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Warnings Issued: New Thailand Red Shirt Demonstrations Could Turn Violent

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Guess I am not the only one holding his breath.....if things get out of hand again, it could heavily affect the coming high tourism season.

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The 2 BKK airport did not just got shut without any warning. Before that, Phuket & Krabi & Hat Yai was shut down briefly as protesters occupied the runways and other areas. However, no Farang take the warning seriously. When the 2 BKK airports was shut, and Farang trap, they (the Farang) was furious that they are trap and no one warn them before hand. . . . Now, that you have be warned, don't complain when the trouble starts.


The 2 BKK airport did not just got shut without any warning. Before that, Phuket & Krabi & Hat Yai was shut down briefly as protesters occupied the runways and other areas. However, no Farang take the warning seriously. When the 2 BKK airports was shut, and Farang trap, they (the Farang) was furious that they are trap and no one warn them before hand. . . . Now, that you have be warned, don't complain when the trouble starts.

Oh I see now, u are the official spokesperson to warn 'the farang'.

Better send your memo over to TAT to tell them to stop issuing 'all is good again' press releases to the world.

Nothing more confusing than mixed messages, or is there?

"LOS Back to Normal" as the headline.

Followed by a subheading...

'Don't say we didn't warn you.'


Well the way I see it, If things do turn violent the Baht should straighten to about 27 to the USD

Well, despite the past violence the baht remained remarkably strong, but are you predicting more violence will cause the baht to strengthen from now .... about B30.50 =$1 ... up to B27 = $1 ?

Interesting contrarian economic stance.

In the past the baht seemed to follow the Yen, but I thought that connection was over. The intervention by the BOJ this last week did seem to influence the baht rate a bit though.


Wow I got my big Up dated from the State Department by e mail this morning - Its not a warning it a standard update.

The State Department takes not special issue with these protests they would not issue of maybe any other protests by any group. Of the total maybe 5% of the information release even covers the protests or politics past or future and three times as much space is given other safety issues like traffic and condom use.

Spin doctors are working overtime at the Nation.

WOW... you must have gotten a completely different Warning that I received in my email. The tone, length, and detail is diametrically opposed to your characterization of it:

This message alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand to the possibility of

political demonstrations in Bangkok and northern Thailand to mark the

fourth anniversary of the September 2006 coup and the four-month

anniversary of the end of the 2010 demonstrations in Bangkok.

Supporters of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD

or "red-shirts") are organizing activities that will include September

17 wreath layings at prisons where UDD members are being held and a

vehicular procession from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, where participants will

join UDD activities on September 19.

On September 19, UDD supporters in Bangkok plan gatherings at Thammasart

University and Democracy Monument. The UDD is scheduled to hold a rally

in the Ratchaprasong between approximately 1700 - 1900 hours; about

2,000 people are expected to participate. UDD supporters in Chiang Mai

plan to assemble in the area of the Chiang Mai railroad station, proceed

to the Tha Pae Gate area, then march along the moat that surrounds the

old city, and then rally at the Municipal Sports Stadium. UDD

supporters could also gather at the Three Kings Monument and at the

Grand Worarot Hotel (near Wat Phra Singh). These areas are frequented

by foreign tourists, including U.S. citizens. Other possible

demonstration sites include government buildings and military and police

installations. UDD gatherings in other provinces across northern

Thailand are also likely on September 19.

Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and

possibly escalate into violence with little or no warning. You should

avoid areas that may be targeted for demonstrations and exercise caution

if within the vicinity of any demonstrations or large gatherings. You

should monitor local media to keep updated with the latest information

of any demonstrations and areas to avoid.

In the past, the Thai government has increased security force presence

and patrols in response to possible political demonstrations. You might

encounter police or military personnel at roadblocks or other security

checkpoints. If you do, you should obey all instructions from them. Be

sure to carry identification and proof of your U.S. citizenship at all

times to present if asked by authorities.

This message also alerts U.S. citizens to media reports that grenades

detonated in Chiang Mai in the last week at a military installation and

at a local construction company. These attacks appear to be politically

motivated, not acts of international terrorism, and travel to Thailand

remains generally safe. However, more such attacks cannot be ruled out.

In March and April 2010, a series of similar explosives attacks targeted

police and military sites, the same local construction company, and

Bangkok Bank branches and ATMs. Some of those incidents involved

military-grade munitions and took place at or near areas frequented by

foreigners. Similar incidents involving grenades and improvised

explosive devices continue to take place in and around Bangkok. You

should exercise caution and vigilance, especially after dark.

Immediately report to law enforcement or security personnel any

unattended packages or bags or suspicious objects in public areas.


For you ardent religious folk, do you honestly still believe there is a god after all that has come to pass with this bunch? As a CM resident, I just hope those with balls in their draws come down on them like a ton of bricks if there's so much as a mouse fart... although why they are even allowed to do their thing is beyond me. They should be shown no quarter given their MO.

Oh and the yellow shirts can do what they want, man are you misimformed on whats really happening in Thailand

I think it is the other way around....amazing posts like this still occur....

There will always be people bringing up the yellow shirt peaceful occupation of the airport and equating it with the red shirt terrorists bloody rampage,they really believe that the two are one and the same. If I hear one more person call them red shirt freedom fighters, I will puke.

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My post posted before I posted? then I lost my fine connection for a few minutes.

That is a small part of it , you do a great job of building on the hipe. It reads no different then the 50 I have received over the last 11 years. word like possible demonstrations. They have to cover points to cover the ass. Face a fact. This warning is being over stated here and by the nation as some great warning to the masses. When the message says get out of Thailand or stay away then call me.

I hope the safe sex and traffic issues get the same attention.

For all the desire some express to keep Thailand's image afloat, and the claims they have a steak - why spend so much time to make things look worse then they are.

Aim ..... fire.... oh my foot!


The people I feel sorry for are the street cleaners who have to pick-up after the UDD

have shat everywhere and dumped their rubbish.

What other countries would allow this type of behaviour without punishment? none

Why don't the people of Bangkok just go down and block them access? In favor say i! Can anybody second the motion?

Thais got bored with all this a long time ago.


They love cleaning up ashes. To Thais stopping or preventing a fire doesnt fit their mental skill set!

BTW ashes and fire are a metaphor for any cause and affect situation .

I would think a good Buddhist country would be taught this. Thais must have been absent that day.

my wife is Thai and she isn't like you claim I guess you don't know all Thais ha......


What the govenrment wants us to know is the following: We shoot people in the street and we do not care a bit. We own the judiciary and we are not interested in press freedom or in your opinion. Boters are stupid and should therefore shut up. Let the country be ruled by the people of CAT and by NEwin and friends.

The real facts are that it only turns violent because of the army and becuase of teh way Suthep and Newin are handling criticism. Nepotism must stay after all. It is good for the elite.


To play safe, IMHO, all people are advised to leave Thailand. I am not saying that violence could happens, what what if . . . . There is an English saying. Better safe than sorry.

Careful, you may just get that wish in the not too distant as you're nation corrects to end up on par with Burma and Cambodia/Laos overtake you. Vienam did so ages ago btw. :lol:

However, no Farang take the warning seriously. When the 2 BKK airports was shut, and Farang trap, they (the Farang) was furious that they are trap and no one warn them before hand. . . . Now, that you have be warned, don't complain when the trouble starts.

Farang, farang, farang! Thanks for the warning Khon Lao. ;)

Are you pair related perchance? Reckon we need to check on your IP address.


I don't think the demonstrations will turn violent, organisers will instruct people not to do anything that will close the door for further events. I think that money once more will shine brightly in the pockets of red skirt supporters and that we because of that very well may see a pretty decent crowd


What the govenrment wants us to know is the following: We shoot people in the street and we do not care a bit. We own the judiciary and we are not interested in press freedom or in your opinion. Boters are stupid and should therefore shut up. Let the country be ruled by the people of CAT and by NEwin and friends.

The real facts are that it only turns violent because of the army and becuase of teh way Suthep and Newin are handling criticism. Nepotism must stay after all. It is good for the elite.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but reading your post maybe opinionated is a better description.

BTW, did you read about the Dem's MP convicted yesterday, you know part of the political party having a majority in the current government you accuse of owning the judiciary ?



So far the red roses campaign at the national prisons seem to have passed peacefully. Only some people angry at traffic jams caused. Figures for Khlong Prem Prison vary from 200 to 2000. K. Worawuth and fellow reds placed roses and some placards with "release our core leaders" and "The country has a law, do not use a kangaroo court against our leaders" or something like that. The last surprises me, I thought Oz was no longer involved with Connor Purcell having gone back home ;)


What the government wants us to know is the following: We shoot people in the street and we do not care a bit. We own the judiciary and we are not interested in press freedom or in your opinion. Voters are stupid and should therefore shut up. Let the country be ruled by the people of CAT and by NEwin and friends.

The real facts are that it only turns violent because of the army and becuase of teh way Suthep and Newin are handling criticism. Nepotism must stay after all. It is good for the elite.

I would change the word 'government' to 'massive white elephant in the room'.

Then again, unlike the guns they command, when it comes to white elephants size doesn't really matter.


They love cleaning up ashes. To Thais stopping or preventing a fire doesnt fit their mental skill set!

BTW ashes and fire are a metaphor for any cause and affect situation .

I would think a good Buddhist country would be taught this. Thais must have been absent that day.

my wife is Thai and she isn't like you claim I guess you don't know all Thais ha......

I totally agree with the metaphor given here. It's absolutely true!!!! Most , (maybe not all) Thais lack this ability. I've had this discussion with quite a few well-educated Thais and some Thai friends they all agree with this also...THey are Thai. And ,yes, they did laughed a little when they said this because they were embarrassed to admit it. I just told them 'nobody's perfect'. mai pen rai


I've said it once and I'll say it again:-

If the police and military are seen to be sitting on their hands again and do nothing at the slightest hint of trouble there will be another blood bath.

I'll bet they didn't even have the common sense to get copies of the ID's from the Reds they casually put on buses/trains and sent home last time.


I've said it once and I'll say it again:-

If the police and military are seen to be sitting on their hands again and do nothing at the slightest hint of trouble there will be another blood bath.

I'll bet they didn't even have the common sense to get copies of the ID's from the Reds they casually put on buses/trains and sent home last time.

All people who boarded the buses provided were registered. Some didn't have ID's though. Some had to leave their souvenirs behind, some even jailed for looting, imagine ;)


the whole world will be expecting voilence of some sort because of what happened last time.

for me it really worries me because I have a business in the area thats going to get screwed again if it turns nasty. to be honest business was not good when these guys were just marching through but when they started throwing grenades we lost a lot of earnings and we have only just started to bounce back.

also, because of them coming back to try again possibly with a vengeance I cant take my little boy to work with me as I normaly would do on a Sunday! so again we both miss out which is ashame.

some of you may think I am being selfish but we went through the ringer last time and its a pain in the arse. I am not looking forward to it and I hope if there is voilence the armed forces come in fast and put a stop to it.

I feel for you and thanks for sharing your pain. I hope thing gets better with your business. But, why Chiang Mai? There were so many tourists in this town as I recalled when I was hanging out with CMU friends. I do not want to see Chiang mai looses the tourist business, and etc....

The world is watching this activists every minute and I can predict the outcome. Remember it is a third party ( unknown and who knows ) ...I feel it far away and there is nothing I can do....... Many of my Thai friends will cry on TV and be worry. Some can't even go to work.

Is help for negotiation on the way for this event???.... my take.

  • Like 1

The 2 BKK airport did not just got shut without any warning. Before that, Phuket & Krabi & Hat Yai was shut down briefly as protesters occupied the runways and other areas. However, no Farang take the warning seriously. When the 2 BKK airports was shut, and Farang trap, they (the Farang) was furious that they are trap and no one warn them before hand. . . . Now, that you have be warned, don't complain when the trouble starts.

Some people have non-refundable and non-changeable tickets. The "threat" of an upcoming protest won't allow them to change their plans for free...perhaps made many months ago...

What the govenrment wants us to know is the following: We shoot people in the street and we do not care a bit. We own the judiciary and we are not interested in press freedom or in your opinion. Boters are stupid and should therefore shut up. Let the country be ruled by the people of CAT and by NEwin and friends.

The real facts are that it only turns violent because of the army and becuase of teh way Suthep and Newin are handling criticism. Nepotism must stay after all. It is good for the elite.

If the reds got in, you could say exactly the same thing. This is all about who can feed at the trough called Thailand. They are all corrupt...


I've said it once and I'll say it again:-

If the police and military are seen to be sitting on their hands again and do nothing at the slightest hint of trouble there will be another blood bath.

I'll bet they didn't even have the common sense to get copies of the ID's from the Reds they casually put on buses/trains and sent home last time.

All people who boarded the buses provided were registered. Some didn't have ID's though. Some had to leave their souvenirs behind, some even jailed for looting, imagine ;)

Why can't I insert a picture? Sorry, can't show it. I really like the picture though so I attach it instead. Enjoy

Oupps, I can... OK, enjoy even more :)

post-93805-087044100 1284704360_thumb.jp


the whole world will be expecting voilence of some sort because of what happened last time.

for me it really worries me because I have a business in the area thats going to get screwed again if it turns nasty. to be honest business was not good when these guys were just marching through but when they started throwing grenades we lost a lot of earnings and we have only just started to bounce back.

also, because of them coming back to try again possibly with a vengeance I cant take my little boy to work with me as I normaly would do on a Sunday! so again we both miss out which is ashame.

some of you may think I am being selfish but we went through the ringer last time and its a pain in the arse. I am not looking forward to it and I hope if there is voilence the armed forces come in fast and put a stop to it.

I feel for you and thanks for sharing your pain. I hope thing gets better with your business. But, why Chiang Mai? There were so many tourists in this town as I recalled when I was hanging out with CMU friends. I do not want to see Chiang mai looses the tourist business, and etc....

The world is watching this activists every minute and I can predict the outcome. Remember it is a third party ( unknown and who knows ) ...I feel it far away and there is nothing I can do....... Many of my Thai friends will cry on TV and be worry. Some can't even go to work.

Is help for negotiation on the way for this event???.... my take.

thank you for understanding my post.

Chiang-Mai suffers because its a Taksin strong hold. There are loads of red suporters up there. I do not know too much about Chaing-Mai so cannot comment really. I do reckon there may be more voilence in Bangkok this time because there are many angry Bangkokians here who may well retaliate which will not be good for anybody.

good luck up there.:)

  • Like 1

I've said it once and I'll say it again:-

If the police and military are seen to be sitting on their hands again and do nothing at the slightest hint of trouble there will be another blood bath.

I'll bet they didn't even have the common sense to get copies of the ID's from the Reds they casually put on buses/trains and sent home last time.

All people who boarded the buses provided were registered. Some didn't have ID's though. Some had to leave their souvenirs behind, some even jailed for looting, imagine ;)

Why can't I insert a picture? Sorry, can't show it. I really like the picture though so I attach it instead. Enjoy

Oupps, I can... OK, enjoy even more :)

Was this the same monk who was wearing the Oakely shades?


the whole world will be expecting voilence of some sort because of what happened last time.

for me it really worries me because I have a business in the area thats going to get screwed again if it turns nasty. to be honest business was not good when these guys were just marching through but when they started throwing grenades we lost a lot of earnings and we have only just started to bounce back.

also, because of them coming back to try again possibly with a vengeance I cant take my little boy to work with me as I normaly would do on a Sunday! so again we both miss out which is ashame.

some of you may think I am being selfish but we went through the ringer last time and its a pain in the arse. I am not looking forward to it and I hope if there is voilence the armed forces come in fast and put a stop to it.

Couldn't agree more. My entire business operates on international contracts coming to Thailand. 2006 September, all my contracts cancelled. They were just coming good again around Songkran in 2007 and the red assw*pes started putting petrol canisters on top of gas cylinders. That took care of what had just started to recover until October 2007 I lost a year of income from those two incidences - not one baht and nearly went down the tubes! Then the gates opened back end of 2008 and things started to get back on track until the last session.

Last time I was carrying little protection against these thugs and I had my doors kicked and a mirror broken off my car car when I came across a bunch of motorcyclists who were looking for some trouble. They could not get in so they took it our on my car. I have rectified this with steel ARB bars front and rear and brush bars down the side of the 4WD. This has left me with more than a penchant of running down any problem and I believe this time if things turn shitty I will use whatever means to distance myself from these thugs. As a Farang we are a target, make no mistake but this time ... whatever it takes to protect my property! I have had enough of this thuggery and as the police do nothing and are simply 'observers' then I would suspect little will occur if one defends oneself. I would not hope to be put to the test but right now I am at least prepared. I wonder if the motorcyclist mobs are?


I once saw this video about a BMW outfitted with flamethrowers that came out of the undersides of the car on a push of a button. THAT would come in handy about now. I wonder who has the distribution rights in Thailand?

It was from South Africa, where potential muggers stopped people at traffic lights. Maybe a tad too provocative ?


What the govenrment wants us to know is the following: We shoot people in the street and we do not care a bit. We own the judiciary and we are not interested in press freedom or in your opinion. Boters are stupid and should therefore shut up. Let the country be ruled by the people of CAT and by NEwin and friends.

The real facts are that it only turns violent because of the army and becuase of teh way Suthep and Newin are handling criticism. Nepotism must stay after all. It is good for the elite.

Do you really believe the BS that you write or do you just have a laugh wondering if anyone actually takes your comments seriously. Of course you could be one of those farang with a Thai partner who really believes all crap that comes from red shirt mob – for example we want peaceful demonstrations, its fake reds, Taksin is not pulling the strings and best ive ever heard under Taksin price of gold was 7,000 baht and when he comes back you will all be able to buy more gold (true quote from speaker at a red rally). Anyway let the idiots try and cause mayhem again and let their idiot supporters believe its all due to Army violence. Then maybe just maybe when the next election is held they will have put so many bad memories into people’s minds that even with bribes and nonsense propaganda they will find little support. Hilters propaganda machine was amateur compared with Mr T. Oh I forgot according to red shirt speakers current prime minister is worse than Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Bin Laden and Atila the hun all put together.

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I cant see them doing a burning on CM. It would upset those northern businessmen in the Thaksin group and they have already suffered boycotts by fellow Thais to some degree. They may plan to pull off some stunt they will deny is them but everybody will know is them. Then again right now things are a bit disorganised to say the least in team Thaksin so maybe he will stress no drama. On the other hand it aint long till the offical army handover either

Edited to add: by the way whenever they have a thing like this it is also a test of who is onside and doing the work in terms of MPs, police, buraecrats etc on the red side. What is interesting is that the stops are in areas controlled by very loyal PTP godfathers so they obviously want it big


For all the desire some express to keep Thailand's image afloat, and the claims they have a steak - why spend so much time to make things look worse then they are.

Aim ..... fire.... oh my foot!

Does the "steak claim" come with fries? :D

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