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Sex And Thailand

uncle paul

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the television there are always images of the Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


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Live and let live ..... people like this are narrow minded and don't know any better... up to them.. :o:D

And for your information, although it is none of your business really, my wife is one year younger than me...... so what...? :D

totster :D

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Uncle paul; I fully agree that those buggers are out there too - but my impression from this board is that most here are fairly street smart and not of the "taken for a ride" type.

As to stupid foreigners thinking that all Asien women are working in a bar - there is really little to say. Cheers!

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You are wrong, there are people with a variety of views on this forum. Not everyone is attracted to Thailand for the same reason.

My Girlfriend is 41, I'm 49. I think that is considered quite normal outside of Thailand.

I dont think it is normal for a man to have a wife/girlfriend the same age or older in any Country.

Please don't tar too many people with the same brush.

As for Thailand being considered a giant knocking shop, most people I know who have never been to Thailand either have no idea or realise that the sex industry for Farangs is confined to certain areas.

Sex is for sale, however all over Thailand, same as most european countries and America. If you are interested in that and know where to look

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just sod em off..

that's your life ..

when you have a good time , they might be glad with you..


when you have a hard time, i dont think they will care you as much

just you and your partner who try to handle that situation

why care em?

Bambi :o

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

Thais in general have less regard for the real Thailand or it's people and as another poster mentioned prostitution was rife even before us falang arrived.

BTW my missus is 6 yrs older than me. :o Obviously she lied about her age when we first met, in a who.rehouse I might add :D

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I enjoy it all,  STs and LTs

Except when you end up with STD from the ST; the LT might give you a CD :D

Nothing worse than getting an STD like VD from a ST BG QT. If you do get an STD then see an MD or PM someone on TV for advice. It's very EC to cure unless it's HIV. :o

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My wife is 30 and I am 27, one of the reasons I like asian women and her most of all was because they are clean and nice. She always looked after herself and smelled so good. In America anymore women just throw on whatever and leave the house. :o

So, I don't everyone has such views of asia being filled with cheap women. What is really sad is that a lot of people here in the states don't even know that Thailand is a country. When people meet my wife and ask where she is from they have to ask where is that and still don't know. My wife tells them "we used to be called Siam" and they laugh and say "I thought that was only in the movies" So, some people don't even "think" about Thailand. Sad, but maybe better for the Thais. :D

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the people who knock thailand and think the worse about the country in my experience of talking to these people they are the people whom have never been.

when i first brought my wife to england there were many a comment mainly by people whom live a very sheltered life and watch television for recreation.

i have always believed you can not comment on anything you have not tried or seen.

unfortunately in england we have a minority of people trying to guide the majority alas they never will.

long live choice and freedom.

<deleted> every body else its up to you

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Guest endure

I live in the UK and I've found that I get one of two reactions when I mention Thailand:

1. Sniggers

2. "We went there on our holidays last year. Isn't it FABULOUS!"

I tend to agree with the second and ignore the first.

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I live in the UK and I've found that I get one of two reactions when I mention Thailand:

1. Sniggers

2. "We went there on our holidays last year. Isn't it FABULOUS!"

I tend to agree with the second and ignore the first.

You forgot the tiresome.." Ooo watch out for those ladyboys.." :o

totster :D

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I must agree with Uncle Paul here, some posts on this forum do give the impression that their reasons for visiting Thailand are based around sex tourism. I remember a person posting on here - can't remember who - say something about the women in Brasil and how much better looking they are than the ugly monkeys you get in Thailand (not my words, his - or something to that effect), he also mentioned he payed something like 200 quid. Not really my place to comment on any one else and how they conduct there own lives, although just thought it was a valid point to back up Uncle Paul's original post.

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I must agree with Uncle Paul here, some posts on this forum do give the impression that their reasons for visiting Thailand are based around sex tourism.  I remember a person posting on here - can't remember who - say something about the women in Brasil and how much better looking they are than the ugly monkeys you get in Thailand (not my words, his - or something to that effect), he also mentioned he payed something like 200 quid.  Not really my place to comment on any one else and how they conduct there own lives, although just thought it was a valid point to back up Uncle Paul's original post.

Sad but true. We have too MANY prostitutes in our country. We do have many cute ladies and gals here. The way of living here like sabai sabai, making many gals like to live sabai sabai by getting easy job and big money. And the smell of gals bring many guys all over the world to visit our country. Just only imagine if Thailand has never had any prostitutes or bar gals at all. Shall we have so many tourist like this ? Just wondering... :o

Sad but true, there are so many buggers everywhere , who never been out of the country and might be envy you the one who has thai gal or thai wife. They are just curious ( coz they might want to have some too ). :D

We have the old saying "just one rotted fish, made the whole fishes stunk.

Why should you care so much ? Just being yourself and if the gal make you happy and you have a happy family, just dont care those who are nosey . They are envy you .

Thai gals these day have more intelligent than the old days.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

Thais in general have less regard for the real Thailand or it's people and as another poster mentioned prostitution was rife even before us falang arrived.

BTW my missus is 6 yrs older than me. :o Obviously she lied about her age when we first met, in a who.rehouse I might add :D

Just what is the “real Thailand”? As I understand it there’s no country that doesn’t have its share of prostitution and this is especially true of poorer countries. If you look back at the history of the rich/modern countries, you’ll see plenty of the same exploitation of women.

Still, I agree, what exists in Thailand today is very sad to see (specifically with children), and I am a Thai that has a lot of “regard” for my fellow Thais. Since my solution of shooting all the pedophiles and anyone who traffics children isn’t likely to be instituted, I have to settle for impacting the economics of Thailand to be a more modern country. Or maybe I should run for p.m. and load my pistol???

Thailand is infamous for its sex trade so I don’t necessarily blame all foreigners for having a certain perception of the country and its people. This I blame on the foreigners themselves who perpetuate the trade and the thai government for not cracking down on the trade. However, it is absolutely ignorant for a foreigner to take this perception and apply it to all thais and all of Thailand.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

Perhaps thats more to do with the fact of the lack of basic rights farangs enjoy in Thailand. I think were entitled to a little respect considering how much money comes into Thailand from foreign investment. When the Thai's grow up maybe they'll recieve a little more respect from the international community.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Why would you want to hold down a relationship in farangland? Women in the UK are about as feminine as a rock.

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

I couldnt care less about peoples narrowminded attitudes in the UK <deleted> em. Leave them to their two week getaways in Benidorm and Butlins. Unless you've been here how can you judge?

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

Thats more interesting to some couch potato in the UK that a hill tribe woman carving an Elephant. The fact is Thailand wouldn't be what it is now without the sex industry. You might not like it but thats the way it is. The media needs something sensational to report. When the happy couple are watching these 'shows' the woman might well be shocked, but I bet my ass the guy is wondering what the ###### he's doing sat on his setee while were all treating Thailand like a knocking shop.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

No doubt many are being taken for a ride, but they're enjoying every minute of it which is their right no matter who thinks its terrible.

To the person who asked you where you met your wife, I'd have said yes, I met her in a bar, where did you find yours? In a church?

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?

Im 26 my Thai GF is 23, no big difference except the mental age ;-)

I do however think that there is a lot of scum let into Thailand, and the dregs of western society do find a home here easily. Until Thailand starts toughening up and not letting them in, I'm satisfied waiting for them to do the condo leap


Edited by johnboi
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I live in the UK and I've found that I get one of two reactions when I mention Thailand:

1. Sniggers

2. "We went there on our holidays last year. Isn't it FABULOUS!"

I tend to agree with the second and ignore the first.

I'm sorry to hear that.I must admit, that I have not had one snigger from anybody I know at home...mind you....they know better! :o

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


Oh dear.

I'm off to Thailand soon to do what I thought was a bit of island-hopping with the gf. But you've opened my eyes to the reality that I am in fact going to exploit her (well, I do have soooo little regard for her) and her compatriots, whilst immersing myself (ooh, I like the sound of that! :o ) in the seedy sexual underbelly of the (Farang only) sex industry. And all she wants to do really is ram wong, and maybe grow a litlle rice in the time-honoured traditional way.

My gf's idea of culture is buying shoes and phones. I'm the one who nags to go see a temple or visit a market, or take off on a bike to see the countryside.

The UK has many people who are ignorant about Thailand, many of whom have never even been. They come out with crass ill-informed statements like "most people only go to Thailand because of the sex industry". Sound familiar?

BEGIN RANT. Oh, sorry, I already did! :D

Don't paint with so broad a brush.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


You have made some valid points even though you are to some degree flogging a dead horse, but reading your first line again I would say you are stereotyping as much as those small minded folk back home.

There are very few members on here who disrespect or disregard Thailand and those who do don't last long believe me.

I don't have a Thai partner and any age gap has always been roughly five years but dispite being in my thirties, I don't view all my elders as sad old bastards who are financially superiour to their partners, far from it.

They do exist of course but open your eyes wider and you'll find many a happy couple aging from May to December.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


You are never going to remove the stereotypes, people will think what people think.

Metaphor : Tiger Woods is great at golf because of his ability to focus on the task at hand, and block out all the distractions, nonsense and BS around him.

A good BS filter is essential in this day and age :o

PS: my wife is older(by 2 months), wealthier and has more degrees than I :D

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?



I'm obviously rather dumb (or it's way too early in the morning), so could someone clear this up for me:

Is this "Rant" against those who live in Thailand, or the attitudes of those who live in the UK?

I see no evidence in the 'Rant' of any misbehavior on the part of those who live here, but I see plenty of evidence of narrow-minded (and sterotypical) behavior of those who live in the UK.

I may be mistaken, but having read this post, my inital thoughts were not why would I wish to live in Thailand, but why would I want to live in the UK with this type of attitude so prevelent?

Happily living in Thailand

SM :o

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