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Thai Man Sentenced To Death For Killing 5Y-Old Boy

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All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

After you check statistic by yourself.

"Strong-arm" countries to be compared? Ok: Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia.... check their crime level comparing to other. :)

I did exacly that already many years ago and if you compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges (not developed countries with developing and under-developed countries...), then the "statistics" that countries without corporal punishment have lower crime rates fail miserably.

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All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

After you check statistic by yourself.

"Strong-arm" countries to be compared? Ok: Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia.... check their crime level comparing to other. :)

I did exacly that already many years ago and if you compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges (not developed countries with developing and under-developed countries...), then the "statistics" that countries without corporal punishment have lower crime rates fail miserably.

You did not mention the names of those "apples and oranges", BTW.

Visiting those 3 samples given above, I am 99% SAFE while walking alone in the night. Even walking in Bangkok's night, I will be safe in most and most cases - I am doing this often.

Frankly speakin' it is not applied to Pattaya anymore, but Pattaya is NOT a Thai city - it is "a farang's land", where all the crime coming from. Yes, not safe there anymore.

Visiting, mmm....USA, UK, Nigeria, Montenegro - I am not safe at all (and have some "nice" experience, already).

Simple as an apple. :)


In Thailand, what does "confessed" after an "intensive" police investigation really mean?

Sorry to disappoint you but it does not mean torture, nor does it mean to be put under extreme pressure to confess like in Japan

It means that the intense police investigation found evidence that very clearly linked the man to the murders


All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

After you check statistic by yourself.

"Strong-arm" countries to be compared? Ok: Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia.... check their crime level comparing to other. :)

I did exacly that already many years ago and if you compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges (not developed countries with developing and under-developed countries...), then the "statistics" that countries without corporal punishment have lower crime rates fail miserably.

You did not mention the names of those "apples and oranges", BTW.

Visiting those 3 samples given above, I am 99% SAFE while walking alone in the night. Even walking in Bangkok's night, I will be safe in most and most cases - I am doing this often.

Frankly speakin' it is not applied to Pattaya anymore, but Pattaya is NOT a Thai city - it is "a farang's land", where all the crime coming from. Yes, not safe there anymore.

Visiting, mmm....USA, UK, Nigeria, Montenegro - I am not safe at all (and have some "nice" experience, already).

Simple as an apple. :)

I feel safer here in Bangkok than I would in any major city in Europe or America. Unprovoked violence is NOT a Buddhist thing so to speak. Not saying that my wallet is safer too of course.


In Thailand, what does "confessed" after an "intensive" police investigation really mean?


There was an eye witness that lived.


I feel safer here in Bangkok than I would in any major city in Europe or America.

Yup. I meant that.

Not saying that my wallet is safer too of course.

Being here for decades, me myself have zero experience of being robbed. A small "social cheating" (while bargaining on the market or "Sorry mista I got no change!!") in the taxis, but nothing more than just that.

Of course if I'll be walking in the night with the fists full of cash (as someone mentioned above - the girl has 200.000 along with her, may I ask - "What the way the driver knows this in advance??"), so the poor locals will be directly provocated and this all may end with some troubles, thus.... I am just too smart not to do so, and staying out of troubles for years. And this applies to ALL countries - just use your brain the way it is created for. Yep, Thais are hardly thinking and planning their actions 2-3 steps ahead from now - but it is NOT an excuse for the murderer.

May everyone here staying safe too.


Seeming he confessed, isn't he entitled to a 50% sentence reduction. So, do they half-kill him and let him bleed out?

Not being a "sanctity of human life" believer, capital punishment has its attractions - at least there are no recidivists, and no worries about desperate escapees. The problem is that history has shown since the emergence of DNA evidence, that many convicted and sentenced to death were innocent, at least of the crime for which they were convicted.

In the final balance, given DNA evidence and un-coerced confession, why not execute? The only reason that it is more expensive is that appeals have been allowed to ridiculous length, as has the fees allowed to lawyers. What a waste of human life providing guards 24/7 for however many years it takes them to rot.

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Yes, I have also seen the figures, it costs much more to impose the death penalty on a murderer than it cost to guard him for the rest of his life. I don't think Thailand has this problem though

edit: spelling mistake

Yes and no.

It costs more to have a prisoner on 'Death row' in the US than one in a maximum security prison in the 'lifer' wing.

But you can be sure that China does not have that problem. (They carry out the executions within days.)

But to bring in economics into the question if the government should or should not murder someone is just plain wrong.


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation. What good is it to have this guy (and heaps of other prisoners) just rot in jail and do nothing???? Heaps of research suggests that if criminals are jailed, when released they are more likely to offend. I know what this allegedly did was terrible, but I'm all for rehabilitation. Also, in the long run, it would be more easy on the tax payers wallet to rehabilitate this guy and get him back out into society where he can be an active member, working, paying taxes like everyone else.


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation. What good is it to have this guy (and heaps of other prisoners) just rot in jail and do nothing???? Heaps of research suggests that if criminals are jailed, when released they are more likely to offend. I know what this allegedly did was terrible, but I'm all for rehabilitation. Also, in the long run, it would be more easy on the tax payers wallet to rehabilitate this guy and get him back out into society where he can be an active member, working, paying taxes like everyone else.

eh! are you bonkers? no way, you cant ever have a guy like that walking around your children and wifes girfriends mothers and all the rest. nope! I stand by what I said, hurt him with a red hot poker up his A@#! and then let him die slowly in a great deal of pain. this will save money and time plus make other potential dirty bastard killers think twice.:angry:

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still, capital punishment is a big NO NO

It doesn't solve anything.

It removes the perp so there is zero chance of recurrence (think Uthai, Pai) and affords a measure of closure to the people who need it most.

Getting all fuzzy and humanitarian as a reason not to sentence evil people to death has to be right up there in the cringeworthy top10. And the only reason it costs so much to put someone to sleep is because we make it that way. The actual putting to sleep bit is straightforward. Obviously don't agree with the death penalty with those countries that carry it out arbitrarily - ala Iran, China - as it needs exhaustive investigations and irrefutable evidence of the crime. In the case of someone who is insane, which this bloke clearly must be, the notion in the West would be to rehabilitate him while not really offering closure to the victims' families. All backwards, but then that's the burgeoning PC-world we have created.

Anyway, poor little tike and just glad they've got the bastard.


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation. What good is it to have this guy (and heaps of other prisoners) just rot in jail and do nothing???? Heaps of research suggests that if criminals are jailed, when released they are more likely to offend. I know what this allegedly did was terrible, but I'm all for rehabilitation. Also, in the long run, it would be more easy on the tax payers wallet to rehabilitate this guy and get him back out into society where he can be an active member, working, paying taxes like everyone else.

Would you be happy to have him after "Rehabilitation" living next door to your family?

One guaranteed way he can never give a repeat performance.

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I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation.

Creatures like that one are usually hard to rehabilitate. Almost no chance - they simply CANNOT stand away from their own wild. Once tried and being forgiven, they will easily offend more and more - right after they learn that the punishment is NOT a punishment. This is the way to become a smart, hidden, experienced and highly dangerous recidivist.

All we can do here effectively - is to prevent such of future cases by showing NO tolerance since the beginning. Here I'll repeat once more: in such of cases, "an eye for an eye" rule must be applied. I'll be first to vote for that.


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation.

Creatures like that one are usually hard to rehabilitate. Almost no chance - they simply CANNOT stand away from their own wild. Once tried and being forgiven, they will easily offend more and more - right after they learn that the punishment is NOT a punishment. This is the way to become a smart, hidden, experienced and highly dangerous recidivist.

All we can do here effectively - is to prevent such of future cases by showing NO tolerance since the beginning. Here I'll repeat once more: in such of cases, "an eye for an eye" rule must be applied. I'll be first to vote for that.

How can you say that, and think the "Eye for an eye principal" should be applied, without knowing the circumstances behind this case? Maybe the offender was sexually abused as a child, or had other adolescent issues when growing up. If that's the case, I firmly believe that he doesn't deserve to be jailed for the rest of his life, or even worse - to be inhumanely put to death.

Instead, after being rehabilitated, he should be given another chance. Of course he should probably be closely monitored if he were to get released, but I'd be all for it in giving this poor guy a second chance, if there were extenuating circumstances. C'mon people - Have a heart. Why be like a murderer and say that this guy should die??? Anyway - Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation.

Creatures like that one are usually hard to rehabilitate. Almost no chance - they simply CANNOT stand away from their own wild. Once tried and being forgiven, they will easily offend more and more - right after they learn that the punishment is NOT a punishment. This is the way to become a smart, hidden, experienced and highly dangerous recidivist.

All we can do here effectively - is to prevent such of future cases by showing NO tolerance since the beginning. Here I'll repeat once more: in such of cases, "an eye for an eye" rule must be applied. I'll be first to vote for that.

How can you say that, and think the "Eye for an eye principal" should be applied, without knowing the circumstances behind this case? Maybe the offender was sexually abused as a child, or had other adolescent issues when growing up. If that's the case, I firmly believe that he doesn't deserve to be jailed for the rest of his life, or even worse - to be inhumanely put to death.

Instead, after being rehabilitated, he should be given another chance. Of course he should probably be closely monitored if he were to get released, but I'd be all for it in giving this poor guy a second chance, if there were extenuating circumstances. C'mon people - Have a heart. Why be like a murderer and say that this guy should die??? Anyway - Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I am one that said he should live, but I never said anything about getting out. There are lot of reasons people do things, but few excuses. Life - don't even ask to get out - not going to happen.


All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

Japan. Singapore. Taiwan. South Korea. Malaysia.


Keep this people separated from the public forever.

And feed them forever by my tax money (the money I've working hard for)? And pay/support the guards, fences, courts, jails etc??

No, thanks! I better feed one more homeless dog - they do NOT deserve ignorance, as those CREATURES do.

+1 (000000000000)


I can't believe how unforgiving and ruthless some of the previous posts are. While it's terrible with what has happened to the victim, Thailand should also think about rehabilitation.

Creatures like that one are usually hard to rehabilitate. Almost no chance - they simply CANNOT stand away from their own wild. Once tried and being forgiven, they will easily offend more and more - right after they learn that the punishment is NOT a punishment. This is the way to become a smart, hidden, experienced and highly dangerous recidivist.

All we can do here effectively - is to prevent such of future cases by showing NO tolerance since the beginning. Here I'll repeat once more: in such of cases, "an eye for an eye" rule must be applied. I'll be first to vote for that.

How can you say that, and think the "Eye for an eye principal" should be applied, without knowing the circumstances behind this case? Maybe the offender was sexually abused as a child, or had other adolescent issues when growing up. If that's the case, I firmly believe that he doesn't deserve to be jailed for the rest of his life, or even worse - to be inhumanely put to death.

Instead, after being rehabilitated, he should be given another chance. Of course he should probably be closely monitored if he were to get released, but I'd be all for it in giving this poor guy a second chance, if there were extenuating circumstances. C'mon people - Have a heart. Why be like a murderer and say that this guy should die??? Anyway - Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I am one that said he should live, but I never said anything about getting out. There are lot of reasons people do things, but few excuses. Life - don't even ask to get out - not going to happen.

Well, I for one hope that he will get out sooner rather than later. Everyone has some good in them, and I'm sure that this person does too. He just needs to be given another chance. I'm praying for him.....and that will make up for the unforgiving people on this site that would like to see this poor person hanged. The right way will prevail.


All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain? Or do you want that crime hits through the cealing and therefore endangering more innocent people?

Criminals just risk more when the promised punishment is death penalty.

I do not agree with you, have you seen the actual statistics? Muslim countries with the capital punishment have a very low crime rate... check the following link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homicide_rate

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All countries without capital punishment have lower crime rates. Can you explain?

After you check statistic by yourself.

"Strong-arm" countries to be compared? Ok: Singapore, China, Saudi Arabia.... check their crime level comparing to other. :)

this is not a comparation with value when you're honest with yourself. China, Saudi Arabia and yes, even in Singapore ,the locals live like in Jail for most of their life.


love that Saudi input, - NOT.

When a Muslim kills a non Muslim the case doesn't even go to court. So statistically no crime happened.

In other cases in other Muslim states, the culprits just pay money or two camels (according Sharia law) and they walk free.

Just reminds me on the French travelers who were traveling in Saudi, who had a pick-nick on a sidewalk of the road and only they were to close to Mecca(I think it was 30 km or so) they got slaughtered. No warnings either. This case was never in a court.

Did someone say low crime rate?

Try to wear a Buddha amulet or a cross when entering these countries and see what happens.


Keep this people separated from the public forever.

And feed them forever by my tax money (the money I've working hard for)? And pay/support the guards, fences, courts, jails etc??

No, thanks! I better feed one more homeless dog - they do NOT deserve ignorance, as those CREATURES do.

You need not feed them well.

Cheap, subsistence fair will cost little, make them wish every day for more,

but keep living to regret their acts, for as long as it takes to expire naturally.

Small room, limited movement, no sunlight leading to depression, crap food,

no reading, door welded shut, live in your pathetic/apathetic thoughts.

Tough luck, you made your bed, go end your days in it.

Bye bye.


Keep this people separated from the public forever.

And feed them forever by my tax money (the money I've working hard for)? And pay/support the guards, fences, courts, jails etc??

No, thanks! I better feed one more homeless dog - they do NOT deserve ignorance, as those CREATURES do.

You need not feed them well.

Cheap, subsistence fair will cost little, make them wish every day for more,

but keep living to regret their acts, for as long as it takes to expire naturally.

Small room, limited movement, no sunlight leading to depression, crap food,

no reading, door welded shut, live in your pathetic/apathetic thoughts.

Tough luck, you made your bed, go end your days in it.

Bye bye.

I'm sorry, but I'd never wish that on the worst criminals or murderers. Seriously - Everyone deserves a second chance, no matter what they do. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished - by all means, jail them for a year or two - however while they are in prison, try and re-educate them. Teach them about respect and introduce them to God. After a couple of years, I'm of the firm belief that everyone should be given a second chance, to prove to everyone (as well as themselves) that indeed they have changed, and can make it and be a respectful person like the rest of us. Jesus loves you and loves us all.


Mhayden, why play games, got nothing else to do? Have a look at this guys posts today, goes out of his way to be controversial ....

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I am not one who is really in favour of the death penalty but in a case like this where an innocent child has been killed, it is hard to argue against it! After all what did the child ever do wrong to deserve death at the hands of such a monster, one might have had some sympathy for the perpetrator had he just killed the mother because of some dispute. I am not saying that the latter would be right of course! Those who harm innocents must feel the full punishment of the law.

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