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Why Do Guys Stay With Thai Girls That Pull Knives On Them


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I was really amazed when I read the posts about the Swedish men getting killed. Many foreigners seem to have girls that are abusive. I would not stand for that, once incident i might be able to forgive. (depending on the circumstances). But if something happens more then once and with real intent to wound or kill you would have to be a fool not to leave.

How can the guys here defend staying with a girl like that. Do they like abuse and are in love with a dominant girl, having a submissive nature themselves. Do they just accept it because damaged goods is all they can get and the girl looks good. Or are they just plain silly.

To be honest i have had a Thai wife pull a knife on me but that was while i was already divorcing her in Holland. It was real and she would have wounded me if she had the chance. I was bigger and stronger and able to get the knife from her. But i viewed her different after that. But after having lived in Thailand and learned to be selective with who i date and be with things are different. You can get good girls here as long as you look and be patient and find someone not to far out of your own age / looks. Also look at the right place and go for a girl with a brain, in the end it will be much better.

Maybe it happens more in relations where communication is hard (that was with my first of 2 wives and vowed after that to never be in a relation where communication was hard). Just curious what you guys got to say about your reasons for staying.

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Maybe it is due to a formed mentality on a par with thousands of abused women in the West , who often get brutalised to the extent of needng hospitaisation "He is the only one who loves and cares for me " , one could say they deserve what they get , but that is no excuse for brutalising a frail , defensless female . As to the men ? I have no idea why they put up with this kind of life threatening treatment , maybe it is the magnetic field of attraction situated between the thighs , it has been said that man came from women and spends the rest of his life trying to get back in , oft times to his detriment and demise .

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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

I`m with you all the way..

Once is one time too often.

I am not sure i agree 100%. I could accept 1 time depending how and why. I mean you don't end a relation of many years just after 1 isolated incident. But if it was an incident without any mitigating circumstances id be gone too.

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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

I`m with you all the way..

Once is one time too often.

I agree, if she does it once, she will do it again. A bit harsh, but the first time is the agressors fault; the second time is the victims fault for hanging around-and giving them the oportunity to do it again...

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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

I`m with you all the way..

Once is one time too often.

I agree, if she does it once, she will do it again. A bit harsh, but the first time is the agressors fault; the second time is the victims fault for hanging around-and giving them the oportunity to do it again...

So if your wife catches you with her younger sister in bed. After you been drunk and abusive for a week, you would still go ? What i am saying here it does depend a bit on what has happened, but i would not put up with it a second time that is for sure.

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As to the men ? I have no idea why they put up with this kind of life threatening treatment , maybe it is the magnetic field of attraction situated between the thighs , it has been said that man came from women and spends the rest of his life trying to get back in , oft times to his detriment and demise .

You may have something there DB, in the vein of both persons are addicted to the highs -and lows- of constant drama. I'm far more dull and can get all the thrills I need by taking a short motorbike ride here :rolleyes:

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I know one thing. In the inconceivable event of my wife pulling a knife on me I'd be instigating divorce proceedings in an instant.

I`m with you all the way..

Once is one time too often.

I agree, if she does it once, she will do it again. A bit harsh, but the first time is the agressors fault; the second time is the victims fault for hanging around-and giving them the oportunity to do it again...

So if your wife catches you with her younger sister in bed. After you been drunk and abusive for a week, you would still go ? What i am saying here it does depend a bit on what has happened, but i would not put up with it a second time that is for sure.

Rob, I've always felt that your posts have been reasonable but on this one we are not in agreement. I'm single but if I were married and bedding my wife's sister, I would expect my wife to walk and not look back. For the folks that feel otherwise, I wish them the best of luck. They will need it...

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To the OP: Do you know how much cost -nowadays- a two hours knifes&forks session @Dungeon next to Roxy, in 'Dam?

Just kidding... Rob (Belgian nonsense!) B)

Not cutting you for your second language , but your post makes no sense ??????????????????

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Rob, it appears that in the case of the Swedish man that was stabbed, that he allegedly often knocked his wife about.It Also came out in the press that he was the leader of some Neo Nazi, white supremacy group (backed up by video footage). Maybe the wife had just had enough of being abused by this guy and reacted with the same violent way. I think that most of these attacks are spur of the moment events, when someone feels very threatened by a much larger person.

I am not condoning violence in any way, but it takes two to tango.

Cheers, Rick

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

Totally agree - Damaged Goods on both sides of the equation.

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

It is because women in the west don’t have sex with you if they don’t like you and/or if they do it is relatively obvious they don’t like you.

In Thailand it is impossible to tell from having sex if the women you have sex with likes you or not.

This creates confusion in a western mans brain.

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I agree, if she does it once, she will do it again. A bit harsh, but the first time is the agressors fault; the second time is the victims fault for hanging around-and giving them the oportunity to do it again...

So if your wife catches you with her younger sister in bed. After you been drunk and abusive for a week, you would still go ? What i am saying here it does depend a bit on what has happened, but i would not put up with it a second time that is for sure.

Rob, I've always felt that your posts have been reasonable but on this one we are not in agreement. I'm single but if I were married and bedding my wife's sister, I would expect my wife to walk and not look back. For the folks that feel otherwise, I wish them the best of luck. They will need it...

First of my wife would not pull any knives on me, im just thinking what if. I find it hard to stop a long term otherwise perfect relation with a good girl for one stupid mistake. On the other hand it could be a signal for more to come. I just think its not all that black and white. But on the other hand there is no excuse for violence.

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The old saying,

He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. ( or words to that affect )

And I've known a few of them. :(

A dick is going to kill me. That’s a relief. All I have to watch out for is a giant dick chasing me down the street trying to boom me to death. Good thing I don’t hang around boys town much.

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The old saying,

He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. ( or words to that affect )

And I've known a few of them. :(

A dick is going to kill me. That's a relief. All I have to watch out for is a giant dick chasing me down the street trying to boom me to death. Good thing I don't hang around boys town much.

Don't think he was referring to a 'pork sword' Mark, but you just never know in this Country!


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My ex developed a knife habit which she found hard to kick. Even got me hooked to the point I'd look forward to the stealthy commando style home entry and the disarming tussle. In the end it just got too easy and the adrenalin charged excitement wore off to the point that having one's life threatened became routine, so I divorced her. Now I live a boring life devoid of any excitement. God, how I miss that girl ! ;)

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So if your wife catches you with her younger sister in bed. After you been drunk and abusive for a week, you would still go ? What i am saying here it does depend a bit on what has happened, but i would not put up with it a second time that is for sure.

As far as the catching in bed with sister scenario is concerned, aren't you the one that stated here that you enjoy an open relationship with your good wife?

(If i am mistaking you for another member, my apologies.)

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So if your wife catches you with her younger sister in bed. After you been drunk and abusive for a week, you would still go ? What i am saying here it does depend a bit on what has happened, but i would not put up with it a second time that is for sure.

As far as the catching in bed with sister scenario is concerned, aren't you the one that stated here that you enjoy an open relationship with your good wife?

(If i am mistaking you for another member, my apologies.)

Yes I did and i am still in an open relation, the whole point here was trying to find mitigating circumstances. I am pretty sure no knife will be pulled on me. I am still allowed to have a gik and so is she. I was not really talking about myself but trying to explain that there are situations where one might give a second chance. For the record i would not even WANT one of her sisters.

My wife is not aggressive at all i was just trying to start a discussion here and get some insight.

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

Best post of the thread by far. And I would like to add, the OP made chosing a girl from thailand sound closer to buying a second hand car than finding a partner for life. Robbo, I always read your posts with interest but you made the whole process sound like such a sworded affair :P

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The only mitigating circumstances I can think of where a wife is justified in pulling a blade is if she's in genuine fear of her life.

I'm going to really stick my neck out here. All these stories about problems between westerners and their spouses. " My wife blew our savings on playing cards. " " My wife did this. " " My wife did that. " etc.

I have never heard a tale over the years here where, having known the people involved, I've been the slightest bit surprised. Westerners tend to marry or be with somebody they are completely incompatible with regarding just about everything and try to convince themselves that the 3 ringed circus that constitutes their relationship is somehow normal.

It is because women in the west don’t have sex with you if they don’t like you and/or if they do it is relatively obvious they don’t like you.

In Thailand it is impossible to tell from having sex if the women you have sex with likes you or not.

This creates confusion in a western mans brain.

Inspired Post from Mark.

I don't think its imposible to tell though. I just think its so unclear that for many its easier just to apply their own favourable interpretation. Until I came here I never met so many people who honestly believe that if "they" can't imagine how someone can do a thing, it must be fictitous. Small mindedness is awash here I don't mean just thinking with the small brain, but I suspect a causal link between the two observations.

I doubt this will be a popular observation but it seems this post is about "Brutal" truth. :huh:

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