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Thais Offered Working Holiday Visas To Nz

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Thais offered working holiday visas

Wellington supports move on Burma issue

WELLINGTON: New Zealand yesterday offered Thais working holiday visas to promote people-to-people contact at youth level.

The idea was raised during talks between Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai and his New Zealander counterpart Phil Goff.

Under the proposed scheme, Thais aged 18-30 years would be able to work during a long holiday in New Zealand for up to six months. But they would have to show return tickets as well as NZ$2,000 (50,000 baht) in pocket money and state the purpose of their visit, said Thai ambassador Norachit Sinhaseni.

Mr Surakiart said the offer meant more Thais would be able to visit New Zealand.

New Zealand stopped granting visa-free access to Thais in 2001 after a large number of Thai travellers overstayed, compounded by the problem of human trafficking.

The Thai government subsequently asked New Zealand to reconsider its decision and to let Thai diplomats and governmet officials continue to enjoy the privilege, said the minister.

Last year, only 8,300 Thais visited New Zealand while 60,000 New Zealanders visited Thailand.

Meanwhile, Thailand has urged New Zealand to play a greater role in talks with the other nine Asean member countries on a plan for economic summit with New Zealand and Australia in order to increase cooperation and to expand trade, said Mr Surakiart.

This issue had been first raised two years ago but there had been no progress since.

Thailand agreed with the idea and would help convey the message to other Asean member countries at the first summit meeting between Asean and Japan next month in Tokyo, he said.

Mr Goff also supported a Thai proposal for an international meeting on the Burma issue and to allow the Burmese junta to explain its own road map to the international community, said the minister.

``We have not officially invited New Zealand to attend but it has given full support to us to hold the session. However, we will push for the inclusion of the Burmese ethnic minority leaders in the national convention,'' said Mr Surakiart.

A source said the Burmese issue would be discussed on Dec 15 in Bangkok.

During a meeting with New Zealand's Minister for Trade Negotiations Jim Sutton, Mr Surakiart said the first Wellington team would be in Bangkok next month for talks with the Commerce Ministry.

The talks would centre on preparations for a joint study of a closer economic partnership which would cover all fields of free trade, services, investment, education, science and technology.

The two countries were expected to sign an agreement during the Apec meeting in Chile next year.

The agreement would be modelled on the treaty between Singapore and New Zealand.

--Bangkok Post 2003-11-25

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Guest IT Manager

Goodness... would this be the same Bangkok Post everyone swears by before ranting on about what so and so did to such and such and then begins disembowelling him/them in the forum?

Or is this another Bangkok Post, that on a slow day made up some more drivel.

Sanitsuda Ekachai had an interesting piece this morning. Here are the details.

Seems Miss Sanitsuda feels Mr T, (reminds me of a bald head and an attitude on TV some years ago), may not have a complete grasp of long term planning in his current rush to turn Thailand into a place for the well to do and the well connected. My son says the son of Mr T asks his mum "whats for lunch tomorrow?", and has achieved a plan for the long term when he has an answer..

Speaking of which, taking my son to school this morning, a chap in a Mercedes proved my theory righteously, that you don't need a brain to have money. Early morning traffic, late night hangover I thought.. but no.. taking his off-spring to school, giving them a driving and weapon management lesson on the way.

Sons' view ... "<deleted> Braindead Thai". Son is Thai.

Says it all really.

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Quote first sentence of the Bangkok Post Article: New Zealand yesterday offered Thais working holiday visas to promote people-to-people contact at youth level.

Seems clear to me that it is now in place according to the Bangkok Post.

Quote my email from NZ Immigration:

RE: Working Holiday Application Form

Dear Howard

There is no working holiday scheme for Thais as yet. I wonder where Bangkok Post obtained the information from.


New Zealand Immigration Service

Bangkok Branch

Noparat Uathamthaworn (NZIS) [[email protected]]

Who do you choose to believe, :o Bangkok Post or NZ Immigration?

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