same way. They seem incapable of running a tourist industry.

I was surprised that you find it such a bad place to visit. I love visiting the Philippines. Once you know how things "don't work" there and get over it you can really have a great time.

Trying too hard to please the parents is probably your biggest mistake. It is really not that hard to please them as most Filipinos are easily amused (entertained). This "Catholic" facade is not as strong as you may believe....nothing a few gallons of tuba, a few crates of beer and a pig on the spit can't crack.

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Well, I was there for about two months that time. I felt like kissing the ground when I got back here. Although, my wife's family are quite wonderful, my impression of the Philippines is not that great. I find the place rather grey and lacking character. A bit like the food! The men seem to me to me to be lacking much of a sense of humour. Perhaps just around me anyway! You can make any kind of joke to a Thai and they always try and see it as such. Despite less language problems in the Philippines, there seems to be less connection with the people than in Thailand. The relationship is always that as I am perceived to be higher status than they are, our human relationship is not an equal one. It is a bit like a guest's relationship to the staff in a five star hotel. It is not a genuine one. They are nice to you, but only as they are paid to or want a tip. i am talking about the men principally. It is no wonder that the women are so interested in finding a foreign partner and getting the hel_l out of the place. I don't find that Thai women want out of Thailand. They just want your money to enjoy themselves in this paradise of a country. If they have to go abroad, it is more an occupational hazard than anything else.

No, I can't say i think much of the place. The Philippines will never have much of a tourist industry as they just can't run one. Boracay is their biggest asset, but the touts on the beach road are getting out of hand. Most of the ATM's on the beach road are out of order most of the time. They just can't seem to get anything to work properly.

You could pump several billions of dollars into the country and a year later the common people would still be just as poor. The rich would have had it all. What the people need is political action like the reds in Thailand to get the rich there a little bit frightened. I am politally right wing; a pro Margaret Thatcher Scot (not many), but in Asia politics is different. It is also so annoying to see how the rich and the church take the piss out of the poor in the Philippines, but they all seem too poor and unhappy to do much about it. They are all of course heavily dosed with the great opiate of the people, together with low quality TV.

My wife and I are only too glad to be back. Funnily enough, she eats food more Thai and a Thai does. She sits with Issaan girls and relishes all on her plate. It is strange really. They love her for it too. The first thing she did when she got back was grab some som tam. With Pla Ra too! It sure feels good to be back "home".

Just going out now to our favourite noodle shop.... I am now free to eat again outside of Jolly Bees and Chicken Inasal!

This whole post is in bad taste. You're married to a Filipina yet you seem to relish bashing her homecountry. My experience in the Philippines is the opposite of yours. I really enjoy visiting and find the people very easy to relate to (and joke with).

I suppose there's only so much one can learn in a few months, especially with such a biased viewpoint. You were expecting bad and found exactly what you were looking for.

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I can't say my experience is biased. It is what it is. I have traveled to many places in the Philippines including Mindanao and Cebu and I like the women where ever I go. I have had many good experiences, but it is the filipinas which make the country, not their male counterparts. Manila is a shit hole. Any city where you come out onto the street and are immediately approached by professional pickpockets (State Tower in Mabini) and where the police are uninterested in doing anything about it, does not deserve much of a tourist industry. You come out of the airport and into a taxi and there are three hands out wanting a tip. They will blatantly ask for it too. It isn't much of a start to a trip. The Philippines could have a marvelous and productive tourist industry, but if there is denial that there are problems it will never be able to compete with Thailand. How about giving a couple of bottles of water free in your hotel room? A nice touch which Thailand seems to understand.

I think your problem Tropo is one of denial. You won't fix anything unless you can admit that there is a problem. You can carry on making out that the Philippines has some wonderful people and is a great place to visit, but there is a reason why tourists trickle into the country. My impressions of the place I think are the impressions of many.

Well, I was there for about two months that time. I felt like kissing the ground when I got back here. Although, my wife's family are quite wonderful, my impression of the Philippines is not that great. I find the place rather grey and lacking character. A bit like the food! The men seem to me to me to be lacking much of a sense of humour. Perhaps just around me anyway! You can make any kind of joke to a Thai and they always try and see it as such. Despite less language problems in the Philippines, there seems to be less connection with the people than in Thailand. The relationship is always that as I am perceived to be higher status than they are, our human relationship is not an equal one. It is a bit like a guest's relationship to the staff in a five star hotel. It is not a genuine one. They are nice to you, but only as they are paid to or want a tip. i am talking about the men principally. It is no wonder that the women are so interested in finding a foreign partner and getting the hel_l out of the place. I don't find that Thai women want out of Thailand. They just want your money to enjoy themselves in this paradise of a country. If they have to go abroad, it is more an occupational hazard than anything else.

No, I can't say i think much of the place. The Philippines will never have much of a tourist industry as they just can't run one. Boracay is their biggest asset, but the touts on the beach road are getting out of hand. Most of the ATM's on the beach road are out of order most of the time. They just can't seem to get anything to work properly.

You could pump several billions of dollars into the country and a year later the common people would still be just as poor. The rich would have had it all. What the people need is political action like the reds in Thailand to get the rich there a little bit frightened. I am politally right wing; a pro Margaret Thatcher Scot (not many), but in Asia politics is different. It is also so annoying to see how the rich and the church take the piss out of the poor in the Philippines, but they all seem too poor and unhappy to do much about it. They are all of course heavily dosed with the great opiate of the people, together with low quality TV.

My wife and I are only too glad to be back. Funnily enough, she eats food more Thai and a Thai does. She sits with Issaan girls and relishes all on her plate. It is strange really. They love her for it too. The first thing she did when she got back was grab some som tam. With Pla Ra too! It sure feels good to be back "home".

Just going out now to our favourite noodle shop.... I am now free to eat again outside of Jolly Bees and Chicken Inasal!

This whole post is in bad taste. You're married to a Filipina yet you seem to relish bashing her homecountry. My experience in the Philippines is the opposite of yours. I really enjoy visiting and find the people very easy to relate to (and joke with).

I suppose there's only so much one can learn in a few months, especially with such a biased viewpoint. You were expecting bad and found exactly what you were looking for.

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I think your problem Tropo is one of denial. You won't fix anything unless you can admit that there is a problem. You can carry on making out that the Philippines has some wonderful people and is a great place to visit, but there is a reason why tourists trickle into the country. My impressions of the place I think are the impressions of many.

My problem is not one of denial. It was problem with a post bashing the home country of the person you just married. There are many good things about the Philippines just as there are many bad things about Thailand.

One could easily say you're denying the problems in Thailand. The difference is that I've lived full time in both countries for at least 5 years each, so I have a much more balanced experience. The Philippines is definitely a rough place to visit when you're a newby and doesn't appeal much to Brits and more to Australians and Americans. Judging by your post, the Philippines is far out of your comfort zone, but you're focusing too much on the bad to see any good.

Unlike you, I don't have any problems with people demanding tips at the airport. I'm also not fazed walking around streets of Manila and don't find it to difficult to get around unhassled. With more street smarts you may have coped better.

I'm happy to debate individual points if you start a thread in the appropriate forum.

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I don't know that I was bashing the country of my beloved or not, but this medium is open to opinions and I have one. I have roughed all over Asia but I admit now to wanting a bit of comfort on my travels. I intentionally don't stay in 5 star hotels though as I like to try and have some relationship with the people. I like people. I like Filipinas and the male relations of my wife are truly wonderful people. But as a tourist, I get sick and tired of hands out for tips from male filipinos (women don't seem to do it) and a master/servant relationship which the filipinos themselves seem to enforce.

I don't dominate my wife's thoughts, just in case you may jump to that conclusion, but she is fed up with this airport tipping scam as much as I am. You may not mind it and you may not mind being pick pocketed and you may not mind a police force uninterested in protecting tourists to their country, but many do mind. The tragedy of that is that the poor are denied an industry which could be booming and they could have a part in. Unless people speak out about the problems there, the problems will never be solved. If you love the Filipino people so much then why be happy about the situation?

Incidentally, when I was in Baguio I read a local report's column in the local paper. She had just returned from Thailand and was quite in awe which what she saw there. She bitterly complained about her home country as it had been number two in Asia compared to Japan in the 60's. What had happened? She was not happy at all with her home country, but I don't think any one of her readers would have called that "bashing her country". She just said what needed to be said.

Thailand is the easiest place in the world to live. The people "do tourism" like no other. They are quite fantastic people to be around. This is one of the main reasons why this country is booming. It is why poverty levels are low, children have full bellies, a high levels of education, reasonable health care, high levels of employment at livable wages. It is a pity that the Philippines with its English speaking people and beautiful beaches that they can't get a slice of that booming tourist industry to help fill the bellies of their children. If their police can't even be bothered to put an end to tourists being scammed by pick pockets then there is little hope in my opinion. I was in Manila one time with my friend who was crossing the road with his young daughter. The scammers operating there took advantage of the danger in crossing the road and tried to distract him. That may not bother street smart people like you of course, but I find it quite disgusting. Not the scammers, more the police for letting it happen in broad daylight. The staff in the hotel were very aware of what was going on.

I'm sorry, I just can't see that not "bashing" the Philippines is the solution.

I think your problem Tropo is one of denial. You won't fix anything unless you can admit that there is a problem. You can carry on making out that the Philippines has some wonderful people and is a great place to visit, but there is a reason why tourists trickle into the country. My impressions of the place I think are the impressions of many.

My problem is not one of denial. It was problem with a post bashing the home country of the person you just married. There are many good things about the Philippines just as there are many bad things about Thailand.

One could easily say you're denying the problems in Thailand. The difference is that I've lived full time in both countries for at least 5 years each, so I have a much more balanced experience. The Philippines is definitely a rough place to visit when you're a newby and doesn't appeal much to Brits and more to Australians and Americans. Judging by your post, the Philippines is far out of your comfort zone, but you're focusing too much on the bad to see any good.

Unlike you, I don't have any problems with people demanding tips at the airport. I'm also not fazed walking around streets of Manila and don't find it to difficult to get around unhassled. With more street smarts you may have coped better.

I'm happy to debate individual points if you start a thread in the appropriate forum.

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. You may not mind it and you may not mind being pick pocketed and you may not mind a police force uninterested in protecting tourists to their country, but many do mind. The tragedy of that is that the poor are denied an industry which could be booming and they could have a part in. Unless people speak out about the problems there, the problems will never be solved. If you love the Filipino people so much then why be happy about the situation?

Please use paragraphs to seperate your thoughts as it's a jumbled mess.

Regarding this point. I don't get hassled at the airport for tips and I'm never pick pocketed....and that's in over 10 years of living there permanently or visiting for lengthy periods. You guys must have "come and get me" tattooed on your foreheads. You certainly don't come across as the well-heeled traveler you state you are.

The main thrust of your argument here is that Thailand is civilized compared to Philippines and you're using the police as an example. This is clearly ridiculous as you're trying in imply that the police in Thailand actually care about the tourists and people.

In Pattaya, for example, the police are the tourists' worst enemy and actively scam them at every possible opportunity. This is also the case in Phuket...and everywhere else where tourists converge in large numbers.

Anyway, we've done enough hijacking of this thread. Take it up in another thread if you would like to continue.

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There's not really much point in continuing this discussion with you. You are getting personal now with your comments and that is something I don't want to start reciprocating. The whole thing is pointless.

. You may not mind it and you may not mind being pick pocketed and you may not mind a police force uninterested in protecting tourists to their country, but many do mind. The tragedy of that is that the poor are denied an industry which could be booming and they could have a part in. Unless people speak out about the problems there, the problems will never be solved. If you love the Filipino people so much then why be happy about the situation?

Please use paragraphs to seperate your thoughts as it's a jumbled mess.

Regarding this point. I don't get hassled at the airport for tips and I'm never pick pocketed....and that's in over 10 years of living there permanently or visiting for lengthy periods. You guys must have "come and get me" tattooed on your foreheads. You certainly don't come across as the well-heeled traveler you state you are.

The main thrust of your argument here is that Thailand is civilized compared to Philippines and you're using the police as an example. This is clearly ridiculous as you're trying in imply that the police in Thailand actually care about the tourists and people.

In Pattaya, for example, the police are the tourists' worst enemy and actively scam them at every possible opportunity. This is also the case in Phuket...and everywhere else where tourists converge in large numbers.

Anyway, we've done enough hijacking of this thread. Take it up in another thread if you would like to continue.

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There's not really much point in continuing this discussion with you. You are getting personal now with your comments and that is something I don't want to start reciprocating. The whole thing is pointless.

I thought you'd already decided to quit as that post was made almost a week ago.

You're far to anti-Philippines to make this discussion anything more than pointless.

Enjoy life with your Filipino bride.

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Hey Spike do you have a nice wedding certificate now? The good news is if you do and you bring it with you when you next enter the Philippines with your good lady wife you will be allowed to stay for up to a year as a "Balakbayaan", a BB as it is called and it is free and you don't need to prove means or anything. Now that is something good about the Philippines!

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Hey Spike do you have a nice wedding certificate now? The good news is if you do and you bring it with you when you next enter the Philippines with your good lady wife you will be allowed to stay for up to a year as a "Balakbayaan", a BB as it is called and it is free and you don't need to prove means or anything. Now that is something good about the Philippines!

Back in August when we entered the Philippines I presented our passports together at the immigration counter and he stamped me in for a year. Her passport was in married name.

I wonder if I was lucky or the wedding certificate is not needed. I did have it with me.

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Quit? Like I lost? What a joke. You never addressed one thing I said. That is why it is pointless to carry on. Also I do have a life outside Thai Visa and in that life my wife and I went out last night with a filipina/farang couple and I mentioned that we had met one Manila taxi driver who was a really good guy. The reply from my the Filipina friend was "are you sure he was Filipino?". I am actually more positive about Philippine people than she is. You are simply in denial and there''s no helping you. Strange though that you decide to live in this terrible country Thailand where the police are the "tourist's worse enemy".

All your complaints about Thailand aren't really about Thailand. They are about Pattaya, a place where there exists one of the worse culture clashes in the history of the world. On the one side, a largely low educated Issan people, displaced young people and low life criminals and on the other side, farangs, a large chuck of which are made up of Euro trash and Russian mafia. Pattaya can hardly be termed a typical Thai town.

OK OK have the last word after this, if that helps your happiness in life. I'll try very hard not to reply.

There's not really much point in continuing this discussion with you. You are getting personal now with your comments and that is something I don't want to start reciprocating. The whole thing is pointless.

I thought you'd already decided to quit as that post was made almost a week ago.

You're far to anti-Philippines to make this discussion anything more than pointless.

Enjoy life with your Filipino bride.

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Yes, we had a great wedding, thanks. Yes we have a rather nice certificate. I know about the Balakbayaan from a friend and as we left Manila, the lady at immigration was very positive about our marriage and explained about the BB. She didn't even ask to see the return ticket back from Bangkok to Manila despite my wife being on a tourist visa. A waste of 2000 baht (the refund fee on TG), but we had to get it as normally you won't get on the plane without it.

Next thing is to change her surname on her passport and then get her onto my retirement extension. I agree the BB is something good about the Philippines, but then who in the helll would want to stay more than three weeks?....oh shit, that'll get Tropo started again! I just hope he doesn't complain about my syntax again. I really should get my posts proof read professionally before hitting the reply button.

Hey Spike do you have a nice wedding certificate now? The good news is if you do and you bring it with you when you next enter the Philippines with your good lady wife you will be allowed to stay for up to a year as a "Balakbayaan", a BB as it is called and it is free and you don't need to prove means or anything. Now that is something good about the Philippines!

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Quit? Like I lost? What a joke. You never addressed one thing I said.

OK OK have the last word after this, if that helps your happiness in life. I'll try very hard not to reply.

It was really hard to address every single item in your jumbled paragraphs of discontent and hate but the point wasn't that Philippines is perfect, it's just your comparisons were uninformed and totally inaccurate.

You're so biased toward Thailand you can't see the forest for the trees.

You said you're finished, so let's hope you are this time.

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Yeah Spike glad you agree about the BB thing. I have to say I get to like the Philippines more every time I go. You get wiser to all the scams. We had two weeks in Bataan, Negros Occidental and Oriental and we did not have a bad moment, really. We got a taxi to the airport in Manila and we said to the driver we wanted the meter; he said sure, got us in and then said "300 pesos". We said meter, he said "250...the traffic is bad and there is no work coming out of the airport". We got out of the taxi, a pain really because we had our baby boy with us and bags, and the price lowered and lowered but as far as I was concerned this driver had lost the job. I simply hailed the next taxi and he took us on the meter and the fare was 60 pesos; we gave him 100 pesos and everybody was happy. I do the same in Thailand and everywhere else: I am not generally prepared to haggle with traders of any kind when the opening gambit so to speak is attempted extortion like the tuktuk drivers in Hua Hin who seem to expect 200 baht a ride regardless. I just take my money to somebody else. Congratulations on your wedding, may you have many happy years together!

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Nope. I can't help myself...... "jumbled paragraphs of discontent and hate"? Can someone out there read through my post which you answered and see any hate? It was quite a balanced view point which you have been unable to answer except with some personal jab about my syntax. Your denial is staggering.

Quit? Like I lost? What a joke. You never addressed one thing I said.

OK OK have the last word after this, if that helps your happiness in life. I'll try very hard not to reply.

It was really hard to address every single item in your jumbled paragraphs of discontent and hate but the point wasn't that Philippines is perfect, it's just your comparisons were uninformed and totally inaccurate.

You're so biased toward Thailand you can't see the forest for the trees.

You said you're finished, so let's hope you are this time.

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Thanks for the congrats. I am actually wise to the scams but what gets me is the way that they destroy any potential for tourism. I feel that if any mainstream tourist who has previously experienced Thailand goes to the Philippines for a two week holiday that they will never make a return trip. That is sad for the majority of the decent people in the Philippines. I have been to many places in the Philippines and when you get off the main tourist areas, like Cumigin (sp?) and the south islands in general you don't get scammed at all and the people are quite wonderful. What annoys me is the way that they ruin places like Boracay with various scams. We went snorkeling one time and this boat comes up to us with a man wanting 20 pesos for a "snorkeling fee". It was a bit of a joke really but still, how stupid and short sighted.

We live in Chiang Mai but I have been to the south many times. I know there's taxi scams there and I get pissed at that too, but the tours they have set up there are really good value for money and everyone seems happy with their trip. I avoid such trips myself, but I did go on one with my son and I have to say it was quite excellent and there was no hands out afterwards for some tip. I always rent a car in Phuket to avoid the need to use the local taxi mafia. Thailand isn't without fault, but I think it handles tourism better than any other country.

I haven't written the Philippines off completely and we will be going to Palawan in March to escape the pollution in Chiang Mai which is really the most negative thing about this place. It's a killer.

Yeah Spike glad you agree about the BB thing. I have to say I get to like the Philippines more every time I go. You get wiser to all the scams. We had two weeks in Bataan, Negros Occidental and Oriental and we did not have a bad moment, really. We got a taxi to the airport in Manila and we said to the driver we wanted the meter; he said sure, got us in and then said "300 pesos". We said meter, he said "250...the traffic is bad and there is no work coming out of the airport". We got out of the taxi, a pain really because we had our baby boy with us and bags, and the price lowered and lowered but as far as I was concerned this driver had lost the job. I simply hailed the next taxi and he took us on the meter and the fare was 60 pesos; we gave him 100 pesos and everybody was happy. I do the same in Thailand and everywhere else: I am not generally prepared to haggle with traders of any kind when the opening gambit so to speak is attempted extortion like the tuktuk drivers in Hua Hin who seem to expect 200 baht a ride regardless. I just take my money to somebody else. Congratulations on your wedding, may you have many happy years together!

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Nope. I can't help myself...... "jumbled paragraphs of discontent and hate"? Can someone out there read through my post which you answered and see any hate? It was quite a balanced view point which you have been unable to answer except with some personal jab about my syntax. Your denial is staggering.

Give it a break. Your bias is astounding.

I can't wait. A full month over Christmas in the Philippines is coming up. I'm excited.

BTW, you should take my advice about the use of paragraphs more seriously. It will help you to seperate your various thoughts and make you posts a lot easier to read.

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It's "your posts".....not "you posts". You really should take more care over your posts.

BTW, I think you should also look up the meaning of "bias" or "biased" as you are obviously misusing the word.

Nope. I can't help myself...... "jumbled paragraphs of discontent and hate"? Can someone out there read through my post which you answered and see any hate? It was quite a balanced view point which you have been unable to answer except with some personal jab about my syntax. Your denial is staggering.

Give it a break. Your bias is astounding.

I can't wait. A full month over Christmas in the Philippines is coming up. I'm excited.

BTW, you should take my advice about the use of paragraphs more seriously. It will help you to seperate your various thoughts and make you posts a lot easier to read.

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It's "your posts".....not "you posts". You really should take more care over your posts.

Thanks for pointing it out - I type fast and often make that error.

We should give this discussion a holiday for obvious reasons. You already promised that many times, but never come through.

If you want to cover individual aspects of your distaste for the Philippines, start another thread.

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