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Glitterman Speaks About [G] Glitterman Dies A Horrible Death Never To Return.


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The sign that he has intelligence is probably the fact that he does not reply and get drawn into futile disagreements.

I'm wondering if his posts are becoming more off the wall to see just how many will keep responding to his nonsensical humour......who is mocking who?

It's not a sign of intelligence. It's another sign of extreme eccentricity (for the monied) or extreme insanity (for the broke arsed). This is a forum. Starting many threads and never posting after the OP is deviant.

Oh dear he doesn't fit your idea of an ideal responsible forum member..........tut tut.......bad man glitterman........:D

He's not breaking any rules by not talking to any of us.....don't worry JT we're all being equally discriminated against......you could always send him a PM....:whistling:

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Not communicating is not breaking any rules, sure. PM him? WHY? To say what, ask him to do your children's birthday party as Goldie the Clown?

I'd like to know which forum has put him up to it....and how much he is getting paid. :unsure:

O click on each one thinking it can't be worse than the last and IT IS! An extraordinary and continuing feat of mediocrity I believe.

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So where does one get hold of LSD in Pattaya cos this guy must be tripping?

He is 100 percent Mr. Natural which may make it more disturbing depending on your P.O.V.

He needs to be put on something.

Nothing mild IMHO.

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As i have said before when glitterman just rode his bike around and kept his mouth closed he was a fun part of Pattaya ,unfortunatly he had to post on here and now every time i see him i just think, <deleted>, what a shame. :(

I don't believe this is the real glitterman speaking. I've chatted with the guy on several occasions and not a word that comes out of the OPs fingers sound like anything he would say. Not even remotely close.

The OP is a troll and should be booted out of here. He is bringing shame to a guy who is not bothering anyone and trying to bring a smile to your face.

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I don't like him. Read his famous homophobic thread. He's dresses like a clown but his dark side is there for all who see through the threads of his fake gold garments.

You gotta be careful Jing, if Glitterman is knocked off his cycle by some angry stick waving guy..., they may come looking for you.....:D


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I don't like him. Read his famous homophobic thread. He's dresses like a clown but his dark side is there for all who see through the threads of his fake gold garments.

You gotta be careful Jing, if Glitterman is knocked off his cycle by some angry stick waving guy..., they may come looking for you.....:D


You're looking fit there, Ole Ulie, keep takin' the vitamins!

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No, it is the real GM. This has been verified by a mod here.

This can be settled with one photo.

GM needs to post simply 1 photo of himself in front of his computer with Thai Visa on the screen, holding a piece of paper that says "I AM THE REAL GM."

That would be the end of that.

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No, it is the real GM. This has been verified by a mod here.

This can be settled with one photo.

GM needs to post simply 1 photo of himself in front of his computer with Thai Visa on the screen, holding a piece of paper that says "I AM THE REAL GM."

That would be the end of that.

There is nothing to settle. A mod spoke to the golden one personally and he acknowledged he posts here under the name in question. Give it up, there is no issue here.

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I've also spoken to the guy on several occasions

1 simple photo would put an end to any question about it. If it IS him, then it should not be a problem for him to do so. If he will not, then he is an impostor / troll and should be banned.

You seem to be the only one with a question. Why don't you ask when next you speak with him. :blink:

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