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Single Parent Visa


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anyone help me i have had a work permit for 9 years here in Thailand and i have just been laid off so i have to give my work permit which makes my visa void after 7 days . does anyone know if i can get a single parent visa here in pattaya whithout leaving the country . i have all the correct paper work from her mother and we have been split up now for 7 years . can anoyone give me some adivsie as i need to go to immo tomorrow thx

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If you are the legal fahter of the child, in essence if you where marreid to the mother when the child was born, you can get an extension of stay based on your Thai child.

Requirement is that you show an income of 40,000 a month OR show 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand in your name for at least 2 months.. They might also ask for papers showing you have sole custody over the child.

You do no longer have 7 days when you are laid off. You have to cancel your WP and extension of stay the same day your job ends, but can get a 7 day extension from immigration for 1,900 baht! . being the family member of a Thai you can get an extension of stay for 60 days instead of 7 days. Visit immigration with your child, her household registration and birth certificate. At that time also ask what they want to see for a one year extension of stay based on your child.

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If you are the legal fahter of the child, in essence if you where marreid to the mother when the child was born, you can get an extension of stay based on your Thai child.

Requirement is that you show an income of 40,000 a month OR show 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand in your name for at least 2 months.. They might also ask for papers showing you have sole custody over the child.

You do no longer have 7 days when you are laid off. You have to cancel your WP and extension of stay the same day your job ends, but can get a 7 day extension from immigration for 1,900 baht! . being the family member of a Thai you can get an extension of stay for 60 days instead of 7 days. Visit immigration with your child, her household registration and birth certificate. At that time also ask what they want to see for a one year extension of stay based on your child.

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thx yes i am the legal father of the child . as i'm not working know more i can't show i earn 50,000 a month but yes i have all the paper work that she was signed over to me and yes i have more then 400,000 to show them . but my work permit is still active but will go cancel tomorrow because i'm trying to get some compersation for beeing laid off which can take up to one year . i was offered 75,000 by the company and to sign a contract which was all in thai took to my lawery and he laughed at it they made out if i was the one in the wrong . so next step is the labour office to get what i am owed .

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As sad, they day you lose your job is the day your wp has to be canceld as it is no no loger valid and if on an extension of stay based on employement your permission to stay also needs to be cancelled as it is no longer valid. Otherwise you are on overstay at 500 baht a day.

Tomorrow you should go to labour and cancel your WP with a letter from the company and also cancel your permission to stay at immirgation and apply for a 60 day extension basd on your child.

That you are in a legal proceding as nothing to do with it, although being involved in a legal proceding is in itself ground for an extension of stay.

Good luck with the labour office, they are there to help you and Thai labour law favours the employee and doesn't care if you are a foreigner or not.

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