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Why Do Guys Stay With Thai Girls That Pull Knives On Them


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Without being a Dr.Phil, sometimes these guys deserve it. If you were a 95lb chick trying to take on a 250lb abusive hubby, what ya gonna do.

find a door? Leave? don't go back?

Of course I am aware that such action probably require a 3 digit IQ, a heightened sense of survival and willingness to place personal safety over pride.

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My soon to be x-wife never pulled a knife, but that was probably because one was not "handy" at the moment. But she did attack me. She is a very controling "power hungry" manipulative person. She thus far attacked me twice... and I do not intend on giving her a chance for a 3rd round.

Her trigger point for attacking was when I caught her in a lie, and showed her the proof. She just went bonkers on me, hitting, screaming and scratching etc etc. What I fear is that, honestly she is around 90lbs and I am 210, she has learned she can not hurt me.... so I fear she will pull a knife in the future.

So honestly I stay away and hope for a divorce soon. This far it has been 8 months since I left her.

The bad part is we have 2 kids together....

Oh and what is the main stay of our arguments... her cheating on me.... but to be honest I am grateful she did!!!!

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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

...and to do exactly that I would be darting off, as fast as is possible... I knew a guy in the neighborhood to whom exactly this happened... hs life was on a silken thread... for days, he went back to her! :blink: guess "no fear"

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I never minded my GF was cheating but asked her to take pictures. She rebelled at this idea because she would have to admit to cheating.

I knew the guy, an Aussie. I got him to take picture. He really took great pics both still and movies.

I showed her the pics when she got home. She was a bit peeved but then asked if her girlfriends could see them too. The Aussie was a good looking guy.

She attacked me with a cleaver a couple of times. I still have the cleaver but not her. It would only have been once but it took me a few days to move everything.

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If I were to pull a knife out on my wife I would expect to lose her! why would she stay with me no matter how long we were together. you think you know somebody and then they do that? noway, I would be gone the first time she tried it, and I would expect her to do the same if I were to do it.

I too am amazed at how many guys put up with that.

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If I were to pull a knife out on my wife I would expect to lose her! why would she stay with me no matter how long we were together. you think you know somebody and then they do that? noway, I would be gone the first time she tried it, and I would expect her to do the same if I were to do it.

I too am amazed at how many guys put up with that.

Your last sentence, from stuff l have read lately, there are some very strange relationships going on out there. :ermm:

yeah! how could anyone want to love and provide for a women that did that? :blink:

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there is nothing more boring in a relation if you cant communicate or the intelligence levels are too far apart.

Exactly. I mean, I don't necessarily want to be having discussions about the works of Jean Paul Satre with my wife but when I see some of these couples (who in a many cases have been together a fair while) and it's all " We go eat where? " and " My husband him bad man mak mak " I'm sorry but it's cringe inducing.

Maybe it's what they want from a wife. I dunno. It'd kill me.

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The old saying,

He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. ( or words to that affect )

And I've known a few of them. :(

A dick is going to kill me. That's a relief. All I have to watch out for is a giant dick chasing me down the street trying to boom me to death. Good thing I don't hang around boys town much.

Don't think he was referring to a 'pork sword' Mark, but you just never know in this Country!


No ! I think Marks referral is in contexts, he relates his mojo as the sword as in the way he lives, he just has to be careful where he sticks it. :vampire:.

Maybe Mark will have to be careful he does not come across what turns out to be an angry girl she may have a big wooded dildo in her handbag, be careful out :crazy:.

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The weirdest part is so many westerners keep coming back for more.

Apologies for sounding like an absolute snob but I couldn't possibly conceive being in a marriage where the communication relied on pidgin English, sign language and misunderstandings, where there was an even chance that my wife would go off like a banshee at the slightest provocation, where the wife had the personality of a fridge, where there'd be hours of sullen silence, where she'd bugger off for days after an argument and where there's the possibility of domestic violence. I simply couldn't.

She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

I met my soon to be X in the states while she was working on her Masters degree. Her spoken English is nearly perfect, her written, is better than most. Communication was not an issue for us.... if it were, I probably would have never married her.... but u r right about one thing, i should have taken more time

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The weirdest part is so many westerners keep coming back for more.

Apologies for sounding like an absolute snob but I couldn't possibly conceive being in a marriage where the communication relied on pidgin English, sign language and misunderstandings, where there was an even chance that my wife would go off like a banshee at the slightest provocation, where the wife had the personality of a fridge, where there'd be hours of sullen silence, where she'd bugger off for days after an argument and where there's the possibility of domestic violence. I simply couldn't.

She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

I met my soon to be X in the states while she was working on her Masters degree. Her spoken English is nearly perfect, her written, is better than most. Communication was not an issue for us.... if it were, I probably would have never married her.... but u r right about one thing, i should have taken more time

Good English is not a guarantee that it will work but your chances are a lot higher if you can communicate well.

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^^ I feel for you mate what with having kids.

A guy I know is going through the mill at the moment. He works away and his wife has been borrowing money left. right and centre even though he provides bloody dam_n well for her. Yep, it's gambling.

They've got an absolutely adorable son.

It's heartbreaking.

Though unlike your good self she's had " immoral prole" written all over her from the time I first met her.

Am I judgmental? Sure. I'm a great believer in the walk, quack and swim like a duck analogy. And sadly I've never been wrong.

Edited by mca
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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

I`m with you all the way..

Once is one time too often.

I am not sure i agree 100%. I could accept 1 time depending how and why. I mean you don't end a relation of many years just after 1 isolated incident. But if it was an incident without any mitigating circumstances id be gone too.

id expect a woman to leave me if i hit her, so i cant see why i wouldn't leave a woman who physically threatened me.

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Hi robblok,

You could ask; why does anyone stay in abusive relationship? I think the whole issue of being subjected to abusive, both mental and physical is not easy to sum up with just saying, “If she/he got physical I’d throw them out” Really? IMHO I think throwing an abusive partner out is exactly the right thing to do, (you’ll not change the nature of the beast) However doing it….And making it stick, that’s the hard thing. It’s interesting, reading the replies, so many, so confident that they would just kick the bitch to the curb!!!!! What’s that saying; Walk a mile in my shoes!

Long story short I was attacked by an ex girlfriend, we were living together, a Chinese girl, (crazy Asians a!) she pulled a kitchen knife on me………………..I was out the house so fast, called the police, I had her and all her thing out of the house within 1 hour, this was now midnight!……………That was the easy bit, I was still high from the near stabbing!! That’s when the hard part started, if you still love them, it’s the not letting them back into your heart. You have to cut them out, metaphorically speaking. I consider myself lucky; I managed to make a clean break…..Not always possible. Men and women who forgive and take abusive partners back are crackers. What do they think the outcome is going to be?

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Hi robblok,

You could ask; why does anyone stay in abusive relationship? I think the whole issue of being subjected to abusive, both mental and physical is not easy to sum up with just saying, “If she/he got physical I’d throw them out” Really? IMHO I think throwing an abusive partner out is exactly the right thing to do, (you’ll not change the nature of the beast) However doing it….And making it stick, that’s the hard thing. It’s interesting, reading the replies, so many, so confident that they would just kick the bitch to the curb!!!!! What’s that saying; Walk a mile in my shoes!

Long story short I was attacked by an ex girlfriend, we were living together, a Chinese girl, (crazy Asians a!) she pulled a kitchen knife on me………………..I was out the house so fast, called the police, I had her and all her thing out of the house within 1 hour, this was now midnight!……………That was the easy bit, I was still high from the near stabbing!! That’s when the hard part started, if you still love them, it’s the not letting them back into your heart. You have to cut them out, metaphorically speaking. I consider myself lucky; I managed to make a clean break…..Not always possible. Men and women who forgive and take abusive partners back are crackers. What do they think the outcome is going to be?

I have only had it happen once while i was already in a divorce so it was not hard to end it. But you are getting to what i was thinking. You have to be able to stop loving her. I think it does depend on the attack, how serious and so on. I just love my wife im not sure i could cut her out that easy. But like i said before my wife is not the kind of girl that would pull a knife on me. I think things should be seen on a case by case basis ... full out attack on my life.. sure id be gone. Grabbing a knife and threatening me from afar .. who knows its real bad.

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

Totally agree - Damaged Goods on both sides of the equation.

People who pull knives on others, whether it's to threaten or the intent to do harm, are not balanced people. They are emotionally, or mentally, unstable. Balanced, emotionally stable people just don't do this. So, pulling a knife is probably the tip of the ice berg I would contend. The type of person that would do this is probably also prone to mood swings, tantrums, sulking, jealousy and aggressive behaviour. This type of characteristic, in a Thai woman, is usually the result of a fuc_ked up past. So yes, you are right, it's damaged goods. Why even go near something like that?

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The answer is quite simple really..

It's because these Men are so incredibly insecure that they are not sure if they can actually get another Girl to " love " them like the Girl with the blade did, even those it's obvious to all & sundry that she don't actually love him anyway..

It's " Better the Devil you know " for many too & that's mainly because of the insecurity i mentioned & MASSIVE lack of self confidence which also means what i wrote above..

Madness huh ?? :rolleyes:

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Domestic violence is not considered all that bad in Asia.

You need to take the time to teach the Asian girls not to pull a knife when they get angry, if that's what you want..

But you also need to take the time to learn to avoid confrontations that produce violence in Asian girls, behaviour that is unacceptable by their standards although common in the west.

Almost all the violence I have encountered in Asia was usually due to me not understanding how to behave in a relationship with an Asian lady. The girls nearly all carry knives, you just learn to modify your behaviour, and the problem goes away.

Relationships where men hit women or women hit men are considered entirely normal out here. IMHO more relationships include violence, than those that don't.

Ever thought, Maybe it's the western world that is wrong?

After all, western people are in the minority.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

Here we see the classic 'expat problem', a western value imposed on an Asian relationship.

Marriage out here is not considered a 'partnership', the woman is supposed to serve.

The woman is in no way considered a 'soul mate' by her Asian husband, but someone to look after his house and produce children.

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Depends on who you marry I suppose. My marriage is an equal partnership. I imposed nothing on my wife. She's the one who mentioned the word soulmate regarding us and why we get on so well. She is pretty cosmopolitan though. Worked around expats all her working life. Guess some of it rubbed off. ( Although I have to say my MIL does complain that my wife doesn't take care of me enough. She caught me washing up once and had a fit) :D

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She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

Here we see the classic 'expat problem', a western value imposed on an Asian relationship.

Marriage out here is not considered a 'partnership', the woman is supposed to serve.

The woman is in no way considered a 'soul mate' by her Asian husband, but someone to look after his house and produce children.

Sounds like you date girls a few generations older then me, or less educated. The ones i date are almost as modern in their likes and loves as girls from the West. Maybe it was the way b4 but things are changing fast especially the younger educated part of the population.

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Wow all that education to train your husband to do the laundry and washing up......modern man takes leap forward with a young 'educated' wife........nothing wrong with sharing and having soulmates, nothing wrong with a wife who enjoys housekeeping and taking care of the children, but the way it is in Asia has probably more to do with the male attitude than his wife been educated. If the wife is really educated and earns well......they hire a maid.....yes?........or have they been 'educated' to use the western husband as the maid...and save a bit of cash..:D

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know of many people not only in Thailand but back home in the uk .

and for what reasons i do not know who on a regular basis are being brutally attacked by there partners.

and believe you me when i say there are a lot of blokes who are being beaten up by there wifes/partners who are to ashamed to come out in the open and admit it.

Wales also as a lot of women who lets say can hold there own if it comes down to a 1 on 1 with a bloke .

and these thai woman can mess you up big time if you dont take control of the situation .


You can call me what you like but if a woman wants to behave or act like a man ..then it only leaves me one option i will treat them like a man and im fcuked if im.tippy tip toeing around someone who wants to stick a knife in me <deleted>

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She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

Here we see the classic 'expat problem', a western value imposed on an Asian relationship.

Marriage out here is not considered a 'partnership', the woman is supposed to serve.

The woman is in no way considered a 'soul mate' by her Asian husband, but someone to look after his house and produce children.

Sounds like you date girls a few generations older then me, or less educated. The ones i date are almost as modern in their likes and loves as girls from the West. Maybe it was the way b4 but things are changing fast especially the younger educated part of the population.

Nothing to do with age or education, I think you will find only the girls who have been previously 'dating' white men, are spoiled in this way. Most Thai men wouldn't touch a girl like this with a barge pole (and neither would I)

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