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Inflation, Inflation, Inflation


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I have not lived in central Thailand too long, but have been long enough to observe rampant inflation in the rural area where I am. Is it normal to see surging inflation year over year? Some examples:

20% inflation: thatch went from 10 baht to 12 baht. The cost of goods walking to get some bamboo and grass certainly is 0 and thatch is made by old people on the side and sold in front of their house.

25% inflation: A little bag of 4 small tomatoes at the market used to be 5 baht. Now they only put 3 small tomatoes in the bag.

50% inflation: Asking price of land of no interest to anyone last year has inexplicably gone up this year and still of no interest to anyone.

60% inflation: A bunch of bananas roadside has gone from 5 baht a bunch to 8 baht. These are forest bananas picked from peoples yards which have 0 cost of goods.

Edited by canopy
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I can't say that I have seen the cost of staple goods rise that much recently.

Wifey complains that a few seasonal foods have gone up when she goes to the market but the price soon comes down when the supply goes up again.

Price of fuel has been pretty stable for quite some time now.

Land prices though seem to bear no price to reality.

Prices here in the village have just gone from 50-70 k bht for rice paddy to 130 k! I see no sense in it at all especially as one of our neighbours has been trying to sell at less than 50k per rai for over a decade, yes 10 years!!, and has now put the price up just because everyone else has.

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Whatever happens for me in Thailand now I don't pay income tax & national insurance.

I don't pay silly banned council tax of the likes of England.

I don't pay expensive water rates.

Electric is half the cost of the UK.

Telephone and internet is half the cost.

Diesel and petrol although doubled in the past 5 years but is still half the cost of UK.

I bought a vehicle here new for nigh on half the cost of the same in the UK. :D

I bought gold here 6years ago and it's over doubled in price, not far from treble. :partytime2:

I find vegetables and fruit still very cheap even though they go up and down a bit.

Rice has gone up but nothing in amounts that will break the bank. :rolleyes:

I have land bought for 300,000 estimated at 550,000 now but I'd take 300,000 for it if I could sell it. :blink:

I don't know about you but I count my blessings. :jap:

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Yes,Yes, I count my blessings too!, but I also count my Baht.

Exchange rate in 2007 69+ Baht for 1 GBP, now below 47 and its going down, down as the Quo say.

PS: UK council tax is in bands, not banned,(spell check (banded) but we all (Brits) knew what you meant!!

Yes ! I expect it is worrying for some, and I understand that but the exchange rate is an inflation factor to me !!

I am in a fortunate position of being in Thailand where everything is bought and paid for.:jap:

I retired here in May 2005 when it was 72bht and in Sept '05 for 10days it was 75 and diesel was 18bht a litre. :clap2:

I think it was 2008 when about 62 - 64bht to 1quid and diesel was 40 + per litre. :shock1:

I can't say I have noticed food going up that much, more like up & down, that's the wifes department anyway. :whistling:

Insurance on the vehicles has gone down for me, except the motor scooters which 15 baht more this year. whow !! :rolleyes:

The wifes little income from her small park cafe' keeps us ticking along.

I think it would have to get down 20 and the wife to stop work before it started to affect my life style. :coffee1:

Edited by Kwasaki
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