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Why Do Westerners Choose Thailand Over The Phillipines?


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Something i've always wondered about here. A lot of western expats come to Thailand to retire and or "sow their oats" so to speak and complain that Thais don't speak english or don't understand where they are coming from mentally. Then why don't most westerners just pick up and go to the Phillipines? It's practically a U.S. colony there where most people speak some functional English and the religion and mentality is very western. The preference that Filipinos have for westerners is very apparent. So why Thailand over the Phillipines?

I'll also add that appearance wise the Filipinas are close enough in appearance to Thai women that the differences are negligible.

Edited by wintermute
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'cos Philippines is a sh*thole that hasn't progressed in the last 30 years since Marcos gained power and bled the country dry.

Which shouldn't matter at all to the type of expat which Thailand is full of who just wants fun in the sun, lives isolated from the locals except for some women, and to live off foreign currency.

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But back on topic, I've often wondered that myself, WM. Frankly, to hear these whiners complain about Thailand day in and day out, it would seem that anywhere else would be better. But the PI would seem a viable alternative for those who are lacking in the local language department. So yes, I would certainly encourage those who are sick of Thailand to give the PI a try. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Better yet, I'm freakin begging you, please go. Better still, get the heck out of here already! :whistling:

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I don't know why others do, but I can explain exactly why I "picked" Thailand over the Philippines.

Back in 1977, when I first came to Thailand, I was just coming off a 3 year working stint in Saudi Arabia. I had some money to spend, and I intended to enjoy myself until I had to go back to work to earn some more money.

At the time I was in Athens, Greece...and had just been paid off at the end of my contract. The way to go was to head East...Thailand was my first planned destination. I expected to spend a couple of months there, go on to the Philippines fo a couple of months, then back to the U.S. to hunt for a job. I also thought I might spend a little time in Korea and Japan on my way back to the U.S.

I ended up spending about 6 months in Thailand...then lack of money forced me to look for and take another job outside of Thailand. So I never made it to the Philippines or further on.

Bottom line: the reason I stayed in Thailand and never made it to the Philippines was just pure chance...and because I arrived in Thailand first and liked it there.


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'cos Philippines is a sh*thole that hasn't progressed in the last 30 years since Marcos gained power and bled the country dry.

Just wait until the Filipino Apologists read that. They're going to be on you like white on rice. Oh the carnage!

Philippines are nice too. However, Thailand is much more comfortable. You can go almost anywhere here, relatively harmless weather conditions, better infrastructure, better food, nearer to most Expats home countries, safer, central located in SEA, way more exotic, Buddhist society etc etc......in many ways much more developed.

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from Wikipedia re: Philippines: More than 90% of the population are Christians: about 80% belong to the Roman Catholic Church ... Next?

That may be true but a lot of them are not overly religious. They pay lip service to Christianity and go to church just like in a lot of places in the west but do what they usually want to do in private.

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So? ... I enjoy being in a non-Christian country ...

Yeah but there are those expats here who constantly complain of the different morals here and seem to have a hard on for christian social sensibilities.

To the casual observer, it does seem like the contradictions are plentiful and neverending.

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But back on topic, I've often wondered that myself, WM. Frankly, to hear these whiners complain about Thailand day in and day out, it would seem that anywhere else would be better. But the PI would seem a viable alternative for those who are lacking in the local language department. So yes, I would certainly encourage those who are sick of Thailand to give the PI a try. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Better yet, I'm freakin begging you, please go. Better still, get the heck out of here already! :whistling:

I second that!

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So? ... I enjoy being in a non-Christian country ...

Yeah but there are those expats here who constantly complain of the different morals here and seem to have a hard on for christian social sensibilities.

To the casual observer, it does seem like the contradictions are plentiful and neverending.

It's pretty much what I figured. When confronted with an obvious choice to alleviate their cultural "suffering" most immediately clam up and give half-baked excuses.

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It's practically a U.S. colony

Back while the U.S. had a military presence there, this might have been true. I went to Angeles a few times back in '86 & 87. I had already been to Thailand previous to going to PI, so I was making comparisons between the two. In the end Thailand won out, I felt safer in Thailand.

Since the U.S. military has left the PI, I kind of doubt if it would be felt like a U.S. colony now.

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But back on topic, I've often wondered that myself, WM. Frankly, to hear these whiners complain about Thailand day in and day out, it would seem that anywhere else would be better. But the PI would seem a viable alternative for those who are lacking in the local language department. So yes, I would certainly encourage those who are sick of Thailand to give the PI a try. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Better yet, I'm freakin begging you, please go. Better still, get the heck out of here already! :whistling:

I don't think you've mentioned this particular gripe of yours before.


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Because when i first came here 10yrs ago all multi stop round the world flights which i was on stopped here, i liked it and kept coming back not thinking of going to PI, wish i had though as im a bit of a duck out of water here in truth, the same may not be said for a westerner in PI due to it being a recent colony and the language similarities, after meeting and working with many PI nationals (welders and similar skilled poeple) ive always got on with them and can relate to them far better then i can with Thai males of a similar background.

Now ive a baby here so its either England or Thailand, 2 countries im not overly content in for one reason or another.

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For so many reasons. So much more to do in Thailand - Bangkok is a league above Manila for activities and modernity. Better value for money hotels and travel in Thailand. Safer in Thailand. Less hassle and rip-offs in Thailand (taxis in Fils are a pain). Generally more beautiful women in Thailand - there are a tiny minority of stunners in Fils whereas pleasant highly attractive Thais are everywhere. Although the Phils may be deemed more Western, it's still a very Catholic country and mentality which can have a bearing on social lives. Thais are happier and funnier. Filipinos have a less European sense of humour or understanding of it despite their better English. Thais enjoy life a whole lot more. Step into normal nightlife in both places and see the difference. Food in Fils is awful. Filipinas are shorter and get quite stocky after their late 20s (Spanish blood maybe), Thais keep their shape.

Hi-So types in both countries are as bad as each other, but rules and regs are abided more strictly in Fils...to foreigners as well.

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Some of the people complain all of the time.

All of the people complain some of the time.

The first category would find fault in whatever place they choose to live. So why do they choose Thailand?

Answer : CHEAP (or it was).

Before they complained about abysmal service, cr@p quality etc etc but now they can add in economics. They totally forget, or haven't been in Thailand long enough, that the Baht used to hover around 35 to 38 to the GBP so it isn't strengthening so much as recovering it's losses.

The other reason is that Thailand is sufficiently Asian to be exciting for them but still has all the home comforts they can't do without. But then they complain that their fish and chips aren't as good as they used to get back in Scunthorpe and they cost more.

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London has a large Filipino population, many of them working in the health service, nice people. I guess the same could be said for many other places around the globe, Philippines exports health workers on a massive basis. Despite this try looking for a Filipino restaurant, thin on the ground for a very good reason. Now whilst I accept that at times I am required to work somewhere where the food is dire, I draw the line at living somewhere in the same circumstances, everything else becomes secondary to my needing to eat good food, Thai, Western, Japanese, Indian, whatever, if I can't get it then I would gain no pleasure from the prettiest girls/landscapes, best exchange rates/cheapest prices. That's me. And no I don't believe its possible to get even passable versions of the above cuisines in the Philippines on a regular basis.

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crime, bad food..

That pretty much says it all in 3 words. Having spent a fair amount of time in both countries I was saddened to see the Philippines lose all the advantages they had going for them after the war. Marcos and his wife pretty much established a regime of graft and corruption. The King of Thailand portrayed the exact opposite. People generally follow their leader's example.

The Philippines SHOULD be a wealthy country with a thriving tourist industry... but it isn't. There are 7000 islands and fantastic beaches, but the stupid local fishermen used dynamite to blow the coral reefs for a few, measly small fish. The crime and corruption is obvious in every part of the country. The local police are directly involved with most of the crime and you won't get any support from them. In that situation there are a FEW similarities to Thailand, but not nearly so much..

I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand, but I certainly have in the Philippines. I knew 4 acquaintances who where were murdered in the Philippines and that was in only the few years I visited there. I had to extricate myself out of a jamb with a knife on one occasion, and needed backup on two other occasions. And, I am a peaceful person who never gets drunk.

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crime, bad food..

That pretty much says it all in 3 words. Having spent a fair amount of time in both countries I was saddened to see the Philippines lose all the advantages they had going for them after the war. Marcos and his wife pretty much established a regime of graft and corruption. The King of Thailand portrayed the exact opposite. People generally follow their leader's example.

The Philippines SHOULD be a wealthy country with a thriving tourist industry... but it isn't. There are 7000 islands and fantastic beaches, but the stupid local fishermen used dynamite to blow the coral reefs for a few, measly small fish. The crime and corruption is obvious in every part of the country. The local police are directly involved with most of the crime and you won't get any support from them. In that situation there are a FEW similarities to Thailand, but not nearly so much..

I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand, but I certainly have in the Philippines. I knew 4 acquaintances who where were murdered in the Philippines and that was in only the few years I visited there. I had to extricate myself out of a jamb with a knife on one occasion, and needed backup on two other occasions. And, I am a peaceful person who never gets drunk.

Ian, I didn't even go there, for me the dire food was enough reason but for sure over the years I and other colleagues, people who are used to working in hostile environments, have run into trouble there. People tend to forget that LOS has X amount more tourists, X amount more exposure in the media so you tend not to hear so many negatives about the Philippines, maybe when yet another ferry goes down and a few hundred souls are consigned to the deep. The destruction of the coral by dynamite fishing makes you want to cry. To the OP, there are reasons why people prefer LOS.

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Answer : CHEAP (or it was).

They totally forget, or haven't been in Thailand long enough, that the Baht used to hover around 35 to 38 to the GBP so it isn't strengthening so much as recovering it's losses.

People keep saying this concerning the current devaluation of foreign currencies to the Baht that "the US$ used to be fixed at 25 and the GBP was at 35".

Imagine if it was 35 today, everything would suddenly be 40% more expensve than it already is. Probably not many of us would stay as most things would cost way more than they do back home and as much as I love Thailand I wouldn't be prepared to pay that. I'm already finding Thailand expensive now compared to when I first came here 5 years ago at 75 Baht to £1.

The last time the GBP was at 35 was in the early 80s! How much have the prices increased in Thailand in 30 years?

How much have they increased just in the last 13 years because the strong GBP meant tourists were willing to spend more of their cheap Baht in Thailand so locals have bumped up their prices to extraordinary measures? There is no way that having the Pound back to 35 would mean we would be paying the correct price for things in Thailand. Even at the current exchange rate it has gone too far.

I'm now at the point where I will continue to live in Thailand but will deliberately cut back on all the luxury spending to balance it out. If the exchange rate does drop much farther then we might as well be livng in my house in the UK.

Back on topic, Filipinas are the greatest people in the world. I truely believe that. They are the most friendly and talented people I've ever come across and I made more true local friends in 10 weeks of traveling there than I have done living in Thailand for 5 years.

The people are the one thing I miss most about the Pl compared to Thailand. Thais are fine and I never met any Filipina girls as great as my Thai gf, but I miss having true friends which is something I haven't found yet anywhere in Thailand with local guys.

However I prefer living in Thailand as everything is much easier and better setup for expats wanting to live here. The visas for Thailand can be a royal pain in the ass but you get a far better developed country compared to Pl, for anything you wanted to do. Also, the support base for Thailand is excellent and it is very easy to find help with any problem you may have on here.

The food also makes a huge difference as I would more gladly tolerate a place I didn't like with good food, than to live somewhere great with <deleted> food. Thai food is fantastic and Pinoy food is the worst food I have ever had. Adobo is passable if you put some chili in it, but you can't eat the same dish 3 times a day for the rest of your life. I think even if I had a Thai wife willing to live in Philippines with me and cook me amazing food everyday I would still choose to live in Thailand and maybe holiday to Pl once every couple of years.

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But back on topic, I've often wondered that myself, WM. Frankly, to hear these whiners complain about Thailand day in and day out, it would seem that anywhere else would be better. But the PI would seem a viable alternative for those who are lacking in the local language department. So yes, I would certainly encourage those who are sick of Thailand to give the PI a try. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Better yet, I'm freakin begging you, please go. Better still, get the heck out of here already! :whistling:

never read this before :boring: :jerk:

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