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More Thai Women In Swedish Sex Trade

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I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.

I can only confirm from personal experience during the decades I've known theThai bar scene that many girls will take any farang who wants to marry them and take them to their country. They will put up with their husbands only as long as it takes to obtain the foreign nationality and then off they go willingly into the much more lucrative prostituion/massage world.

Wow, you can confirm something ! How great. "You can take them out of a bar, but the bar not out of them."

Old speech, but true.

It's similar being a Junkie, once a Junkie, always a Junkie. Okay, there's some 'good' girls too, but please take a look which girls some

Sweds are taking back home. Man 30 years older,so what should this bar girl do? Playing 'housewife'?

Being a prostitute is something many are used to. For some of them good paid fun. Why should they pick Berries for some lazy fools?

It's also a kind of 'pay back' situation, the rich Sweds, or any other nationality who throw their money around in Pattaya, Phuket and elsewhere become 'regular' Sweds'. Without fun and no smile. How should bar girls know it better being lower educated and mostly having own kids already.

Another strange thing for me is-as a matter of fact- many Sweds need to be alone and they walk their own body deep in the woods. Oh my Buddha. :jap:


Take the "law lid" off, it's like prohibition, only nourishes the dark side of it... the so called "oldest trade" of the world... nothing will make it vanish over night - be human, give those sexworkers rights, a green-and healthcard and let them pay taxes and for health security and social benefits!


Take the "law lid" off, it's like prohibition, only nourishes the dark side of it... the so called "oldest trade" of the world... nothing will make it vanish over night - be human, give those sexworkers rights, a green-and healthcard and let them pay taxes and for health security and social benefits!

This it not the issue. The issue is of how people getting tricked into illegal activities. It doesn't stop at prostitution.


i love how the news continues to portray this as 'exploiting' as if the thai women had no clue what they were getting into and wouldn't be working 100 hours a week in a factory for 1/50th of the pay back in their home country.


Take the "law lid" off, it's like prohibition, only nourishes the dark side of it... the so called "oldest trade" of the world... nothing will make it vanish over night - be human, give those sexworkers rights, a green-and healthcard and let them pay taxes and for health security and social benefits!

This it not the issue. The issue is of how people getting tricked into illegal activities. It doesn't stop at prostitution.

bullcrap and it's fully the issue. they know well what they're getting into. thai women weren't born yesterday.


Take the "law lid" off, it's like prohibition, only nourishes the dark side of it... the so called "oldest trade" of the world... nothing will make it vanish over night - be human, give those sexworkers rights, a green-and healthcard and let them pay taxes and for health security and social benefits!

This it not the issue. The issue is of how people getting tricked into illegal activities. It doesn't stop at prostitution.

bullcrap and it's fully the issue. they know well what they're getting into. thai women weren't born yesterday.

they may know a thing or two but aren't able to understand the full extent of transnational crime syndicates.


Take the "law lid" off, it's like prohibition, only nourishes the dark side of it... the so called "oldest trade" of the world... nothing will make it vanish over night - be human, give those sexworkers rights, a green-and healthcard and let them pay taxes and for health security and social benefits!

This it not the issue. The issue is of how people getting tricked into illegal activities. It doesn't stop at prostitution.

bullcrap and it's fully the issue. they know well what they're getting into. thai women weren't born yesterday.

they may know a thing or two but aren't able to understand the full extent of transnational crime syndicates.

growing up in thai society, i think they can at least guess.. i'm saying these girls aren't nearly as innocent and 'exploited' as the media portrays it. somehow whenever work has to do with sex it's immediately disgusting and horrid and dirty, but working in a factory 100 hours a week for 3000 baht a month while the owners are getting rich off them isn't considered as bad. please, most of these women are more than happy to lay on their backs and do what they do when given the alternatives.


The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

Yes, but why are the parents so desperate for money? Is it being left out of the system run by the elite?

There are many non Chinese blood middle class and above Thai people.Of course better social assistance programs could help better many. Even in G7 countries, despite social-welfare programs there exist a segment/% of the population that simply are not interested in bettering themselves via personal development, skills acquisition, education.

Among much of Thai society, there exists a similar perception of some people in N.E. Thailand. Selling ones body is a fast way to make relative high amounts of money and requires little to no skill, training, education.(although some on TV wish they had undergone skills training;))

Yes indeed there are parents that coax their daughters into doing this so they can have a better house, car(s), gold, show off to the others in their villages. A means to an end and in a society riddled with corruption prostitution may not seem too harsh.

Just giving people financial assistance without a structured compliance system that motivates them to change the way of thinking will not work.

In actuality, many of the girls servicing the farang sector seem to enjoy sleeping all day, partying, drinking, smoking, drugging, sleeping with by night with most anyone with cash. This lifestyle imparts a sense of self worth as worthless as it may actually be in reality. Are any of these girls lazy, or not particularly smart??? Many cannot even spell simple words in their own alphabet; a sad realization from a non thai learning to read and write.

And why do a high % of thai immigrants end up back in the sex business?? They never really left it, just using some guy as a bridge to the same work in a developed country.


The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

No Thai's in Saudi, one country on the planet.

The society does not sell all their young into the sex trade many make the choice individually. Also the use of sex as a bargaining tool is prevelant in most if not all societies.

"Nuff said" Newbie, While I would agree with "what makes the news here" Not many if any parents here in the kingdom are willing or even considering the possibility. They are however deceived in being told that their loved one will have a legit job and will be safe. If you live in the Kingdom do some self finding facts, I believe you will take back yours/someone els's? words.


In contrast, which is making headlines worldwide right now and a little off topic but relevant to compare the situation of working people ...

According to a newspaper report, Siemens decided to protect its workforce in Germany with a permanent employment pact. 128,000 people can not be dismissed from their job without the consent of their worker union. Siemens decided this to reward their staff for their loyalty during the crisis recently when many of the employees volunteered to work only part time.

While Siemens pays decent salaries and protect their staff, many Thai companies are the extreme opposite, - in fact run by thugs and criminals.


The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

What is the fascination some of you have with refering to Thailand as 'the realm' or ' Kingdom ' ? Do you you refer to the UK as 'The kingdom' , i doubt it. :lol:


This human slave trafficking will be a master problem of the 21nd century, not only in Sweden, where lots of Russian and Ukrainian girls are forced into sexbusiness too. Same all over the world. Its mostly lack of education girls get so easy involved in this.

There are 98 other countries poorer than Thailand. None of them has the same reputation for prostitution. I think it is about time we all admitted Thai women like selling sex.


Some of you gents are getting sidetracked onto the subject of whether or not prostitution is ok or not. That's not the issue. What is of concern is that a large portion of these women are rendered into mental basketcases after a year of servicing multiple clients. There is the issue of disease reservoirs, the use of strong drugs and beatings to ensure the sex workers remain docile and of course the use of the income to generate funds for illegal activities. The women are not the ones pocketing the income. Rather it is the pimp that retains a large part of the earnings. Consider this; a nice moneymaker is to document the sexual escapades of some of the clients and to then blackmail them. The victims rarely if ever go to the police, but instead pay the extortionists. What happens to the women after a year or so as their vaginas are ripped apart and the ravages of herpes and warts take over? Who cares for them? Who protects the Swedish population from the Hepatitis carriers? It's not as if the sex trade workers are going to seek out medical care or even be encouraged to do so.

Look at the people implicated in the human smuggling. They are the same people implicated in the illegal drug trafficing rings, the trafficing of endangered species and of natural resources. In many cases, the money finds its way into "legitimate", yet questionable businesses like garbage hauling & recycling or real estate development. Respectable people do not decide on a career of exploitation, even if it is legal. These businesses by their very nature attract some very seriously disturbed people. What normal person would be able to live with him/herself knowing that he/she made his/her money from running a whorehouse? It's not as if consideration for others, generosity or community care is going to be a major personality trait.

The myth of the sex trade in the Netherlands is that it is the miracle solution. It isn't. What do you think happens to those workers that no longer pass the "checks"? They go freelance and are open to exploitation .In Thailand, there was the once famous health check where public health workers did the pink book HIV tests. Over time, the program fell apart. When the boy or girl was diagnosed with HIV, the subject merely went away to work freelance or ended up in another bar. If one paid some money, one could escape the surveillance scheme.

The people implicated are small in number and are known. They should be named publicly and then they can address the subject themselves, because right now they are laughing as people make it an issue of morality or legal rights. For these people, it's just about making money.

  • Like 1

It is horrible and inhumane to force any person to perform sexual services against their will. That is simple wrong.

But governments have no business controlling two of the most fundamental basics of humanity, freedom of movement and freedom of sexuality.

Other members have stated correctly that if you allow people to travel freely and manage their own sexual lives, the criminal element will disappear.

In addition, for the members who tell horror stories about Thai women exploiting foreign men, I believe this happens often when the couple doesn't know each other that well, and especially when the man has no clue about real Thailand.

I have been successfully married to the same Thai woman for years because I took the time to know her before we married. In the years before we married I never caught her in a lie, and believe me, I was paying close attention. I knew enough about the game here (from both sides of the coin, man and woman) to be careful. I married her here in Thailand and lived here for a while before bringing her back to my home country. We lived there for a while and then both decided to come back together.

I suggest to any western man thinking of marring a Thai, pack your bags, sell your things and move to Thailand. Chances are, once you get a good knowledge of Thailand and Thai women, you will end up ditching your first Thai girlfriend you once thought of marring because you will realize you have so many better options.

Thank God I didn't marry my first Thai girlfriend!


Some of you gents are getting sidetracked onto the subject of whether or not prostitution is ok or not. That's not the issue. What is of concern is that a large portion of these women are rendered into mental basketcases after a year of servicing multiple clients. There is the issue of disease reservoirs, the use of strong drugs and beatings to ensure the sex workers remain docile and of course the use of the income to generate funds for illegal activities. The women are not the ones pocketing the income. Rather it is the pimp that retains a large part of the earnings. Consider this; a nice moneymaker is to document the sexual escapades of some of the clients and to then blackmail them. The victims rarely if ever go to the police, but instead pay the extortionists. What happens to the women after a year or so as their vaginas are ripped apart and the ravages of herpes and warts take over? Who cares for them? Who protects the Swedish population from the Hepatitis carriers? It's not as if the sex trade workers are going to seek out medical care or even be encouraged to do so.

Look at the people implicated in the human smuggling. They are the same people implicated in the illegal drug trafficing rings, the trafficing of endangered species and of natural resources. In many cases, the money finds its way into "legitimate", yet questionable businesses like garbage hauling & recycling or real estate development. Respectable people do not decide on a career of exploitation, even if it is legal. These businesses by their very nature attract some very seriously disturbed people. What normal person would be able to live with him/herself knowing that he/she made his/her money from running a whorehouse? It's not as if consideration for others, generosity or community care is going to be a major personality trait.

The myth of the sex trade in the Netherlands is that it is the miracle solution. It isn't. What do you think happens to those workers that no longer pass the "checks"? They go freelance and are open to exploitation .In Thailand, there was the once famous health check where public health workers did the pink book HIV tests. Over time, the program fell apart. When the boy or girl was diagnosed with HIV, the subject merely went away to work freelance or ended up in another bar. If one paid some money, one could escape the surveillance scheme.

The people implicated are small in number and are known. They should be named publicly and then they can address the subject themselves, because right now they are laughing as people make it an issue of morality or legal rights. For these people, it's just about making money.

The thread is about "More Thai Women in the Swedish sex trade" in case you forgot. Your post is off topic to say the least.


Yup. I don't want to insult anyone but if you are that old geezer with a super hot young Thai girl more than half your age, throw in some common sense! Let's get real people. Play them while not getting played yourself! I actually bust out laughing when i see such a couple.

I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.


The things that qualify as news?? The realm has long been know for it's thriving sex industry (almost 3 million on the game in country)

Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

And as for who is responsible, let us start with the parents who financially benefit (no questions asked) the traffickers starting with the procurers in Thailand.

It is one very sick society that sells it's women in the prime of their lives. "nuff said"

No Thai's in Saudi, one country on the planet.

The society does not sell all their young into the sex trade many make the choice individually. Also the use of sex as a bargaining tool is prevelant in most if not all societies.

You say "No Thai's in Saudi", my source says different unless they have all been kicked out in the last few months.. :rolleyes:

Have a read of an article, link below....


It says different to what you say...A little piece from the article below...

"According to Commerce Ministry data, Saudi imports from Thailand totalled $1.8 billion in 2008 and $1.6 billion from January to November 2009.

Better ties might also allow more of its citizens to work in Saudi Arabia, which at one point employed as many as 300,000 Thais before relations were downgraded. There are currently about 15,000 Thais employed in the country."

So I'll guess that there are some Thai's still in Saudi.... :whistling:

And for those wanting a Thai without travelling to Thailand, there are actually many places in the world where you can find them, I can find many in my home city, it's knowing where to look, Sweden is a bit cold right now and getting colder by the day, brrrrr it's winter setting in in Europe.. :angry:


Yup. I don't want to insult anyone but if you are that old geezer with a super hot young Thai girl more than half your age, throw in some common sense! Let's get real people. Play them while not getting played yourself! I actually bust out laughing when i see such a couple.

I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.

Sure you want to insult someone. You want to insult an older man with a younger woman. Why? Because it demeans your status as a young man knowing so many women in Thailand and Laos are available to older men, or any man or something that remotely resembles a man for money.

Suck it up. It’s life in Thailand. You’ll get used to it. BTW the ladies are not half the old geezers age they are one third of the old geezers age (20 and 65) and a lot of the old geezers take two at a time.


not much of an article "thai women go to make money selling sex in sweden". it has to read 'exploited' and 'taken advantage of' and 'poor innocent'. and when the ring gets busted it's 'oh, we thought we were going to be cleaning houses'. it's really quite amazing what the media and a young pretty face can have people believing.


Yup. I don't want to insult anyone but if you are that old geezer with a super hot young Thai girl more than half your age, throw in some common sense! Let's get real people. Play them while not getting played yourself! I actually bust out laughing when i see such a couple.

I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.

, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz

Could it be that you haven't heard what's going on?

And your friend who married a Thai lady? Can you buy love? Why do people like you so often forget that you can only buy sex?

Please stop your:" I've heard, my friend, bla, bla, bla....okay? Kau tchai boo??


Add in that there is not a country on the planet where Thais are not engaged as working girls,

North Yemen.  



The Vatican?  On the other hand, maybe their young brothers are there?


Funny how a serious article about sex trafficking turns into yet another tortuous discussion with farangs debating the whys and wherefores of paying for sex with consenting Thai women, the perils of getting married etc.. etc... It feels as if some of the contributors to this thread are looking for a collective validation of their sexual behaviour now they live in Thailand and have 'discovered the women', with the 'moral compass' their parents gave them, adjusted accordingly. Yes there are plenty of Thai women who voluntarily enter the sex trade and get 'hooked on it', and the lucrative income. Do they enjoy having sex with overweight and over privileged farangs, probably not, but as with many dis-empowered people in Thailand, they can't see beyond and just stick with it.... It's an absolute tragedy that so many intelligent, strong, but poorly educated women end up at the mercy of a lazy patriarchal culture where men can do pretty much whatever they like. But let's not forget that this thread was originally meant to be about sex trafficking. It's a FACT that sex trafficking is a serious issue affecting thousands of women and children worldwide. The traffickers use a combination of violent coercion, debt bondage and even forced captivity to get what they want out of the people they traffic. Alas the women and children who get trafficked have no idea of their basic human rights nor that if they were to go to the police in their 'host country' (in the case of Sweden or the rest of the EU), they could actually trust the police to do their job and protect them. I pity the poor women who have to sleep with those farang who rationalise their 'need to <deleted>' women with a shambolic biological explanation legitimising what appears to be something just short of rape. I wonder whether these farang would cope with life in their home country as an 'ordinary person' again, now that really would be a good test as to how 'man' they are.

For the record, I now live in Europe again after many many years living a happy working life in Thailand (on a work permit, in a Thai office). The reason why I moved back to Europe? I met my unassuming Thai wife on a trip over here to visit my family. She'd lived in Europe for 4 years and had chosen not to return to Thailand purely because she hates the prolific exploitation of the 'have nots' by the 'haves'. People make way for ambulances over in this part of the world... Long live the 'have nots'.


My first post here, hi!

I am a swede and in Sweden there is a law prohibiting paying for sexual services. Its been around for about 10-15 years and norway just got the same law. Maximum punishment is 6 months. Note that selling is legal.

Before the law came into place there were a street in stockholm where the prosititues walked every night. Now they have all disappeared and instead it have moved to apartments and hotel visits. What have also been more common is sex slaves. This is almost always eastern european women that are locked up in some appartment and its totally controlled by the mafia that also comes from eastern europe. The law created a new market for organized crime and all the suffering that follows with that.

I have no idea about these thai massage places with happy ending never seen one never heard of one but i guess the women that work there are not being forced but they just keep doing what they were doing in thailand.

There are alot of young thai women out partying in stockholm, malmö and göteborg most of these girls have been picked up by a swede in a bar in phuket, pattaya or any other tourist destination. Most of them want to have a job in sweden because its paying very well. They meet some other thai women and get a job offer in massage with happy ending they take the job and tell their husband/boyfriend its just ordinary massage. I doubt there are many swedish men that are trafficing thai women and forcing them to work as sex slaves.

I partly agree with you, the most of the sex business in Sweden is controlled by the Eastern European maffia and I would not call them Swedish men. But ofcourse there are a bunch of routhless Swedish men too. And the law that forbids buying sex only made the prostitution move from the streets to a lot of appartments in the suburbs and made it much more difficult for the police to control.

I think that most of the girls in this business are from Eastern Europe but there are quite a lot of Thai girls too. They are promised well payed jobs somewhere in Europe and end up in some brothel in Sweden, Denmark, Germany or some other country. I watched a documentary on TV about a Thai girl that met some Thai guy in Thailand and he said he could get her a well payed secretary job in Europe. She was so very happy because she got the opportunity to go abroad and make big money and she would be able to help her family. When she sat in the Boeing 747 (the Thai guy paid the ticket) on her way to Europe she was so very happy and she almost thought she was dreaming. When she arrived in Denmark she was driven to a house where a Thai lady met her and took her passport. Then she was forced to work as a prostitute. It was a big chock to her. She was locked up for a year or two and had no chance to call her family. Then the police made a razzia at the house and she was deported to Thailand as an illegal imigrant together with an other girl. I was very touched by her story. Yes, there are some girls entering the business with open eyes but I believe the majority are tricked with false promisses about good work and big money. I feel so very sorry for all these girls.


My first post here, hi!

I am a swede and in Sweden there is a law prohibiting paying for sexual services. Its been around for about 10-15 years and norway just got the same law. Maximum punishment is 6 months. Note that selling is legal.

Before the law came into place there were a street in stockholm where the prosititues walked every night. Now they have all disappeared and instead it have moved to apartments and hotel visits. What have also been more common is sex slaves. This is almost always eastern european women that are locked up in some appartment and its totally controlled by the mafia that also comes from eastern europe. The law created a new market for organized crime and all the suffering that follows with that.

I have no idea about these thai massage places with happy ending never seen one never heard of one but i guess the women that work there are not being forced but they just keep doing what they were doing in thailand.

There are alot of young thai women out partying in stockholm, malmö and göteborg most of these girls have been picked up by a swede in a bar in phuket, pattaya or any other tourist destination. Most of them want to have a job in sweden because its paying very well. They meet some other thai women and get a job offer in massage with happy ending they take the job and tell their husband/boyfriend its just ordinary massage. I doubt there are many swedish men that are trafficing thai women and forcing them to work as sex slaves.

I partly agree with you, the most of the sex business in Sweden is controlled by the Eastern European maffia and I would not call them Swedish men. But ofcourse there are a bunch of routhless Swedish men too. And the law that forbids buying sex only made the prostitution move from the streets to a lot of appartments in the suburbs and made it much more difficult for the police to control.

I think that most of the girls in this business are from Eastern Europe but there are quite a lot of Thai girls too. They are promised well payed jobs somewhere in Europe and end up in some brothel in Sweden, Denmark, Germany or some other country. I watched a documentary on TV about a Thai girl that met some Thai guy in Thailand and he said he could get her a well payed secretary job in Europe. She was so very happy because she got the opportunity to go abroad and make big money and she would be able to help her family. When she sat in the Boeing 747 (the Thai guy paid the ticket) on her way to Europe she was so very happy and she almost thought she was dreaming. When she arrived in Denmark she was driven to a house where a Thai lady met her and took her passport. Then she was forced to work as a prostitute. It was a big chock to her. She was locked up for a year or two and had no chance to call her family. Then the police made a razzia at the house and she was deported to Thailand as an illegal imigrant together with an other girl. I was very touched by her story. Yes, there are some girls entering the business with open eyes but I believe the majority are tricked with false promisses about good work and big money. I feel so very sorry for all these girls.

There are Thai prostitutes in almost every country in the world. Do you think they are all that stupid?


Yup. I don't want to insult anyone but if you are that old geezer with a super hot young Thai girl more than half your age, throw in some common sense! Let's get real people. Play them while not getting played yourself! I actually bust out laughing when i see such a couple.

I have no doubt that this is a serious problem, and don't wish to belittle it. But there is another side to this coin. I know of 2 Thai young "ladies" who have travelled abroad and, as soon as they could, abandoned their sponsor to take up their former profession at a much higher rate of earnings. Anecdotaly, I have heard of many others.

I also have a friend who married a Thai "lady" and took her to Oz, (his 1st marriage, her 2nd) with her son. After just over a year, she took out a Apprehended Violence Order and had him evicted from his (owned) home, and sued for divorce claiming the home because of the child. Before you start thinking spousal violence, the grounds for the AVO was his insatiable sexual appetite, and that when she was too sore to comply, he forced her to perform fellatio - he has it framed on his wall. He managed to regain his house by proving that she had been using it as a base to sell her sexual services; if he hadn't been able to do this he was in real danger of losing it at least until the child turned 18.

Sure you want to insult someone. You want to insult an older man with a younger woman. Why? Because it demeans your status as a young man knowing so many women in Thailand and Laos are available to older men, or any man or something that remotely resembles a man for money.

Suck it up. It’s life in Thailand. You’ll get used to it. BTW the ladies are not half the old geezers age they are one third of the old geezers age (20 and 65) and a lot of the old geezers take two at a time.

Way to go Man. You tell 'em. Most of these types of cry babies are simply jealous. Maybe they don't realize some day they be old fart too. That is if their mouth don't shorten their time too much.


Wow, Thailand should be proud of their export success! The Department of Export and Promotion (DEP) must be lovin' it. You know, rice, OTOP, sex trade,...all the same, right? How embarrassing.

Wow, Thailand should be proud of their export success! The Department of Export and Promotion (DEP) must be lovin' it.  You know, rice, OTOP, sex trade,...all the same, right?  How embarrassing.
With the weakening of Euro, these sex workers is experiencing a pay cut. Poor child.

The reporter is probably a feminist who is unable to distinguish between being forced into prostitution and engaging in it intentionally.

However, let's give the benefit of the doubt and say these women were trafficked. What did they expect? Sweden in 1999 criminalized prostitution and began a policy of arresting customers rather than providers.

Predictably, when you push a business underground, the underworld takes it over. As the BBC noted at the time, the legislation was a failure.

In other shocking news, Prohibition was a failure in the U.S. too.

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