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Tipping The Massage Lady


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The OP says he will not consider lowering his tip to these 2 ladies whatever anyone says. If that's the case, not sure why he has bothered to ask the question in the first place?

These last of the big spenders types really get up my nose.

I never tip more than 20 baht for a basic no frills massage, maybe 50 baht for an excellent service and if the massage is a load of crap I do not tip at all.

The problem is that those who give these over generous tips believe they are doing a kind deed, but in fact are actually putting the kibber in for everyone else, because these women will become to expect these sort of tips and justify the old myth that all farangs are rich, so why shouldn't they pay more then anybody else.

Same applies when tipping in restaurants and for other services. In the end the highflying tippers are not doing anyone any favours, just increasing the cost of living and entertainments for everyone else.

It's not our fault that you are dirt poor.

EVery single poor thai that gets 1 massage a month tips MINIMUM 50BAHT

You come from a trailer park, dont you? Advising other people to be as cheap as you to people who work very hard is disgusting.

And im not talking about the cheap 100baht/hr place, those places 20baht should be fine because they have not studied.(but why would anyone go there?)

After reading some of these posts, I became to feel a little guilty about being such a meany.

I have decided to raise my tipping up to 25 baht. But sorry no more please, this is my final offer. For someone of Jewish, Scottish and Irish decent who has Australian relatives, this is extremely generous.

It`s amazing how you guessed I came from a trailer park. You certainly know people, no fooling you. Tragically my trailer was repossesed last month because I was unable to pay the rent. I am presently living with an aunt and uncle who have kindly let me shack up stay in their shed.

If any of you could reduce your tipping and help me pay for some decent lodgings instead, I would be most grateful.

I love these arguments, it takes me back to the pub brawling days of my youth.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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according to the wife there is nothing in thailand where a 20 bt tip is not sufficient ,of course that is the normal thailand. if you're talking rich and influential i am sure it is a different story. i tip 50 bt for a nice massage .

There has got to be an oxymoron in there somewhere

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They charge B200 per hour for traditional Thai massage. I usually give her B100 on top of that.

The other place I go to is a no frills shop and charge B150/hour. Although the girl I ask for does a pretty good job, it seems impersonal. I drop B200 and walk out. No one seems unhappy. Not even me.

I'm not cheap charlie...but 200bht tip for a 150bht massage is over the top :blink:

tipping like that make us farangs look like walking ATM's for sure.....

but hey your Dime your time so have a good one...... :whistling:

place i go normal massage no happy ending if you not want is 250bht hr i give 50bht and if she does a real good job I'll buy here a drink for a job well done......

they always seem happy with that

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They charge B200 per hour for traditional Thai massage. I usually give her B100 on top of that.

The other place I go to is a no frills shop and charge B150/hour. Although the girl I ask for does a pretty good job, it seems impersonal. I drop B200 and walk out. No one seems unhappy. Not even me.

I'm not cheap charlie...but 200bht tip for a 150bht massage is over the top :blink:

tipping like that make us farangs look like walking ATM's for sure.....

but hey your Dime your time so have a good one...... :whistling:

place i go normal massage no happy ending if you not want is 250bht hr i give 50bht and if she does a real good job I'll buy here a drink for a job well done......

they always seem happy with that

That's not the way I read it he "drops B200 for a B150 massage..." 50bht tip

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That's not the way I read it he "drops B200 for a B150 massage..." 50bht tip

Thank you, Basinboy. My meaning was crystal clear to me, and apparently to you. But I can see how someone might have misunderstood me. I do give them B200 which INCLUDES a B50 tip. I certainly would never give a 130% tip for a traditional massage. And probably not for a NON traditional massage.

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^^Here. Let me help.

I recently tried a new massage place. I explained to the masseuse that I'd been having a problem with throbbing, stiffness and rigidity in parts of my body and to my delight she soon expertly took the matter in hand. At the climax, after realizing that I only had about 300 baht on me, I ended up blowing my whole wad on her.

So what your saying is you gave her more than a tip?

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