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I have been using 3BB for about one year and it was very good tell the last few months. Now from 6 to 12 pm I go down to 300 to 500 kps. I can not watch a video stream. They have my billing messed p!! I have been waiting more then one month. I hate to switch I have used most other ISPs already and they al suck or are good for a few months then very bad again. I feel I am using True!! Is anyone else having issues with 3BB primere package? for 2,000 THB I might as welll go back to true and pay a lot less for something that does NOT work.

  • Like 1

I am quite satisfied with my True interner and hate to need to change to 3bb when I soon move to another area.


I have the 3BB Pro 10Mbit - same issue at night. Something is going on with these guys, it's at times unusable. The first month I had it it was great any time of the day. Now it's useless in the evenings and sometimes at night too.

But this morning, it was fast again, I got 8Mbit real life speed to the USA (e.g. not measured on one of those speedtest sites where 3BB cheats blatantly). Line felt like it too, very fast.

Interesting that Premier is also affected, I guess that means i don't need to upgrade to 5Mbit Premier service now. Call them and complain, I found it helps sometimes.

PS: True not available here to not an option.

PPS: 3BB on its best behavior just now, updating an old Mac, it's close to 1GB in software updates at a rate of 1.2MB/s... wow...


I have the 3BB Pro 10Mbit - same issue at night. Something is going on with these guys, it's at times unusable. The first month I had it it was great any time of the day. Now it's useless in the evenings and sometimes at night too.

But this morning, it was fast again, I got 8Mbit real life speed to the USA (e.g. not measured on one of those speedtest sites where 3BB cheats blatantly). Line felt like it too, very fast.

Interesting that Premier is also affected, I guess that means i don't need to upgrade to 5Mbit Premier service now. Call them and complain, I found it helps sometimes.

PS: True not available here to not an option.

PPS: 3BB on its best behavior just now, updating an old Mac, it's close to 1GB in software updates at a rate of 1.2MB/s... wow...

i get the same problem , all started this month =\


Mine's the same. Great for the first 6 months now up and down like a fiddler's elbow!


I have just opened a contract with 3 BB after using AIS and limited to 30gb a month.

I heard many good reports with 3BB but having both at the moment I can see a big difference.

AIS is stable and consistent.

3BB is up and down like a yo yo. I have the 5mb/min for 590 bhat a month and its not living up to its claims.:annoyed:

very disapointed. I think complaining is the only solution.


I have the 3BB Pro 10Mbit - same issue at night. Something is going on with these guys, it's at times unusable. The first month I had it it was great any time of the day. Now it's useless in the evenings and sometimes at night too.

But this morning, it was fast again, I got 8Mbit real life speed to the USA (e.g. not measured on one of those speedtest sites where 3BB cheats blatantly). Line felt like it too, very fast.

Interesting that Premier is also affected, I guess that means i don't need to upgrade to 5Mbit Premier service now. Call them and complain, I found it helps sometimes.

PS: True not available here to not an option.

PPS: 3BB on its best behavior just now, updating an old Mac, it's close to 1GB in software updates at a rate of 1.2MB/s... wow...

i get the same problem , all started this month =\

I changed to an open dns and it works fine now... they have some serious DNS issues at 3bb


I changed to an open dns and it works fine now... they have some serious DNS issues at 3bb

That's not it, I was on Google DNS all the time.

Look at it go now... or rather... look at it stutter... at 21:00 tonight. There definitely seems to be a correlation of time and speed



I changed to an open dns and it works fine now... they have some serious DNS issues at 3bb

That's not it, I was on Google DNS all the time.

Look at it go now... or rather... look at it stutter... at 21:00 tonight. There definitely seems to be a correlation of time and speed


IThat is disgusting. Pretty similar to what's been happening with me and I'm on the 5 meg package again on premier. I asked about the pro, but I have to down grade.... something is seriously wrong. Please join my facebook group and add your support



wanted to switch to True today and they had no spare space for a phone line for me

looks like im still gonna be stuck with crappy 3BB

Can't play SC2 can't raid in WoW even using tunnels...FML



wanted to switch to True today and they had no spare space for a phone line for me

looks like im still gonna be stuck with crappy 3BB

Can't play SC2 can't raid in WoW even using tunnels...FML

So much for paying a premium price for this <deleted> that is supposed to be for international customer


Here's this morning


Much better, but I notice still way under 10Mbps, and also much worse than it used to be, I got 3 - 6 Mbit in the beginning. 3BB is crap right now. Can people with premier lines please post updates... sounds like it isn't much better on those...


I have 4 MB premier 12;30 PM speed test to Palo Alto 3.97, Ping 255 . starting from 5 pm onwards it will drop below 1 MB thinking of switching to true but used true in the past and they was very bad. I do have a true phone line here I just worry it is the same bad quality


I would say True is probably now the best provider in Thailand (Never used to be agreed) but now with the most international bandwidth of all the providers. Can only highly recommend it. Tried myself TOT, 3BB, CSloxinfo,True Premium

And the best experience has always been True for the last 18 months.

Just make sure you go Premium or UltraHighspeed if u can get it in your location.


I just called true, only 4 mb in my area and they guy said I might would only get 1 or 2 mb on international with the 4 down and 1 up plan sounds like the same I am getting now, but it is much cheaper then the 2,000 THB for 3 BB I think they said the price was 799


3BB technicians came over for the 5th time this month only to make matters worse.

before they started tempering with the wires

SNR was 12.6/20

Line Att - 12/11.7

After their so-called "work"

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin: 1.3 14.5db

Line Attenuation:23.0 11.7 db

Data Rate: 11776 1017 kbps

Line totally dropped out not once or twice but over 20 times in 30mins. Totally had it with their useless technicians. Asked them about 3BB routing and showed them the tracert on MS-DOS and their reply was..."don't know". Even asked them about the ping times and got the same reply.


I just called true, only 4 mb in my area and they guy said I might would only get 1 or 2 mb on international with the 4 down and 1 up plan sounds like the same I am getting now, but it is much cheaper then the 2,000 THB for 3 BB I think they said the price was 799

It's very frustrating to see all these different promotions for XXMb @ XXXBaht/month but when your go try to sign up you find out the equipment/lines in your area can only provide a lower speed and therefore the promotion can't apply to your area.

Once again, when it comes to internet speed/price, it comes down to your location, location, location in Thailand. High population/high rises and farang heavy areas have a better chance of getting the higher speeds/packages being promoted. Location, location, location.

For me here in my particular western Bangkok moobaan, TOT rules and 4Mb is the limit; but yesterday I did call to find out if any of their new TOT 6-15Mb JetPack Promotion plans might be available to my moobaan. I should find out within 7 business days according to the service rep. But I'm expecting the answer will be that 4Mb is still the limit in my area due to the type of DSLAM used. I've got excellent Attenuation and SNR line values but if older DSLAMs are still being used, I'm stuck with 4Mb until they upgrade the DSLAMs in my area. But maybe I'll get lucky and can squeak up to 6Mb.


I have the 3BB Pro 10Mbit - same issue at night. Something is going on with these guys, it's at times unusable. The first month I had it it was great any time of the day. Now it's useless in the evenings and sometimes at night too.

But this morning, it was fast again, I got 8Mbit real life speed to the USA (e.g. not measured on one of those speedtest sites where 3BB cheats blatantly). Line felt like it too, very fast.

Interesting that Premier is also affected, I guess that means i don't need to upgrade to 5Mbit Premier service now. Call them and complain, I found it helps sometimes.

PS: True not available here to not an option.

PPS: 3BB on its best behavior just now, updating an old Mac, it's close to 1GB in software updates at a rate of 1.2MB/s... wow...

i get the same problem , all started this month =\

Same with me...I have the Premier account. Lots of problems since a month ago, it has been fine for the last year. In fact it was so good I often forgot I was using the internet, especially when I was listening to the radio internet services from the UK.

As an example of problems, it did not work for 4 days recently, no engineer called as promised until I made repeated phone calls (about 10 in 1 day). Often now it runs slowly... , cannot access pages due to timeouts, in fact I am listening to UK radio at the moment - and it has just cut out again... says its 'buffering'... never used to do this.

The trouble is I suspect if I change to another ISP, in a few months time 3BB will be fine and the provider I have changed to will be rubbish - it just seems to go around in a circle - they provide a good service, lots of people sign up so the service gets poor as there are too many people using the bandwidth, people cancel and go to a new ISP and so the bandwidth is freed up on the 'poor' service, so the service improves :whistling:

I just ran the speedtest and well - not bad at all at the moment...to Bangkok at least...



Had problems with TOT and got fed up with their crappy service, so i changed to 3bb a week ago.

worked fine for a couple of days

excellent speed but that all changed 3 days ago most of the sites are unable to connect without the help of ultrasurf and looks like complaining doesn't help very much as well.

Never experienced such a low quality internet service in Thailand as this time around.


I'm reading this is a problem with all service providers during peak times. Im told it has something to do with the main pipe into thailand being flooded with traffic

and the services start dropping packets and its mayhem. Im using a mixture of CAT(mobile 3g) and 3bb(home ADSL) and they both suffer from 6pm-11pm, infact

10-11 there is no point me even trying to access services outside thailand. Since all these providers end up leaving the country at the same point i can see no benefit

from one provider to another...unless you wanna spend a fortune on a lease line :P

Just hoping they upgrade this stuff real soon.


I have the 3BB Pro 10Mbit - same issue at night. Something is going on with these guys, it's at times unusable. The first month I had it it was great any time of the day. Now it's useless in the evenings and sometimes at night too.

But this morning, it was fast again, I got 8Mbit real life speed to the USA (e.g. not measured on one of those speedtest sites where 3BB cheats blatantly). Line felt like it too, very fast.

Interesting that Premier is also affected, I guess that means i don't need to upgrade to 5Mbit Premier service now. Call them and complain, I found it helps sometimes.

PS: True not available here to not an option.

PPS: 3BB on its best behavior just now, updating an old Mac, it's close to 1GB in software updates at a rate of 1.2MB/s... wow...

i get the same problem , all started this month =\


I just ran the speedtest and well - not bad at all at the moment...to Bangkok at least...


f you get internet radio that is cutting out hat is very very bad, and I start to notice the speeds will test better but can not even watch a 1 MB video stream without it cutting out. they might be doing some port shaping like true was doing in the past. Lately I try connecting to my VPN and it willl harley work at all, I connect on my iphone to the VPN and get faster speeds. they do seem to be doing something weird with port shaping I think. yes I have the Premiere package to

Same with me...I have the Premier account. Lots of problems since a month ago, it has been fine for the last year. In fact it was so good I often forgot I was using the internet, especially when I was listening to the radio internet services from the UK.

As an example of problems, it did not work for 4 days recently, no engineer called as promised until I made repeated phone calls (about 10 in 1 day). Often now it runs slowly... , cannot access pages due to timeouts, in fact I am listening to UK radio at the moment - and it has just cut out again... says its 'buffering'... never used to do this.

The trouble is I suspect if I change to another ISP, in a few months time 3BB will be fine and the provider I have changed to will be rubbish - it just seems to go around in a circle - they provide a good service, lots of people sign up so the service gets poor as there are too many people using the bandwidth, people cancel and go to a new ISP and so the bandwidth is freed up on the 'poor' service, so the service improves :whistling:


most internet radio only takes about 100 kps and your speed test showed 2.89 I that is the same stuff that would happen when I used true a few years back and one reason I switched


update, still very very with 3BB Premier 4 MB I just did a test http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ San Francisco server and only got 400 kps download. I was in Pattaya today on a TOT connection that is 590 THB, due to noise on the land with the TOT connection my modem status page said it was 1 mb. when I did hte speed test on the same site I got 800 kps download. When a 590 THB service that has an issue with the line gets a faster speed the 3BB premier 4 MB at 2,000 THB it is time to tell 3BB to kiss my butt!!! has any one goten any better?


nothing is going to help speeds to the US/EU until there are more trunks out of Asia.

as far as i understand, most US internet traffic from Asia goes to malaysia, hits australia, then overseas to california.

i've rerouted thru the EU using a proxy which seems to speed things up (going west) but there's a bottleneck either direction.

i think the problem is China and the 1 billion hackers they harvested.

there's not enough capacity for the packet demand.

  • 4 weeks later...

Can someone tell me what is happening here?

We have the "indy" 5mb 699 baht package and have been really disappointed with the service so far. We do speedtests occasionally and they always hover around 2.5mb. Fine, if that were the actual speed - but actual dl speed usually hovers around 5 KB and upload speed is really horrifying - 250 BYTES. Come on!

So why the disconnect? Why does speedtest tell us we're getting 2.5mb/.5mb when in reality it's slower than dial-up???


Can someone tell me what is happening here?

So why the disconnect? Why does speedtest tell us we're getting 2.5mb/.5mb when in reality it's slower than dial-up???

Simple: 3BB is cheating on some speed tests.

For example, I was getting 10Mbit to San Francisco, same as Bangkok. That's a joke, and simply not true. Check the ping - if it's unusually low, like I got 23 ms to SF, then it's a lie. It's very easy for an ISP to intercept calls to speed test sites - there are only a handful. I was wondering before why they don't cheat - they don't even need to fake results, they can just give the speedtest.net website super high priority and it would actually really be that fast. To the speedtest.net site. Not to anywhere else though.

Where did you test to? I found I got accurate results when I tested to more obscure US based servers. They don't apparently bother to cheat on all of them?!

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