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Australian National Brutally Bashed & Robbed In Pattaya

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Statistics can be distorted to say almost anything you want. According to the murder statistics posted you are more likely to get murdered in the USA than you are in Yemen. Even though I now know those statistics I would still rather visit the USA. There is more to a country than just one set of statistics. Even across a country some places will be safe than others. In Thailand it seems that most problems are around the prostitute areas. The problems happen less often in tourist areas away from thr prostitute areas. Every guide book, even ones about Thailand tell you to take sensible precuations, as you would in any country. If you walk around falshing your cash, it is obvious that you don't deserve to be beaten up and robbed. But it is in your own interests not to do this in any country. Hang around with prostitutes, flash your cash, argue with locals and most likely bad things will happen to you. This isn't surprising anywhere. I don't think Thai tourist authorities claim that Thailand is utopia. To me living in Bangkok is not much different to living in any large city. There are good and bad areas, good and bad people. That's life. Hang out around the better areas and you will avoid the trouble. It's the same in London and the same in NYC.


Yellow Journalism.

I cant see how they know 5 thai's jumped him? and why? This is not just random violence. Lots more to this

"how do they know"? perhaps the poor bugger is educated enough to have the ability to count?


My ex-girlfriend ended up working in Soi 6, Pattaya. I managed to enrage her Thai boyfriend by having almost free sex with her for five years but he was restrained by the thought of how much money he was going to get when I sold my house in the UK. However, I sold it but told them that it was still rented out and after I finished with girl without any dosh as compensation (I don't give money to girls who have Thai boyfriends) the Thai guy went ballistic, beating her up and threatening to kill me if I set foot in Thailand again. I have come twice since then and both times he approached the hotel owner where I was staying about planting drugs in my room (luckily they don't seem to have any serious Mafia connections and the hotel owners actually warned me off)... anyway the relevance of the above, is that the girls in Soi 6 almost always have Thai boyfriends and they get all wound up and enraged and will attack ANY farang that takes their fancy, just to prove that they are real men, etc.

BTW I did report the Thai guy to both the Thai police and Interpol, the latter as he was trying to play the big man by stealing my letters and getting his computer hacker mate to get into my UK bank records (some of the paper statements the ex-girlfriend had access to) - pointless as they have no idea where I live or where I have moved my money to. I then texted the ex-girlfriend with the info that I had alerted the police, from the safety of the UK... you can imagine how enraged that would make the Thai boyfriend, the idea of a farang setting thai police on a thai man.

Basically, then, even if you have done no wrong, you may be standing in for some other farang who has wound up some Thai men and is not available for a beating.

Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

Why the F@$k are u having sex with a thai girl with a thai bf ( and knowing him) ? Are you that cheap u cant go out and find either a bg for a few hundred or one without a bf?

To me u come across as a total loser and I wouldn't bla,me him for having you beaten up.

perhaps he found-out about the Thai bf later? Just stop and think for a minute before you make wild accusations...


More on the stats. You're more likely to get murdered in Thailand than you are in the USA. But for most people the fear of being assualted is much higher and much more likely than the fear of getting murdered. In the USA you are over 24 times more likely to be assaulted than in Thailand. That makes the USA appear pretty violent to me. I'm sure we could all dig through the stats and find all sorts of interesting comparisons. What really counts to me is my own, my friends and my families experiences. I don't know anyone in Thailand who has been assaulted, mugged, robbed or murdered. I know people in London and NYC who have been mugged, assaulted and robbed. I know more people in Thailand than I know in NYC. I feel safe in all three cities.


Hmmm interesting piont, I cant comment on the numbers of violent acts in Surfers, but I would be interested to know if these incidents are towards tourist, expats or locals?

Generally I'd say it's completely random, but if a tourist does get some bother it is soon highlighted by the media as tourists being trageted, same goes it is is an expat the media will sometimes take a racially motivated angle. Most of the time it is just a congregation of P*ssed up Druged Up people. Many football teams and sporting groups come to the town for drinking, "rooting" fighting fun. Don't know if you've heard of Blackpool in England, well Blackpool with sun sounds about right these days, at night anyway.


Hmmm interesting piont, I cant comment on the numbers of violent acts in Surfers, but I would be interested to know if these incidents are towards tourist, expats or locals?

Generally I'd say it's completely random, but if a tourist does get some bother it is soon highlighted by the media as tourists being trageted, same goes it is is an expat the media will sometimes take a racially motivated angle. Most of the time it is just a congregation of P*ssed up Druged Up people. Many football teams and sporting groups come to the town for drinking, "rooting" fighting fun. Don't know if you've heard of Blackpool in England, well Blackpool with sun sounds about right these days, at night anyway.

Ah Blackpool, I know it well. My cousin is a well respected businessman there, Great fun on the Scottish weekend. Thanks for your post. ;)


Ha-ha , normally men only wear a waste bag when they have prostate problems , then it is strapped to thier thigh , as apposed to carrying money in a 'Fanny bag' which is strapped around the waist .

Being an American it may be a 'Fanny bag' but as the guy is an aussie it is a 'Bum bag'. Fanny is our slang for pussy.

Everybody sing along now, "Looking for love, in all the wrong places...Didn't you see, he's wearin' it in front? Maybe that's why. Hugh 'n Firthy show traces...Lookin' for b*tt, while men prefer c*nt."

Bums in America don't work and hang out on skid row drinking wine, so the bag to which you refer must be the one containing their quart of MD 20- 20. Americans on the west coast, in Texas, in the upper mid-west, and in New Jersey call it a fanny pack. BTW, fanny pack is in Merriam-Webster but bum bag is not. Neither is fanny bag.

So, for Colin and the Jack Man, and some other Aussie blokes, getting bummed out, or getting a bum deal, must mean a good night out, right?


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

If it's so bad why didn't you leave years ago? Why have you waite so long. From what Thais have told em they don't hate farangs, they just don't like the old farang men who come to Thailand to buy sex. Imagine you lived in a seaside town in UK or USA and old men from overseas came in their 1000s to buy sex, wouldn't you end up hating them. Most of this nastiness that most people report is in prostitution areas. Why someone decides to move to live in such areas I'll never understand. And then they wonder why there is so much trouble. The answer is simple. Just have a think about it.

I will answer a few questions to clear unwarranted assumptions.

I have been in Thailand for 27 years and have lived the rest of my life in different countries on different continents.

I was posted here by Médecins Sans Frontières to work in a refugee camp and I lived in Nan Province which is a beautiful place. (At that time MSF workers were not paid.) I have also lived in Bangkok.

More than twenty years ago I bought a condo in Jomtien when Jomtien was a forest of Sugar Palm trees. I did not foresee the building frenzy that would join Jomtien to Pattaya or that the condo building would become surrounded by bars.

I rarely visited the condo and grew to dislike the area more and more often coming here and leaving, in disgust, on the same day.

I am in my late 60's, retired. I was happy enough to live in Bangkok but had to leave a few years ago because of the pollution - I have cardiac problems.

I moved to Jomtien because I could, because I had the condo. I have not been in the financial straits I am now. The money I had intended for my retirement is no longer in my possession. That is a familiar story in Thailand. Do not make assumptions. Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are the same and all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. I lost my money in my own way but the circumstances could be easily recognized by anyone who knows Thailand.

I live on a meager pension.

I know many countries. It is my considered opinion that Thailand is particular. For reasons, which can be debated, Thais have little empathy with foreigners. I have not heard criticism of the name "Thais Love Thais" political party. If there were a "Germans Love Germans" political party, or Italians Love Italians etc. they would be accused of racism and xenophobia. But this party and the sentiments it implies are normal here. Foreigners are different and are almost a different species, to be treated the way homo sapiens treats other species.

So I wish I were in a position to leave.

  • Like 2

rico3000 wow you bought your condo 20 years ago you must stand to make a tidy profit from it when you sell ,did you not rent the condo out all thjat time you never lived init.


One speculative and defamatory post along with quoted replies deleted

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Interesting topic. I would have thought just wearing the bum bag would justify and/or invite the bashing, but maybe that's just me (j/k).

I'll bet there is more to this story than is being reported. We will wait and see.

Anyhoo, here's another interesting statistic I found...



I agree with Tropo: the marginal difference between a few in 100,000 would hardly seem to be significant. Ranking is itself meaningless.

Ranking itself is not meaningless. If a country is ranked #1 it can call itself "hub", and we all know how popular and often the word "hub" are used here.:annoyed:

And one simply can't count all these Pattaya accidents and suicides into the murder rate. Let's settle for. Pattaya; Asia's hub of dodgy balcony fences. :ph34r:

For all of you that say that these things only happen in Pattaya, think again. Do you remember what happened to the Aussie tourist and his six month pregnant girlfriend when they visited Prasat back in April? He was beaten to death by two guys with machetes.



I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

If it's so bad why didn't you leave years ago? Why have you waite so long. From what Thais have told em they don't hate farangs, they just don't like the old farang men who come to Thailand to buy sex. Imagine you lived in a seaside town in UK or USA and old men from overseas came in their 1000s to buy sex, wouldn't you end up hating them. Most of this nastiness that most people report is in prostitution areas. Why someone decides to move to live in such areas I'll never understand. And then they wonder why there is so much trouble. The answer is simple. Just have a think about it.

I will answer a few questions to clear unwarranted assumptions.

I have been in Thailand for 27 years and have lived the rest of my life in different countries on different continents.

I was posted here by Médecins Sans Frontières to work in a refugee camp and I lived in Nan Province which is a beautiful place. (At that time MSF workers were not paid.) I have also lived in Bangkok.

More than twenty years ago I bought a condo in Jomtien when Jomtien was a forest of Sugar Palm trees. I did not foresee the building frenzy that would join Jomtien to Pattaya or that the condo building would become surrounded by bars.

I rarely visited the condo and grew to dislike the area more and more often coming here and leaving, in disgust, on the same day.

I am in my late 60's, retired. I was happy enough to live in Bangkok but had to leave a few years ago because of the pollution - I have cardiac problems.

I moved to Jomtien because I could, because I had the condo. I have not been in the financial straits I am now. The money I had intended for my retirement is no longer in my possession. That is a familiar story in Thailand. Do not make assumptions. Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are the same and all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. I lost my money in my own way but the circumstances could be easily recognized by anyone who knows Thailand.

I live on a meager pension.

I know many countries. It is my considered opinion that Thailand is particular. For reasons, which can be debated, Thais have little empathy with foreigners. I have not heard criticism of the name "Thais Love Thais" political party. If there were a "Germans Love Germans" political party, or Italians Love Italians etc. they would be accused of racism and xenophobia. But this party and the sentiments it implies are normal here. Foreigners are different and are almost a different species, to be treated the way homo sapiens treats other species.

So I wish I were in a position to leave.



Needless to say, my next holiday will be in the Philippines

If you think Angeles and Manila girls don't have pimps/boyfriends, think again.

Pattaya, Soi 6 is hazardous these days. It's not like it was in the old days, in the last few years it has become very risky.

I say: Approach with caution.

I haven't been there for years and don't want to!


I was beaten and robbed last November in Sukumvidt. They smashed me in the head (several times) with a pipe fracturing my skull and causing a hematoma and permanent brain damage. My right hand is partially crippled because of the damage to my motor center, which really sucks because I'm right handed.

They only got 800 baht.

Dude.. that is very sad and unfortunate. My sincere condolences to your situation and stroke of bad luck. I have been in south of Thailand for only a couple of weeks and I felt such a bad energy there that I had to leave.

I landed in Chiang Mai and found very good energy here.. for a city at least. I have made myself a local here and I am accepted now, slowly but surely. Here there are not so many robbings, fights etc. but I do find myself constantly breaking up fights.. usually between drunk people... usually some falang who is confused about something the thai people do, not that they do something wrong, usually just some mis-communication problem. But this happens between falang and falang too. It feels like it has been my job to stop these fights as nobody else has the balls to do so and would rather watch. I tell you though, the owners of the bars are very appreciative when I stop these fights in their bars, because if the fight does erupt, then they have to deal with it, and if it gets too messy for sure the police are coming... anyway... I do feel a lot more "swifter" energy in the world right now, so there is more of everything happening now, but I am not quite sure why they are now printing so much crime as this in the paper, but perhaps it is a good thing, to keep the falang away from these southern areas which are entirely corrupt to start with. Unless you can handle yourself and fight ten men comfortably then I would stay away from these places.

You will find though that a lot of the people who go to these places are the most... how do I say... unpleasant types from the countries they came from. I have met them in Australia where I am from, and I know this type, and they usually deserve to get a beating, but not all know what they are doing and where they are going, so they don't usually know a good place from a bad place, so this might be some good education for them... if they take note that is.

Take care everyone, and live by Buddha's words. Love, Light & Peace to all.


if thailand is so bad for some of you, go home! been here for years and no problem. feel safer walking around here at night than i do in either england or australia (where i have lived). pretty simple people, if you aren't a smarta*se and you treat people with respect and keep your wits about you, nothing to worry about. that is not to say this poor fella did anything to deserve what happened, no one does. i just can't believe how many TV posters sit there on their computers and constantly bad thailand and thai's, and criticise posters for showing a bit of common sense. if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen...


There is more to the story than just the attack. Those are not the injuries of a mugging, but look like someone was teaching him some manners Thai style. What happened? Did he try and haggle down the services of a transvestite hooker and in the process ended up insulting someone? Yes, there are muggings, but in an entertainment soi with the gangsters running things, trouble makers best beware. The mobsters don't like problems and random muggings aren't especially tolerated, since it's bad for business. I wonder how the "victim" is going to explain his beating once he gets back home.

Oh yes Abdullah, I was walking down the street of infidels when all of a sudden I was jumped by dozens of them.

Not discussed will be why he was walking down a street known for transvestites and male prostitutes.

Perhaps he will think twice before going out in search of shemales again.

  • Like 1

I agree with Jazzman17, I hate to see foreigners visit Thailand mainly for prostitution.

Those who ventured into sleesy area deserve the beating and please go home and find prostitution in your home country.

If I have any power I would rigorously prosecute prostitution and establish some programs to help those

country girls getting a real job (or go to school and get real education).


> I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

Who is she to make such a statement?

I've been here 18 years and have a condo in Pattaya. I find 99% of the Thais I meet in person to be friendly, correct and easygoing.

The foreigners I meet here have a slightly lower score.

There's nowhere in the world where you can not get into trouble, and there is also nowhere you can not do something beforehand to minimize the risk.

My own statistics say that Soi 6 around 9pm is the safest place on the planet unless you pissed somebody off.

But in that area it is also quite easy to do. The easiest ways are:

- not paying the money somebody think you owe them.

- talk real bad to somebody

I've seen that happen a couple of times and suddenly the picture changes dramatically, and a crowd of friends surround the unlucky guy.

I assume that if you are known to carry an unusually high amount of money that could be a reason too.

Without given any of those two reasons, gangs do not attack people in that area at that time. It would simply not make sense taking the risk.

But, OK, you never know, of course.

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Anyhoo, here's another interesting statistic I found...

We've gone over the Nationmaster gun murder statistics in this forum many times. Simply put, they are wrong. Due to translation problems, they use gun CRIMES (ie possession) for gun MURDERS. They report 20,000 gun murders per year in Thailand, when there are only 5,000 murders total. That number is the amount of illegal guns confiscated by police, not the number of murders as reported by Nationmaster and many other sources. There are no statistics in Thailand on what murder weapon was used, your link is completely wrong.


Your post is so funny. Any man anywhere would be enraged if another man had sex with his girlfriend once let alone for 5 years. I'm surprised you're still alive. Can you really blame the boyfriend?

You don't know much about Pattaya then. The majority of girls working in the bars here have Thai boyfriends who are more than happy for their girl to go out and have sex with other men. If they doing it for free (highly unlikely), then sure, they might get upset.

I have lived here for a long time and i serioulsy doubt most of the girls that work bars have thai BF's Ex BF's and EX husbands probaly but not current ones,


I have the misfortune to live in Jomtien. I can leave? No, I can't. The condo I own represents most of my assets and until I sell it, which I'm trying to do, I'm stuck here.

Today 22 Aug. 2010, an average day in Pattaya:-

9.00am rang Fascino Pharmacy Central Pattaya to ask if they stocked a drug an ill friend required. They did stock it but were out of it and offered to order it. I asked if their N. Pattaya branch would have it and they said probably it did. I rang there and got a gentleman who interrupted me before I'd finished my question with "No have." I told him their Central P. branch did stock it. I spelt the name of the drug for him using the British A phonetic alphabet. This proved too much for him. Eventually he got the name of the drug (I think) and he told me to hold on. He turned on the music and left me holding. After 4/5 mins I hung up. That shop has 4 tel. numbers and I rang all four and got no reply with several attempts.

Fortunately I did get the drug in a Jomtien pharmacy. The man who needed it is a farang in his 80's and suffers from panic attacks.

At 10.00am I ventured out and took a baht bus to the Continental Bakery. When I got off I paid the driver on the driver's side. He threw a rage yelling that I had to pay him on the other side and then snatched the money out of my hand.

I ordered breakfast in the Continental Bakery stressing that I would like the bacon well done, dry (heng heng). It is usually a problem getting crispy bacon here. Sure enough it arrived done Thai style i.e. lightly cooked. I pointed this out and the staff started a loud conversation among themselves, punctuated with laughter. I was informed it was well done.

Next I went to Tesco S. Pattaya to do some shopping and afterwards stopped at the open market nearby. I then took a baht bus which stopped at the Thepprasit/Thappraya junction. The driver ordered me out. As I paid him I asked if he wasn't going to Jomtien. He snarled that I had to take another baht bus in Thappraya road. He then turned left into Thappraya road and headed towards Jomtien. (I have done this route before. If there are Thais on board you do not get dumped out at the junction.)

I am now at home and thankfully have no need to have to face the gratuitous nastiness that is the daily lot of farangs in Pattaya. I will however have to endure the screeching from the bars that have sprouted around the condo building since I bought the unit 20 years ago.

I am assured by a Thai business woman that the vast majority of Thais "hate" farangs.

My advice to anyone who isn't stuck here, as I am, is to leave, and to those thinking of coming here, don't.

If it's so bad why didn't you leave years ago? Why have you waite so long. From what Thais have told em they don't hate farangs, they just don't like the old farang men who come to Thailand to buy sex. Imagine you lived in a seaside town in UK or USA and old men from overseas came in their 1000s to buy sex, wouldn't you end up hating them. Most of this nastiness that most people report is in prostitution areas. Why someone decides to move to live in such areas I'll never understand. And then they wonder why there is so much trouble. The answer is simple. Just have a think about it.

I will answer a few questions to clear unwarranted assumptions.

I have been in Thailand for 27 years and have lived the rest of my life in different countries on different continents.

I was posted here by Médecins Sans Frontières to work in a refugee camp and I lived in Nan Province which is a beautiful place. (At that time MSF workers were not paid.) I have also lived in Bangkok.

More than twenty years ago I bought a condo in Jomtien when Jomtien was a forest of Sugar Palm trees. I did not foresee the building frenzy that would join Jomtien to Pattaya or that the condo building would become surrounded by bars.

I rarely visited the condo and grew to dislike the area more and more often coming here and leaving, in disgust, on the same day.

I am in my late 60's, retired. I was happy enough to live in Bangkok but had to leave a few years ago because of the pollution - I have cardiac problems.

I moved to Jomtien because I could, because I had the condo. I have not been in the financial straits I am now. The money I had intended for my retirement is no longer in my possession. That is a familiar story in Thailand. Do not make assumptions. Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are the same and all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. I lost my money in my own way but the circumstances could be easily recognized by anyone who knows Thailand.

I live on a meager pension.

I know many countries. It is my considered opinion that Thailand is particular. For reasons, which can be debated, Thais have little empathy with foreigners. I have not heard criticism of the name "Thais Love Thais" political party. If there were a "Germans Love Germans" political party, or Italians Love Italians etc. they would be accused of racism and xenophobia. But this party and the sentiments it implies are normal here. Foreigners are different and are almost a different species, to be treated the way homo sapiens treats other species.

So I wish I were in a position to leave.

I feel sorry for you if you think your stuck. YOu brought the condo 20 years ago then you paid fuc_k all for it, I left Pattaya in 85 for phuket and have never looked back. I am sure u can sell it and make a profit then go back up to essan and rent a house


Interesting topic. I would have thought just wearing the bum bag would justify and/or invite the bashing, but maybe that's just me (j/k).

I'll bet there is more to this story than is being reported. We will wait and see.

Anyhoo, here's another interesting statistic I found...


Does it really matter how someone murders you?


Quote !! Blimey it would be good when you lot realise that Pattaya. Phuket, Nana and Ko Samui are not the real Thailand.

They are areas of Thailand that the lowest form of pond life congregate (Thai and Foreigner).

And that means Upstanding people like TV posters sometimes get bashed and robbed. :whistling::lol: .

Of course i am not saying that every body who lives in these places are pond life.

There are many,many Good, wholesome Thai's and Foreigner's alike who live in these places. :D

I totally agree with you !!

I am an English teacher living alone in the North East ( divorced )

I have been in this Farang free area for 5 years and never experienced any problems

Probably because all the low life Thais have gone to Farang infested areas to try to get easy money either by cons or stealing

I also think there is more to this story . Pattaya used to be pretty safe at that time of night

Also only a fool would wear a " Bum Bag " You are telling everyone you have valuables and you run the risk of it being cut from you by a Thai with a big knife

When I first went to Pattaya I used to wear a thin money belt under my shirt that was NOT visible and kept only spending money in my pocket

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There is more to the story than just the attack. Those are not the injuries of a mugging, but look like someone was teaching him some manners Thai style. What happened? Did he try and haggle down the services of a transvestite hooker and in the process ended up insulting someone? Yes, there are muggings, but in an entertainment soi with the gangsters running things, trouble makers best beware. The mobsters don't like problems and random muggings aren't especially tolerated, since it's bad for business. I wonder how the "victim" is going to explain his beating once he gets back home.

Oh yes Abdullah, I was walking down the street of infidels when all of a sudden I was jumped by dozens of them.

Not discussed will be why he was walking down a street known for transvestites and male prostitutes.

Perhaps he will think twice before going out in search of shemales again.

"Abdullah". Why? Being of possible Arabic offspring for sure there is something behind?

If the guy was a blond blueyed mate for sure he would certainly have been a victim and not a "shemale" hunter.



i wonder why a few of my mates that have been involved in trouble in the uk over the last few months didnt get a mention in the local papers.Football related and drink related incidents happen in their hundreds at the weekend in England and i wouldnt dare to guess how many in Scotland and South Wales.

We have an incident in soi 6 of all places and people jump on the bandwagon and say happening a lot lately.

This is a typical reaction by foreigners that have their nice holiday in Thailand, have an ongoing love of the place and then defend it through their blindness.

Firstly, no one is saying England is a prime place for living and vacationing. Thailand is promoted as a land of nice smiles, where Buddhism and kindness prevail, and foreigners are loved and welcomed. In reality we see time and again that is not the case, but you can continue to believe what you wish. Secondly, once you live in Thailand for a good while, you see how incidents like these are possible all the time, along with the tenions between some locals and the foreign tourist population, and the hair-pin flash tempers that a good percentage of Thais have at times.

Perhaps if a new ad campaign started up saying something like "Thailand - no we sure as hel_l don't smile all the time, and you better remember it" or something, then articles like these wouldn't receive as much reaction.

You and your mates in Pattaya may well call everyone else apologists, but you, and certain other posters make the erroneous assumption that living in Pattaya is indicative of living in Thailand. It is not.

Ask anyone in Chang Mai if these are everyday occurances...or ask someone upcountry how often it happens..How many reports of this in Bangkok even?

And yes, there will soon be a poster appear who will say "OH, but nothing ever bad happens in Bangkok"...

I suspect the trouble farangs have in Pattaya comes down to the place being a magnet for unscrupulous Thais who think it is fair game to deal with what they consider are unscrupulous farangs..

The real story behind this Aussie guy will probably never be known in full, but at the end of the day no-one (1 person) deserves to be set upon by 5 cowardly Ba*t**ds like this...even if he did ask for it.

I believe the Thais have a saying..."The fleas come with the dog"....I suspect in Pattaya this term can be used in equal measure by both thais and farang


I was attacked by 2 teens near the South Pattaya temple around 8pm not long ago. One of them pulled a kitchen knife on me. With 6'6' and military background I luckily managed to fight both of them off with some good kicks. Several Thais just watched and smiled from safe distance. Did not bother to call police. It seems to happen so often these days, from what I read and hear. Reckon, it won't get better. Terrible for elderly people who make good targets.

Arai-wa :blink:

Two thai teens (probably all of 45kgs) attacking a 6"6 farang..

jeez mate you should have given them both a thousand baht each and sent them on their way for having balls of brass..


I was attacked by 2 teens near the South Pattaya temple around 8pm not long ago. One of them pulled a kitchen knife on me. With 6'6' and military background I luckily managed to fight both of them off with some good kicks. Several Thais just watched and smiled from safe distance. Did not bother to call police. It seems to happen so often these days, from what I read and hear. Reckon, it won't get better. Terrible for elderly people who make good targets.

Arai-wa :blink:

Two thai teens (probably all of 45kgs) attacking a 6"6 farang..

jeez mate you should have given them both a thousand baht each and sent them on their way for having balls of brass..

Did you miss the part about the kitchen knife.. someone with a knife has a big advantage. And there were 2 of them. Im pretty sure you would not fair much better.

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