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Who Owns What ?


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HaHa Thakkar, Do you care to ellaborate with whom you ramain attractive? NO forget that, lets get back on topic..

Some posters have genuinely replied that they have shown full trust, and been rewarded with full trust from their loved ones in respect of their assets.... which is great, and surely must be the norm, despite the horror stories we so often read about here.

So, guys, you've probably been the silent majority. How about you giving us your tales of trust, that could, maybe, further sway some of our jaded opinions ?

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Precisely mca !...

and those are exactly the kind of horror stories we hear here that leave so many of us jaded... and lacking in trust for so much longer. As said previously, I have a fantastic lady, and have absolutely no reason not to believe her implicitely,.. and then there are the stories... that would leave us bankrupt if maybe we did believe her implicitely.

And that's the rub.. you're doing great, yet can still provide horror stories, and indeed that's the basis for the thread.

(Were you blessed with having a fairly godmother as well ? :) )

As I can see your number of post and the date you joined TV, your new to Thailand. Just hoping your new gig is not like my ex for your own good. I used to think like you before i realised i was getting scammed for the last 2 years by a woman i tought i had a relationship with.

I probably gave you the best comment you will ever have, but I know you will not believe it as i didnt in your age and situation...

Let us know in a couple month.

Please excuse me, BigPanda, but I totally missed your earlier reply.

Having been here nearly seven years, I will admit to my fair share of failed relationships. I probably was vulnerable because of a previously verry happy 11 year marriage that went pear shaped. And BigPanda, I will certainly take under your advisement that even after 2 years in a relationship it could possibly be just an ongoing scam. I so sincerely hope not in my 1 year case.

P.S There are some us of whom are appropriately known as called 'lurkers'. As such, we dwell in the shaddows. We, dubious soles, don't necessarily join TV upon being granted our first Thai visa, but lurk.... sucking up the wisdom that (actually) many TV posters provide. Thank you for yours.

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I don't think humans are basically much different anywhere in the world. There are just cultural differences. Most of us want love and affection, but most of us have also been scarred by previous experiences. It is the cultural differences between farangs and Thais that cause most of the problems. I don't care who you are or where you live, it is imperitive to not put all your eggs in one basket. As they say, put a little aside for the rainy day.

If there is one thing I've learned in 70 years it is that NOTHING is set in stone. You can only take care of your own feelings. I was married twice, once for 20 years and once for 7 years and never in all that time did one thing morally wrong. But, there were probably some things that I did NOT do right. My parents were married for over 60 years and there was never any infidelity, but my parents verbally fought continually.

So if I have any advice for people, it is to have a separate fund somewhere that will carry you through a bad patch, and expect there WILL be some bad times. And, if it all comes crashing down, then escape with what you've put away and just remember the good times were worth the price you paid..

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The answer is, just be very wary when choosing a Thai girlfriend or wife.

In most cases it`s could, maybe, possible or I`m not sure. Finding out the the hard way if the crap hits the fan can cost you dear.

Just tread carefully out there and do not dive in at the deep end too quickly.

Equally blatantly obvious advice would have been look both ways before crossing the street.

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The answer is, just be very wary when choosing a Thai girlfriend or wife.

In most cases it`s could, maybe, possible or I`m not sure. Finding out the the hard way if the crap hits the fan can cost you dear.

Just tread carefully out there and do not dive in at the deep end too quickly.

Equally blatantly obvious advice would have been look both ways before crossing the street.

Amazing Thailand....why do people leave their brains common sense at the airport.

(1) Why would anyone fall head over heels in love someone half their age without knowing there must be some blatently ovbious reason for her doing so?

(2) The majority of women here are beautiful with very sharp minds.If they speak english ask them how did they learn it?..Not from the B/F thats for sure!

Not to marginalise any particular region but just take a look at the recent paid protests in BKK.

Money talks.

There are lots of great honest girls here,just takes time.

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Precisely mca !...

and those are exactly the kind of horror stories we hear here that leave so many of us jaded... and lacking in trust for so much longer. As said previously, I have a fantastic lady, and have absolutely no reason not to believe her implicitely,.. and then there are the stories... that would leave us bankrupt if maybe we did believe her implicitely.

And that's the rub.. you're doing great, yet can still provide horror stories, and indeed that's the basis for the thread.

(Were you blessed with having a fairly godmother as well ? :) )

As I can see your number of post and the date you joined TV, your new to Thailand. Just hoping your new gig is not like my ex for your own good. I used to think like you before i realised i was getting scammed for the last 2 years by a woman i tought i had a relationship with.

I probably gave you the best comment you will ever have, but I know you will not believe it as i didnt in your age and situation...

Let us know in a couple month.

me to i can tell you some story about my X also..only put in what you are prepared to walk away from...but i know many others who just simply not got the balls to walk away,,,

and the countless story's i have heard in many a bar of many farangl all telling the same story in and around kk ..must some thing in the water rolleyes.gif

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MCA You should be the new poster boy for "Hope"!

Congrats on being er... normal. Which oft seems quite a supernatural feat here. :D

Need more stories of hope like this one. But not so many that everyone thinks everything is fine,if you know what I mean :whistling:

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I guess I was just lucky on the path I took. Came to LOS through work. No fortnight's piss up at the beach being told he was a hansum man. No furtive glances from the ( no insult intended whatsoever) 4000 baht a month girls selling clothes at the local mall. I was thrown straight into the deep end through work and i didn't have the time nor inclination to look for a partner. The social circle I moved in (being one of only a handful of westerners in the company) was that of strictly middle class fair to high wage earners. I've only ever been in a bar with bargirls twice and that was when my mates came over for a good time and i let them.

All I can do is say this

If you sense somethings amiss it usually is.

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Yes, Tread carefully with investing all your assets in anybody.

Any yet, I'm intrigued (in a slightly provactive way) with mca and billd766's replies. They are happy enough to will everything to their wife and then son/daughter (which is admirable). But I would, respectfully, like to ask them how they would feel if they were to put everything, all their assets in their wife's name during their lifetime.

I'm hoping they would feel equally secure, and yet I wonder whether they would feel really so secure in having done so.

So mca & billd766, the question's not loaded, and I'll respect your answers without contention. Are you so happily secure in your family relationships that it wouldn't make any difference if you were now to put everything in your wife's name rather than to will it to her ?

If so, Good for you, If not, I'd like to understand your reservations... again without subsequent judgement.

To answer your question is fairly easy.

The house, land, car and scooter are all in my wife's name and we have a joint bank account in the UK, a joint one here and one in my name only because I have to for my retirement visa.

She has the bank cards for all the accounts in her own name.

I personally own my clothes, my computer and a Honda Phantom which she keeps threatening to ride but hasn't yet after a year.

I met her in Bangkok 17 years ago while working for an international company and I was still married to my UK wife..

I was here for 3 months and then went off to parts not so nice and returned a year later for 3 months which stretched into 4 years and we got together again.

I told her from the beginning that I was married and had a son in the UK but as many people do I "forgot" to tell my wife.

Back in 1997 my wife and son came out on holiday and that it when I told her I wanted a divorce. My son was then 19.

My marriage was not that strong over there anyway but I accept that the fault and blame were mostly mine and I paid for it.

The divorce was finalised in 1999 and I married my Thai lady in 2000 in the UK.

In 2004 our son was born.

So your answer is easy.

She has it all now.

I get 3 pensions and she will get something from all of them and I am in the process of building a folder on my computer to explain what to do and who to contact when I die.

I have a couple of farang mates who will help her out on the English side of things.

To quote part of MCA's reply

If my wife's a schemer then she's done a bloody good job of hiding it 24/365 since I've known her. She should have all my assets for being an Oscar worthy actress if that's the case.

Marrying my Thai wife was the best thing I have done and our son was the cream on the cake.

And in case anyone is curious she is 21 years younger than me and will be 45 next month.

Thank you for being around dear. :wai::emot-kiss:

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