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Thaksin Says He Can Push Thai Politics Back On Course

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Can we celebrate some honesty for a change? Thaksin is going to PUSH politics. horses mouth!!!

Somchai said Thaksin had kept quiet lately as he had seen too much chaos in the country and did not want anyone to link him to political issues.

all these previous reports about him backing away can be deep sixed, or burnt to ashes

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Can we celebrate some honesty for a change? Thaksin is going to PUSH politics. horses mouth!!!

Somchai said Thaksin had kept quiet lately as he had seen too much chaos in the country and did not want anyone to link him to political issues.

all these previous reports about him backing away can be deep sixed, or burnt to ashes

Yes, he just went to ground for a bit till the furor died down.

But he can't help himself inserting his ego into the mix.

A truly sad person at best and a sociopath at worst.

I think his name needs to be added to the definition of obsession.


May I please remind everyone of the following forum rules:

4) Not to flame fellow members.

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Replying to those posts with flaming-type responses are equally at fault in creating a downward spiral in the civility of this thread.

I'm asking all posters to raise the level of this discussion to factual on-topic posts so we don't have to close down this rapidly-going-sideways thread.


For the Moderating Team


Punish pseudo-democratic politicians? I can't think of a better word to describe the man, but Thaksin clearly does not intend to refer to himself. I can not figure out if he is a complete hypocrite, or delusional, or perhaps just really ignorant.

Maybe all three?


May I please remind everyone of the following forum rules:

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Posting wild, unsubstantiated claims and equally-unsubstantiated sweeping generalizations come very close to inflammatory/trollish posts, and you are asked to tone down the rhetoric considerably. A particularly inflammatory poster has been informally warned in a PM.

Replying to those posts with flaming-type responses are equally at fault in creating a downward spiral in the civility of this thread.

I'm asking all posters to raise the level of this discussion to factual on-topic posts so we don't have to close down this rapidly-going-sideways thread.


For the Moderating Team

Thank you! Before I started reading this thread I had used up my all of two negative comment ratings for the day, and I was about to rip into someone in a civil manner. But I can now refrain from that negative experience! Good job!

Cheers, Jimi


This guy is in La La Land, delusions of grandeur, he needs help, then again,this is Thai democracy??? :(

This is the sort of democracy where the defense minister makes the news by saying the rumours of a coup are not true - when there were no rumours in the first place.

What he said: "Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan has voiced his readiness to consider lifting the state of emergency should the situation ease off,

stressing that the military has no initiative to orchestrate a coup d’état."

What he meant: Just in case you have all forgotten, the army considers it an option to have a coup anytime the government displeases us, so keep that military budget flowing, boys.

Can you imagine the reaction if the UK defense minister made a similar statement? It would likely be perceived as rather undemocratic that the subject of a coup is even on the table.

The Defence Minister in the UK is an elected MP not an army general........Can you imagine an army general in a true democracy making such a statement?



Thaksin confident of role under 'restored' democracy

By The Nation

Thaksin Shinawatra is upbeat that he can play a vital role in putting politics back on course, shrugging off legal woes and pinning hope on the shifting political wind to escape from his predicament as a fugitive ex-prime minister.

"I think there is a good chance for the resumption of political normalcy even though it is not happening at this time due to many politicians selling their democratic spirits to dictatorship with the hope of clinging to power," he said in the second part of an interview published in yesterday's Thai Rath online edition.

Thaksin said he believed Thailand could become a truly democratic country under two conditions: if politicians unite in upholding democracy and if the people consistently cast their votes to punish pseudo-democratic politicians.

He said he was not satisfied with the present situation because those in power were relying on dictatorship to sustain their offices, lamenting that the Democrat-led coalition was formed in a military camp.

"At the next poll, the people will become a critical factor by voting Pheu Thai in order to restore democracy," he said.

Even at the risk of a repeated coup, the people should still install the Pheu Thai Party in power, otherwise injustice, double standards and pseudo-democracy will persist, he said.

In regard to his future if Pheu Thai manages to become leader of the next coalition, he said he was willing to serve the people but his return as prime minister would hinge on myriad factors besides just being the voice of the people.

"I am quite happy with the way I am, having no aspiration for any office," he said. "Although I am willing and ready to serve the people in any capacity, I want to beg off the opportunity."

He said he was confident of a Pheu Thai victory, which was why the government was reluctant to call a snap election.

He called on all sides to stop blaming one another for the current situation, saying he was fully ready for fence-mending talks with the government and all parties concerned.

"Is it worth it to burn down the house just to catch a mouse, and now that the mouse is not even in the house, everyone is still stoking the fire?"

He said he had set no preconditions for talks and he could talk with anyone who viewed him as a loyal Thai citizen and former prime minister who had served out of his love for the country, the people and the monarchy.

Commenting on allies-turned-foes, he said he had no hard feelings, since everyone was entitled to choose his or her own path.

When asked whether he could see any future cooperation with faction leader Newin Chidchob, he said he could not comment as he was no longer in politics.

"I am just an unemployed person trying to find myself a job," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-04


Thaksin also said :

"If I still have luck, I would like to return to die in my motherland, just like any other Thai." --Statement from London after skipping bail.

i hope he succeeds and soon.........


No doubt he is talking about his own course...Let him first serve his time in prison first. The the only course at present he is entitled to under Thai law I presume.


Basically this Thaksin announcing he is still in the game, trying to hold PTP together and calling for his supporters to back PTP. No surprises there. PTP are also setting up a coordinating committee supervised by Thaksin's ex-wife in its first meeting. With an election nearing and BJT having already fired a few salvoes PTP now need to respond and the money needs to be released to oil the wheels of their current MPs brains on what party to run for.

Standard Thai electoral poltics. Every Thai MP is a pseudo democratc, it is just what bit of demcoracy they dont like. The other day a film producer actually made an inciteful comment when he said everyone in Thailand talks about demcoracy but nobody really knows what it is.

Thaksin says he can push politics back on course

Hopefully he can attempt this from cell block D.

Basically this Thaksin announcing he is still in the game, trying to hold PTP together and calling for his supporters to back PTP. No surprises there. PTP are also setting up a coordinating committee supervised by Thaksin's ex-wife in its first meeting. With an election nearing and BJT having already fired a few salvos PTP now need to respond and the money needs to be released to oil the wheels of their current MPs brains on what party to run for.

It's a shame that Thaksin's ex-wife doesn't do this coordinating from the confines of a cell in Lard Yao Women's Prison, after-all, it has been two years since she was convicted and sentenced to go there and she, unlike her ex, is still here in-country.

...shrugging off legal woes and pinning hope on the shifting political wind to fix his predicament...

Thaksin, the eternal optimist. He may even get there. Do not write him off yet. Just an assessment, not necessarily my hope or wish. I have no say in it, anyway. In the end, if it gets that far, the Thai people will have to decide at the ballot box.

It's not optimism. It's pure calculation. This guy has a cash register where normal people have a brain.


I wonder if he really believes what he's saying?

Why do people report all the garbage that this convicted crook spouts, perhaps it feeds stand up comics.


Thaksin also said :

"If I still have luck, I would like to return to die in my motherland, just like any other Thai." --Statement from London after skipping bail.

i hope he succeeds and soon.........

Let him in if he promises to keep his word.


Up in my wife's village people love eating frogs. When the rains come and the frogs come out fathers and sons will be out catching as many frogs as possible. The delectable taste makes for a welcome break from fish, pork, and chicken.

You will also see people harvesting ant eggs every night from the particular trees the ants make their homes in. I'm told the ants are somewhat sour and they are used to make a spicy sour condiment for rice that is enjoyed by all and sundry.

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Basically this Thaksin announcing he is still in the game, trying to hold PTP together and calling for his supporters to back PTP. No surprises there. PTP are also setting up a coordinating committee supervised by Thaksin's ex-wife in its first meeting. With an election nearing and BJT having already fired a few salvoes PTP now need to respond and the money needs to be released to oil the wheels of their current MPs brains on what party to run for.

Standard Thai electoral poltics. Every Thai MP is a pseudo democratc, it is just what bit of demcoracy they dont like. The other day a film producer actually made an inciteful comment when he said everyone in Thailand talks about demcoracy but nobody really knows what it is.

Nobody really knowing what democracy really is hits the nail on the head.

I am not sure myself.

It can be argued many Thai people would have difficulty understanding democratic values while living in a patron-client society for thousands of years.

However, technology and modern communication is altering this situation.

The next few years will certainly be interesting.

I am confident innovative Thailand will find something suitable someday.

The same as they do with many imported things, Thais will take democracy and create their own version.

Just need a bit of time to pull it apart and change a few things. Not my place to tell them how.

Get online and keep learning Thailand.


Apparently, a number of posters missed my warning post of last night. Please don't make a bad situation worse by returning flaming-type responses to some wild/unsubstantiated posts (such as accusing the poster of substance abuse). You have really taken the bait, and are now guilty of troll-feeding. The Troll du Jour has been permanently put out to pasture. Don't waste your breath (fingers), and please spend your energy on a fact-based discussion.




Come back Thaksin, we await your return, then things may start to prosper again in Thailand. :)

Thailand has never been in better shape

read the papers

economically up

exports up

baht up

so what are you referring to?


Come back Thaksin, we await your return, then things may start to prosper again in Thailand. :)

Thailand has never been in better shape

read the papers

economically up

exports up

baht up

so what are you referring to?

Bath up?!!!!! export and tourism go down, good thought of you


Come back Thaksin, we await your return, then things may start to prosper again in Thailand. :)

Thailand has never been in better shape

read the papers

economically up

exports up

baht up

so what are you referring to?

Your comment are Yellow party propaganda. A bit like the B.S on the Thai TV that stated that all the accommodation is 100% full on Samui !!!! We who live here know it's not true, but the gullible will believe anything that TAT puts out there. TIT. :rolleyes:


I thought Thaksin has said multiple times that he's retired from politics and just wants to return and live out his life in peace. But now he seems to be saying otherwise. If he wants to be a leader again, he needs to be more decisive.


A great reply, A pity some of the one eyed yellow supporters did not do their homework and just listen to this illegitimate government.

Like it or not, this government is not illegitimate. One-eyed red supporters should do their homework and pay less attention to anti-government propoganda.


A great reply, A pity some of the one eyed yellow supporters did not do their homework and just listen to this illegitimate government.

Like it or not, this government is not illegitimate. One-eyed red supporters should do their homework and pay less attention to anti-government propoganda.

It's pretty pathetic that people are still attempting to paint this as a red vs yellow conflict given the BKK election results.

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