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Thaksin Asks For Details Of All Residents


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Thaksin asks for details of all residents

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday instructed all district chiefs across the country to compile information on residents and household registration to pave the way for administrative reform.

Speaking at a national convention of district chiefs, Thaksin said all the information would be assessed and compiled in a database to be used by either the central government or local administrations for the systematic implementation of future projects.

The seminar was held at the Muang Thong Thani estate and organised by the Department of Provincial Administration. The district chiefs were formulating government policies to tackle the three most immediate problems of poverty, corruption and narcotics.

Thaksin also proposed merging the positions of assistant and deputy provincial governors, both of whom hold C-9 level, to shorten the bureaucratic process. District chiefs, who now hold only C-8 level, should be given C-9 status as a reward for good performance, he said.

The government’s three electronic systems, Government Financial Management Information System (GFMIS), E-service and the Smart Card projects, should also be incorporated into the database for even greater efficiency, he said.

The GFMIS has been used with communal database management systems. It will reach the district level in October and all local administrative bodies in October next year.

The E-service will enable junior officials to immediately service the public, bypassing the lengthy documentation process and step-by-step authorisation. It will provide one-stop service counters throughout the country.

Thaksin said he would urge government agencies to work out the problems surrounding the Smart Card project.

The Interior Ministry is responsible for all three electronic projects.

Thaksin said he expected all 795 district chiefs to get out among the people and solve their problems in the next four years instead of just hiding behind their desks the whole time.

He said the first phase of the reform would start with districts with the largest number of people registering for help.

--The Nation 2005-07-10

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Efficiency is great.

I have a grave concern though, i'm sure shared by many others around the world.

Under the guise of security all privacy is being lost, around the world, with databases increasingly becoming more comprehensive and integrated. Big Brother in a big way, and it seems theres no stopping this march.

What world will my daughter live in? I prize security for many reasons, not least of which is the safety of my loved ones, but freedom to me is much more valuable than anything else. Without that, we are dehumanised.

The trend is extremely perturbing.

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The trend is extremely perturbing.

I agree, but it's one that is very hard to buck right now. When people are afraid they are quick to relinquish their liberties for the illusion of security. Once relinquished those liberties are extremely difficult to retrieve. Those in power tend to want to hold on.

More on point: I wonder how the government will deal with the fact that so many people do not actually reside in the abode at which they are registered? Ignore it or attempt to clean things up?

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Whats different to any other developed country.

If he wants to eliminate poverty,he needs a better tax base.

The trend is extremely perturbing.

I agree, but it's one that is very hard to buck right now. When people are afraid they are quick to relinquish their liberties for the illusion of security. Once relinquished those liberties are extremely difficult to retrieve. Those in power tend to want to hold on.

More on point: I wonder how the government will deal with the fact that so many people do not actually reside in the abode at which they are registered? Ignore it or attempt to clean things up?

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Freedom is great.  but I don't understand which freedom you will have to give up because of a database, except for the freedom to do something illegal of course.

Maybe. But have you heard of the concept of privacy? Is it not my right as a human to not have to be controlled, watched, registered by someone else at all times? Everything is a process, no law stays the same. History has shown a continual tightening of the controls. At what point am I simply a pawn to some power, instead of being a human being, born with no manual of laws to adhere to?

You may be happy to be a 'law abiding citizen # 123456789abcdefg' and be held to any control some halfwit politicfian may dream up, now and in the future, but i'm not.

Be a robot and happy, or be free and suffer. I still choose freedom. Its the only thing that makes me human, not a remote-controlled machine.

Laws and controls will not stay static, they are constantly tightened.

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I would actually prefer to live happy in a society where freedom was reserved for the law abiding citizens, not for the criminals, and the control was used to restrict illegal activity and to plan for a better future, but that’s me.

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I would actually prefer to live happy in a society where freedom was reserved for the law abiding citizens, not for the criminals, and the control was used to restrict illegal activity and to plan for a better future, but that’s me.

The problem with that is anything can be made illegal by a gov that has all the power and all your numbers in a database at the tips of their fingers.

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Give them BS answers and encourage everyone you know to answer in a similar manner.

I always reply to prying questionnaires in "magnificent" ways when I fill them. 

They don't need to know my private info.

Exactly my sentiments.

When they came to my house asking for census details they wanted to know what my income was.

I told him "3000 baht per month"

When I bought a VCR the warantee card asked all sorts of personal questions.

That day I was earning 500k per month

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No matter where and why these data bases get compiled - they always end up being misused / sold / stolen.

if you want give them your name , email address and phone number - but understand this is why, later when you get spam in your inbox and via sms.

this sort of information could be very useful for government planning and resource allocation - but guaranteed it will be compromised for a new mercedes benz.

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I would actually prefer to live happy in a society where freedom was reserved for the law abiding citizens, not for the criminals, and the control was used to restrict illegal activity and to plan for a better future, but that’s me.

I agree with the broader sentiment, of course. If laws were restricted to the principal of not damaging others. However, there has always been, and will always be, a plethora of laws passed by interest groups that are 'victimless crimes' , or laws that are sold on the pretext of protecting society while the intention is simply better control for power or economic gain.

Freedom restricted is not freedom, its a grant. I prefer not to accept handouts.

BTW ZZZ, if I can cross thread for a mo, do I seal the container for my live bacteria, or just cover to breathe? :D

Is it legal to breed bacteria :o

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Thaksin asks for details of all residents

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday instructed all district chiefs across the country to compile information on residents and household registration to pave the way for administrative reform.

He said the first phase of the reform would start with districts with the largest number of people registering for help.

--The Nation 2005-07-10

Well, we all know reform is no sport for the short-winded, but how many knew it was "prime" sport for the lng-winded??? :D

The only problem is that Thais need to develop gradients of "need to know" information and have that clearly laid out ny published law and regulations instead of off-the-cuff estimates of how many votes we need today.


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Freedom is great.  but I don't understand which freedom you will have to give up because of a database, except for the freedom to do something illegal of course.

Maybe. But have you heard of the concept of privacy? Is it not my right as a human to not have to be controlled, watched, registered by someone else at all times? Everything is a process, no law stays the same. History has shown a continual tightening of the controls. At what point am I simply a pawn to some power, instead of being a human being, born with no manual of laws to adhere to?

You may be happy to be a 'law abiding citizen # 123456789abcdefg' and be held to any control some halfwit politicfian may dream up, now and in the future, but i'm not.

Be a robot and happy, or be free and suffer. I still choose freedom. Its the only thing that makes me human, not a remote-controlled machine.

Laws and controls will not stay static, they are constantly tightened.

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I find all this bizarre!

What does Thaksin actually want else...? He already has. well sort of, a system of ID cards and Tabian Baan Registrations..without which you cannot do much...of course the system is open to multitudinous abuse..hence the much laughed at but very effective multiple Taiwan visits. In the UK all we haver really is DOB..but of course many Thais over 30 don't know their DOB...etc!

If someone actually sat down and put all the information already there onto databases it would be amazing...of course it would not mean, still, he could collect any more tax..

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