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Safest Bank Account. Best Interest.

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Hello all, I am looking for advice on best place to keep money in singapore due to good exchange with baht and uk pound and pretty safe banking laws, also very easy to fly over there from bkk, I am going to be moving over to los end of this year/beg next and want to get all my angles covered. I have a bkk bank account and will deposit a small sum here but not to much as if any fraud etc was to happen i am worried that i would not be covered. Does any one have any info on banks in sing i can use to get maximum interest on my money with easy access. I will be leaving only 1 or 2 accounts in uk as i am moving full time and not really intending to come back to the uk unless an emergency is called!!, I would also like to know what i need to open account, Can i do with address in bkk and is passport enough as ID. All help will be most appreaciated.


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