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Sex And Thailand

uncle paul

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There are lots of other countries in the world with beaucoup de hoes, so I think people, farangs and Thais alike, are too sensitive on this issue.

Think Paris, Las Vegas, Mexico City, Dominican Republic, Brazil, many parts of Africa, Moscow, Prague, etc., etc.

Thailand should just focus on progressing as a nation, do all they can to improve their education, economy, political systems, and the PR issues will take care of themselves. There is no need to eliminate prostitution, it is part of life for any country.

You can't help what gossipy people say about you, whether you are an individual, or a country.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


You are talking a lot about the age difference. If you think a small age difference negates the "no money no honey" syndrome I think you are sadly mistaken.

For most Thai to marry a farang is a great hardship due to all the differences; language, cultural, looks, new country.... What makes up for it is the security that money gives.

Eventually you get used to things and if the marriage is lasting then the "no money no honey" is not really that valid but initially it will be the driving force no matter any kind of age differance.

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how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?

I'm 49 and my Thai GF is 24. She will probably one day be my wife. She and her parents have no problem with the age difference......why should you? And why is it your business anyway? You live your life and let others live theirs....in the manner they choose.

Peace out. :o

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I'll be 56 on Friday and my girlfriend is 31. I met her while sitting in a bar. I guess we're not going to be friends, are we Uncle Paul?

Just to put this in perspective - does anyone here have parents who met in a bar (cafes, diners and dance halls also qualify)? Afterall, meting a woman in a bar does not neccessarily mean she is a slapper, right?

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Thailand is infamous for its sex trade so I don’t necessarily blame all foreigners for having a certain perception of the country and its people. This I blame on the foreigners themselves who perpetuate the trade and the thai government for not cracking down on the trade. However, it is absolutely ignorant for a foreigner to take this perception and apply it to all thais and all of Thailand.

It is also absolutely ignorant (for a Thai or a foreigner) to imply that it is foreigners who perpetuate the sex trade in Thailand. :o

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I'll be 56 on Friday and my girlfriend is 31. I met her while sitting in a bar. I guess we're not going to be friends, are we Uncle Paul?

Mike, "56/31", you bad boy you.


Happy birthday to ya on Friday. Oh yea, I'm getting ready to "book" my hotel now, for next Friday's Bkk "Pissup". :o

Edited by Ken
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how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?

I'm 49 and my Thai GF is 24. She will probably one day be my wife. She and her parents have no problem with the age difference......why should you? And why is it your business anyway? You live your life and let others live theirs....in the manner they choose.

Peace out. :D

Exactly! I'm 20 years older than my thai wife and been married 5 years. My former wife, farang, was 10 years older than me. So the OP's point is what? I never had anything said from a guy when lived in UK, but some women can be jealous. Uncle paul seems much too sensitive and wants to rid the world of anyone who does not share his perspective on life. My philosophy, look after people you care for, and don't accept any verbal excrement from anybody. :o

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I came to Thailand looking for a wife. I was tired of working and didn't have enough money to attract an attractive American woman and still be able to retire early. Being a two time loser in the US made me a bit shy also. One more time like the previous two and I would have died in harness. You can't retire with a high maintenance woman!

My Thai girlfriend is a lot younger than I am and I make no apologies for that. I am 60 and she is 37. As far as people having preconceived notions I have more problems with people confusing Taiwan and Thailand than anything else. What do other people think? I don't know and don't care.

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One of the positive things of living in Thailand is the relatively open attitude toward sex and certainly the open attitude toward marriage/relationships with foreigners, even one who is older. If I tried to get a get a girlfriend or wife in USA who was substantially younger than I am, my chances would probably be zero. I'd be lucky to find a grandma, who might let me clean out her garage. Being a nice person and treating women with repect counts for something in Thailand. and in most Asian countries. As for the age differences, I had an Austrailan "Christian" lady friend here in Thailand, who told me that the church "guildelines" discouraged any relationship where there was more than a 5 year age difference between the pair. I have found that people with this kind of mentality strongly equate sex with sin anyway. In my opinion, people who think they have the right to judge my relationships can go to ######.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


Uncle Paul, could you please re-write that in your native language?

If English is your native language, shouldn't you be in school?

Read your own post and see if it makes sense -- especially the last couple lines.

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It is apparent that a many on here seem to view Thailand little more than a glorified cheap knocking shop & in fact have little regard for the real Thailand or people.

By exploiting an economic advantage they seem to revel in exploiting young girls/boys misfortune, where as at home they cant hold down a relationship; let alone get a partner ( i use that word very loosely).

Let me Explain something about the attitude of many back here in the UK

There was a Thai girl who worked at my friends restaurant to earn some extra pocket money whilst she finished her masters degree. When she finished and told the customers that she was going home to Thailand the majority asked the same question.

"Do you have to go and work in a bar now?"

Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

I was even asked on my wedding day here if i found my wife in a bar!!!

It p**ses me off that so many have such little regard for Thailand and its customs and in fact could never stay there if it was not for some young thing playing with their manhood because of  their economic superiority.

Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


No Money No Honey applies in most parts of the owrld. It is just more obvious and "up front" here thn in Christiandom. If you want a woman your own age, why come to Thailand. There are plenty of western woman "battle axes" around back home.

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I find it funny when everyone one thinks that I came here for the sex. I love to see many of their faces(Thais) when i say "no, I actually came here for the easily available and huge supply of pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs, and cheap alcohol that you call whisky", which is the truth, plus the meditation retreats and beaches.

OP, sure there are bound to be a few whoremongers who came here ONLY for the women. I have many good friends who are like this, so bloody what?

There is something wrong with me when I try to put other people down, in order to feel better myself .

Live and let live and all that stuff.

But yes it is a fact of Thailand, and how people abroad see us. I don't give a toss.

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My wife and I are about the same age - we met in a bar. I actually enjoy going to the bars and the night life in Bkk, Pattaya, etc. as well as in other Asian countries, not that it is my sole purpose for visiting the cities.

I don't enjoy visiting the red light areas in Soho (London), Kings Cross (Sydney), Amsterdam, Paris, etc. I find them quite intimidating and stay away from them.

I don't think that most westerners comprehend the difference in attitudes to sex, or the difference in the environment of the bars in Asia.

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Just what is the “real Thailand”? As I understand it there’s no country that doesn’t have its share of prostitution and this is especially true of poorer countries. If you look back at the history of the rich/modern countries, you’ll see plenty of the same exploitation of women.[
Funny that you refer to the explotation of women. In some cases, yes this is true. But if you mean explotation of Thai women by Farang men, then I have to object. Very often the Farang man is being exploited by the Thai woman.

As for explotation of Thai women by Thai men, the yes, in many cases absolutely true.

True story

A friend of ours ( I will call her R) in our village has an elder brother (call him LB). R's husband had moved on to pastures new and she was working as best she could to do the best for her daughter.

Because of LB's irresponsible borrowing despite not having the means to repay, he put their mother's home at risk of repossession by the bank and was 600,000 Baht in Debt. In discussions between R and LB, he agreed to take care of her daughter if she would go to a tourist area and work to help him clear the debt. 600,000 Baht is a lot of debt, How did LB think she was going to earn that sort of money, waiting on tables?

R went to Koh Samui as she knew some friends there and became a bar girl. She worked for 4 years, sending money back for her brother and money to take care of her mother and her daughter.

During her time in Koh Samui, she had a regular client who holidayed twice a year, A german (Bf), a kind hearted man I now know as a friend. He eventually asked her for a full time relationship and to stop working the bar. This she did and returned to the village. He was aware that she had a daughter to take care of and she had made a commitment to help her brother to get out of debt.

Back in the village she received regular payments from Bf ( often exceeding 30,000 Baht per month) and continued to help her brother.

In the 4 years working the bar she had sent back approximately 500,000 Baht to LB

as well as money to take care of her daughter and her mother.

She believed that LB was nearly out of debt and so soon her and Bf would be able to start building a house together.

Things came to a head when she discovered that, after 5 years, LB was now 700,000 Baht in debt.

He had been living the high life in the village financed by his younger sister selling her body!! She is absolutely devastated. She had missed 4 years of her daughter's life and suffered all sorts of humiliation. She had worked 4 years as a prostitute and for what?!!

Is this an uncommon story? I don't think so.

Thai girls working the bar are often being exploited by their family and NOT by Farang. Farang, after all are paying for a service.

Incidently R does not have a Thai husband or boyfriend, she stays true to Bf.

Thailand is infamous for its sex trade so I don’t necessarily blame all foreigners for having a certain perception of the country and its people. This I blame on the foreigners themselves who perpetuate the trade and the thai government for not cracking down on the trade. However, it is absolutely ignorant for a foreigner to take this perception and apply it to all thais and all of Thailand.

If there were no foreigners in Thailand the sex trade would not stop, it would continue as it has more or less since time began. Foreigners do not perpetuate the trade, but make it more lucrative and bring it to the attention of the rest of the world.

What would happen to the Thai economy if the sex trade with Farang was stopped? A lot of villages in Isaan appear to have next to no local economic structure and way of life could well be supported almost exclusively by cash flowing in via Pattaya.

I don't believe that the Thai economy as a whole would suffer much, but it would certainly have an impact on small local economies

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I don't think that most westerners comprehend the difference in attitudes to sex, or the difference in the environment of the bars in Asia.

This would appear to be true.

A few years back before I settled down. I had a younger gf(?) and she warned me that if I ever went with a bar girl, she would go with a Farang for free.

This indicates that she saw absolutely nothing wrong with women selling their bodies. But to go with Farang for free would be unfaithful.

Many womenn see sex as a job and nothing else.

Difference in attitudes

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Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Don't judge my measures, or I will measure your judges..... :D

(Sorry - couldn't resist....)

wakka wakka! :o

Apologies but came over all biblical for a moment. I just wish people would concentrate on their own lives rather than worrying about everyone else is doing.

Is your partner older or younger than me?

Love this part of the original OP. To be honest mate, <deleted> has my partner's age got to do with your age

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I couldnt care less about peoples narrowminded attitudes in the UK <deleted> em. Leave them to their two week getaways in Benidorm and Butlins. Unless you've been here how can you judge?
Every time Thailand is shown on the  television there are always images of the  Pat Pong or Pattaya bar scene.

Thats more interesting to some couch potato in the UK that a hill tribe woman carving an Elephant. The fact is Thailand wouldn't be what it is now without the sex industry. You might not like it but thats the way it is. The media needs something sensational to report. When the happy couple are watching these 'shows' the woman might well be shocked, but I bet my ass the guy is wondering what the ###### he's doing sat on his setee while were all treating Thailand like a knocking shop.

Given half the chance they would jump at the opportunity to spend a holiday in LOS without their wives!!!

People in the UK are very narrowminded and also prejudiced.

The sex industry is a global phenomonen, it isn't jst a few bars in Bangkok and Pattaya, and it's an industry that goes back thousands of years. But becuase Thailand has a reputation, when I said I was off to Thailand on a holiday the "boys" I work with jump on it and immediatly accuse me of going there purely for one thing - SEX! Not the friendly people, the beautiful scenery, the beautiful beaches!

Haven't told them about my TGF yet, but when I do no doubt I'll suffer the taunts of BG or mail order bride!

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