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Police Checks On Immigrant Visas

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In general, police reports are NOT required for retirement extensions obtained IN Thailand. There may be some oddball provincial offices asking for that, but it is not in the national rules. Some people mistakenly assume it IS required for their first extension in Thailand, give it to immigration, and falsely assume it was required, when actually it was not. For O-A visas, it is always required.

Edited by Jingthing
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The 65k baht has always been a rubbish amount to ask of a single person.

Never understand this, I have to have 800k per yr, or 65k per month as a retiree, for a Visa or an extension, own house and car, spend not over 200k per year, well more like under 150k per year... yet a married man with 4 kids has to have 400k for an extension ?? or go to KL or somewhere outside Thailand for a year Visa with only 100k in the Bank.

The amount set is not primarily to ensure that they retirees can manage to survive. It's meant to ensure that the people who do retire here have enough money to make their presence worthwhile for Thailand. Thailand is not running a welfare state for people who can't afford to retire in their own countries. They want retirees who will spend money and contribute to the local economy.

It is possible to live here on B250,000 a year (I guess), but spending that little hardly justifies your presence in terms of a benefit to Thailand. I own my condo and live a fairly minimal existence, but still run through the required B800,000 each year and usually more. That doesn't make me Diamond Jim and it doesn't mean I'm a better person than someone who spends way less, but it does mean that local businesses are getting more from me than from 3 or 4 retirees who are spending no more than a Thai teenager working at 7-Eleven.

The "They Don't Want Us Here" and "More and More are Leaving Each Year" complaints are just childish prattle. If your presence here creates jobs and benefits businesses and you aren't causing problems, most Thais could care less whether you're here or not. That would be true everywhere in the world. Name one country in the world that wants you there if you plan to spend no money and to whine/whinge incessantly about the locals. If you had some vision of the locals tossing flowers and blowing kisses everytime you waddled down the street, I'm sure your're disappointed, but if you've made a few Thai friends and you spend some money (not just getting drunk every night) locally, then some people will be glad you're here, but you are easily replaceable. If you don't feel appreciated and loved, buy a dog.

I've been in Pattaya over ten years now. Comparing the number of businesses, the construction, the traffic congestion, the crowded beaches, etc with the late 1990's, no one in his right mind could claim that there has been a net loss in the number of farangs, and it's nearly as bad in August as in January. Maybe more are leaving, especially those who can't afford to stay here, but they are being replaced and added to by new arrivals.

Why please did you add another posters post into my Post and then put 'quote' tags on it? so looks as I said 'The 65k baht has always been a rubbish amount to ask of a single person'

my point was after spending over 5 million baht, House, car and pickup for me I only have the day to day expenses.. All this comes to 150 - 200k per year for me and my 5 dogs and 100's of Fish.. Yet a married man has to only have 400k [or go to KL and show 100k] not 800k as a single person has to.

As for Visa and Police Report, I was told in the UK to get one in 2003 for a '0-A' Visa, so was in force 7 years ago when I came here to retire.

EDIT: Next year will be having another Pond build in the garden, May 2012 will buy another new pickup and later in August 2012 will need to renew my car + do most of my shopping in local Village shops and Markets.. How do you spend more money? I have everything I want + more

Edited by ignis
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As far as I know, it was ALWAYS required for the O-A visa, and NEVER required for retirement extensions in Thailand. You don't need to ever get an O-A to retire here if you don't want to, thus it is fair to say it is NOT required to retire in Thailand.

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Agree - this is pure speculation at this point. But I have had a few BiB ask me for my passport when I was driving (apart from my license) and visa stamp previously to which I have suggested they contact Immigration as you are not required to hand over a passport which officially belongs to a (your) Foreign Government. Copies are fine - if you feel inclined but BiB do not have access to Immigrations computer login and have to confirm by phone calls anyway so a moot point I guess. I think if they did start this the BiB would not be in any position to administer it and accordingly would resort to more payoffs. For that reason alone I don't think it will see the light of day at street level.

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