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Naam Ok ?


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when Naam murmured "beati pauperi spiritu, exempli gratia forethat... et ius basileensis tertius..." his multilingual gardener (who acts as a part-time butler after his outdoor work is done) interrupted him "believe me SIR, it wasn't my idea to take the port bottle away! i just followed Madame's orders. shall i try and smuggle it to the workshop?"

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It's nice to see a lot of people who are concerned about you, Naam and I hope that now your back they can all rest easy. For the most part, I must admit I have enjoyed your posts, your humor and your banter.

Take care.

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but with 80-90 mails a day to answer i have to set some priorities.

You do realize you don't have to actually reply to spam? :D

i don't? isn't that very impolite and against any netiquette? :huh: what about those poor ladies suffering from various cancers

I was thinking more on the lines of your supporting Pfizer. ;)

only the invention of the wheel beats the achievement of Pfizer's scientists! :rolleyes:

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It's nice to see a lot of people who are concerned about you, Naam and I hope that now your back they can all rest easy. For the most part, I must admit I have enjoyed your posts, your humor and your banter.

Take care.

the value of a global moderator's words cannot be expressed in tons of 24k gold :jap:

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when Naam murmured "beati pauperi spiritu, exempli gratia forethat... et ius basileensis tertius..." his multilingual gardener (who acts as a part-time butler after his outdoor work is done) interrupted him "believe me SIR, it wasn't my idea to take the port bottle away! i just followed Madame's orders. shall i try and smuggle it to the workshop?"

Actually your gardener would have replied 'I wish I had done something more productive than learn Latin.'

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It's nice to see a lot of people who are concerned about you, Naam and I hope that now your back they can all rest easy. For the most part, I must admit I have enjoyed your posts, your humor and your banter.

Take care.

HOLY CRAP BATMAN, Scotty has strayed from his usual condolences offerings & seems to be branching out for supporting rowdy tv members :lol: .

This is great, a guy goes offline for a few days and then we get to open up a thread and take the piss on him. GLAD UR OKAY Naam, have you noticed what gold has been doing in the last few days? :lol:

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when Naam murmured "beati pauperi spiritu, exempli gratia forethat... et ius basileensis tertius..." his multilingual gardener (who acts as a part-time butler after his outdoor work is done) interrupted him "believe me SIR, it wasn't my idea to take the port bottle away! i just followed Madame's orders. shall i try and smuggle it to the workshop?"

Naam is the brightest of them all. Sure, I used to be a member of the large crew who had doubts, wondered if it could really be true, that Naam was a genius. So far, no one has actually been able to explain why, and in what way. This creates doubt. In Naam being a genius, but also in your own ability to recognize a genius. Naam may actually be cleverer than a stray cat. The reason could be that you are so stupid that you just don't get it. So to speak. That's one depressive thought. So it was nice to get it out of ones mind. It was, strangely enough, thanks to BMW.

You know the story; bberg kicks off a discussion where he questions whether Thailand is getting more expensive and refers to the strengthened baht. Forethat replies by mentioning that Thailand can be cheap as long as you live cheap, but any attempts to buy the same western produced luxury stuff you bought back home would result in a serious blow to your economy. In particular, a BMW is much more expensive in Thailand compared to UK. As soon as Naam is on his feet, he starts flaming Forethat by challenging Forethat's common sense and volunteers to send him a certificate for having no clue.

So, in order to provide some evidence, Forethat informs Naam of the actual difference in price. Black on white. Case closed, one would think. Unfortunately, there are things that simply can't exist, for instance, information which clearly shows that Thailand in many aspects can be extremely expensive. For this reason, Naam got grumpy and started whining about the whole thing.

A few hours later and Naam had been outsmarted. A couple of internet links to price listings (easily accessible from every internet connection in the universe) was all it took. Well, as I said, you know the story. But have you heard the latest development? After whining about this for some time, Naam decided to prove once and for all that a BMW in Thailand wasn't expensive at all compared to UK. And it is his comment which proves, conclusively and beyond all doubts, that the man is a genius. He claims that the car is cheap because he employs a bilingual gardener!

-"my trilingual cook/maid and the bilingual gardener/handyman draw each THB 8,000 per month", Naam concludes in a post as a direct reply to Forethat's questions as to how Naam's unwillingness to pay tax could make a BMW cheaper. Naam doesn't challenge the price of a BMW in Thailand, but he claims it is not more expensive than in UK because he employs a bilingual gardener. You follow?

There are plenty of both modern and older version dictionaries in which you can find the word "price", all of which defines the word as "the sum of money or other compensation in return for something". Considering that the price for a BMW is 250% higher in Thailand than in UK, you would think the matter was sorted. But that doesn't mean anything to Naam, because he has decided that a BMW is not expensive. It can't be. If it was, it would be in direct violation with Naam's opinion, something which is obviously impossible.

How about that one? A real trickster. An international version of the well known farang-lok. It is like when the parliament in former DDR solved the countries environmental issues. The parliament simply decided that there weren't any environmental issues in DDR. Such issues would be in strict violation with party orders, and since the party was infallible and almighty, environmental issues were logically impossible. They didn't exist. Period.

It is swift, it is simple, it is elegant. It is genius. It is Naam. Thus, the question is answered. The man is a genius. A little DDR of his own. Die Partie hat immer recht – The Party is Always Right.

Just like Naam.

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It's nice to see a lot of people who are concerned about you, Naam and I hope that now your back they can all rest easy. For the most part, I must admit I have enjoyed your posts, your humor and your banter.

Take care.

HOLY CRAP BATMAN, Scotty has strayed from his usual condolences offerings & seems to be branching out for supporting rowdy tv members :lol: .

This is great, a guy goes offline for a few days and then we get to open up a thread and take the piss on him. GLAD UR OKAY Naam, have you noticed what gold has been doing in the last few days? :lol:

... and could I also be alerted to the answer to the question about the gold.

As instructed I sold my GF's gold bracelet whilst I was back in the UK.

The item concerned was a gift from a previous boyfriend (who had more sense than money and probably paid £200 for it). He was Welsh.

I was told that there was no market in Thailand for Falang gold.

Wanting to achieve the best return for my teerak's investment I asked around a few friends here in the UK with Thai wives. They seemed to be saying it was worth f* all - one (like myself actually) was questioning whether it was actually gold.

Anyway I took it to a local jewellers (that also had the 3 balls hanging above the shop) and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was indeed 24 carat gold. The jeweller quickly checked his Glass's guide to buying gold from desperate customers and offered me £48.

I could have got a second opinion from the other jewellers in town, but I could not be ar5ed as it had now started to rain. I quickly rationalised that this was almost £50 and the exchange rate at the time was almost 50 THB/GBP so it gave the missus 2,500 Baht. I duly transferred the money online from my Thai bank account to hers and got the usual "I love you" text response (she can be quite loving at times).

The whole purpose of this ramble is make sure that I see Herr Naam's reply to the gold price question. - Just in case my better half should log in on Thai Visa (she has a number of ID's in case of need) and scan through the Business and Financial threads.

"Where is the gold price going in this market" is a question I regularly hear from her.

I need to prepare myself for a tirade of abuse for selling too soon (should Naam predict gold price rises in the coming month) , or, if Naam says the price is on the slide then my physical condition needs to improve to deal with the warm and affectionate response I will receive on my return to Thailand.

Quite a responsibility for the poster formerly known as "missing".

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CH, wot a load of waffle, I wasnt asking Naam what gold was going to do in the future, I was asking him if he had seen what its been doing most recently.....indeed mrs naam will be smiling, although mr naam will ramble on about the angle of the dangle on some other financial issue.

ps: YOU sold your gold WAY TOO EARLY :lol:

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There will be no living with him now that he's had his ego stroked. :) Naam.....the statue that shits on the pigeons. I'm reminded of the black monolith from the film 2001, teaching us apes how to use tools.

Nope, there'll be no living with him now. :rolleyes:


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Perhaps Dr Naam doesn't want to reply to any posts because of one or more of the following reasons;

1] It's almost impossible to advise the inadvisable.

2] The amount of 'plonkers' that have appeared since the 'war in Bangkok' has far outweighed the amount of 'non-plonkers'.

If either of the above are true, I can understand fully.

In a nutshell...go away plonkers!!!

I wish you would go away, every time I see your avatar I feel sick and then followed

by other negative feelings when reading what dribble you have posted.

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^ yes teletiger, I have it on very good information that mrs naam is a very very very very very patient woman :lol: .

I think "Saint" must be the word you are looking for.

Or maybe "Sankt"

Edited by cardholder
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Oh yeah Naam I forgot to congratulate you for sticking it to the tax man once again. Beifall

for the record: i didn't stick it to the (various €uropean) taxmen for me but for a fistful of friends who, for various valid and invalid reasons, insist to live in €urope where not only the tax drag net is woven tighter and tighter but the levy of direct and indirect taxes will become unbearable in the near future.

it goes without saying that they must, and are all willing, to pay their fair share of taxes in line with the expenses required for their individual life styles. what they are not willing is to pay unproportional and progressive high taxes to finance the whims of the politicians (especially the €U-politicians in Brussels or the military adventures in Afghanistan) and the lazy parasites who think other citizens have to pay for them and their families... not to forget the billions of taxpayers' euros and dollars which were shoved up the àsses of banksters.

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^ yes teletiger, I have it on very good information that mrs naam is a very very very very very patient woman :lol: .

true! being married for 31 (thirty-one) years to somebody like me requires a lot of patience and courage :whistling:

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Perhaps Dr Naam doesn't want to reply to any posts because of one or more of the following reasons;

1] It's almost impossible to advise the inadvisable.

2] The amount of 'plonkers' that have appeared since the 'war in Bangkok' has far outweighed the amount of 'non-plonkers'.

If either of the above are true, I can understand fully.

In a nutshell...go away plonkers!!!

I wish you would go away, every time I see your avatar I feel sick and then followed

by other negative feelings when reading what dribble you have posted.

lol, how dare you talk to El Capitan like that?? Without him who would police us subordinate TV posters and tell us how we should be posting and what we are all doing wrong within our own posts?!

We are truly lucky that he is here to show us all the error of our TV ways.

Hail Elkangorito. Blessed are your posts.

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CH, wot a load of waffle, I wasnt asking Naam what gold was going to do in the future, I was asking him if he had seen what its been doing most recently.....indeed mrs naam will be smiling, although mr naam will ramble on about the angle of the dangle on some other financial issue.

ps: YOU sold your gold WAY TOO EARLY :lol:

i didn't sell any gold ND, i sold shares of a gold mine raking in a nice profit within a rather short period. it goes without saying that Mrs Naam has no intentions to sell the physical gold she piled up and will not abandon her plans to buy even more. but if it makes her happy to make our heirs happy when we are gone... so be it. the perfect wife does not exist. if you get 99% efficiency out of her (as i do) then the husband should be very happy.


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... not to forget the billions of taxpayers' euros and dollars which were shoved up the àsses of banksters.

I think you will find that there are quite a few Great British Pounds stuffed up there as well.

Sure, but the Chunnel is wider than the @sses of bankers. :whistling:


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... not to forget the billions of taxpayers' euros and dollars which were shoved up the àsses of banksters.

I think you will find that there are quite a few Great British Pounds stuffed up there as well.

that goes without saying and applies to dozens of other currencies which i was too lazy to mention.

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Perhaps Dr Naam doesn't want to reply to any posts because of one or more of the following reasons;

1] It's almost impossible to advise the inadvisable.

2] The amount of 'plonkers' that have appeared since the 'war in Bangkok' has far outweighed the amount of 'non-plonkers'.

If either of the above are true, I can understand fully.

In a nutshell...go away plonkers!!!

I wish you would go away, every time I see your avatar I feel sick and then followed

by other negative feelings when reading what dribble you have posted.

But for real, don't diss the guy in his avatar, Bob Ross. He was the second coming of Jesus. If you saw his God-like powers of painting you would understand.

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CH, wot a load of waffle, I wasnt asking Naam what gold was going to do in the future, I was asking him if he had seen what its been doing most recently.....indeed mrs naam will be smiling, although mr naam will ramble on about the angle of the dangle on some other financial issue.

ps: YOU sold your gold WAY TOO EARLY :lol:

i didn't sell any gold ND, i sold shares of a gold mine raking in a nice profit within a rather short period. it goes without saying that Mrs Naam has no intentions to sell the physical gold she piled up and will not abandon her plans to buy even more. but if it makes her happy to make our heirs happy when we are gone... so be it. the perfect wife does not exist. if you get 99% efficiency out of her (as i do) then the husband should be very happy.


No Naam, that last comment was NOT directed at you, it was directed at Cardholder (CH). I also understand that mrs naam would put you over her knee if you medled with her metal :lol:

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