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Cost Of Reconnecting Electricity Meter 25,000 Baht?

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Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone knows how much it costs to reconnect your utility meter? We didn't pay the first electricity bills (we were not on location and it lay in the mailbox), and now we got a bill from the construction company (not he PEA) who built the condo that we should pay 25,000 Baht to reconnect the meter. (The amount does not include the previous electricity bills)

So does anyone know if this is correct or are the construction company taking advantage of the fact that we are not on location to even verify if the electricity has been cut off?!?!?

Thanks in advance

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It does sound excessive.

I am not sure I paid that much when I changed from Single Phase to Three Phase,

and that involved the cost of a new meter.

Check with the electricity company directly.

Moved to a more appropriate section

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A few months ago I had to have my electricity meter reconnected for more or less the same reasons.

I had to pay 1,000 baht as a deposit and 107 (one hundred and seven) baht to have it refitted and connected. They did it the same day.

This is for a house not a condo.

'Yep' about 100 Baht, sounds right if my memory serves me correct. Don't pay the construction company anything, wait 'till you're back here then contact the PEA to reconnect it.

Edited by geoffphuket
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We had a simular problem when we bought an apartment in Bangna. It was the water bill though and the people (condo management??) got a bit nasty over us not paying the water bill from the person that sold us the place. We just stood our ground and watched them pull faces about the out standing bill. After they some how accepted their loss they were ok, in saying that we have never lived in the place. We've got it rented and i think three generations are living in it now.

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A few months ago I had to have my electricity meter reconnected for more or less the same reasons.

I had to pay 1,000 baht as a deposit and 107 (one hundred and seven) baht to have it refitted and connected. They did it the same day.

This is for a house not a condo.

Sounds right, I remember now I had 2 meters to reconnect (a 2 unit flat) and outstanding bill and fees to pay = 2,428 Baht

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