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Odd Differences In Thai Products That Make You Laugh.


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This topic has probably been done, but I couldn't find it. If it hasn't been done, lets compile a list.

Please list the quirky / odd differences with thai products that make you laugh, or shake your head.

I have three simple ones to start.

1. (plastic) Bottled beverages, fruit juices, water, etc.. - they are filled ridiculously close to the top of the bottle. So much that you cannot shake/mix the contents.

2. Potato Chips, Corn Chips etc... - the bags are welded shut, I can not believe how strong they seal these. In Canada / USA, they make it easy to open the bag any way possible.. I guess thats why they are fat.

3. Cigarette pack health descriptions - are likely candidates for a new breed of garbage pail kids (if you dont know what it is, google image search it)

I would like to hear some of your personal favorites.

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I haven't got another product to add at this stage but just want to go with the potato chips theme.The bags look soooo fuulll and pluuump-but when you finally get them open theres about 10 chips inside.To follow along the same lines a friend of mine picked up a bag of afore mentioned potato chips, hurriedly looked at the flavour and thought she was buying "onion flavoured" However on closer inspection the picture turned out to be a potato. So in fact what she bought was "potato flavoured" chips. I'm sure I'll think of more...

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I haven't got another product to add at this stage but just want to go with the potato chips theme.The bags look soooo fuulll and pluuump-but when you finally get them open theres about 10 chips inside.To follow along the same lines a friend of mine picked up a bag of afore mentioned potato chips, hurriedly looked at the flavour and thought she was buying "onion flavoured" However on closer inspection the picture turned out to be a potato. So in fact what she bought was "potato flavoured" chips. I'm sure I'll think of more...

Its a bag of air,can't figure out how they get so much air in though.

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A fresh hot cappuccino filled up right till the edge but they don't give you a straw.

Scott toilet tissue exactly same green package but with small 7eleven logo has much less paper on the roll but not cheaper then elsewhere.

Window hinges 'why design them easy if you can design them difficult'

"Just a moment" means prepare to wait half an hour.

When buying a shopper bag in the superstore they put it in a plastic bag, when you bring your own disposable plastic bag they think it's garbage and throw it away.

Sunshine the reason to come live here but which became so hot that I started to hate it and now love gray and rain for which I actually escaped Europe.


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I haven't got another product to add at this stage but just want to go with the potato chips theme.The bags look soooo fuulll and pluuump-but when you finally get them open theres about 10 chips inside.To follow along the same lines a friend of mine picked up a bag of afore mentioned potato chips, hurriedly looked at the flavour and thought she was buying "onion flavoured" However on closer inspection the picture turned out to be a potato. So in fact what she bought was "potato flavoured" chips. I'm sure I'll think of more...

Its a bag of air,can't figure out how they get so much air in though.


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I haven't got another product to add at this stage but just want to go with the potato chips theme.The bags look soooo fuulll and pluuump-but when you finally get them open theres about 10 chips inside.To follow along the same lines a friend of mine picked up a bag of afore mentioned potato chips, hurriedly looked at the flavour and thought she was buying "onion flavoured" However on closer inspection the picture turned out to be a potato. So in fact what she bought was "potato flavoured" chips. I'm sure I'll think of more...

Its a bag of air,can't figure out how they get so much air in though.


Would you pay more if it was a bag of wind?


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