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Used Book Stall & White Elephant Stall


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Just to remind you all please

1. If you have any books, CDs, DVDs, magazines etc that are just cluttering up your house please drop them off at: Jamesons, Tropical Berts or Tahitian Queen Beach Road.

2. Anything for White Elephant Stall from socks to clocks - please drop off at Jamesons -

Remember all proceeds for to Eastern Seaboard children that require assistance - whether it be schools, accommodation, medication etc

See you at the fair - Diana Driving Range, Sunday 12 September!!!!!


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The Fair is galloping up on us again . Sunday 12th September at Diana Driving Range.

I confirmed with Bill last night, all is ready for' Devil's Alley'

We have secured 20 Tables with shades, and 100 Chairs. Various fans, although you are advised to bring your own as well.Three girls from Heineken, and Four from Fluid Asia . Bill has also assured us of the placement of the Stalls being right next door to one of The Jesters Beer Tents . We buy all our Beer only from the Jesters Care4Kids Beer Tent, and we buy by the Case.

For those of you new to our little group here's the basic outline:

We all help each other.

Judi McNamara is in charge of the Book Stall , and all Monies . So any problems see Judi. Money owing See Judi, Need something see Judi. Too drunk to get home don't bother Judi she has her own problems.

There are always about 20 Jameson's Staff available to help, but they do require the odd Beer to keep them cool, and flexible ( It has been noticed that they get less use as the Day goes on.)

The British Legion is our Flag Ship and fly's at the Front of the row. The Used Book Stall goes in the middle , with Debbie flagging this with the Auction , and Raffle Stalls. The rest of us scatter out from there. With World of Wines being at the furthest end away from the British Legion to give it all balance , and allowing them to have a Cafe like bit. The World of Wine will also have a Thai Food Stall. The rest of us will hopefully rely upon Rich Man Poor Man ( New Hips allowing.) Food and Drink Stalls 2500 Baht , Others 1500 Baht. All profits to Care4Kids

If anybody needs Banners etc .Please let me know now and send your art work, everybody has to pay for their own Banners , except the British Legion because we like them.

Any banners that arrive at Jameson's before 2.30 p.m. on the Saturday will be put up by Wanchai for you. If you arrive on Sunday We all pitch in and get it up somehow. Remembering that it is quite fun to turn up to the fair on the Saturday , there are always plenty of Jester types working away, and The Diana serves a Beer

We are already having a Devil's Alley Banner made , just so everybody knows where we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are still desperately short of New used books for the Used Book Stall, please source us any Books you can . When Judi gets back she can whizz round and pick them up if you so desire!

The Stallholders Meeting is on Monday 6th September. Hopefully see as many of you as possible then ,if not before.

From Kim

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only a week left until the Jesters Childrens Fair!

Please if you have books etc please get them to us this week - we never have too much of anything!!!!


See you at the fair



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Only a week left until the Jesters Childrens Fair!

Please if you have books etc please get them to us this week - we never have too much of anything!!!!


See you at the fair



Please - just making sure you are all well aware of the Jesters Fair on Sunday!! I suppose you can always pay me back by getting me on the "Dunk Tank"

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