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Why Do Guys Stay With Thai Girls That Pull Knives On Them


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She's a wife for God's sake. As mentioned by another poster some westerners seem to choose there supposed life partner, soul mate and mother of their children with no more thought than they'd decide what toasted sandwich to have from 7-11.

It boggles the mind.

Here we see the classic 'expat problem', a western value imposed on an Asian relationship.

Marriage out here is not considered a 'partnership', the woman is supposed to serve.

The woman is in no way considered a 'soul mate' by her Asian husband, but someone to look after his house and produce children.

The contradiction here seems to be that serving him by stabbing him would have to be considered a pretty poor service. I'd demand my money back under the sale of goods act. Clearly not of merchantable quality!

Seriously though, how can you say the role is one of servitude and then forgive them for getting upset about feelings when by your deffinition, that is not the basis of the relationship.

No matter what, a woman weilding a knife should not expect to be reasoned with. Anyone who wants to negotiate a co-habiting relationship with someone who threatens or attacks them with a knife is at a point of desperation that I simply can't relate to. There is just no need to put up with that kind of behaviour. If I came home to find my wife in bed with my brother I wouldn't expect a court in this land or my home country to excuse me for stabbing either of them. Maybe under shiate law you'd have a case. Some Arab countries, maybe. But that ain't where we are living.

Chicks with knives make bad wives.

Print that on a tee shirt and sell it in Pattaya or better still at the airport!

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Anyone who wants to negotiate a co-habiting relationship with someone who threatens or attacks them with a knife is at a point of desperation that I simply can't relate to. There is just no need to put up with that kind of behaviour.

Quite right. Let's be blunt here. A woman who finds a person in bed with somebody else and reaches for the Kitchen Devil rather than tears, a few choice words and kicking his arse out. I'm calling it that in the vast majority of cases where that would happen the relationship hasn't been exactly " all that " anyhow going back to the basket case analogies made before.

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Domestic violence is not considered all that bad in Asia.

You need to take the time to teach the Asian girls not to pull a knife when they get angry, if that's what you want..

But you also need to take the time to learn to avoid confrontations that produce violence in Asian girls, behaviour that is unacceptable by their standards although common in the west.

Almost all the violence I have encountered in Asia was usually due to me not understanding how to behave in a relationship with an Asian lady. The girls nearly all carry knives, you just learn to modify your behaviour, and the problem goes away.

Relationships where men hit women or women hit men are considered entirely normal out here. IMHO more relationships include violence, than those that don't.

Ever thought, Maybe it's the western world that is wrong?

After all, western people are in the minority.

Hi Sarahsbloke

Let me get this right; you’re saying that domestic violence is the “norm” and we as westerners need to understand the Thai women to avoid a shanking! I understand that domestic violence is common place in the LOS. But to lay the blame on the westner who gets stuck for not understanding his sweet TIT knife wheeling girlfriends. Now, I would concede that a fair amount of westerns take no time to try and understand there Thai girlfriend, fact is western men don’t understand western woman ether.

This is not an ex-pat not taking the time to understand his loving girlfriend sort of problem……………….This is a Thai girlfriend wanting to stick a knife in someone sort of problem!

Domestic violence in the past was mainly viewed in the west as a joke, and any man who becomes a victim would not say anything out of embarrassment. Thankfully it’s taken more seriously now in the west, as it should be here.

Domestic violence may be common place in Thailand………………..But it will never be normal.

The day I fear of getting into a heated discussion with my Thai wife over something trivial, is the day one of us moves out!

One last thing: I would agree with you on the western world being wrong on many things…..Sorry not this one, and since when would being in a minority naturally make you wrong?

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My ex developed a knife habit which she found hard to kick. Even got me hooked to the point I'd look forward to the stealthy commando style home entry and the disarming tussle. In the end it just got too easy and the adrenalin charged excitement wore off to the point that having one's life threatened became routine, so I divorced her. Now I live a boring life devoid of any excitement. God, how I miss that girl ! ;)

It does keep things exciting, and the sex afterwards must be great.

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"Id be gone after 1 maybe 2 incidents..."

Maybe? I'd be gone after the first, no "maybe". You could turn it around and ask "why do women stay with guys who abuse them".

Like i stated.. it would be hard to give up a good relationship for a one time slipup. However if i had reason to believe it would occur again id be gone. I am just pointing out things are not always black and white. They have shades of grey too.

Suppose your in a 10 year relation and have kids together and it happened because she was depressed (and could be cured), or this is a girl you met 3 months ago. So id say it does depend on the situation.

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I'm sympathetic to your "situational bias" argument but,...

If someone in a relationship involving kids reaches the point where they will go for you with a knife, that person needs either "alone" time (for the safety of your kids and yourself..... and themselves also*) and/or professional help. The idea is "curing" such people is worthy of a thread in itself! But lets just picture this: You are living here struggling with the language sleeping next to a woman who needs to be on prescribed medication to reduce or remove the likelyhood that she'll stab you. Wow, living the dream! :ermm:

*because if you attack a bloke with a knife, what guarantee is there that you'll walkaway from the incident?

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I'm sympathetic to your "situational bias" argument but,...

If someone in a relationship involving kids reaches the point where they will go for you with a knife, that person needs either "alone" time (for the safety of your kids and yourself..... and themselves also*) and/or professional help. The idea is "curing" such people is worthy of a thread in itself! But lets just picture this: You are living here struggling with the language sleeping next to a woman who needs to be on prescribed medication to reduce or remove the likelyhood that she'll stab you. Wow, living the dream! :ermm:

*because if you attack a bloke with a knife, what guarantee is there that you'll walkaway from the incident?

It sounds like a nightmare, but if you have kids with someone and you love her. Then who knows, im talking here psychologically sick and sometimes the do get cured. Anyway im not in this situation and hope I would never be either. I was talking about this just for arguments sake. On the other hand there are marriages broken up for less then this.

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Ry Cooder - Girls from Texas

Well, I met a girl from Texas 'bout a year ago

Hadn't known her for too long when I had to let her go

You see, she had a razor, was ten inches or so

And every night you'd hear her knocking at my door

She said, "Baby, I'll give you the clothes on my back

You can have everything that I've got in my shack

But if you ever try to leave they'll take your out in sack

'Cause me and my razor will see to that"

That's the way the girls are from Texas

That's the way the girls are from Texas

That's the way the girls are from Texas

I thought about my situation, decided not to tarry

For my own self preservation I decided we should marry

When the preacher started reading 'bout 'till death do us part

I told him, "Skip it, we had that understanding right from the start"

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Ry Cooder - Girls from Texas

Well, I met a girl from Texas 'bout a year ago

Hadn't known her for too long when I had to let her go

You see, she had a razor, was ten inches or so

And every night you'd hear her knocking at my door

She said, "Baby, I'll give you the clothes on my back

You can have everything that I've got in my shack

But if you ever try to leave they'll take your out in sack

'Cause me and my razor will see to that"

That's the way the girls are from Texas

That's the way the girls are from Texas

That's the way the girls are from Texas

I thought about my situation, decided not to tarry

For my own self preservation I decided we should marry

When the preacher started reading 'bout 'till death do us part

I told him, "Skip it, we had that understanding right from the start"

I am from Texas, and I never met a girl from Texas such as the one described. That said, I would not state that there are NO such girls.

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

It is because women in the west don't have sex with you if they don't like you and/or if they do it is relatively obvious they don't like you.

In Thailand it is impossible to tell from having sex if the women you have sex with likes you or not.

This creates confusion in a western mans brain.

Maybe you are confused. You say: "In Thailand it is impossible to tell from having sex if the women you have sex with likes you or not." Really? I know if you are paying for it they may or may not enjoy it as they are in need of money. But most Thai women I've seen won't go with you if they don't like you, even for money! If you've been with a Thai woman for well more than a year and living together, I hope you have figured it out or I guess to quote you again: "This creates confusion in a western mans brain." It may be which head is doing the thinking... Then again, you may not have figured out women in general, not just Thai women...

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