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PM Abhisit's US Visit Quite Uncertain

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Abhisit's US visit looking quite uncertain

By Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva might end up cancelling his September 24-27 trip to Washington DC and New York due to the lack of preparations.

A high-level source said there was a high possibility the summit between Asean leaders and President Barack Obama in Washington DC might have to be postponed because some of the leaders were not ready to attend.

For instance, the leader of Brunei is not likely to make it the US summit.

"If any of the Asean countries are not ready to attend the summit, we will have to postpone it. But this still needs to be reconfirmed," the source said.

According to his itinerary, Abhisit is scheduled to attend the September 24-26 summit with Obama and other Asean leaders, before travelling to New York to deliver a speech at the UN Assembly on September 27.

He will have a time slot of five minutes to deliver his speech at the UN Assembly. Since there is no important agenda and Obama is sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the UN Assembly on his behalf, the Thai government is thinking about having Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya represent Abhisit instead.

Abhisit is also scheduled to meet with the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to discuss the Preah Vihear conflict. Again, this meeting has not been confirmed.

"With the lack of preparedness, Abhisit might cancel the US trip altogether," the source said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-07


He rates 5 minutes only at UN? That's an outrage!

I agree.The whole world is panting to hear Abhisit at very great length.Sadly he may have to cancel due to lack of preparation.But on the bright side that hugely attractive and even tempered Foreign Minister, Khun Kasit, will be available to enchant the assembly with his balanced views and interesting perspectives.In fact I imagine Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy are peeing in their pants at the sheer excitement of the prospect.


Hmmm....."...due to the lack of preparations."

Political talk, hiding the real reasons.

I wonder if the visits of Myanmar's Military leader Than Shwe to India and China have anything to do with the eventual posponing of the ASEAN/US summit.

Than Shwe visited India in the end of July on a 5-day trip and will visit China on a same 5-day trip, next week.

Next to that, the strange "....the leader of Brunei is not likely to make it the US summit." sentence in the OP article is reason to hide the REAL REASONS.

Why not...? Is esteemed Sultan Hassan al Bolkiah Mu'izzuddin Waddaulah too busy playing Polo or driving in one of his 7,000 (!) cars or sleeping in one of his 1,888 rooms ** ? <_<

There's more to this news message other than "..lack of preparations"...maybe another coup ? :whistling:

* http://news.bbc.co.u...003.stm#leaders

** http://en.wikipedia....kiah#Motor_cars



If Obama sends Hillary why would ASEAN members consider wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on a 5 minute display of what? Obama obviously thinks it is more important to keep pitching his 50Bn package vote buying agenda to take any interest in ASEAN. I'm with Abhisit. What a slap in the face. Next meeting have Obama seek to travel here and then refuse to see him! What arrogance. bah.gif


He rates 5 minutes only at UN? That's an outrage!

With fondness I remember the days some world leaders could speech for half a day without problems. Russians were good at it, some Latin-American chaps, our illustrious leader in North-Korea. Guaranteed some of the best nap time I ever had. In other words, no-one is really waiting for lengthy speeches and with 180+ country representatives talking 5 minutes, that's ... uuhm .. where's my calculator.


You can quantify the international regard with which the current regime is held by this. Apologists take note. You can propagandize on TV until your fingers are worn out. But the World knows.



Abhisit will meet Hun Sen in New York

By The Nation

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his Cambodian counter-part Hun Sen will meet on the sidelines of the Asean-US summit in New York late this month, government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said yesterday.

All 10 leaders of Asean plus Asean secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan would meet with US President Barack Obama on September 24, he said.

Officials from the foreign ministries of the two countries were working closely to tee up a bilateral meeting between Abhisit and Hun Sen when they are in New York, Panitan said.

"It will be an informal and friendly meeting to discuss only cooperation, not issues of conflict," he said.

Thailand and Cambodia normalised diplomatic relations last month after former PM Thaksin Shinawatra stood down as an adviser to Hun Sen. However, problems remain over Preah Vihear. The Thai government has opposed moves to list the border temple as a World Heritage site due to a dispute over areas adjacent to the temple.


-- The Nation 2010-09-08


Let us be totally honest the U.N. is a toothless money pit designed and protected by a network of parasitical politicians and civil (?) servants intent on feathering their own nests and enjoying extravagant junkets whist we poor proles pay the bills.bah.gif

A censure from the U.N. is akin to being struck by a feather.rolleyes.gif

“A noble idea with a rather idealist cause. From my thoughts on the subject, I have come to the eventual and final conclusion that this United Nations idea would be far better implemented if it were replaced by the likes of more powerful and fundamental nations; such as that of the
, and to a lesser extent, due to their much superior intelligence, the government of the
. The extent to which they are truly united is really rather questionable. Really anything this committee deliberates is more doomed to fail than an
book of love poetry.”
on United Nations

The United Nations (An abbreviation of: The Man from U.N.C.L.E ) is a mythological international crime syndicate whose existence was disproved by John Bolton. Instituted by theFourth Reich, its goals are would include (if it existed) graft, corruption, international prostitution, and felony illegal parking in "general consultative status". Its current motto is "Standing proud in complacency", that replaces the previous one "Well, we certainly mean a lot of good". In 1996 they met their greatest enemy yet, when the UN Un-Nazid the world, freeing it of Charlie Chaplain.


Did Thaksin managed more than 5 mins in UN? Or did the coup take place first?

Unfortunately Thailand's at-the-time-unelected time-expired-caretaker PM got the bad news in New York, the day before his big moment before the U.N. (who are not his father), I seem to recall. Big loss-of-face, one suspects. :ermm:B)


You can quantify the international regard with which the current regime is held by this. Apologists take note. You can propagandize on TV until your fingers are worn out. But the World knows.

B.llsh1t. It's a 'Treaty Event' from 21-23 and 27-28 Sept. with lots of heads of state and other dignitaries invited. Do you really think it possible to give any of them more than 5 minutes without needing a few extra weeks ?



Let us be totally honest the U.N. is a toothless money pit designed and protected by a network of parasitical politicians and civil (?) servants intent on feathering their own nests and enjoying extravagant junkets whist we poor proles pay the bills.bah.gif

A censure from the U.N. is akin to being struck by a feather.rolleyes.gif

Let us be honest, you didn't do your homework.

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