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Is The Opinion Of Young Thai Men Towards Prostitution Changing?


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What a depressing thread. Normal well adjusted young Thai males do not patronize brothels or hookers. Why would the typical young male need to? Those that desire sex can easily score from their social circle, schoolmates or work colleagues. It is like this around the world. The advantage of being young is that people will pay to have sex with you, but you do not have to pay for sex. Most young people do not want to have sex with old people, no matter the incentive. If some young person is using a hooker then that person is either fugly or a pathetic loser and that too isn't much different than elsewhere.

All of my Thai male friends are between the ages of 28 and 35. Maybe not so young, but not one of them has ever used a hooker. We all know the reasons why and it's been dealt with on other threads. If these guys want sex they can easily find it. No need to pay. I believe it is the benefit of having nice abs, an ability to maintain an erection, not smoking or drinking in excess and of not having bad breath from rotten teeth. ;)

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Normal well adjusted young Thai males do not patronize brothels or hookers. Why would the typical young male need to?

Yeah, who the heck wants endless no strings attached variety that won't keep calling you for days and weeks just because they think they are suddenly in a relationship with you.

And as you 'surely' know, banging your way through your social circle, school friends, and every chic in your office always turns out really well.


Edited by Heng
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All of my Thai male friends are between the ages of 28 and 35. Maybe not so young, but not one of them has ever used a hooker.

Certainly not something you can prove. You can say that they have claimed to not have.

But I really was not referring to 28 to 35 year olds when I said young Thai males.

I was referring to males younger than that, teenagers, virgins, etc.. those whose opinion and understanding of women and sex and responsibility is malleable.

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well i also think it is one of those things such as cigarettes or alcohol that is habit forming. if a young man cannot have sex with a girl unless they marry, he is likely to form the habit of using prostitutes at an early age and it will shape his mental psyche and approach towards women. if he is capable of having consensual sex without marriage then perhaps the way he views sex will be more romantic and emotional based as opposed to transactional.

from this perspective, i do feel that young thai men are becoming more what some people here call Westernized in their relationships with women.

Its amazing flowerman how you went from typing broken english in the Malicious Damage thread to this level of english in such a short period of time. :rolleyes:

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From what I have read this thread has been devoted to young hi so uni grads which are a very small percent of young Thai males.

From the demand side.

There are many young Thai males in the military and working on boats. These men don’t have the availability of non professional women to socialize with.

In the industrial areas of Bangkok and the Eastern seaboard there are millions of single Thai males that also don’t have a social network to rely on as they come from other parts of Thailand.

From the supply side in border areas there are many sources of supply that are more in line economically with farm wages.

Sex in Thailand is a commodity and traded as such. The westernization of Thailand has made significant inroads in dislodging this cultural trait as can be seen by reading this thread and the opinions of some of the less aware members of the forum.

The educational level is slowly increasing in Thailand but part of that education is designed to keep women in the category of a commodity.

One of the charms as well as the flaws in Thailand is the slowness to change.

Radical changes such as China and Singapore has not happened here. So in answer to the OP’s question. Change is certainly coming but very slowly. Sinsot and short time are still here for a while.

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well i also think it is one of those things such as cigarettes or alcohol that is habit forming. if a young man cannot have sex with a girl unless they marry, he is likely to form the habit of using prostitutes at an early age and it will shape his mental psyche and approach towards women. if he is capable of having consensual sex without marriage then perhaps the way he views sex will be more romantic and emotional based as opposed to transactional.

from this perspective, i do feel that young thai men are becoming more what some people here call Westernized in their relationships with women.

Its amazing flowerman how you went from typing broken english in the Malicious Damage thread to this level of english in such a short period of time. :rolleyes:

I can only imagine the malice and confusion if you were to crack open a Jonathon Swift novel :sorry:

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thailand, singapore, china, the usa, europe, blah blah blah. The only difference is the price.

Many more differences besides the price.

1. Sheer numbers by percent of population. Some estimates as high as 10% of the population.

2. Diversity of labor pool. From farm communities second income as well as source of university tuition.

3. Lack of social stigma associated with similar activities in other countries.

4. Zoning laws far different.

5. End result of exposure to the industry far different. Thailand seen as a source of husbands. It is not only Falangs who meet their wives in bars.

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What's a wannabe expat?

I'd hazard a guess it's the guy sat in his dismal room in equally dismal Slough dreaming of living the high life but knowing his job stacking shelves in Tescos is never going to pay for more than a weekend in Southend.

Are we talking about young single Thai men who go occasionally with prostitutes when the dirty water level gets too high and they are too lazy to take the situation in hand?

Or are we talking about young Thai men shacked up with prostitutes living off their earnings?

As has been said, only a young Thai male can answer the question, the rest is just twisted, biased opinions often formed on the basis of contact with bar girls.

And in the final analysis, who cares? It's their life, let them get on with it.

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...If these guys want sex they can easily find it. No need to pay. I believe it is the benefit of having nice abs, an ability to maintain an erection, not smoking or drinking in excess and of not having bad breath from rotten teeth. ;)

Great. Another bloody shopping list. Where to start?


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From what I have read this thread has been devoted to young hi so uni grads which are a very small percent of young Thai males.

From the demand side.

There are many young Thai males in the military and working on boats. These men don’t have the availability of non professional women to socialize with.

In the industrial areas of Bangkok and the Eastern seaboard there are millions of single Thai males that also don’t have a social network to rely on as they come from other parts of Thailand.

From the supply side in border areas there are many sources of supply that are more in line economically with farm wages.

Sex in Thailand is a commodity and traded as such. The westernization of Thailand has made significant inroads in dislodging this cultural trait as can be seen by reading this thread and the opinions of some of the less aware members of the forum.

The educational level is slowly increasing in Thailand but part of that education is designed to keep women in the category of a commodity.

One of the charms as well as the flaws in Thailand is the slowness to change.

Radical changes such as China and Singapore has not happened here. So in answer to the OP’s question. Change is certainly coming but very slowly. Sinsot and short time are still here for a while.

the first poster with sensible answers. so, i will give u the thai male side of things from the men i meet here, (i ask them nowadays what they do and they do tell me the truth, sine ive moved frm one side to the other side of 40... i am treated as such: mother/sister type.)... the men here, predominantly bannork issaan, married, although nowadays larger amounts of younger guys not married, and more 'citified' (korat city etc).... use prostitutes.

here, they go to tel aviv. in thailand, they used prostitutes for the experience, not as a long term solution. once they have established themselves, have some money/house etc they prefer marriage, and /or one woman on the side gik/mia noi. my husband went to a prostitute before he came to israel to work, as he was a virgin, and 'good girls' that is, the marriage prospect he desired, wouldnt do it... she later got married to a farang, blablablabl...he has accompanied the guys on trips here and there to tel aviv but seems truly not interested... the other men see the prostitutes as a definate commodity like going out to drink, or eat. nothing more.

the guys here however, do prefer long term side sex: i.e.with filipina women (a plethora of them, not too many thai women here)who also prefer long term affection , money and sex rather then risky and expensive one off service.

when they do go to prostitutes, its in groups, a boys' nite out type thing... seen only for the sex. any of the 'long term ' arrangments are a bit more involved: a commodity, yes, but there is affection involved. love is rarely used except in english (i luv u) making it not real...

the karoake bars in my husband's muu baan were chock full of wairoon and young thai males ... i wanted to go in to one; my husband hustled me along, telling me they are 'bad' places for 'bad' boys ... i imagine that as one goes up the economic chain /educatinal chain, there is less use of prostitutes since there are more 'giks' and sexual freedom among the same age groups.

however, as the OP or some other poster pointed out, among the many many up country/out of city guys that do live/work in the big city, prostitutes meet the working guy's needs. cheap, one off, no strings, satisfaction without the hassle (since he wouldnt have extra money for the flowers/perfume/taxi, and normal room since the workers live in one room apartment hovels with several guys sleeping in same room). how do i know this//? my husband and i stayed with several male friends of his who are exactly in this situation. they take turns sleeping in the rooms (nite/day shift workers), very small rooms, no furniture really, just sleeping/showering/rice pot)the rooms are either small rooms sub rented, or workers' hotels... girlfriends are high maintenance they need presents, privacy, and time together. the working chai/lek/noi usually are working terribly long shifts , with little time to spare for eating and sleeping...prostitutes are an hour's work, so fit the need.

actually an interesting question but most folks here dont have thai husbands to ask, but thai wives, who might have different information...


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what are the opinions of this generation of young thai males towards using female prostitutes? is their opinion different from previous thai generations?

hey.. here's a thought.. how about asking some young Thai males themselves, instead of a bunch of snooty-think-they-know-it-all-farang-expats...?

you might get the true answer there... :whistling:

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well one thing i have definitely noticed is that thailand is more liberal these days towards premarital sex. one would consider that this might make the use of prostitutes by young men less common.

How so?

Prostitutes are around because men have natural butterfly tendencies. Marriage has nothing to do with it.

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About Thai male attitudes towards prostitution...My random opinion ~ I doubt many young men would go; huge loss of face & it is far easier for them (more so than say their farang equiv) to pick up a girl through normal channels. I imagine the Thai clientele at the brothels would consist of policeman and single men aged over 40 with alcholism issues.

Rubbish. There is no such thing as free love, no matter what your age. I came here at age 25. Nothing came free for me.

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A number of Thai universities, government agencies, NGOs and UN-affiliated agencies (including Unescap and Unifem) have carried out studies on the sex trade in Thailand.

One of the most comprehensive ones I have read, from the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women, reported that according to its surveys around 75% of single Thai males under the age of 35 hired the services of Thai sex workers an average of twice a month. Geographically, Bangkok men had the lowest rate of using sex services, while the north and northeast had the highest rates.

The data were, as I recall, fairly similar across all socioeconomic classes, although higher-income men reported that they were less likely to tell to their friends.

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<br />A number of Thai universities, government agencies, NGOs and UN-affiliated agencies (including Unescap and Unifem) have carried out studies on the sex trade in Thailand. <br /><br />One of the most comprehensive ones I have read, from the Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women, reported that according to its surveys around 75% of single Thai males under the age of 35 hired the services of Thai sex workers an average of twice a month. Geographically, Bangkok men had the lowest rate of using sex services, while the north and northeast had the highest rates.<br /><br />The data were, as I recall, fairly similar across all socioeconomic classes, although higher-income men reported that they were less likely to tell to their friends.<br />

That sounds about right. Posters saying the average Thai man doesn't use prostitutes are so way off you wonder what little ivory tower they live in. Thailand is not like the west where it's socially acceptable for young women to sleep with their boyfriends. In 'polite society' in Thailand women are expected to remain virgins until marriage. Of course most Thais don't belong to 'polite society'. A large proportion of young, lower class Thai women work as prostitutes and a large proportion end up as mia nois for some older rich guy. Where does that leave a young Thai gentleman? He can't get sex from his girlfriend so he pays for it instead. For young, lower class Thai men the position is different. If he's from a poor village where most of the young women work in the sex trade, he might have a girlfriend (or two) who works in the sex trade. While she's away he probably visits the local brothel.

In the west it's considered unmanly to use prostitutes but in Thailand there is no social stigma at all about it. Young men go around in groups looking for prostitutes in the same way that young men in the west would go out 'on the pull' to nightclubs.

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well one thing i have definitely noticed is that thailand is more liberal these days towards premarital sex. one would consider that this might make the use of prostitutes by young men less common.

How so?

Prostitutes are around because men have natural butterfly tendencies. Marriage has nothing to do with it.

They are also around because some men can't convince women to sleep with them.

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A large proportion of young, lower class Thai women work as prostitutes and a large proportion end up as mia nois for some older rich guy.

I would not say it is a large proportion. There are millions of 'lower class Thai women' in the country.

How many work in the sex industry?

Similar to the 'all ladyboys end up as sex workers' myth.

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well one thing i have definitely noticed is that thailand is more liberal these days towards premarital sex. one would consider that this might make the use of prostitutes by young men less common.

Valid point! Why go out for hamburger when you can have steaks at (their) homes?

because i like hamburger

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Troll OP, just check his other work :rolleyes:

i find it quite depressing that thai visa contains reams of wannabe moderators who take it upon themselves to determine what is worthy and what is not worthy of discussion and trot out the little "closed" emoticon.

I find it pathetic that here survives a hall monitor culture where people actually report a thread because they personally disapprove of the poster or topic..

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Troll OP, just check his other work :rolleyes:

i find it quite depressing that thai visa contains reams of wannabe moderators who take it upon themselves to determine what is worthy and what is not worthy of discussion and trot out the little "closed" emoticon.

I find it pathetic that here survives a hall monitor culture where people actually report a thread because they personally disapprove of the poster or topic..

And just because a topic might be a "TROLL" doesn't mean it wouldn't make a good topic for discussion or debate. No matter what topic is posted there is usually something that can be learned from it... if nothing more than the number of weird people there are who might be watching an internet forum.

I always say that anything that doesn't kill or maim you makes you smarter... if you pay attention.

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I do know that young Thai males seldom use condoms and have no compunction with getting Thai girls pregnant. There are no laws that make Thai males take responsibility for their own actions, so I see no reason why their attitude would change towards prostitution.

---------- exactly ---------

imo , young thai men , do not need to pay prostitutes for sex .

there are plenty of young thai ladies available for them .

sadly they just fkcm ,, and forget them , no conscience.

older thai men , use the service of prostitutes , no big deal .

thailand, fortunately does not have the stigma attached to prostitution.

thats , why some many farangs come to LOS.

suprise , suprise :jap:

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I do know that young Thai males seldom use condoms and have no compunction with getting Thai girls pregnant. There are no laws that make Thai males take responsibility for their own actions, so I see no reason why their attitude would change towards prostitution.

In the western world getting pregnant and having the baby is considered the womans choice.

I never understood why western women then expected the man who randomly donated sperm to pay for her choice?

Thailand seems to be a much fairer society, females choose to have a child out of wedlock, then said females have sole responsibility to pay for it.

Sorry but I just don't like the, I'll do whatever I want and make some man pay for my actions, attitude of some western women.

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<br />
<br /> A large proportion of young, lower class Thai women work as prostitutes and a large proportion end up as mia nois for some older rich guy. <br />
<br /><br />I would not say it is a large proportion. There are millions of 'lower class Thai women' in the country.<br />How many work in the sex industry?<br /><br />Similar to the 'all ladyboys end up as sex workers' myth.<br />

Estimates for the number of Thai prostitutes are all over the place, with some sources claiming 2 million. Bearing in mind that most prostitutes are in the 18-29 age range, it's fair to say that a very large proportion of lower class Thai women end up doing that work at some stage in their lives.

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