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Expat Editor-In-Chief Of Asia Times- Allen Quicke 57- Died


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What baffles me is the motive. Why beat a guy to death unless the intent was to rob him?

It wasn't a random killing. It was an assassination.

Allen Quicke is the editor in chief of the political internet news site Asia Times Online.

Someone murdered Allen because of something or somethings printed at ATOL.

After the wholesale murder of journalists in Iraq during the Iraq war by the Coalition forces, murdering journalists is now acceptable to all world governments

Your last paragraph somehow manages to suggest the Thai government had a hand in this assassination. This is unfounded and could be seen as slander. You should be prepared to provide details if you have, or write more to whatever point you try to make.

It is the most interesting thing to me when people claim that the statements of other people say things they do not. It is intriguing to watch how the majority will accept however the one person misinterpreted the other person's statements. It really points out that human beings are herd beasts that follow the loudest voice.

I never said a word about the Government of Thailand.

You did that.

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Maybe he was a bit "heavy handed" with his girl and the BF showed up to help? Things spin out of control...whiskey involved....hard to tell. It will be interesting to find out a bit more regarding this case....either way, a horrible way to go and has definitely ruined many peoples lives.

The method of death is what tells the educated it was an assasination.

These type of people will always ensure the memory of their victim is sullied in the most awful way. That is how you tell if it was an assasination.

Think Yasser Arafat. After he was poisoned the worlds newspapers went on for weeks about how he died of AIDS. The enemies of Arafat wanted the people that believed in him to think he had died from something strongly stigmatized by the Arab world.

Claiming Allen Quicke died at the hands of a bargirl and her boyfriend has already done it's work. I just came from a forums were the usual neanderthals are all making jokes about the way Allen Quicke died.

Allen Quickes stated method of death ensures that his legacy as editor of Asia Times Online will be sullied throughout history.

There was a famous guy in Britian....I think it was Allistair Cooke. He died and guess what happened? His body was the victim of an organ theft ring. They stole the bones from his body and put them in someone else.

Now when you go to Wikipedia or someplace else, instead of talking about the famous Allistair Cooke and his accomplishments, the focus is on "Allistair Cooke's body was taken by organ thieves and cut up for it's bones"

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What baffles me is the motive. Why beat a guy to death unless the intent was to rob him?

It wasn't a random killing. It was an assassination.

Allen Quicke is the editor in chief of the political internet news site Asia Times Online.

Someone murdered Allen because of something or somethings printed at ATOL.

After the wholesale murder of journalists in Iraq during the Iraq war by the Coalition forces, murdering journalists is now acceptable to all world governments

Your last paragraph somehow manages to suggest the Thai government had a hand in this assassination. This is unfounded and could be seen as slander. You should be prepared to provide details if you have, or write more to whatever point you try to make.

It is the most interesting thing to me when people claim that the statements of other people say things they do not. It is intriguing to watch how the majority will accept however the one person misinterpreted the other person's statements. It really points out that human beings are herd beasts that follow the loudest voice.

I never said a word about the Government of Thailand.

You did that.

1 + 1 = 2 (mostly). Assassination, editor of ATOL, ATOL printed something causing murder, murdering journalists acceptable by governments. That's why I ask if YOU are suggesting anything! I claim nothing.

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^ never hurts to show at least a modicum of compassion for someone stabbed seven times AND beaten repeatedly in the head with a baseball bat.

Isn't it possible to show respect for the man and point to the facts at the same time? The post you were referring to pointed out a pretty interesting twist in the story if you ask me.

It is possible, however, I didn't see any of the first part "show respect for the man" anywhere in the post.

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Thais probe murder of Aussie journalist Allen Quicke

ThaiI police are investigating the murder of a 57-year-old Australian, Allen Quicke. Mr Quicke's bloodied body was found inside his home at the royal beach resort of Hua Hin, south of Bangkok.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade yesterday confirmed Mr Quicke had died on Tuesday, saying consular officials were helping his family.

A former journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald, South African-born Mr Quicke had been living in Thailand since 1995 as editor-in-chief of Asia Times Online.

His body was discovered early on Wednesday morning by a maid, who went to his rented beachside home to start work.

Thai police said the journalist had been stabbed seven times and bludgeoned with a baseball bat.

Robbery has been ruled out as a motive because nothing appeared to have been stolen.

Police are looking for a local bar girl who allegedly accompanied Mr Quicke to his home on Tuesday night.Her boyfriend has been named as a possible accomplice.

A local newspaper, the Hua Hin Forum, claims Mr Quicke was well known at the seaside town's many expat bars.

In an obituary, the Asia Times Online credited Mr Quicke with raising its readership from zero to more than 100,000.

"It is with deep regret that we announce that Allen Quicke, editor-in-chief of Asia Times Online, died on Tuesday night, August 17," the Times said.

"Allen's association with ATO dates from early 2000 when he became a founding member of a small team that started an internet version."

Mr Quicke's death is the second suspicious killing in Hua Hin this month.

Thai police are also investigating the death of a 68-year-old British resident, Raymond Hide, the victim of an apparent home invasion.

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A bit more from yesterday's Thairath.

A 24 year-old Thai man from Ayuthaya, Aekphon (or Aekgaewpheng), has been arrested and confessed to the murder. He worked in the building next door to the deceased's apartment in Hua Hin and had some sort of job there looking after the building and watering the plants.

The motive seems to have been robbery, he stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone from the deceased, citing money problems. He said his wife had recently left him and he had a young child to look after.


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A bit more from yesterday's Thairath.

A 24 year-old Thai man from Ayuthaya, Aekphon (or Aekgaewpheng), has been arrested and confessed to the murder. He worked in the building next door to the deceased's apartment in Hua Hin and had some sort of job there looking after the building and watering the plants.

The motive seems to have been robbery, he stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone from the deceased, citing money problems. He said his wife had recently left him and he had a young child to look after.


2 Photos in the article and in one of them he's showing how he beat the victim to death with a baseball bat...:ph34r:

All that for Baht 2.517 and a mobile phone :(


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Aussie press:

Robbery has been ruled out as a motive because nothing appeared to have been stolen. Police are looking for a local bar girl who allegedly accompanied Mr Quicke to his home on Tuesday night. Her boyfriend has been named as a possible accomplice.

Thai press:

The motive seems to have been robbery, he stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone
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Remember, for many people here, that is all you are worth. And they will be happy to kill you over it.

Remember.....sure...but if it happens -out of the blue- there's not much to remember anymore :(

Most people, murdered, didn't expect it....


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LOL you are absolutely right, this is what happens when i drink and post. My bad.... blink.gif

Yeah I feel lame.

You are a gentleman. And I did have a hunch you misread. It happens.;)

What baffles me is the motive. Why beat a guy to death unless the intent was to rob him?

It wasn't a random killing. It was an assassination.

Allen Quicke is the editor in chief of the political internet news site Asia Times Online.

Someone murdered Allen because of something or somethings printed at ATOL.

After the wholesale murder of journalists in Iraq during the Iraq war by the Coalition forces, murdering journalists is now acceptable to all world governments

An assassination you say? Can you support your argument? Or are these delusions brought on by too much Mekong whiskey and fanta? Seriously, if you want to troll, then please stick to sin sod themes as they are much more amusing. :)

At this point, nobody can support any arguments on the case, since there is so little to go on. But if you take a look at the situation as revealed so far, it doesn't add up well. Brutal beating but no robbery... why would that be? All murders are an extreme form of human expression and there can be any number of motives. Accusing another member of having delusions is a bit arrogant and uninformed on your part. Do you think the murder of journalists is unusual? In the mid-nineties, Thailand actually led the world in murdered journalists - usually drive-bys from motorbikes into cars - so it isn't exactly unheard of in these parts. It is certainly no less a possibility than a guy getting stabbed and beaten by a bar girl (or a bar girl and her boyfriend) and nothing going missing in the house.

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A bit more from yesterday's Thairath.

A 24 year-old Thai man from Ayuthaya, Aekphon (or Aekgaewpheng), has been arrested and confessed to the murder. He worked in the building next door to the deceased's apartment in Hua Hin and had some sort of job there looking after the building and watering the plants.

The motive seems to have been robbery, he stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone from the deceased, citing money problems. He said his wife had recently left him and he had a young child to look after.


2 Photos in the article and in one of them he's showing how he beat the victim to death with a baseball bat...:ph34r:

All that for Baht 2.517 and a mobile phone :(


So where does the bar girl fit into that story?

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A bit more from yesterday's Thairath.

A 24 year-old Thai man from Ayuthaya, Aekphon (or Aekgaewpheng), has been arrested and confessed to the murder. He worked in the building next door to the deceased's apartment in Hua Hin and had some sort of job there looking after the building and watering the plants.

The motive seems to have been robbery, he stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone from the deceased, citing money problems. He said his wife had recently left him and he had a young child to look after.


2 Photos in the article and in one of them he's showing how he beat the victim to death with a baseball bat...:ph34r:

All that for Baht 2.517 and a mobile phone :(


So where does the bar girl fit into that story?

Good question but no answer, so far.


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So the editor-in-chief of Asia Times Online is killed under such suspicious circumstances and the story barely gets a mention in the English-language press and no follow-ups? Does anyone in Hua Hin have any insight into this? I'm just a bit at a loss to consider that this could just appear as a quick blip on the radar and then nothing.

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Thai police caught killer of Asia Times editor in chief Allen Quicke. A construction worker who robbed Allen, then killed him /via @BangkokDan

Allen's mobile phone had a tracking chip. Even though killer changed SIM card police was able to track him down /via @BangkokDan

Still,(bar) girl left door open for Allen Quicke's killer after doing her job when she left. So initial reports not completely wrong /via @BangkokDan


//we are waiting for more news

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Thai police caught killer of Asia Times editor in chief Allen Quicke. A construction worker who robbed Allen, then killed him /via @BangkokDan

Allen's mobile phone had a tracking chip. Even though killer changed SIM card police was able to track him down /via @BangkokDan

Still,(bar) girl left door open for Allen Quicke's killer after doing her job when she left. So initial reports not completely wrong /via @BangkokDan


//we are waiting for more news

Good job by the police.

So both the (bar) girl and the friend were involved in the murder.

PS: can anybody teach me about the "tracking chip" which was in Mr. Quicke's phone; is that normal or a special (added) chip ?


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Terrible way to die, and condolences to the kin and friends of the victim...

But as a long time professional news journalist, it strikes me as more than a bit odd that the victim's publication publishes an obituary on his death, and absolutely avoids any mention of the cause/circumstances of his death or even the clear and quickly known fact that it was a murder.

I can't imagine what their motivation would have been for omitting facts they clearly would have known... And just as clearly, other publications or media would eventually get around to reporting the fact it was a murder and the circumstances... So what would the AT have to gain through their approach?

Being with a bargirl is hardly considered a great sin in these parts, and especially in the tourist centers of Thailand... Hard to think they were trying to protect his reputation, since it sounds like his reputation was pretty well known.

If that's the way the AT handles their news covererage, it really makes you wonder about the rest of the things you're reading in their publication. Bad job, bad journalism.

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Thai police caught killer of Asia Times editor in chief Allen Quicke. A construction worker who robbed Allen, then killed him /via @BangkokDan

Allen's mobile phone had a tracking chip. Even though killer changed SIM card police was able to track him down /via @BangkokDan

Still,(bar) girl left door open for Allen Quicke's killer after doing her job when she left. So initial reports not completely wrong /via @BangkokDan


//we are waiting for more news

Good job by the police.

So both the (bar) girl and the friend were involved in the murder.

PS: can anybody teach me about the "tracking chip" which was in Mr. Quicke's phone; is that normal or a special (added) chip ?


Is it one of the (bar)girls responsibilities to close the doors proper? Was it intention or culpable negligence?

And the killer was the friend of who, the victims friend or the (bar)girls friend?

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  • 1 month later...

I had the pleasre of meeting Allen, shortly before his untimely death. He was very sociable to me, and I enjoyed his company. When I mentioned his death to my girlfriend she was immediately distraught and began to cry. She knew Allen for some time and described him as "A Perfect Gentleman" with a good heart. She immediately called her sister and friends who also knew Allen, who were also sad and grieved at his death. I will always remember seeing Allen cycling about town on his bicycle, his only form of tranportation in Hua Hin. His neighbour (my best friend in Hua Hin) spoke fondly of Allen and also described him as a gentle man, kind to a fault, the kind of person that would not hurt a fly.

While I was in Hua Hin the information regarding this tragic assault was impossible to get hold of. It is good to see they finally found the construction worker who worked behind his house and was solely responsible for murdering Allen, dispelling the nasty rumors of bar girls and unfounded conspiracies. I hope the full force of Thai justice will fall upon this repeat offender and brutal murderous thief.

Albeit belatedly my condolences go out to Allen's friends and especially his kin. His death was and is very close to me having just met him shortly before it occured.

Edited by Canexpat
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