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Why Do Germans Have Such Bad Taste In Clothes!


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You can allways spot a German in Thailand by there really bad taste in clothes! Why do they wear such cheap tacky and nasty clothes! Dont get me wrong i think German people are great. Ihave nothing against them, there are by and large very nice people but the clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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quote "If you wanted to slag off at teutonic sartorial standards, maybe you should have posted this in HKK...

I can't see this subject lasting long here... "

Lighten up!

Edited by daveb1
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Lighten up!

Sorry I snapped Dave... I'm feeling grumpy after reading some other rubbish on other recent threads... :D

So, what's your problem with the "shirts bulging at the buttons, the tartan shorts, the scabby pale legs, the socks and sandals" look?


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Well most likely designers can not cope with the streamline shape bodies of the Teutonics and that's why we have to wrap ourselves in sacks. This, however, has made us to trendsetters of the youth of the world that don't secure their bulging oversized pants with a belt but just rather more or less by their butt. Belts are made from leather and cause cruel animal slaughtering and hence due to this special natural German fashion approach we rescued countless animals from senseless deaths.

Also when we have worn out our sacks and they are covered with holes and start falling apart we are sending them to the United Kingdom. The Brits, however, are fortunately smart enough to cover up the shortcomings and disattract from the less attractive body garment appearance by putting funny oversized hats on their heads and wrapping ties and bow ties around their necks absolutely not matching in color.

Afterwards, when those clothes eventually are not bearable on the island anymore they get returned to the continent in particular Paris and Rome. The French and Italians put fancy stickers on them and hold regualar fashion shows luring the rest of the world to buy those messed up (= branded clothes) at rediculous prices.

This is called the garment chain and hopefully answers the original question sufficiently. :D

No, sorry no German jokes. Germans don't joke (just occasionally choke on a Bratwurst) :o

What's the next question about German's secrets of life. :D

Quick, coz I've got an agenda and still need to take a parcel to the post office. See ya there.


Richard :D

Edited by Richard Hall
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Afterwards, when those clothes eventually are not bearable on the island anymore they get returned to the continent in particular Paris and Rome. The French and Italians put fancy stickers on them and hold regualar fashion shows luring the rest of the world to buy those messed up (= branded clothes) at rediculous prices.

I saw a german rummaging through a pile of second hand clothes at the Kraenthon flea market. One tells another and before you know it they all look the same.

It's the circle of life. Those branded clothes, after the americans pay double and the japanese pay triple, make their way eventually to the flea market and lo and behold the germans buy them up again.

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quote "So, Dave - what country are you from, then?"

England, where people are stupid enough to pay very high prices for designer clothes that are allready worn out or have holes in them!!! :o but they still look less tacky than that stuff Germans wear :D and dont even get me started on David Hassilhoff.

Edited by daveb1
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Afterwards, when those clothes eventually are not bearable on the island anymore they get returned to the continent in particular Paris and Rome. The French and Italians put fancy stickers on them and hold regualar fashion shows luring the rest of the world to buy those messed up (= branded clothes) at rediculous prices.

I saw a german rummaging through a pile of second hand clothes at the Kraenthon flea market. One tells another and before you know it they all look the same.

It's the circle of life.  Those branded clothes, after the americans pay double and the japanese pay triple, make their way eventually to the flea market and lo and behold the germans buy them up again.

Can anyone tell me the way how to get to that flea market? After getting my last parcel out I feel so... aehm, Gucciless and Disversaced and Undiored. :D

Last but not least I also took the liberty to make the clarifying experiment. I ate half a chocolate bar fully dressed and the remaining part naked. No difference at all!!! :o

Conclusion: Taste perception does absolutely not stand in relation with attire at least not in respect of Germans. Maybe I am just secretly adopted by Germans but have actually American blood in my venes... off to McDonalds to pick up a free baseball cap with the shield in the back.

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...but they still look less tacky than that stuff Germans wear :D and dont even get me started on David Hassilhoff.

But only if the not color matching tie is broad enough :D

David Hasselhoff is wearing clothes? Thought his job was chasing Pamela on the beach in shorts. :o

Edited by Richard Hall
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Conclusion: Taste perception does absolutely not stand in relation with attire at least not in respect of Germans. Maybe I am just secretly adopted by Germans but have actually American blood in my venes... off to McDonalds to pick up a free baseball cap with the shield in the back.

That reminds me when the PRC first sent academics to the US as a cultural exchange program, they all insisted on eating at McDonald's. After the meal they were quoted as saying, " The Big Mac is very good, but the cheeseburger has no taste at all!"

Yep americans in general when they are in a hurry have no taste when it comes to stoking the furnace. We wolf down our food and our drinks are called Big Gulps. We like our coffee piping hot and our beer ice cold for obvious reasons. We gotta mask the fact that it tastes like shit. :o:D

And I have a few free t-shirts which when worn make me a walking commerical for someone's business, but then I only wear them when washing the car on a sunny day. :D

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I have a true story about the circle of life for clothes. Christian charities in the US send used clothes to Cambodia...since its hot in Cambodia clothes are not such a necessity so alot of these clothes get sold at the local market...I met a Japanese young man who lives in Saigon most of the time but he takes the bus every couple of weeks to Cambodia and buys used clothes of American style which he knows are trendy in Japan...every year he goes back to Japan and takes his stash with him where he sells the stuff at designer prices...in Saigon he rides an antique BMW motorcycle.....sweet!!!!

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Conclusion: Taste perception does absolutely not stand in relation with attire at least not in respect of Germans. Maybe I am just secretly adopted by Germans but have actually American blood in my venes... off to McDonalds to pick up a free baseball cap with the shield in the back.

That reminds me when the PRC first sent academics to the US as a cultural exchange program, they all insisted on eating at McDonald's.  After the meal they were quoted as saying, " The Big Mac is very good, but the cheeseburger has no taste at all!"

Yep americans in general when they are in a hurry have no taste when it comes to stoking the furnace. We wolf down our food and our drinks are called Big Gulps. We like our coffee piping hot and our beer ice cold for obvious reasons.  We gotta mask the fact that it tastes like shit. :o  :D 

And I have a few free t-shirts which when worn make me a walking commerical for someone's business, but then I only wear them when washing the car on a sunny day.  :D

Never mind despite some unusual habits :D there is also lots to discover and enjoy in the States. Stayed and worked in New Jersey about 15 years ago and enjoyed it very much. Food at Friday's or Charlie Brown's not bad and the biggest steak I ever came across was also in the US. Even got a kick out of Wendy's.

Saw the Mets playing in New York and was member of the company's soft ball team. Two years later I crossed the continent from New York to Los Angeles on a motorcycle which was indeed an unforgetable adventure. Death valley presented a ###### of a heat while I never felt to cold like in Northern California. Just severe contrasts like they can be found in many countries.

Met heaps of very nice people and learnt much about American culture which certainly also exists and can be indeed very enjoyable. Actually a Big Gulp (diet please) is just the right weapon in summer during a paralyzing heat wave.

Back then I never washed my car myself 'coz with all those automatic drive through washing stations the lazy boy came through and certainly I also did not want to get my weird outfit stained because in the perfect circle one day Im surely gonna re-buy it on a flee market :D

Actually, I dress really boring. Mainly just jeans, poloshirt and closed shoes (no sandals 'coz I think they can look a little bit off particularly if worn with socks and shorts) and most people don't identify me to be of German origin at the first encounter. Quite often it is actually assumed that I am from the States (darn, New Jersey seems to linger) and eventually my name does not really help to put me the German eagle on my forehead either. Born in Brazil to German parents, grown-up in Germany, spoiled in the States and now finally in Thailand with a Thai family and being home of choice.

What an identity mess. Maybe I should start wearing sandals with socks and stop drinking American soft drinks and inhale Thai beer and food. From now only absolutely tasteless clothes, sauerkraut and German beer and proper yodeling soundtrack. Back to the roots but shoot where did I put my leather pants?


Richard :D

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I have a true story about the circle of life for clothes.  Christian charities in the US send used clothes to Cambodia...since its hot in Cambodia clothes are not such a necessity so alot of these clothes get sold at the local market...I met a Japanese young man who lives in Saigon most of the time but he takes the bus every couple of weeks to Cambodia and buys used clothes of American style which he knows are trendy in Japan...every year he goes back to Japan and takes his stash with him where he sells the stuff at designer prices...in Saigon he rides an antique  BMW motorcycle.....sweet!!!!

Check out today's Bangkok Post. Actually there is a store here in BKK offering used Levi's as collector's items among other things but they need to be made in the States. The owner is anticipating a shortage now because Levi & Strauss intend to close their American factories down.

Americans get those used stonewashs out. They are worth their weight in baht or yen. :o

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yes but what they lack in style, they make up for in humour.  :D

anyone know any german jokes?

I'm sure there is one... :o

Sau raus, Ferien (her)rein....Ballerman's feeling. Maybe it's the way to fleak out from the serious life. Easy feeling and sabai sabai...no necktied..no blazer .. no suit...no..socks..and ..no more tight.

And german asked...why do some gentleman wears hat and linen suit under the 35 c thailand's heat and even silk socks and silk shirt and linen blazer...soft leather shoes and maybe Burburry Umbrella against the sun. Wearing silk you feel horrible hot and easy to sweat. Real linen is very comfortable but mixed linen in Thailand is also horrible hot and sweat as well.

Once on the Krabii beach...I saw an old Gentleman walked hand in hand with younger thai gal , he wored Panama hat, winter suit ( blazer ) thick socks and heavy soup...oppsss....sweat on him...people lying with bikini there. It looks really gentleman to wear dress like that...even in the Lost of Africa's style. :D

People can wear anything, the reason is..he feels comfortable and dont hurt anybody. Let people do what they want to do, as long as they are happy and dont ruin his holiday's feeling. :D

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You can allways spot a German in Thailand by there really bad taste in clothes! Why do they wear such cheap tacky and nasty clothes! Dont get me wrong i think German people are great. Ihave nothing against them,  there are by and large very nice people but the clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

what do you expect with them having such massive beer bellies? how can you cater for such sartorial inellagance ?

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You can allways spot a German in Thailand by there really bad taste in clothes! Why do they wear such cheap tacky and nasty clothes! Dont get me wrong i think German people are great. Ihave nothing against them,  there are by and large very nice people but the clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

As long as it beats their choice of mustache I don't care too much about their clothes.

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yes but what they lack in style, they make up for in humour.  :D

anyone know any german jokes?


Quote: anyone know any german jokes?

Answer: Yes, I used to drink beer with him. He moved to Phuket, bought himself an underwater camera, and now calls himself the "renowned European underwater

photographer whose work is well known around the world"

Note: This is not the same German who once fell into a storm-drain on Sukhumvit road at 2 A.M. one morning during the rainy season....that's a different story.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Then again there's the blokes who run around in those lovely 1960's style dress shirts, bright red nylon jogging shorts topped off with the black socks and dress shoes! where do they come from?

Every girls crazy about a sharp dressed man! :o

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