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Miss Thailand Universe 2010 Catches Heat For Looking Sexy

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A true lady doesn't need to show her body to have success!

Yet this miss Thailand is ready to do "anything" to be the winner but she has nothing to do with Thai tradition.

The first sentence may be true in many respect but a beauty pageant? A couple of fun photographs and everyone is saying she is too "trashy" for the delicate Thai "tradition"? In the rest of the world Thailand is known for the sex trade and nothing else. Ask anyone what they know of Thailand and it will be the cheap sex available there. There are probably more brothels in Thailand catering to the Thais than the farangs. There is your Thai tradition. This whole thing about Miss Thailand Universe is a non issue for starters. Hope she does well in the contest.



To represent Thailand a person needs ability, intelligence, confidence, grace, dignity, class, charm, decorum, charisma and an outstanding personality.

Its sad that the current Miss Thailand seems to be lacking in all the above. :redcard2:

Seems as a newbie, you have neglected to notice which country, the judges who selected her; came from.

Just like politics, you get the representatives you vote for.


Hey, wait a minute. My wife didn't tell me she was doing this!

Hold on! Your wife? I'm selling my mansion in Hua Hin LOL


Seems as a newbie, you have neglected to notice which country, the judges who selected her; came from.

Just like politics, you get the representatives you vote for.

Bingo! They picked her and one would think that she was vetted to ensure that she had the attitude they wanted to see.



Some of the latest pics coming out:


Fonthip Watcharatrakul, Miss Thailand 2010, poses in her Dar Be Dar swimsuit at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday, August 16, 2010. The Miss Universe 2010 competition that will air live on the NBC Television Network at 9 PM ET, August 23, 2010.


Fonthip Watcharatrakul, Miss Thailand 2010 poses for fashion photographer Fadil Berisha at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Well I am glad that Miss Fonthip appears to have been getting into the spirit of things having had her eyes opened up a little to the locals preferred attire on her trip to Nevada.

I am sure she is pining for her baggy t-shirt and pants that she used to have prance around the pool in the resorts in Thailand. :lol:


oh HO HO,, just wait until the topless photo shoot in body paint hits the Thai critics.<BR>why does the other girls in other countries can be sexy??? too

web search

miss universe body paint controversy

again it's not just ms T who gets sexy looking

why discriminate just her?




To represent Thailand a person needs ability, intelligence, confidence, grace, dignity, class, charm, decorum, charisma and an outstanding personality.

Its sad that the current Miss Thailand seems to be lacking in all the above. :redcard2:

Wow. You managed to work all that out from looking at a couple of photos. Quite incredible.....or perhaps just very talented in the art of jumping to hugely unjustified conclusions.


oh HO HO,, just wait until the topless photo shoot in body paint hits the Thai critics.<BR>why does the other girls in other countries can be sexy??? too

web search

miss universe body paint controversy

again it's not just ms T who gets sexy looking

why discriminate just her?


Spectacular picture

Thai Cultural Mandates issued in 1939 and Western writing[7] prove Thai women would go clothed fully or topless in public before the westernization of dress.

My link

In the late 19th century the influence of missionaries and modernization under King Chulalongkorn encouraged local women to wear blouses to cover their breasts.

I have seen worse than that on a vase in Handong in Chiangmai.

Thai culture doesn't know how it should react to the body beautiful, let alone the sex.


Fornthip has stiffy competition right from the neighborhood.

excerpt from:

Will another Asian win Miss Universe?

The Philippine Star

August 18, 2010

Next Monday, Aug. 23 (Aug. 24 Manila Time), the 58th Miss Universe will be chosen at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (to be aired live by ABS-CBN starting at 9 a.m.) and beauty-watchers from Asia are hoping (against hope?) that another one of their kind will bring home the crown.

So far, the Philippine bet, Bb. Pilipinas-Universe Maria Venus Raj, continues to hold the No. 1 spot in the Internet popularity poll sponsored by the Miss Universe Organization.

Will Venus be the third Filipino Miss Universe (after Gloria Diaz in 1969 and Margie Moran in 1973)?


mariavenus.jpg mariavenusrajmagazine.jpg

Maria Venus Raj

and yes, "Raj" means she's half-Filipino and half-Indian



Fornthip has stiffy competition right from the neighborhood.

excerpt from:

Will another Asian win Miss Universe?

The Philippine Star

August 18, 2010

Next Monday, Aug. 23 (Aug. 24 Manila Time), the 58th Miss Universe will be chosen at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (to be aired live by ABS-CBN starting at 9 a.m.) and beauty-watchers from Asia are hoping (against hope?) that another one of their kind will bring home the crown.

So far, the Philippine bet, Bb. Pilipinas-Universe Maria Venus Raj, continues to hold the No. 1 spot in the Internet popularity poll sponsored by the Miss Universe Organization.

Will Venus be the third Filipino Miss Universe (after Gloria Diaz in 1969 and Margie Moran in 1973)?


mariavenus.jpg mariavenusrajmagazine.jpg

Maria Venus Raj

and yes, "Raj" means she's half-Filipino and half-Indian


Well she had better put some more clothes on then. That will definitely wow the judges.


I like the look of the third girl from the left, Miss Swindon, I think it must be.

I prefer the second from the left, Miss Trinity, a good Christian girl


It's not OK for Miss Thailand to lift her leg along with all the other contestants or for Tata Young to look vaguely sexy on her album cover but the same outraged citizens turn a blind eye to the real obscenities in their society such as Thai police sergeants raping female Burmese prisoners in the police station with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Another win for the ministry of culture mentality.


Very Very attractive, but this is still a conservative society. :whistling:

Conservative society ? My a..se

. Ever been at Pat Pong , Pattaya, Soi Bangla in Phuket ? . Hypocrat ic, yes !

She is beautifull and these girls are having fun for one time opportunity in life. Envious ?

Thailand Is a conservative country, What you see in those plasces is not Real Thailand just whores trying anything to make money.


Additional particulars:

Fonthip Watcharatrakul (Thai: ฝนทิพย์ วัชรตระกูล)

Date of birth: July 19, 1990

Place of birth: Samut Prakan, Thailand

Measurements: 33-25-36

Height: 170 cm

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Title: Miss Thailand Universe 2010


I think Fonthip is multi-dimensional in that she can also pose as the demure and sweet and respectful type that the "Blue Haired" are clamoring for in addition to possessing the more vibrant and seductive and fun-loving manner that are depicted in earlier photos and despised by the "Blue Haired".


She knows she's got it!

She therefore can flaunt it!

Others who have them, also flaunt their lovely breasts!

Why can't this very attractive Miss Thailand flaunt what she got!

You have my vote, Miss Thailand!

dam_n right! She's gorgeous. Also note that she did not fold when confronted with a lot of priggish BS. She came right back at em.


A true lady doesn't need to show her body to have success!

Yet this miss Thailand is ready to do "anything" to be the winner but she has nothing to do with Thai tradition.

"A true lady doesn't need to show her body to have success!"

-Cliche-ish drivel. The Miss Universe contest is a beauty contest.

"Yet this miss Thailand is ready to do "anything" to be the winner but she has nothing to do with Thai tradition."

-Define "anything." Showing that she has great legs? I take it that you have in-depth knowledge of the woman's character? She your next-door neighbor? The point is that you have absolutely zero grounds in factual knowledge for your statement. I could more realistically conclude about you that you are a jealous gay.


When you are in the limelight some idiot somewhere is going to come up with critism.

Never ceases to surprise me how some official somewhere in Thailand stands up and says something and everyone takes it he has the backing of all other officials.

Most of the time it's some clown trying to make a name for himself while Abashit (or whoever) sits in his office scratching his head and thinks what on earth is that idiot on about.

The media jump on things like this and blow it out of all proportion and all of a sudden it's representative of all Thai people.....In a pigs eye it is!!!!!!!!

Ask the girl sitting next to you..or the boy depending if that rattles your cage and they'll tell you they love this girl and think she sexy and as Nikster points out she got that loveable cheeky bit about her.

As far as Thailand exploiting their women goes? This girl can make mega bucks from modelling etc and gets to see the world.........exploit away says she!!!


From the lead post:

“Very annoyed!! Some say it’s too much!! What is perfect for you??? This is me. If it’s too much or too little, this is me. I’m not trying to make myself more then my abilities. I’ve been like this since the day I was born! End of that! I want to raise it up! If I could raise it up 180 degrees then I would’ve done it a long time ago. I’ve always been like this!! What do you want me to do? Do you want me to just wear my sash and walk with it on? Is that a Thai woman? Once in your life can you be at peace? What more do you want?? Can you come to realization to why you’re criticizing so much for? You can forget about Thai if you want. I’m tired of it!! Have you ever given me support? That’s it – the end! This is me.”

[source via Entertain Teenee/INN News]


Here's wishing you all the best Miss Thailand Universe Fonthip Watcharatrakul.

Good to see you taking a shot at your critics. I can be fairly sure assuming you got where you are with very little support from others.

Keep standing up yourself and be proud of who you are.

Double standards and questionable your values have nothing to do with it.

Know what you want and go get it !!

More power to you Fonthip. Leading by example.



This kind of rediculas critisism by the 'Keep it Thai' brigade does not suprise me in the least , many years ago the restaraunt brigade were demanding the Thai food vendors in Canada should all be closed down , reason being they were not serving patrons GENUINE THAI FOOD cooked in the traditional Thai fashion . They infered this was demeaning to Thailands traditions and culture , there was no way , they deemed , this was appropriate representation across the world .

Thailand may be considered for Thai , but whatever it takes for a Thai to build success outside of the country has absolutely nothing to do with these critics , can they just not show some pride for fellow countrymen doing well for themselves no matter where they may be located ?

Shake a leg lady if that is what it takes , it is , after all , your leg . 555



You're all missing the point!

She stands accused of being


The most worrying accusation to the Fabric of the Nation, implying Bra-lessness, Decreased Decorum and Immodesty.

*LAVISH = Bra-lessness, Decreased Decorum and Immodesty.

*OUTSTANDINGLY LAVISH = dressing like a farang.

As in . . . splutter . . . gasp . . . "She's ... she's ... she's being lavish!!!"

All is permitted all is allowed all is available - but it must never ever be seen.

Amazing Thailand.


She does if she's in the beauty queen business.

This reminds me of that great movie "Carry On Girls", which was one of the great "Carry On" movies. It was about a man called Sid Fiddler (played by the late, great Sid James) organising a beauty contest in a sleepy seaside town and the local prudes and Women's Libbers getting all up-in-arms about it. These retrogressive pseudo quakers in Thailand remind me of June Whitfield's pathetic attempts to stop the contest.

Thailand is famous for its beautiful, sexy girls. It's not much good at anything else, except for political unrest.

So Thai tradition needs to get with it and move into the 21st century. We are living in the age of the permissive society - don't fight it, enjoy it.

A true lady doesn't need to show her body to have success!

Yet this miss Thailand is ready to do "anything" to be the winner but she has nothing to do with Thai tradition.

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