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Old Passport Revoked, Now Have New One + Overstay 3 Yrs.

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I just read through every thread regarding overstay on TV.com. What I thought might be a simple - exit at the airport and pay 20k THB might not be it, but I've read no topics that are identical to this one.

If you've had the same or a similar experience or know someone that has, would you respond with what you know?

I'll try to keep it clear...

1. Taught at government English programs for 3 years in TH with 3 consecutive Non Immigrant B visas.

2. Early March 2007 I went to my embassy in BKK to get more pages in passport - and passport got revoked, holes stamped through it and red stamp - revoked. Of course couldn't teach, and couldn't work, and didn't have savings.

3. Last date of validity for my Non-Immig B in that old passport was Mar 2007.

4. Run of bad luck, bad choices, and some scrounging to survive for the next 2 years. But, pulled it together and saved money this last year.

5. Cleared up passport being revoked, applied for and received new passport. Now have both.

6. Embassy gave me a letter that asks immigration to transfer old stamp to new passport so I can use it.

7. Want to go to airport in BKK, clear up overstay, pay 20k THB, fly out to Vientiane or other close country, get a tourist visa, and return to TH without going back to country of origin.


- Can I pay the overstay at the airport like everyone else that overstays, or, because that old passport is invalid, do I need to go to an immigration office to get the old Thailand entry stamp transferred to the new passport before going to the airport? Does the airport transfer stamps to a new passport - or no?

- If I do need to go to an immig. office first - can I go to any one, or must I travel 600km to Bangkok to use a specific one there?

Feel free to PM me directly if you don't want to post your own experience. Discretion assured.


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Immigration does seem to be willing to do transfer of stamps at the airport. But the overstay fine and the transfer are both going to cost time, although it should all be done within 1 hour, and the airplane is not going to wait for you.

Bangkok Immigration now seems to direct people on overstay just to the airport to pay the fine there, but in your case you have also another passport.

If you are not registered anywhere, you should be able to use any immigration office if you want. If you do try this, be sure to have an airplane ticket out of Thailand first. Otherwise they can detain you till you have paid the fine and have a ticket out of the country.

You can than get a 7 day extension of stay for 1,900 baht if you have a ticket out of the country within 7 days.

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If you are picked up at any time before you go to the airport you will be arrested for overstay. Fine, prison, deportation. Go to the airport with a ticket, pay the 20,000 Bt fine. Get a new visa in whichever country you go to. Remember that if you come bcak you should have a return ticket out of Thailand.

Good luck.

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If you are picked up at any time before you go to the airport you will be arrested for overstay. Fine, prison, deportation. Go to the airport with a ticket, pay the 20,000 Bt fine. Get a new visa in whichever country you go to. Remember that if you come bcak you should have a return ticket out of Thailand.

Good luck.

Why is it posters are always threatening fine, prison, deportation for overstay?

Every single overstay case is treated as an individual case

For any farang to say fine, prison, overstay is simply cocking off without the facts

This is not communist China, this is Thailand

Try to remember that.

Even if you have overstayed, as long as you have committed no crimes, the overstay is often dealt with just the fine and you can return back to Thailand after departing and re-entering

Those of you that keep threatening fine, prison and overstay are the same ones screaming the sky is falling

Before you cock off and say you know this and that person, for every person you claim, another million overstayed, paid the fine and are still allowed in Thailand

Spare us all your communist threatening rhetoric

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If you are picked up at any time before you go to the airport you will be arrested for overstay. Fine, prison, deportation. Go to the airport with a ticket, pay the 20,000 Bt fine. Get a new visa in whichever country you go to. Remember that if you come bcak you should have a return ticket out of Thailand.

Good luck.

Why is it posters are always threatening fine, prison, deportation for overstay?

Every single overstay case is treated as an individual case

For any farang to say fine, prison, overstay is simply cocking off without the facts

This is not communist China, this is Thailand

Try to remember that.

Even if you have overstayed, as long as you have committed no crimes, the overstay is often dealt with just the fine and you can return back to Thailand after departing and re-entering

Those of you that keep threatening fine, prison and overstay are the same ones screaming the sky is falling

Before you cock off and say you know this and that person, for every person you claim, another million overstayed, paid the fine and are still allowed in Thailand

Spare us all your communist threatening rhetoric

sound bit of advice,nice to see a bit of common sense,on tv.

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Even if you have overstayed, as long as you have committed no crimes, the overstay is often dealt with just the fine and you can return back to Thailand after departing and re-entering

So staying here as a working ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT isn't breaking the law then? Fine if you declare your status, but definitely not if you're caught :rolleyes:

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If you are picked up at any time before you go <SNIPPED OUT USLESS SCARE MONGERING>

Good luck.

I’m glad I'm not the only one who’s getting tired of hearing the same old mantra of FINE-PRISON-DEPORTATION on every frickin’ thread that even mentions overstays. :bah:

Could it happen; yes. Does it happen as much as the scaremongers on the forum think it does; probably NOT. ;) True, you get caught out and about by the ‘regular police’ and they’ll either turn you over to Immigrations or ‘fine’ you on your way. They have HUGE discretion in this area, and it is my experience that the regular police don’t necessarily wanna &lt;deleted&gt; around with b/s visa stuff as it’s not cost effective for them. :whistling:

Interestingly enough;

For the first time in my oh-so many trips out to Thai Immigrations; I just accompanied an 'acquaintance' out to Changwattana who was on a multi-year overstay; (in part due to some of the reasons which put the O/P is in the position he's in) :( .

Be that as it may, he'd already secured a ticket out of the country BEFORE we went to Changwattana. We went to the overstay area, he paid his 20,000baht fine and then we got him the 'emergency 7 day' extension for an additional 1900baht and we were on our way.

Funny thing was, as he was scheduled to fly out later the same evening, the officer at Changwattana said he could have easily paid the fine at the airport, and when we got the 7 day extension, the officer said, "You leave tonite, you don't really need it, just show them that you paid the fine already and you can go, no problem." :blink:

In the end; as he was visiting some old friends in a nefarious nite life district before he went to the airport, he decided to get the extension just in case he was questioned by the police down there, (which he wasn't).

Just got an email from him, and when he was stamped out at immigrations at the airport they didn't even wanna see that he'd paid the overstay, as he already was on a 'valid' albeit 7 day extension of stay and had his ticket out. :)

DON'T panic, obviously with as long as you've overstayed, you know how to not run amuck, or you'd have certainly muck run already. :o

You can do it either way, at your local Immigrations or out at the airport. I suggest going the local Immigrations route, along with the 7 day emergency visa, but it ain't gonna really matter if you keep your nose clean before you get to the airport.

Good Luck man. .. :D

Edited by tod-daniels
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One thing Immigration, even at the airport, may want to know is why the OP's PP was revoked in 2007 but he got a new one apparently only recently.

This is not a simple case of overstay of a permit to stay, this is a case of having been in Thailand for apparently 3 years without PP. Much more serious than just an overstay.


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buy your ticket ,

go to the immigration dept at the airport ,

at least 5 hours before your flight dept .

be well dressed and well mannered .

have all your documentation , including where you have worked,

and possibly a reputable thai person,s tel no. for immigration .

i think they will be only to pleased , to accept your fine .

what reciept .

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<P>I absolutely agree with tod-daniels. I have been with friends with MANY years overstay. I have even been on overstay myself before. I have NEVER heard of anyone that was only guilty of overstay going through immigrations at the airport, paying the overstay fine and being detained or being sent to the IDC. As in previous post on this subject I would encourage ANYONE that was on overstay (no other issues) that was detained, arrested and imprisoned at the airport on their way out of the country to post their experiences here. YET, in the last 3 years no one has.<BR><BR>To the OP if your passport had been renewed the first time you went to the embassy. They would have stamped it in red and punched holes in it anyway. Simply take both passports to immigration pay the overstay and the additional 1900 baht for a 7 day extension. The extension will be stamped in your NEW passport, exit the airport with your new passport. They wil not ask you any questions as to why you only have the extension stamped in your new passport. These people deal with new passports issued in Thailand everyday. There will be a black stamp that takes up a complete page stating that your extension is issued on a visa that is in your old passport. Don't let these people WHO have never been on overstay or don't know anyone FIRST hand that has gone thought the experience scare you. In fact brace yourself for some joking by immigration officers when you pay your overstay, again this is something they see EVERYDAY it does not have any "shock" effect on them. Last year about this time I was with someone that was on more than 2 years overstay, when we went through immigrations at the airport and he paid his fine. The last thing the immigration officer said to him was "When you come back tomorrow bring me a bottle of whiskey, Okay na" He came back on a free tourist visa with NO ticket out of the country. That was not his first overstay in that passport and two others one for 30 days and one for 1 and 1/2 years. When we came back to Thailand and made our way through immigrations, I noticed the officer speaking to him more than usual. After we got through I asked him what that was all about and he said. "oh nothing, the officer commented that I must really love Thailand alot and no overstay this time".</P>

P.S. Just looked in my old passport. There is no date specifying when it was cancelled. Look in yours, if there is no date there would be no reason for immigration to think that you haven't just renewed your passport.

Edited by ThaiRich
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I'm a long time reader and I've posted before at TV and had some shit experiences with people here that have this internal need to punish other people because they themselves feel stupid for playing it safe and jumping through all the hoops to stay legal. Sometimes it's that, and other times it's people that think the visa rules are going to get even MORE out of hand because there are those of us that have long term overstays - years, decades, lifetimes.

The option exists - and it's a ridiculously cheap option, if you ask me - to stay here for a long time without the proper visa - if you so wish. There are a couple of outcomes for it - but, if you're willing to risk it - so be it.

Why does someone sitting on his thumb get the idea that he needs to gripe others out for overstaying? The number of dickheads on this forum is astounding. I never fail to find them, no matter how innocuous my inquiry. It's the American mentality to jack others up over stupid shit. Oh wait, it's the UK, and Singaporean mentalities also. I had it myself 9 years ago when I first arrived. I've since stopped playing policeman. I've since stopped caring what others are doing with their lives. If they're happy - I'm happy for them. Sure I'd turn in a kiddiebugger in a minute, but you know what I'm saying? Let people make their own bed, lie in it, and die in it.

If you're jumping through the hoops and making your visa runs, keeping your stamps correct - great. I'm glad for you. I'm also glad for the person that stays 22 years and doesn't give it a second thought, because the Thai authorities allow it. The country is run by THAIS, not expats. If the Thais cared more - they'd do more. They'd raise the fine. They'd make mandatory jail-time. They'd hold mandatory classes for overstayers. They'd put electronic anklets on our legs. They'd write it in English - OVERSTAYED by 22 YEARS on our passports in neon colors. They'd do more than they're doing. They're 100% OK with what the current system is - and we know that because it hasn't changed, and nobody gets verbally beat up by the immigration staff over it.

If they cared that much they'd change it. Don't you think? Seems to me it makes a helluva lotta sense to some of them to collect 20,000 baht from each person that overstayed 40 or more days. Can you imagine the money that brings in? I couldn't imagine too many people at immigration pissed off about people overstaying.

I, like others, posted because we need help with &lt;deleted&gt; to do in our position. We're not asking advice from people that don't know shi*, but these people still show up. We don't need berating. We don't need someone to ask us &lt;deleted&gt; we did for the last 3, 8, 15, or 22 years. It's not your business. If you have nothing positive to add - shut the F up and go back to your television. Wait for a post where someone asks the idiots to weigh in - and then give it all you've got.

As I said, I read everything on TV about overstays. I'm writing this mostly in response to those that didn't write to help the posters, but wrote to put the fear of God in them - when it wasn't justified. There were a number of guys (I guess) that were more concerned with playing police, judge and jury, than answering a question with good intentions. Sometimes they posted outright made up BS! Where do these clowns come from?

On the other hand I happened to get very lucky to get a slew of you guys that gave great information here and I can't believe my good fortune. The JackAss crew must be all on visa run or something.

Thanks much for your posts here- you've cleared it up quite a bit - not only for me - but the couple hundred people that will read this post over the next few years - assuming all stays the same.

Cheers, and thanks!

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The option exists - and it's a ridiculously cheap option, if you ask me - to stay here for a long time without the proper visa - if you so wish. There are a couple of outcomes for it - but, if you're willing to risk it - so be it.

Since you obviously know the answer to your own question why did you even bother to post it here?

If you have been reading TV you may have observed that nobody here will give you any advice about how do something illegal.

People here may give you advice about how to overcome a certain problem with the least pain but certainly nobody will tell you to do what you are suggesting!


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I have been to the new immigration recently with someone, who's passport was stolen. The time to replace the old one with a new on (incl. investigating the old lost pp) was appr. 2 month. Therefore we went with the letter from the embassy and police reports to the immigration. What happened was that they asked for an air-ticket. We wanted to leave the country via train to Malaysia and they refused to make the stamp into the new passport (We had copies of the old pp incl. all relevant stamps).

Now I wonder if we get problems to show up at the Malaysian border with a blank new passport and only copies from the old passport to proove ythe overstay of more than 2 month now. What I have heard so far is that as long as you are going to leave the country and can pay the 20,000 THB there is no problem at the land-border. Can anybody confirm this?

Thank you in advance for your help

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P.S. Just looked in my old passport. There is no date specifying when it was cancelled. Look in yours, if there is no date there would be no reason for immigration to think that you haven't just renewed your passport.

This depends on when the PP would expire. Mine's valid for five years only!

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There are the half empty and the half full posts galore when this is the issue and both extremes are off the mark.

The fact is people have been detained at the airport within the last two years and returned to the IDC until a police check was made (normally a day or two process) and this has been reported here. This was for those with more than a few months overstay but does not seem to be current policy. But as with anything like this it could happen and people need to be aware of that and not be told there is not now or ever will be any consequence to there illegal actions. You are taking a chance with overstay, however small it may be. Your life; your choice. But if you don't need to make that choice all the better.

That is the message we try to provide.

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I spoke to a Thai guy who works for the Immigration here on Samui. I have a friend with around 3 years overstay. Like the doom and disaster posters here he has also been told of being locked up in shackles etc and was very worried. As far as the immigration guy or his colleagues are concerned it is no big deal. they just take your money. As he said " good for Thailand to get Farang money " His advice was the same as already posted. go to either a land border or airport, dress respectfully and be polite and he will have no problem. Asked about the getting jailed and put in the IDC centre he said " only for the Burmese. Burmese no good ". he could not remember 1 Farang getting put in the IDC for overstay alone.

I also have a friend who works in the oil and gas business. when he comes back from work he simply gets a visa on entry for 30 days. He then stays on Samui till either the money runs out or he gets another call to go back to work. Every time he leaves he has overstay. He simply pays, gets his stamp and always asks " any problem when come back ? " They always tell him no problem and to date there has been none.

The people who do get locked up tend to get locked up for other things rather than just the overstay.

Yes it is illegal and No you should not do it but then lots of people come here and break the law as in driving without a helmet or drunk etc.

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I'm a long time reader and I've posted before at TV and had some shit experiences with people here that have this internal need to punish other people because they themselves feel stupid for playing it safe and jumping through all the hoops to stay legal. Sometimes it's that, and other times it's people that think the visa rules are going to get even MORE out of hand because there are those of us that have long term overstays - years, decades, lifetimes.

The option exists - and it's a ridiculously cheap option, if you ask me - to stay here for a long time without the proper visa - if you so wish. There are a couple of outcomes for it - but, if you're willing to risk it - so be it.

Why does someone sitting on his thumb get the idea that he needs to gripe others out for overstaying? The number of dickheads on this forum is astounding. I never fail to find them, no matter how innocuous my inquiry. It's the American mentality to jack others up over stupid shit. Oh wait, it's the UK, and Singaporean mentalities also. I had it myself 9 years ago when I first arrived. I've since stopped playing policeman. I've since stopped caring what others are doing with their lives. If they're happy - I'm happy for them. Sure I'd turn in a kiddiebugger in a minute, but you know what I'm saying? Let people make their own bed, lie in it, and die in it.

If you're jumping through the hoops and making your visa runs, keeping your stamps correct - great. I'm glad for you. I'm also glad for the person that stays 22 years and doesn't give it a second thought, because the Thai authorities allow it. The country is run by THAIS, not expats. If the Thais cared more - they'd do more. They'd raise the fine. They'd make mandatory jail-time. They'd hold mandatory classes for overstayers. They'd put electronic anklets on our legs. They'd write it in English - OVERSTAYED by 22 YEARS on our passports in neon colors. They'd do more than they're doing. They're 100% OK with what the current system is - and we know that because it hasn't changed, and nobody gets verbally beat up by the immigration staff over it.

If they cared that much they'd change it. Don't you think? Seems to me it makes a helluva lotta sense to some of them to collect 20,000 baht from each person that overstayed 40 or more days. Can you imagine the money that brings in? I couldn't imagine too many people at immigration pissed off about people overstaying.

I, like others, posted because we need help with &lt;deleted&gt; to do in our position. We're not asking advice from people that don't know shi*, but these people still show up. We don't need berating. We don't need someone to ask us &lt;deleted&gt; we did for the last 3, 8, 15, or 22 years. It's not your business. If you have nothing positive to add - shut the F up and go back to your television. Wait for a post where someone asks the idiots to weigh in - and then give it all you've got.

As I said, I read everything on TV about overstays. I'm writing this mostly in response to those that didn't write to help the posters, but wrote to put the fear of God in them - when it wasn't justified. There were a number of guys (I guess) that were more concerned with playing police, judge and jury, than answering a question with good intentions. Sometimes they posted outright made up BS! Where do these clowns come from?

On the other hand I happened to get very lucky to get a slew of you guys that gave great information here and I can't believe my good fortune. The JackAss crew must be all on visa run or something.

Thanks much for your posts here- you've cleared it up quite a bit - not only for me - but the couple hundred people that will read this post over the next few years - assuming all stays the same.

Cheers, and thanks!

Glad you got that off your chest!:rolleyes:

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This is not an overstay of a few days/weeks. It is over three years, problems with a passport, working illegally. Going to the airport with enough money for the fine and a flight booked would sort it. Getting picked up beforehand is a bit like getting caught shoplifting "I was going to pay for it, honest"

I don't think it is fair to give advice which encourages complacency. Advice that prompts getting it sorted is more useful.

I hope it is all sorted OK and would like to read what happened later.

Good luck.

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The only problem is the revoked passport. I don't understand why it was revoked? The fact the overstay is for three years is no big deal as far as the immigration police seem to think (based on personal experience and a close friend's experience, admittedly not a large sample).

In both cases the overstays were 1000 days + and in both cases the police laughed, took the fine and asked when we were coming back.

I think the worst advice I have read on this forum was to go to immigration and surrender yourself. one guy followed that advice and got charged and fined and a nice stamp in his passport to stay he had been charged. If you had a valid passport with the last visa stamp in it i would recommend paying the fine at the airport every time. The penalty for overstaying that long is a 20k fine and deportation so if you are at the airport with 20k and a plane ticket out of here they have no reason to detain you. I guess if you act like an idiot you could be sent to IDC but I think it's extremely rare.

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  • 8 months later...

How much you have to pay if overstay for 3 years,

that should be about 500000 baht hey,

I find reading other peoples post to be useful. 20,000 Baht is the maximum fine. Given that now the daily fine per day is 500 Baht rather then 250 Baht this maximum figue will be reached so fast that it is econimicaly viable to overstay rather than to do visa runs and keep within the law.

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One thing Immigration, even at the airport, may want to know is why the OP's PP was revoked in 2007 but he got a new one apparently only recently.

This is not a simple case of overstay of a permit to stay, this is a case of having been in Thailand for apparently 3 years without PP. Much more serious than just an overstay.


Why is being here without a passport "much more serious" than overstaying a visa?

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Your replying to a months old thread.

But if the passport was revoked, immigration would be curious as to why, to make sure one is not a criminal, and might be extra suspicious about what one was doing in Thailand.

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Your replying to a months old thread.

But if the passport was revoked, immigration would be curious as to why, to make sure one is not a criminal, and might be extra suspicious about what one was doing in Thailand.

Woops, I didn't notice the dates - I didn't even notice that I'd already made a post on this thread last August. A :redcard1: for me I think, for not paying attention.

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