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Sounds like they were drug mules, which I believe is punishable by death in China.

It also sounds like they were tricked into it. Very sad! :(

It is beyond sad. It is a horrendous human rights violation to murder such women. China on the rise? Let's hope they get more civilized before they get much more powerful.

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China is not alone in this death penalty for drug smuggling , how about the country the ladies are from ? How about the other Asian countries with the same draconian law ? Oh I see , not same-same , stupidity is no excuse to break the law in any country .

Compassion does not count for anything?


I oppose the death penalty anywhere, but isn't the key question whether each person knew or did not know they were transporting illegal drugs? Don't you find it a little hard to believe that they did not know?

I really don't actually, it is amazing just how naive some of these young Thai people really are, something I have discovered many times.

You have to set the scene..........this apparently trustworthy older influencial thai business man promises them good jobs in China, get them set up with transportation and organises everything, then tells them in the heat of the moment you must take these small items with you and give them to your contact on arrival in china, do you really think any of them would have the remotest idea what they where getting into....................hardly

If your culture learned 'read: brainwashed' you that it is most, most unpolite, simply impossible to refuse a request or order from a senior (whatever the concequences) it is too easy to call this 'naivity'... Yes ofcourse it is very naive, but it's the culture, education etc. that is to be blamed, most they don't know any better. Say yes if you think no, accept a package on the airport even if you don't want to, imagine how trough-and-trough rotten the people are who take advantage this way...

In Amsterdam Japanese tourists are terribly easy victims for robbers who offer them drugged food or a drink then mug them, for the same reason

Beside this most of this girls probably had never been on an airport before, no experience with travelling, crime, drugs, risks, brought up to be naive, no questioning just care your family, respect your elderly and seniors and do what you are told to do, and the only TV programmes you know are soaps, such a small and ignorant world you live in...

Suddenly you get a chance in life to work abroad, how lucky you are, all your family would be so proud of you, going to another country for your carreer...

Very, very sad...

Great Post and right on the money, if this story is true I find it very very disturbing, an investigation on this side should be carried out by the Thai authorities

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Could someone who speaks fluently Thai perhaps contact the administrators of this magazine to get this story verified ?

Koosang Koosom Ltd.

238/28 floor 4 Soi Rachdapisek 18

Rachdapisek Road

Bangkok 10310

Tel (02) 2740 624-30

Could someone who can read Thai perhaps create a (brief) summary of the story in English ?


Must be quite the need for organ donors, I reckon. Nothing like a harvest from freshly killed young adults.

Unfortunately, I had the same thought. Whether the story is true or not, the value of human life is measured in such things. Who would go to China, anyway?


China is not alone in this death penalty for drug smuggling , how about the country the ladies are from ? How about the other Asian countries with the same draconian law ? Oh I see , not same-same , stupidity is no excuse to break the law in any country .

For those who believe that the death penalty should be abolished, the fact that there is a death penalty for drug smuggling in Thailand makes no difference to our despair that these 13 women are subject to execution.  


Even without the details of what methods are used to murder, it's heart-wrenching that totally innocent, hardworking young people can be punished by death just for being a bit naive or ignorant by a failed government who cannot seperate right from wrong themselves.

But that's how they are, most of all I can't understand that there is no international media attention for this...

China is the upcoming superpower, nobody has the balls to critisize them on human rights lest they upset them!

When I visited on business trips, on several seperate occasions I was pulled aside by Chinese business collegues wanting me to listen to a CD of peoples bones breaking as the tanks crushed thier bodies and listen to the screams of the dying of the Tianaman square massacre.

I refused as I didnt know if I was being set up...believe me these people are living under a Stalinist type of regime, which like any Country only surfaces when you come into direct contact with the officials of Governments that have a total disregard for human life, if you comply and keep your nose clean then you are ok.

Also when watching on the BBC the beginning of the handover of the tenth anniversary of the handing over of Hong Kong to China in 2007, they blocked the transmission in Shanghai (and I would say other Cities as well) as the words "Freedom", "Democracy" and "Human rights" were being mentioned.

A little known fact is that members of the Communist party also dont have to adhere to the one child rule as they skirt around it by a rule that says two parents who are university educated can have a choice like a normal family to the number of children they wish to raise.

Guess which elite segment of Chinese society grabs most of the University places, it sure isnt the poor immigrant workers from the regions of the poverty stricken hinterland!

The oppression and assimilation of the people of Tibet with the Han Chinese and the Great Chinese firewall are a great example of the Red Chinese Government abuse.

Appeasment has never worked which is going on now, more balls is needed from the combined Governments of Japan, the West, Australia etc.

The Chinese also have the distinction of having a mass murderer of millions of its own people on the face of its currency...nice!

Dont believe the hype about a passive China.


Singapore is another terrible country that has death penalty.

I fully support it.

They give you a card on the airplane that clearly spells it out.

There is a reason they call it dope.

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