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Stupid Or Just Ignorant?


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The fact that I complained has now turned me into a Cancer Daddy Hater, rather 5than helper, despite the fact that all of her mongoloid family were unable to go to his assistance.

You sound like a lovely person. I've no idea why anyone would ever want to inconvenience you. unsure.gif

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I think a lot of people seem to have missed the O/P's real POINT, it has nothing to do with the fact, sad as it is that the father in law has cancer - (I know the OP) it is the fact that he was asked to go to the hospital and pick up the family, after paying for their tax and insurance on THEIR car, which now they will not use as they have spent all their money every day on whisky instead of Diesel.


Opened a new account already then?

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banned for expressing sincerely how he felt? I believe his story and can understand his feelings, but he was notbeing PC about it all.

If you have never been in such situations, then you cant really judge him, and all of take heat at different levels with different reactions.

Some of the families that farang marry into might make some go berserk.

Perhaps picking your in-laws should be taken a bit more seriously.

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Sounds like you don't understand how things work. Complete family &lt;deleted&gt; are never thought badly of. You the millionaire, can do anything, no problem. I had the same stuff and took up smoking again. :D

But it does sound like your not fitting in. :rolleyes:

Your only not fitting in, if you let them feel make you feel that way. Like a cancer many families are, tell them to Foxtrot Oscar and get on with your life. If people don't appreciate the things you have done, well they are not worth helping. Good luck and remember you don't have to put up with it.

By the way I don't think your stupid or ignorant, just me a selfish, ungrateful family. They are not all like that.

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I don't have any doubt that the details of the OP's story are close to the truth, the part most people are having a problem with is the OP's attitude.

Most of us who live here in this culture do so because we enjoy it; and like all things in life people enjoy, there is a cost attached. In the case of living with a rural Thai family, the cost is dealing with the daily frustration of the nonsensical lives they lead, and the lack of logic, organization, and forethought. And it is true that the westerner will probably not be treated as family but like something else: the wife's pet, some long time visitor... but not blood. If you can't afford the frustration then perhaps the cost is too high for you. But I say learn from it and adapt, eventually you can learn to make the most of your foreignness.

Of course posting when your mad is a sure what to make you look like a tool. Ranters rarely get sympathy particularly when they mock the sick and dying.

I agree with some of this post. Adapting is essential but that doesn't mean you have to give in to your moral beliefs and values. If you can meet a 'middle ground'then you may have to put it down to a life experience.

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I do not know why they have to ban him. Every time a good thread gets started they either close it down or throw somebody off. After all, this is an open forum and this conversation has kept me coming back for updates.

They let “Glitterman” post his rambling nonsense all the time, so why shouldn’t this guy be able to discuss the way he feels?

I really do not know what is more interesting, reading his obvious fanatical remarks about his family or the number of people defending this kind of thinking? Either way, it entertaining to read, although I must say, it is very disappointing to review some of the comments left here.

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I don't have any doubt that the details of the OP's story are close to the truth, the part most people are having a problem with is the OP's attitude.

Most of us who live here in this culture do so because we enjoy it; and like all things in life people enjoy, there is a cost attached. In the case of living with a rural Thai family, the cost is dealing with the daily frustration of the nonsensical lives they lead, and the lack of logic, organization, and forethought. And it is true that the westerner will probably not be treated as family but like something else: the wife's pet, some long time visitor... but not blood. If you can't afford the frustration then perhaps the cost is too high for you. But I say learn from it and adapt, eventually you can learn to make the most of your foreignness.

Of course posting when your mad is a sure what to make you look like a tool. Ranters rarely get sympathy particularly when they mock the sick and dying.

I agree with some of this post. Adapting is essential but that doesn't mean you have to give in to your moral beliefs and values. If you can meet a 'middle ground'then you may have to put it down to a life experience.

I agree with what you are saying, however, I am not married nor do I have children, that is a totally different situation, but with my current partner, you really do have to say ENOUGH, because from what I have seen here there really is no "Give and Take" there is only "Take" as long as you can get away with it.and to just add a little here, a lot of the TAKE is a peer pressure thing from their relatives.

My partner very rarely asks for anything, but when they do start to ask you for help assistance or whatever, you can bet your bottom dollar that if you dig a little deeper, it is coming from the mother or Father or some extended family.

Edited by MeesterSheene
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banned for expressing sincerely how he felt? I believe his story and can understand his feelings, but he was notbeing PC about it all.

If you have never been in such situations, then you cant really judge him, and all of take heat at different levels with different reactions.

Some of the families that farang marry into might make some go berserk.

Perhaps picking your in-laws should be taken a bit more seriously.

And may I enquire, do you pick your in laws before you marry? I suppose you are into this Asian arranged marriage thing. You do not pick your inlaws, you sadly /luckily end up with them.

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I didn’t realize so many people live in glass houses! So many posts seemingly trying to show there utter revulsion at the OP’s use of terminology in telling his tail. Am I really to believe that all the horrified subscribes have never said the wrong thing in time of emotion….Regardless, this does not detract from the crux of what he’s saying. I find it amazing how some TV subscribers (seemingly intelligent people) can get so hung up on his poor use of words.

OK, so he was never going to win any fans with his poor word selection, but if you can’t empathize with what the guy is saying, then you know nothing about rural Thai people. I don’t profess to be an expert, but having lived in a Thai village for about 5 years I can relate to his feeling of frustration in trying to fit in. I also think this is not an isolated incident……Just the straw that broke the camel back.

To the OP…………get yourself off and live your life.

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I do not know why they have to ban him. Every time a good thread gets started they either close it down or throw somebody off. After all, this is an open forum and this conversation has kept me coming back for updates.

They let "Glitterman" post his rambling nonsense all the time, so why shouldn't this guy be able to discuss the way he feels?

I really do not know what is more interesting, reading his obvious fanatical remarks about his family or the number of people defending this kind of thinking? Either way, it entertaining to read, although I must say, it is very disappointing to review some of the comments left here.

If the distasteful remarks about an obviously dying man were not present l think it would be still running. For some of us there is a point where you do not cross. Under pressure or not, the dying guy should not be the scape goat for abuse. :ermm:

It really has very little to do with the "Dieing father" he is not dying yet in any way more than you or me, he has been receiving treatment at a very good hospital for the past 2 months, on a daily basis, that was only made possible by LLareggub paying for their tax and insurance, he has a child that he needs to take and pick up from school everyday, the point of the entire post was that Thais were happier to buy things like Lottery Tickets and Whisky than make sure the car had Diesel in it, and when they had spent everything they came looking for more.

Edited by MeesterSheene
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I do not know why they have to ban him. Every time a good thread gets started they either close it down or throw somebody off. After all, this is an open forum and this conversation has kept me coming back for updates.

They let "Glitterman" post his rambling nonsense all the time, so why shouldn't this guy be able to discuss the way he feels?

I really do not know what is more interesting, reading his obvious fanatical remarks about his family or the number of people defending this kind of thinking? Either way, it entertaining to read, although I must say, it is very disappointing to review some of the comments left here.

If the distasteful remarks about an obviously dying man were not present l think it would be still running. For some of us there is a point where you do not cross. Under pressure or not, the dying guy should not be the scape goat for abuse. :ermm:

It really has very little to do with the "Dieing father" he is not dying yet in any way more than you or me, he has been receiving treatment at a very good hospital for the past 2 months, on a daily basis, that was only made possible by LLareggub paying for their tax and insurance, he has a child that he needs to take and pick up from school everyday, the point of the entire post was that Thais were happier to buy things like Lottery Tickets and Whisky than make sure the car had Diesel in it, and when they had spent everything they came looking for more.

there is no excuse for some of the comments the op made a hel_l of alot off people have lost friends and family from cancer ,if the problem was with the family why bring the father into it with the distastefull comments ,i really dont know what sort of person would come out with these slurs on someone that is knocking on deaths door i understand the op was angry when posting but no excuse if the thai family see some of the comments he made on here i thnk the op would be needing a lift to the hospital..:(

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