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Stupid Or Just Ignorant?


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Anyone who can quote "Do not go gentle" cannot be all bad.

How about "A Child's Christmas in Wales" to get the family feeling back?

My God, that is John Cale the master of the Velvets!

I liked 1919

Have you read that book by Howard Marks?(Mr. Nice) I used to live down that neck of the woods, he was from Kenfigg hill or thereabouts, I used to live in Pontyclun

Edited by Llareggub
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I was simply posting an observation as to how these people are incapable of getting over their loss of face, Kreng Jai

i hear ya, that's what the internet is for. the upholding of the 'loss of face' tradition is absolutely what keeps Thailand from being in any shape more better than where it currently is.

i feel ya.

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Sounds as if you are overreacting here, but I suspect what you have posted comes after a lengthy list of other things that have happened where you feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. All I can suggest is to set your boundaries and stick to them. Communicate your feelings with your wife. Take time for yourself. And hope for the best.

The problem I seem to encounter is that whenever you refuse to HELP the FAMILY, it becomes a very personal issue, they become blinded by their own stupidity and all logic goes out of the window.

They cannot see that by wasting my time and money to go and pick up Cancer Dad, it has pissed me off despite the number of times I asked them to check.

The fact that I complained has now turned me into a Cancer Daddy Hater, rather 5than helper, despite the fact that all of her mongoloid family were unable to go to his assistance.

I get painted in a worse light because I helped them and got pissed off as the story they spun was a pile of shit! Yet the Cancer Bags grandchildren are squeaky clean because they did bugger all, as they had no diesel!

Like I say, fuc_k EM, next time they can go fuc_k, they need my help a lot more than I need theirs, and a simple please and thank you goes a long way with me. sadly tonight they have burned their bridges!

I feel for you Lleregrub! IMHO it seem to be a bit of a trait with a lot of Thai’s, there is this inability or unwillingness to marry action and consequence together, always living in the moment, no forward planning. My wife drives me mad with it, she along with a lot of Thai’s seem to be total oblivious to the consciences of their actions a lot of the time. I get so frustrated when I can see one almighty cluster f@#K on the horizon and try to avert it, only to be met with looks of crazy farang! Does she listen, no, and when it all go pair shaped, who you gonna call……..Not so crazy farang now a! Does she learn?

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If, like me you are a bit old fashioned, you should try and download this, it will break you heart - even if you hate scousers!

(It seems I cannot post the actual link) but if you have the time, and the inclination, as it would seem you do, by your choice of music and movies, go and see if you can download "Of Time And The City", it broke my heart, one of the best docs ever made, if you can walk away from that without tears in your eyes, you are a stronger person than me!

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Anyone who can quote "Do not go gentle" cannot be all bad.

How about "A Child's Christmas in Wales" to get the family feeling back?

My God, that is John Cale the master of the Velvets!

I liked 1919

Have you read that book by Howard Marks?(Mr. Nice) I used to live down that neck of the woods, he was from Kenfigg hill or thereabouts, I used to live in Pontyclun

I thought you did. :rolleyes:

He did a beautiful song about , shit I forget the words... Ïf I am alive then they are dead.... was it Dundee????

When will I be home in Dundee?

Edited by Llareggub
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this should be watched once or twice a year:

Thank you! When I give up I'll let you know, a great video!

I doubt the kids today or the Hip hop Brigade would appreciate this kind of class! For one, his pants aren't hanging at his knees!

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I actually like the OP's rant - He's had his fill and he's letting off steam.

Mind, things could have been worse. They might have invited you into the hospital for the purposes of paying the bill.


The best Thai family at the Hospital with sick Rello I have is some years back I was dating a woman who decided out of the blue she wanted to go home to visit her dear old mum up in Nakhon Nowhere. It seemed like a good idea so off we set and after ten hours of driving arrived at 'Mum's house' which was bloody miles from anywhere.

On entering the house we found Dad, brother's and sisters all sitting around Mum who was laid on a straw mat hardly breathing, and when I checked her pulse her heart was racing too fast to count.

How long's she been like this I asked - Murmers and mutters but no answer.

A day? - No answer

A week? - No answer

Eventually I got the answer - nearly a month, but she's been getting worse.

So we gathered her and her meds, slung her into the back of the car and rushed her to hospital.

At the hospital I was told to wait outside while the family dealt with the doctor.

I took the opportunity to take the meds over to the pharmacist and ask if any of these were counter indicated - He checked and came back holding up two of the meds saying these should not be taken together.

Can you tell the doctor in that room over there? - Blank face 'I don't want to get involved look'.

Shall I bring the doctor to you so you can tell him? - Blank face replaced by look of horror that he might be made to get involved.

OK, I'll go fetch the doctor.

At that the Pharmacist reluctantly went with me to tell doctor that two of the medicines were counter indicated (me standing alongside to make sure he told him).

The doctor changed the meds and the old dear got better.

I'm thinking I'm going to be a hero here - No such chance.

I got the broken TV treatment - All picture and no sound.

My crime was revealed to me days later - I had embarrassed the family by confronting the doctor and pharmacist.

But doing so probably saved your mum's life - Broken TV again.

Needless to say that relationship didn't last.

But it does provide me an insight of where the OP is coming from.

Hi Guesthouse. Fantastic story, I can actually picture the families blank faces, ha ha ha ……So Thailand! Best thing I’ve read on TV for a long time.

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I actually like the OP's rant - He's had his fill and he's letting off steam.

Mind, things could have been worse. They might have invited you into the hospital for the purposes of paying the bill.

I got the broken TV treatment - All picture and no sound.

My crime was revealed to me days later - I had embarrassed the family by confronting the doctor and pharmacist.

But doing so probably saved your mum's life - Broken TV again.

Needless to say that relationship didn't last.

But it does provide me an insight of where the OP is coming from.

More proof (it it was needed) that in Thailand, the truth is stranger than fiction !

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Sounds as if you are overreacting here, but I suspect what you have posted comes after a lengthy list of other things that have happened where you feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. All I can suggest is to set your boundaries and stick to them. Communicate your feelings with your wife. Take time for yourself. And hope for the best.

You've had way too much coffee but your perspective and advice is sound..

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There's nothing that restores yer faith more in human nature than meeting some poor bastard that's just as mad as yourself.

Rab C. Nesbitt (Gregor Fisher). After meeting his Spanish double on a holiday to Benidorm

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I do not think you should call these Nachonnowhere peasants stupid , but then again , displays of ignorance can be the norm , so , put them in the middle , stupidly ignorant , too ignorant to know and too stupid to ask .

Should you be living with the Thai family and have only a small grasp of the language , being surrounded 24/7 by an alien language and left basicaly in the dark of what is going on , this alone will send you half way around the bend , so anger will surface at the smallest provocation .

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Chill bro.. I know that is just your anger talking and you're better then that. I agree that they have been irrational but hey, it is after all their father you're talking about here right? While it isn't right for them to make you do everything (believe me I have my moments too and I sympathize) it just so happens that you are the only one available to lend that helping hand. So chill, take a step back and breathe..

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Well the OP went from being a raging manic to a sweety over some Welsh stuff. Teach your wife to speak welsh maybe things will be better.

I don't have a thing to say about girlfriends mom who I like very much just drop a thousand baht or so to her when I visit and leave it at that. The Thais defiantly deal with this differently and have been doing so for a long time. Their deal not ours. Just figure when you help the old man you are not doing it for reward or fire works just because you can.

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I actually like the OP's rant - He's had his fill and he's letting off steam.

Mind, things could have been worse. They might have invited you into the hospital for the purposes of paying the bill.


The best Thai family at the Hospital with sick Rello I have is some years back I was dating a woman who decided out of the blue she wanted to go home to visit her dear old mum up in Nakhon Nowhere. It seemed like a good idea so off we set and after ten hours of driving arrived at 'Mum's house' which was bloody miles from anywhere.

On entering the house we found Dad, brother's and sisters all sitting around Mum who was laid on a straw mat hardly breathing, and when I checked her pulse her heart was racing too fast to count.

How long's she been like this I asked - Murmers and mutters but no answer.

A day? - No answer

A week? - No answer

Eventually I got the answer - nearly a month, but she's been getting worse.

So we gathered her and her meds, slung her into the back of the car and rushed her to hospital.

At the hospital I was told to wait outside while the family dealt with the doctor.

I took the opportunity to take the meds over to the pharmacist and ask if any of these were counter indicated - He checked and came back holding up two of the meds saying these should not be taken together.

Can you tell the doctor in that room over there? - Blank face 'I don't want to get involved look'.

Shall I bring the doctor to you so you can tell him? - Blank face replaced by look of horror that he might be made to get involved.

OK, I'll go fetch the doctor.

At that the Pharmacist reluctantly went with me to tell doctor that two of the medicines were counter indicated (me standing alongside to make sure he told him).

The doctor changed the meds and the old dear got better.

I'm thinking I'm going to be a hero here - No such chance.

I got the broken TV treatment - All picture and no sound.

My crime was revealed to me days later - I had embarrassed the family by confronting the doctor and pharmacist.

But doing so probably saved your mum's life - Broken TV again.

Needless to say that relationship didn't last.

But it does provide me an insight of where the OP is coming from.

I definitely can agree with your post. But ours wasn't that serious of a case. I finally got fed up with a dermatologist at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. She was just trying to milk me. I have gone to dermatologists for a long time, being a very white skinned kid growing up at the beach in California. My girlfriend has a skin disease, the doctor didn't know what it was, and so she did a biopsy and sent it to Bangkok. Her initial diagnosis was incorrect. Then wanted blood tests. I was always taught to question. I ripped into her slightly and she had never been talked to in that manner it would seem. I told her you didn't have a clue! Give me the lab results and the name of the prescription and walked off as they wanted twice the price as the pharmacy I ended up ordering the same medication from. I guess I'm not another stupid farang with ATM written across my forehead! And my GF went to a military university in Bangkok to be a nurse, so she was totally with me on this...

At first I thought the OP was a bit over the top, but I can see the frustration with the irresponsible family members. I would need to vent too! Good luck!

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