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Whats The Strangest Thing You'Ve Ever Seen Here?


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The strangest thing I've seen? A pair of dog nuts attached to a dog sniffing me as I awoke on the sidewalk about 6 a.m. after trying to make it home from a good night of 8 ounce weight lifting.:D

Thanks for the mental image. It's good lo hear you are living the dream.

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Certainly strange ....but horrifying

Morning of December 26 2004

from about 4 hundred meters out in Patong bay looking shoreward watching Patong "disappear"

Morning of Dec 28th 2004

Khoalak ...just sand and concrete where the beautiful resorts once existed..... body bags everywhere...heart wrenching!

That brings to memory just how close I came to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was SUPPOSED to be staying with Thai friends in their beach hut near Kao Lak. My daughter in Canada e-mailed me asking me to come home for Christmas, only two weeks before the tragic event. When I returned in March the home where my friends used to live was washed away and nobody ever heard from them again. Nor were their neighbours. The two families I knew with 4 young children all gone missing.

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Went out with a bunch of friends cause the one just broke up with his GF cause she run away with a Korean. So he needed some Alcohol.

Anyhow, he was crying, desperate and wanted to kill the Korean.

"i go and get a Kalashnikov and kill him...bla bla bla."

Than suddenly my other friend came forward and said.

"That is nothing. I lost my wife and my 2 beautiful kids in the Tsunami on Phuket." :o

Thinks like that make your lacks shaking.

Very sad story.

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a street cleaner spent forty minutes yesterday trying to get my cat to pick the lottery numbers.

I mentioned this to my wife. She didn't even raise an eyebrow at it, then told me how the ladies in the village use a turtle to pick numbers. I didn't get it all, but they put a turtle in a box with numbers on pieces of paper. Somehow, a number is selected and off they go! And since none are the richer, I am guessing it doesn't work very well! :lol:

Hi, In the village I used to live, in Korat, I saw a group of ladies looking at a Frogs belly, one was bubbing it. I asked the girlfriend what were they doing. She explained they get it drunk on Lao Kaao, rub talc on it's belly, to get lotto numbers. They all came up with different numbers????????


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Years ago in Bangkok on the highway passing Don Muang I saw a pick up grossly overloaded with a huge elephant - it looked surreal!

Similar story, but on the expressway to Pattaya. Going past a police checkpoint, a pickup with front wheels barely touching the road, carrying 3 seater sofas, stacked 6 high. No-one even blinked an eye!

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The twice daily MK staff dance

Needs to be seen to be believed. Would be classed as a crime against humanity in the West. Thai diners pretend nothing's happening while I don't know whether to die from laughter, pity or pure shame to be watching it from outside.

They do it now at the new "Cold Stone" Ice creamery at Central Bang Na too !

Pitiful really

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9 years ago on my first visit to Thailand I was staying in Koh San Rd. Just left Gulliver's after a night on it, when this English lad came flying down the stairs of guesthouse across the street. Running across the road and stopping right in front of us and turning around as a young Thai lad came flying down the same stairs with a pool cue. The English lad protested "come on mate I've just had my ear bitten off". Sure enough his ear was gone. Anyway the Thai guy wasn't finished and started chasing him up the road and into the night.

The next morning we were in a taxi heading to the train station to continue our travels, all still wondering what happening in the end to the now one-eared lad. Low and behold as we were heading out of Koh San Rd we noticed a pissed off looking lad marching up the road with his head all bandaged up.

I didn't come to Thailand without respect nor research before my arrival, but seeing that certainly taught me something about Thailand first hand. Unfortunately at someone else's expense.

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The twice daily MK staff dance

Needs to be seen to be believed.  Would be classed as a crime against humanity in the West.  Thai diners pretend nothing's happening while I don't know whether to die from laughter, pity or pure shame to be watching it from outside.

They do it now at the new "Cold Stone" Ice creamery at Central Bang Na too !

Pitiful really

THey break out into song at most Cold Stones in the US as well.

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The twice daily MK staff dance

Needs to be seen to be believed. Would be classed as a crime against humanity in the West. Thai diners pretend nothing's happening while I don't know whether to die from laughter, pity or pure shame to be watching it from outside.

They do it now at the new "Cold Stone" Ice creamery at Central Bang Na too !

Pitiful really

THey break out into song at most Cold Stones in the US as well.

No kidding??? Damm I honestly thought that was a Thai add on. I never hung around in a Cold Stone back in the States longer than it took me to grab my ice cream and roll. I was at the Coffe World situated above the shop when I looked down and noticed them dancing around.

Huh, learn something new everyday.

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The twice daily MK staff dance

Needs to be seen to be believed.  Would be classed as a crime against humanity in the West.  Thai diners pretend nothing's happening while I don't know whether to die from laughter, pity or pure shame to be watching it from outside.

They do it now at the new "Cold Stone" Ice creamery at Central Bang Na too !

Pitiful really

THey break out into song at most Cold Stones in the US as well.

No kidding??? Damm I honestly thought that was a Thai add on. I never hung around in a Cold Stone back in the States longer than it took me to grab my ice cream and roll. I was at the Coffe World situated above the shop when I looked down and noticed them dancing around.

Huh, learn something new everyday.

I have never seen them do it at the smaller strip mall outlets, but at the bigger ones, like the one on NYC's 42nd street, they do.  It might have to do with the smaller ones having two or three workers at a time while the bigger ones might have 20.

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By god this forum drives me nuts at times! Another "holier than thou" post by someone who considers himself a cut above the rest because he has (seemingly) never had to hustle in order to get by.

onnut states that he has his own business now - with his wife - but in the early days it was a strugle and the family offered to help out. The guy did not at any point say he was desperate and destitute - he simply said he was struggling through the initial start up - and the family helped out to make things easier. Thats what family is for isnt it? To help out? Or as westerners are we supposed to conform to the stereotype that all of us are dripping in cash and would never drop to such low depths that we need help from our Thai family?

It realy irks me..... Seriously drives me nuts. This pathetic attitude that many people take when considering westerners peoples status over here.

There was a point - for a whole year - that I was pretty much destitute after my business failed. I had the most awfull year and at some points found it hard to pay the rent. I struggled by safe in the belief that at some point, I will get back on game again. And I did. For the last few years I have been earning a considerable amount of money and consider myself affluent once again. Should I have gone home three years ago when I was finding things tough? Would you say I was not worthy to grace my presence amongst more stable ex-pats?

Shame on you for such a snobby attitude.

Ifyou let a forum drive you nuts over things I belive it says quite a deal about you. The name HuaHinFool also I guess.

You know nothing about me and I am for sure not snobby. What I dd though was making my own money from hard and determined working and investments earlier in life.

Edited by Thunderbird4ever
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My mother in law pawning her gold for me when I was skint .

twice for me. once when we bought our house in Bangkok and we needed furniture my MIL and FIL lent us 300k. these guys are not wealthy at all but had that in life savings. then about 4 months ago again, but this time she pawned her gold along with my wife to help get us by when we took over our small restaurant.

on more than one occasion she has helped out by pawning or selling valuable gold chains and diamond rings from trips to chinatown (yawalat). so that we could get all three of the businesses up and running. has also helped out with money requirement concerning visas, when i needed a cash boost.

shes not a wealthy person by any stretch of the imagination

The three of you And also to HuaHinFool;

The whole point isnt about family being family and that it is ok to borrow money from family only because they are family. Then you have a narrow and easy view of life and are probably going to hustle anyone for some cash on your way through life.

This is about the finacial status of the people you are borrowing from and what social system they live in. Look at all of you, potless and with no money. You were not able to make it in farang land and make some cash there. Why should anyone belive you could make some cash here? You have all failed in life in terms of gaining assets or save money to spend on a business for yourself. Most likely because you are not business orientated and also do not have the best control over personal expenses due over income.

And here it comes, what if your business or your life in terms of economic fails again and this time on lent money from not wealthy but a poor old thai mother and father in law.That would be a great situation for all wouldnt it? These not wealthy farmers or up country people that worked all their life and saved some money, but which you the white man couldnt do and now you re asking for their help. No, screw that, as I said, that is not cool.

Why did you not borrow money from your own family where you come from...Because no one wants to, because they know exactly how you are?

Why not borrow from friends where you come from that could live with aloss of some 200.000-500.000 baht... Because you dont have any that trusts you?

Why not through a financial institution in your home country or here... Because you dont have anything for that institution that would justify a loan from them.

Anyone going to live in another country and especially a country likeThailand should have the cash to make a sustainable life for themselves and their own money if they want to do some business and not ride on some old thai people to make it for them.

I am reading and one of you saying 160k in the bank and your wife cant touch it. If thats about all you ve got and and I would say your life is at a great risk. It takes you or any other from your beloved family only one motorbike crash and your hospital bills could double or triple that amount. I seriously hope that the reason for why you are so low on cash in your life is because you have the most expensive health insurrance covering for yourself and your whole family here. Otherwise you are running a huge risk of just being in this country.

You all remind me of the farangs that does not want to leave this country at any costs. Take what it takes and just hold on to being here no matter what. Shame on you. What you are doing is not cool and you are all running a much greater risk on a thai family than you should.

Edited by Thunderbird4ever
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First time I experienced the song and dance " thing" I was in Jacksonville Florida. Sitting at the landing overlooking the river, the waitresses all grabbed the ketchup bottles from the tables, held them as microphones and did their song and dance act.

It completely took me by surprise and thought it was silly and couldn't stop laughing, so it was entertaining, in a way. They didn't mind and afterwards I was told by one of them that they " had to do it" but absolutely didn't enjoy doing it.

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Almost twenty years to the day. Was taken out by the towns police chief and headmaster. As the project I was overseeing was a remote upcountry location, no other foreigners had lived there. At about midnight the said police chief got up and left. He drove his pickup 50 meters towards the towns main intersection. Plastered (excessively drunk) as he was, he lost control at the intersection. The pickup spun around 180 degrees out of control and came to rest a meter away from the intersections police box, The on-duty junior officer ran out of the box fearing his life........ Once he realized it was the police chief he straightened up like a light pole and gave the biggest salute to the police chief that I have ever seen!!!

Said police chief drove off(probably to mia noi's house)

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I'm pretty sure the guys at Carrefour don't enjoy the song and dance routine they have to do at 5 every evening. Which why I thought of this as a way to liven things up for them just for a day:

Get a bunch of foreigners together and learn the dance (after a few beers, of course). The training video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q06e8sKZl8w?. Then a couple of dozen of us show up in bright blue shirts at Carrefour one fine day at 5 to break into dance with the employees, flash-mob style. I know a guy called Ian who would know where to get the requisite shirts.

I just couldn't get enough silly foreigners to sign up with me. Mrs. T was relieved.

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By god this forum drives me nuts at times! Another "holier than thou" post by someone who considers himself a cut above the rest because he has (seemingly) never had to hustle in order to get by.

onnut states that he has his own business now - with his wife - but in the early days it was a strugle and the family offered to help out. The guy did not at any point say he was desperate and destitute - he simply said he was struggling through the initial start up - and the family helped out to make things easier. Thats what family is for isnt it? To help out? Or as westerners are we supposed to conform to the stereotype that all of us are dripping in cash and would never drop to such low depths that we need help from our Thai family?

It realy irks me..... Seriously drives me nuts. This pathetic attitude that many people take when considering westerners peoples status over here.

There was a point - for a whole year - that I was pretty much destitute after my business failed. I had the most awfull year and at some points found it hard to pay the rent. I struggled by safe in the belief that at some point, I will get back on game again. And I did. For the last few years I have been earning a considerable amount of money and consider myself affluent once again. Should I have gone home three years ago when I was finding things tough? Would you say I was not worthy to grace my presence amongst more stable ex-pats?

Shame on you for such a snobby attitude.

Ifyou let a forum drive you nuts over things I belive it says quite a deal about you. The name HuaHinFool also I guess.

You know nothing about me and I am for sure not snobby. What I dd though was making my own money from hard and determined working and investments earlier in life.

Oh yeah! I could say the same. You don't know anything about me or my family. And I am in the process of making my own money. I feel sorry for you having a attitude like that. Life must be bitter.

Anyway, chin up, it can only get better.

Oh and I will be back tomorrow to give you a negative red.

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In reply to Thunderbird4nevers last post

I left the uk aged 19 with nothing but 80 pounds and my education. I traveled and worked for 10 years before landing in Thailand where I also started working. Met my wife, married bought a house and then we had a baby boy and that was when we decided to open our own business.

So now aged 35 I am happily married with a child, we own our own house two cars and have a business.

I have more then 160k in the bank. That was the price of the gold FYI.

So looking at where we are in life I think we are doing well. And it's getting better as we are looking for location number two.

Not many 35 year olds in the UK are where we are in life.

PM me. Let me offer you a beer and a meal so you can see me in person. You might change your mind about me.

Congrats! You are doing quite well indeed!

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<br /><b>Just wondering the strangest things you have ever seen in Thailand?</b><br /><br />polls, questions and answers in this forum  <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whistling:' /><br />
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Answers in this forum? Dito! (did you hear about the geezer who claimed a BMW gets cheap as long as you employ a bilingu....triling.....multilingual gardener?)

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I'm pretty sure the guys at Carrefour don't enjoy the song and dance routine they have to do at 5 every evening. Which why I thought of this as a way to liven things up for them just for a day:

Get a bunch of foreigners together and learn the dance (after a few beers, of course). The training video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q06e8sKZl8w?. Then a couple of dozen of us show up in bright blue shirts at Carrefour one fine day at 5 to break into dance with the employees, flash-mob style. I know a guy called Ian who would know where to get the requisite shirts.

I just couldn't get enough silly foreigners to sign up with me. Mrs. T was relieved.

Brilliant idea, silly, but brilliant :)

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I'm pretty sure the guys at Carrefour don't enjoy the song and dance routine they have to do at 5 every evening. Which why I thought of this as a way to liven things up for them just for a day:

Get a bunch of foreigners together and learn the dance (after a few beers, of course). The training video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q06e8sKZl8w?. Then a couple of dozen of us show up in bright blue shirts at Carrefour one fine day at 5 to break into dance with the employees, flash-mob style. I know a guy called Ian who would know where to get the requisite shirts.

I just couldn't get enough silly foreigners to sign up with me. Mrs. T was relieved.

Brilliant idea, silly, but brilliant :)

I'm sure I could find a blue silk shirt in just Thakkar's size. I'll even teach him a few dance steps.Girls love dancing.:lol:

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Strangest thing ?....a scuffy pot belly farang in shorts and singlet holding the waist of a young thai girl.. :blink:

Stranger, in my opinion, is when I see some octagenarian hobbling around town, bent over his cane but holding the hand of a gorgeous young lady.

Or maybe I'm just jealous...

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Fish and beach chairs floating around on Patongs 2nd road on that dreadful day not knowing what the hel_l I'd just slept thru. Then seeing cars piled on top of each other and buses that had clearly been hurled 100's of yards from the road.

On a much lighter note, guys massaging you whilst taking a p!ss in club Xcyte in Pattaya.

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My first choice for weirdest thing I have ever seen is that "strawberry and melted cheese" sandwich they served a 7/eleven a few months back.

My second choice would be when a Thai girl (a total stranger) came up to me, reached for my nipple and tweaked it before walking away without a word whatsoever while I was walking on Ramkhamheng Road. The people who had witnessed the scene seemed just as confused as I was.

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i've lost count of the dangerous acts being carried with pickups, trucks and even motorbikes on the roads, it seems to be daily event!

i've been here a few years now and even before i lived here, when i would to and fro a few times a year to see the girlfriend, it would always amaze me and still does now, when i'm out in the sticks how people will stop their motorbikes, bikes and even their cars to gawp at the strange looking, big nosed, blue eyed farang! it's like being a minor celebrity:D

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