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Brave Behind Your Anonymity


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I have noticed the spiteful and vindictive comments made to posters on the Chiang Mai forums for no specific reason other than for pure nastiness.

If it`s any consolation, I wish you and your family all success for the future and I am sure that goes for the majority here.

Regarding the others, no problem, they will get their just desserts because you always get back what you put out.

B TW: how old is the baby and is it a boy or a girl? I am a Dad 3 times over and just become a young grandad only last week.

Make sure you take plenty of photos and videos of the baby, because they grow up so fast.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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As you are new to this Thai Visa forum, please allow me to mention two of its features (pretty new myself, so I get to show off).

One is the search function found at the top of the page. Often, I find topics that are very useful about matters here in town - a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips. You will find sometimes chaff with the grain, of course.

To the right or at the top of our pages are ads from "sponsors." One is Tuskers. Tuskers' is very informative. It not only sets out almost everything you'd want to know about the establishment (including special events) but heads off into the subject of elephants, which are a particular interest of the owners (thus, I guess, the name).

Last I checked, they open at 4:00 p.m.

Edited by CMX
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Hi Rachele, I agree with a lot of the comments you say on here, there are too many interet warriors on here. Some say that they will fight anyone, some say there multi millionaires when in fact they are potless, all this behind the power of the internet but I suppose that is what an anonymous forum is for. I wish you and Chas good luck in the sale and also with the baby, but I don't think you have done yourself any favours with the post. The same people you mention will rip the post to pieces as it will make them feel good. I don't use Tuskers often admittedly, for no other reason that I tend to drink at the other side of town, I did however have a great Christmas dinner in there last Christmas.

Edited by thaimiller
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rachele703,

Congratulations to you and Chas on the birth of your child !

The few times we went to Tuskers were most enjoyable ! And we always felt your "light touch" presence on TV as sponsors was manifested in a most dignified style; very appreciated.

Unfortunately, it's in the nature of trolls to live under bridges, and come out when they hear a car tire blow-out looking piteous, and begging for food, or money; but, in reality, they get-off on schadenfreude, and if you give them anything, particularly food, they run away mocking, jeering you for a sucker. Best not to feed them.

Good luck with the sale of your business.

best, ~o:37;

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Hi Rachele, I agree with a lot of the comments you say on here, there are too many interet warriors on here. Some say that they will fight anyone, some say there multi millionaires when in fact they are potless, all this behind the power of the internet but I suppose that is what an anonymous forum is for. I wish you and Chas good luck in the sale and also with the baby, but I don't think you have done yourself any favours with the post. The same people you mention will rip the post to pieces as it will make them feel good. I don't use Tuskers often admittedly, for no other reason that I tend to drink at the other side of town, I did however have a great Christmas dinner in there last Christmas.

i think the phrase 'internet warrior' gives rather too much credit to a lot of the tiny-minded, spiteful, cowardly trolls who snipe at many local businesses on this forum. not one of them possesses the honesty or testicles to actually go to one of these local businesses they criticise so readily and have a, hey, face-to-face discussion with its owner. i can understand rachele's wanting to vent spleen when there are so many underhand and snide digs flying about in one thread in particular.

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I am not familiar with Tuskers nor the comments. Not necessary really.

Good on yer Rachelle.

Stick it to them.

I wonder if the anonymous ones have the courage of their convictions and would be willing to make their comments face to face with you.

Take comfort these comments are now out in the cosmos somewhere gathering 'interest' to be repaid to the originators sometime in the future.

As they say in advertising; 'No such thing as bad publicity'.

I hope to visit Chiang Mai sometime in the future. This post has aroused my curiosity so I will probably be paying a visit to Tuskers.

Therefore you can probably add myself and my friends as worth 1000 baht of 'future goodwill' to your business.

Now you can forget about those people and get on with it. 

Good luck. 

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My heart goes out to you Rachele. Like you, Hubby and I owned a small business (retail greenhouse/nursery) and some of our customers were quite active in a internet forum for plant and gardening lovers. Like this forum, sometimes the postings could get nasty when people talked about their experiences with suppliers (like us). I learned it was best to develop a thick skin and take a few deep breaths when reading postings about our business (and sometimes even us as people). The few nasty comments were soon countered by others who had a more favorable opinion of us. It was best for us just to wait rather than jumping into the thread to take on an anonymous (presumed) customer.

Like you, we publicized the wind-down of our business and found it to be the most enjoyable time as long-time customers came by to see us one last time and people who had been meaning to come (but never quite got around to it) finally came to visit.

Also, our decision to retire and either sell or wind-down the business fueled endless speculation about the state of our business, us and our marriage, especially when we let it be known we were selling everything and moving to Thailand (which often got re-told as Taiwan, Tahiti, Vietnam and other laughable places).

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"but I don't think you have done yourself any favours with the post"

Although I sympathise with your accurate points on comments about Tuskers, your post comes across in a very angry fashion. It would have been better not to post.

We have all been subjected to "attacks" "flames" "abuse" "spite" on Thaivisa, so you have not been singled out.

A more positive approach would be to try to clean up TV, particularly the Chiangami forum - which is deteriorating as many have commented.

The party you gave last June showed there are some decent posters about. Whether the powers that be will consider repeating that again to kick start the forum in the right direction, I do not know.

It would be a sensible positive idea but I suspect it won't happen


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Hi, Rach...

Good for you, giril, give 'em hel_l! Apart from anything else, 'telling it like it is' is rare as hen's teeth here right now. Although I'm not a customer these days , I've only heard good about Tuskers, and I know you're both good, hardworking, successful people.

Unfortunately, good, hardworking people are at a severe disadvantage in this town and attract the snipers, trolls and those consumed by their own jealousy and misery.

Ignore them, sweetie, get on with your life and enjoy motherhood! What goes round comes round.....

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I have been looking for these vicious anti-Tuskers posts, wanted to see how bad they were, but can't find any.

Could you post a link please?

They have been removed as inflammatory and trashing a sponsor. If this topic heads that way then posts will be removed without comment and potential warnings/suspensions issued.

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I have never been to Tuskers and don't actually know where it is.



click on their Thai Visa ad


add a new bookmark at the underlined address


go down after 8:00 tonight to the east side moat, northern half, and listen for the boffin noises. Easy to tell from Spice,

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

I *really* don't understand the remarks about the parking. Yes parking right in front of Tuskers with a car is near impossible, but inside the moat it is possible and when going to Tuskers I have *never* had a problem with finding a place to park.

It does mean a 2 minutes walk, or for me actually a bit longer as I usually, not always, bring a dog or two.

I wish Chas an Rachel all the best in the world. I admire their decision to change their lives, which I assume wasn't easy especially in a foreign country, for the sake of their baby.

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

i think anyone who complains about not being able to park a car or truck immediately outside tuskers is just being quite gobsmackingly lazy. there are absolutely loads of places nearby to park a car within a 1 to 2 minute walk of the place.

think tuskers' location, away from the backpacker crowd and far enough from the drooling sorts on loi kroh is a plus point to be honest.

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

I am sorry, but I have NEVER had a problem parking, OK you gotta put yourself out a little to walk a maybe 100 metres,(maybe 200 is the most I have ever had to walk) but on the numerous occassions my wife and I have been there the tiny inconvienience of having to walk a little is always made up for by the great time we have had there, especially at TV do's themed parties and birthdays :burp: I could never remember getting back to the darn car anyway :drunk: (My wife does not drink).

I can tell you this 100%, the parking issues that so many people seem so hung up has NEVER come up in any cnversation I have ever had with anyone in the bar :realangry:

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

i think anyone who complains about not being able to park a car or truck immediately outside tuskers is just being quite gobsmackingly lazy. there are absolutely loads of places nearby to park a car within a 1 to 2 minute walk of the place.

think tuskers' location, away from the backpacker crowd and far enough from the drooling sorts on loi kroh is a plus point to be honest.

I don't recall saying immediately outside,

Anyway, since I'm obviously wrong or gobsmackingly lazy, can I retract my comment and say it's a good location and very easy to park a car or truck nearby?

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

i think anyone who complains about not being able to park a car or truck immediately outside tuskers is just being quite gobsmackingly lazy. there are absolutely loads of places nearby to park a car within a 1 to 2 minute walk of the place.

think tuskers' location, away from the backpacker crowd and far enough from the drooling sorts on loi kroh is a plus point to be honest.

I don't recall saying immediately outside,

Anyway, since I'm obviously wrong or gobsmackingly lazy, can I retract my comment and say it's a good location and very easy to park a car or truck nearby?

feel free.

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The main problem with Tuskers is its location.

In a car or truck, it's extremely difficult to find a parking spot anywhere near. :annoyed:

However, if you ride a bike, then it's possible to park right outside. :)

I am sorry, but I have NEVER had a problem parking, OK you gotta put yourself out a little to walk a maybe 100 metres,(maybe 200 is the most I have ever had to walk) but on the numerous occassions my wife and I have been there the tiny inconvienience of having to walk a little is always made up for by the great time we have had there, especially at TV do's themed parties and birthdays :burp: I could never remember getting back to the darn car anyway :drunk: (My wife does not drink).

I can tell you this 100%, the parking issues that so many people seem so hung up has NEVER come up in any cnversation I have ever had with anyone in the bar :realangry:


For a while there, I thought I was the only one.

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To be fair, we might consider that uptheos was using my experiences as an authority. He had not understood the circumstances fully, however. No matter where I spent an evening out, I often found in those days a question upon leaving: Right or left?

Eventually, I discovered the root cause. I have no sense of direction. So now I carry a compass. When leaving Tuskers now, I go eastward toward Sitthiwong Rd, where I park just, as they say, a few steps away. (There, of course, there repeats the question - left or right?) Life in Thailand is just full of questions and I like it.

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To be fair, we might consider that uptheos was using my experiences as an authority. He had not understood the circumstances fully, however. No matter where I spent an evening out, I often found in those days a question upon leaving: Right or left?

Eventually, I discovered the root cause. I have no sense of direction. So now I carry a compass. When leaving Tuskers now, I go eastward toward Sitthiwong Rd, where I park just, as they say, a few steps away. (There, of course, there repeats the question - left or right?) Life in Thailand is just full of questions and I like it.

?????????????? :blink:

For the record.

I have never said anything bad about Tuskers or its owners.

I have had Christmas dinners there with my family from the UK and stated on this forum that it was great!

I have been to many quiz nights and dropped in from time to time, I'm not a regular and never have been.

I have never had reason to complain about the owners, the food, the staff or the atmosphere.

In fact I have complimented Chas on this forum for his efforts when it came to The Ashes, World Cup etc, saying that he went the extra mile where no-one else really bothered.

I make a comment about difficulty parking and get jumped upon... I said you can park right outside with a bike.

Are people so anxious that an innocuous comment about parking can be blown out of proportion?

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To be fair, we might consider that uptheos was using my experiences as an authority. He had not understood the circumstances fully, however. No matter where I spent an evening out, I often found in those days a question upon leaving: Right or left?

Eventually, I discovered the root cause. I have no sense of direction. So now I carry a compass. When leaving Tuskers now, I go eastward toward Sitthiwong Rd, where I park just, as they say, a few steps away. (There, of course, there repeats the question - left or right?) Life in Thailand is just full of questions and I like it.

?????????????? :blink:

For the record.

I have never said anything bad about Tuskers or its owners.

I have had Christmas dinners there with my family from the UK and stated on this forum that it was great!

I have been to many quiz nights and dropped in from time to time, I'm not a regular and never have been.

I have never had reason to complain about the owners, the food, the staff or the atmosphere.

In fact I have complimented Chas on this forum for his efforts when it came to The Ashes, World Cup etc, saying that he went the extra mile where no-one else really bothered.

I make a comment about difficulty parking and get jumped upon... I said you can park right outside with a bike.

Are people so anxious that an innocuous comment about parking can be blown out of proportion?

Thanks everyone for the comments we do appreciate them!!!

While I may well have left myself open to trolling, I was fully aware of this when I wrote it but sometimes there comes a point where something needs to be said regardless of the possible consequences from people who are going to snipe anyway.

In response to Uptheos, I'm sorry that I've got you involved in this as you have always been very supportive of both me and Chas personally as well as Tuskers!

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Hi Rachael, I have not seen any anti-tuskers posters. I have been doing my due diligence through your Chas to see if I was to make an offer. As you both have done a fine job transforming a short term brothel type establishment into a great restuarant. You have a great website and Chas and yourself are great assets to your business.

For my money maybe you are the business. As the next owners will need to be just as spirited as you in this endevour.

Chas has been nothing but Open and honest. Responding to all emails and questions.

As a potential purchaser I am trying to find negative sentiment about Tuskers and cannot find it.

I simply think in the current environment you will find it tough with a very strong baht to get the price you wish.

I think the new owners will need to be just as dynamic and motivated as you and Chas. This maybe a big ask- as most owners make or break the business on its own. As it is not a Maccas or 7\11. You are the business.

Still unsure where you feel negative sentiment has been directed towards Tuskers, you and Chas.

This seems like a bit of an outburst of emotion and confusion in the sales process. You will sell sooner or later. Try not to be impatient, my GH took a year and it was crap money. Due to the time left on contract.

Time left and the uncertainty of key money at the end is my main issue. As I have been stung before on huge key money after having a OKish business. Would be a more valuable business if sold with a 3 + 3 + 3 year lease again. The strong baht concerns me but NOTHING about the way you and Chas ran the business.

That is my input from JAY the stockbroker whom Chas knows- I was to drop in last week. I do teaching as a hobby and looking for the term to complete then moving back into town.

I hope you get the price you want and can move onto other opportunities in a timely manner. I think you will when the baht weakens and it would be beneficial for the new owners to take over before Nov (High Season). So they can potentially get ROI Return On Investment back in a timely manner.

Chok Dee Rachael and Chas


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To be fair, we might consider that uptheos was using my experiences as an authority. He had not understood the circumstances fully, however. No matter where I spent an evening out, I often found in those days a question upon leaving: Right or left?

Eventually, I discovered the root cause. I have no sense of direction. So now I carry a compass. When leaving Tuskers now, I go eastward toward Sitthiwong Rd, where I park just, as they say, a few steps away. (There, of course, there repeats the question - left or right?) Life in Thailand is just full of questions and I like it.

?????????????? :blink:

For the record.

I have never said anything bad about Tuskers or its owners.

I have had Christmas dinners there with my family from the UK and stated on this forum that it was great!

I have been to many quiz nights and dropped in from time to time, I'm not a regular and never have been.

I have never had reason to complain about the owners, the food, the staff or the atmosphere.

In fact I have complimented Chas on this forum for his efforts when it came to The Ashes, World Cup etc, saying that he went the extra mile where no-one else really bothered.

I make a comment about difficulty parking and get jumped upon... I said you can park right outside with a bike.

Are people so anxious that an innocuous comment about parking can be blown out of proportion?

Thanks everyone for the comments we do appreciate them!!!

While I may well have left myself open to trolling, I was fully aware of this when I wrote it but sometimes there comes a point where something needs to be said regardless of the possible consequences from people who are going to snipe anyway.

In response to Uptheos, I'm sorry that I've got you involved in this as you have always been very supportive of both me and Chas personally as well as Tuskers!

Thanks for this Rachele, much appreciated and all the very best with everything. :)

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