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The Type Of Tourist Coming Thailand


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i have had the view for a few years now that thailand has been moving away from the backpacker/cheap tourist and is aiming at the big spending tourists example they only seem to build hotel type resorts no more old fashioned bungalow resorts ,however i notice a few people seem to think sex tourists make up the majority off tourists coming thailand and find it hard to believe some people come thailand for other reasons,whats your views do sex tourists out number other tourists ,i myself think its a small percentage of sex tourists compared to familys and couples etc.

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My family and friends have to travel to Thailand as the flight tickets started to get cheaper.

They did all they travelling to southern or eastern part of Europe before.

They normally stay a few days in BKK, before they head to the regular tourist hotels in Phuket.

I personally, without any proof, think the sex tourists are a minority. They are just very visible.

God, just thinking about my mother as a back-packer.........or a sex tourist........... :o

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I can say on Koh Chang we have nearly all types, but the increasing quality and price of the accomodation has almost eliminated the backpackers.

Also 10 years ago there were no bars on the island, so the number of the so-called sex-tourists is constantly growing.

The increase of the traffic on the main road is making life hard for the families, which imo are less than before.

The concept of quality tourism doesn't work very well imo,big hotels are growing like mushrooms, but they seem to be empty most of the year, definitely spoiling the landscape of what was a sort of Eden.

Not to talk about environmental pollution..

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'gotlost' timestamp='1283579487' post='3860755']

Kind of makes you wonder the way TAT is recruiting from Iran and Nigeria.:whistling:

I think we should all be aware by this time , the TAT is a body of lies , dreams , fantasy with a lack of competance in simple arithmatic , they will do anything to boost the numbers of whom they relate to as tourists , when many are aware that large numbers of these 'Ghosts ' are in truth , returning expats , passers through , visa runners etc . Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself and the snowballing increase in public conflict , governments do not need to warn thier citizens of the perils , the governing bodies are doing it themselves these days they would have difficulty catching a fish in a goldfish bowl .

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I think we should all be aware by this time , the TAT is a body of lies , dreams , fantasy with a lack of competance in simple arithmatic , they will do anything to boost the numbers of whom they relate to as tourists , when many are aware that large numbers of these 'Ghosts ' are in truth , returning expats , passers through , visa runners etc . Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself and the snowballing increase in public conflict , governments do not need to warn thier citizens of the perils , the governing bodies are doing it themselves these days they would have difficulty catching a fish in a goldfish bowl .

People come to Thailand "with the bad reputation that it has built for itself" because until they talk to you, they don't realise it has a bad reputation.

People ask me "were you affected by the troubles" same as they did about the bombs in Warrington, bird flu in HK, Cathay Pacific strikes - none of those enquiries indicated a 'bad reputation'; and none of those places have the reputation for beaches, good value and charming people that Thailand has.


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'StreetCowboy' timestamp='1283582165' post='3860828']

'dumball' timestamp='1283581501' post='3860816']

I think we should all be aware by this time , the TAT is a body of lies , dreams , fantasy with a lack of competance in simple arithmatic , they will do anything to boost the numbers of whom they relate to as tourists , when many are aware that large numbers of these 'Ghosts ' are in truth , returning expats , passers through , visa runners etc . Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself and the snowballing increase in public conflict , governments do not need to warn thier citizens of the perils , the governing bodies are doing it themselves these days they would have difficulty catching a fish in a goldfish bowl .

People come to Thailand "with the bad reputation that it has built for itself" because until they talk to you, they don't realise it has a bad reputation.

People ask me "were you affected by the troubles" same as they did about the bombs in Warrington, bird flu in HK, Cathay Pacific strikes - none of those enquiries indicated a 'bad reputation'; and none of those places have the reputation for beaches, good value and charming people that Thailand has.


Nobody has a need to talk to me , and when they do I do not give Thailand a bad reputation , Thai affected me personally enough to make me leave , thailands reputation and many of its violent predelictions are broadcast around the globe on TV and in many major newspapers including many viscious murders by greedy wives to get the money 'Now' .

Maybe you should take off your rose tinted glasses and get more into perspective of the true Thai nation , cheap sunglasse actually make your eyesight worse , try going without them for a while .

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Maybe you should take off your rose tinted glasses and get more into perspective of the true Thai nation , cheap sunglasse actually make your eyesight worse , try going without them for a while

95% of all sun glasses sold in Thailand are of the pirated copies from China. Stop those and Thailand goes blind.

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Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself

Where I come from just about everone has either visited Thailand themselves, or have family or friends who have been to Thailand. So people make up their mind based on their own experiences or what they have heard from friends/family, and not just from what they read in the newspapers. And Thailand definitely doesn't have a "bad reputation" here, sure people know about the sex industry in Thailand but are not bothered by it.

When I sit in the airport waiting for my flight to Bangkok and look around at my fellow travellers, I estimate that approximately 45 percent are families, 25 percent are couples, 20 percent are are men travelling alone or with other male friends and 10 percent women travelling alone or with female friends. And I would hazard a guess that the percentage of families is even higher for people travelling on package tours. So I agree with the OP that the sex tourist is a clear minority, and am contantly amazed that there are so many people posting here on Thaivisa, who believe that Thai women is the only reason for anyone to travel to Thailand. It makes you suspect that some of these people have never been to Thailand.


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backpackers just can't afford those 300 baht rooms no more. don't you know? :D

most of them have moved on to Cambodia where they can hang out in their sweaty $3 a night shacks and play their guitars..

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backpackers just can't afford those 300 baht rooms no more. don't you know? :D

most of them have moved on to Cambodia where they can hang out in their sweaty $3 a night shacks and play their guitars..

I totally agree with you on that not only Cambodia but a lot of them use Thailand as a transit point to Vietnam also

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'skyaslimit' timestamp='1283606678' post='3861548']

'chops' timestamp='1283586087' post='3860919']

backpackers just can't afford those 300 baht rooms no more. don't you know? :D

most of them have moved on to Cambodia where they can hang out in their sweaty $3 a night shacks and play their guitars..

I totally agree with you on that not only Cambodia but a lot of them use Thailand as a transit point to Vietnam also

You guys should get out and about a little more before quoting the status of backpackers , there has been a marked increase in tourists to Cambodia , not so many back-packers , but definitly many more young couples and older families with teenage children, some of them have mentioned how they enjoy walking along the realy clean riverside with its multiple garbage bins whilst enjoying the cooling breeze off the water , just a little insight for you .

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You guys should get out and about a little more before quoting the status of backpackers , there has been a marked increase in tourists to Cambodia , not so many back-packers , but definitly many more young couples and older families with teenage children, some of them have mentioned how they enjoy walking along the realy clean riverside with its multiple garbage bins whilst enjoying the cooling breeze off the water , just a little insight for you .


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I think we should all be aware by this time , the TAT is a body of lies , dreams , fantasy with a lack of competance in simple arithmatic , they will do anything to boost the numbers of whom they relate to as tourists , when many are aware that large numbers of these 'Ghosts ' are in truth , returning expats , passers through , visa runners etc . Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself and the snowballing increase in public conflict , governments do not need to warn thier citizens of the perils , the governing bodies are doing it themselves these days they would have difficulty catching a fish in a goldfish bowl .

pre script- the sex rep . thailand has is good stuff:lol:

the bad is bad though, old ladees closing airports, major shopp centers burning, seh daeng being shot in head on television.........................

50% hotel occupancy is bad stuff.......

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Sophon , you must come from a very small island or be rather unpopular if practically everyone you know has been to Thailand , otherwise Thailand would have all of its hotels full .

dumball if you read his post he does not say everyone he knows has visited thailand he comments or they have friends or family that have ,i can say most of the people i know also have visited OR have friends or family that has .

you have made 2or3 comments on here all critizing peoples comments and putting down thailand you obviously have issues with thailand so why are you still part of a thai forum

this is not a thread about why would people even bother coming to thailand as you say if all you can do is pick fault with peoples comments please dont comment at all...... im sure there are plenty of negative topices on here that you can continue to post on..

Edited by taninthai
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'taninthai' timestamp='1283668727' post='3862700'dumball' timestamp='1283627264' post='3861928']

Sophon , you must come from a very small island or be rather unpopular if practically everyone you know has been to Thailand , otherwise Thailand would have all of its hotels full .

dumball if you read his post he does not say everyone he knows has visited thailand he comments or they have friends or family that have ,i can say most of the people i know also have visited OR have friends or family that has .

you have made 2or3 comments on here all critizing peoples comments and putting down thailand you obviously have issues with thailand so why are you still part of a thai forum

this is not a thread about why would people even bother coming to thailand as you say if all you can do is pick fault with peoples comments please dont comment at all...... im sure there are plenty of negative topices on here that you can continue to post on..

Some people take umbrage , some take cod-liver-oil , others post on thaivisa , just as in comments , some are wide open to crititism some to praise and even adulation , yours is obviously first on the list . Should you re-read my comments you may notice they are not as you suggest , mere comments about comments , you have a choice to skip any post you wish or take the good with the bad and even the ugly . No forum would be of any use or interest if full of perfect posts of PC in only one mans slanted opinion .

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

It depends on where you are me thinks.

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theres a difference between sex tourists and peodophiles and theres a difference between sex tourists and tourists coming out hoping to find and fall in love with a nice thai girl. pattaya there is a mixed bag but in my view mostly sex tourists and i am not putting sex tourists down i was the same before meeting my wife, like what type of young men wouldnt take advantage of this in pattaya ?

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theres a difference between sex tourists and peodophiles and theres a difference between sex tourists and tourists coming out hoping to find and fall in love with a nice thai girl. pattaya there is a mixed bag but in my view mostly sex tourists and i am not putting sex tourists down i was the same before meeting my wife, like what type of young men wouldnt take advantage of this in pattaya ?

Believe it or not, not all young men care for prostitutes. The answer to your question I guess would be a young man with higher standards for himself than hookers.

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Please tell me in all honesty why people would bother coming to Thailand with the bad reputation it has built for itself

Where I come from just about everone has either visited Thailand themselves, or have family or friends who have been to Thailand. So people make up their mind based on their own experiences or what they have heard from friends/family, and not just from what they read in the newspapers. And Thailand definitely doesn't have a "bad reputation" here, sure people know about the sex industry in Thailand but are not bothered by it.

When I sit in the airport waiting for my flight to Bangkok and look around at my fellow travellers, I estimate that approximately 45 percent are families, 25 percent are couples, 20 percent are are men travelling alone or with other male friends and 10 percent women travelling alone or with female friends. And I would hazard a guess that the percentage of families is even higher for people travelling on package tours. So I agree with the OP that the sex tourist is a clear minority, and am contantly amazed that there are so many people posting here on Thaivisa, who believe that Thai women is the only reason for anyone to travel to Thailand. It makes you suspect that some of these people have never been to Thailand.


That is a pretty good observation, Sophon. When I think about the many hours I've sat in the Suvarnaboomcrash airport I see mostly Asians traveling. I can't tell whether they are Thai or from nearby countries. Japanese usually stand out because they travel in groups with expensive luggage. I can't recall ever seeing a Japanese back packer. I see farang men with Thai wives and children, and the occasional farang back packer with a pretty Thai girl friend. It's only when heading for Pattaya that you see more of the single male tourists and returning "working" girls. They stand out quite obviously. The beach areas near Krabi, Phuket and the off shore islands seems ot attract more young white people.

I would guess the sex tourists are much less than 20%, even though local trade might make up the difference. Besides, just what IS a sex tourist? Most of the men I know enjoy sex, but they also have other interests... golf, travel, beach scene, sight seeing etc. Just because married men over the age of 50 have to give up sex doesn't mean that single men have to.

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Casting my mind back to the early 90's when i was 19 years old and in Thailand there did seem to be a lot more older blokes over here - i don't know maybe everybody seems really old when you are a lot younger!! Certainly during the past 10 years or so there seem to be more groups of younger people coming over and much more families.

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A sex tourist is someone who travels with the intent to pay for sex ...... a few golf outings would not make them a golfing tourist ! LOL

Fair enough. I guess that would make Tiger Woods a sex tourist in America. :lol:

Of course, it would also make any man who takes a women out on a date with the express purpose of having sex afterwards also a sex tourist. But not if she paid for her half of the cost of the date.

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The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

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hmmm, I have noticed a lot of overweight old types, especially germans in hua hin on my travels, as well as the high number of old men, usually old men 50 and upwards

Either way I tend to avoid these types as they appear undesirable characters, poor manners etc

I would not be able to comment as to if they were sex tourists or not,

perhaps there is a profile of some sort

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I'm quite sure Tiger's wife would agree with you ....

and I am quite sure Pattaya Girls would choose Tiger`s wife as there rolemodel.

Back to the topic, I do see more Backpacker in Pattaya then some years ago, and no they do not look lost. There are also many big new Hotels (Centara Grande for example)who is clearly targeting Familys and is doing well. However a Sex Tourist is more likely to travel then a family when Bangkok is burning, the little head is doing his powerplay

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