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Confession Time


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ho-hum (hō'hŭm')

adj. Informal.

Boring and dull; routine: “a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture the attention of the conventioneers” (Chicago Tribune).

....bah bah ... lol

Jerry! Jerry!


he look like a guy in your activar ,when he is insane and drunk , babe(ok, maybe he lost some weight)



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Many moons ago I went out with the ex-wife (then girlfriend) and got spectacularly shit faced drunk. Made it back to the apartment and crashed in bed. A few hours later I awoke with that horrible hamster feeling in my mouth and deposited a large portion of shwarma onto the bedsheets. Anyway I got up went to the toilet finished the puke, cleaned up and came back to the bed. Unfortunately my side was a stinking mess, so I adjurned to the sofa for the rest of the night.

Lo and behold next morning I was awoken by a very sheepish girlfriend who couldn't believe what she had done and couldn't remember a thing about it either ! !

I of course never said a word as she cleaned the sheets, scrubbed the mattress and applied all forms of airfreshner to the bedroom, all this interspersed with "sorry.......... I am so sorry........GOD I am so embarrassed".

Anyway cut to the chase many years and a divorce later I was in a bar with my mates drinking vast quantities of beer and swapping old stories, I of course related this one to a very hushed but captive audience..................hushed because my ex-wife was standing behind me listening to my every word and promptly beat the crap out of me ! !

Friends..........who needs them ! ! :o:D

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Many moons ago I went out with the ex-wife (then girlfriend) and got spectacularly shit faced drunk. Made it back to the apartment and crashed in bed. A few hours later I awoke with that horrible hamster feeling in my mouth and deposited a large portion of shwarma onto the bedsheets. Anyway I got up went to the toilet finished the puke, cleaned up and came back to the bed. Unfortunately my side was a stinking mess, so I adjurned to the sofa for the rest of the night.

Lo and behold next morning I was awoken by a very sheepish girlfriend who couldn't believe what she had done and couldn't remember a thing about it either ! !

I of course never said a word as she cleaned the sheets, scrubbed the mattress and applied all forms of airfreshner to the bedroom, all this interspersed with "sorry.......... I am so sorry........GOD I am so embarrassed".

Anyway cut to the chase many years and a divorce later I was in a bar with my mates drinking vast quantities of beer and swapping old stories, I of course related this one to a very hushed but captive audience..................hushed because my ex-wife was standing behind me listening to my every word and promptly beat the crap out of me ! !

Friends..........who needs them ! ! :o  :D


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Like so many others, all my problems in life have alcohol as the common denominator. When an 18 or 19-yr old idiot, having rinsed my face out with several pints of wifebeater (Stella Artois), I was challenged by the local hard man who wanted to know why I was so fat. I say "because every time I <deleted> your wife, she gives me a biscuit". He takes this in the spirit in which it is given, and we all laugh.

That is, until I go on to tell him what his missus likes in bed, and it becomes apparent that I have, in fact, indulged in relations with her. Often. At this point he beat the living crap out of me, and even my mates (rightly) thought I deserved what I got. As did I. I don't think I've despised myself so much since - I still squirm when I think about it, and it was nearly 30 years ago. I've never discussed this story, even with the people who were with me. And I've never, but NEVER, played around with a married/attached woman again.

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N.O.Y.B. (None Of Your Business) :o

Not to be mean or anything, but people should remember something when it comes to topics like this:

This is the INTERNET !

You can do a quick google search from almost anywhere, and if you define your search enough, this topic will pop up.

Add to that a lot of members here have their personal email address's listed on their profiles. It wouldn't take someone very long to compile a nasty little file on some people, for future use.

Some of you should remember another topic posted awhile ago (this year), about a member who took a post from another member, and presented it to that guy's boss (trying to get the guy fired for some reason ?).

There are malicious people out there, who do things just to spite other people.

A word to the wise, think twice, type once ! :D

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yeah we could all get locked up in Guantanamo bay for inadvertantly sleeping with somebody's wife...

Or maybe we are being watched... ALL THE TIME:.... which is why I wear a :o


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3 a  guy who i love ,  found out my past  from TV  thread(fair enough..just feel sorry that i did not dare to tell him)

.. well , dear ..im really sorry that i am what i am ..and  i can't help , i cant choose my life...ok, maybe after this we  can  be  only friend,  ...obviously im really welcome  to be  your  friend,and  i mean  that

..now TV member .. what was/were  worst stuff u do..


What WAS your past, Bambina ? Just curious.



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3 a  guy who i love ,  found out my past  from TV  thread(fair enough..just feel sorry that i did not dare to tell him)

.. well , dear ..im really sorry that i am what i am ..and  i can't help , i cant choose my life...ok, maybe after this we  can  be  only friend,  ...obviously im really welcome  to be  your  friend,and  i mean  that

..now TV member .. what was/were  worst stuff u do..


What WAS your past, Bambina ? Just curious.



It's all on the forum... :o

totster :D

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BB didnt we spend time together once in NEP?

Im sorry Khun Nam Kao , what is NEP? :D


Nana Entertainment Paza

Couldn't tell you where it is though... :o

totster :D

:D ..oh thanks,i got ya ,Totster..lol

im not USM@NEP lol

Bambi :D

ps, USM =Unstopable/limited Sex Machine

Edited by BambinA
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BB didnt we spend time together once in NEP?

Im sorry Khun Nam Kao , what is NEP? :D


Nana Entertainment Paza

Couldn't tell you where it is though... :o

totster :D

:D ..oh thanks,i got ya ,Totster..lol

im not USM@NEP lol

Bambi :D

ps, USM =Unstopable/limited Sex Machine

So, ...

...How long til you do stop...

I could make you happy baby, if you wanted to be... :D:D

Don Juan de Maktub'ar


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