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Advanced Training Techniques By The Thai Army


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The 'beasting till he drops' exercises that one guy was doing will probably make him one hel_l of a fit Soldier. can't see anything wrong with that.

The other Guy had probably already dropped out of exhaustion. stamping on his head or back won't make him tougher, it'll just make him an invalid.

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For a long time, I've admired those in volunteer special forces who have endured, and overcome, the physical, emotional and mental hardships they subjected themselves to during elite forces training.

The 'training' in OP's video is something entirely different.

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Im sure all our Military stuck in Iraq Afganistan etc will be happy to hear you think they have an easy job and think so highly of them

Your average grunt always gets the sh*t end of the stick. It's part of the job. I feel sympathy of course but they volunteered.

I just don't think the "wars" or "police actions" these days can even compare with the massive struggles in the past. A million men dead on each side is bad..<20,000 casualities in 7 years of fighting is a cake walk.

Not if ya one of the 20,000

Some folks just ain't lucky and they volunteered.

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Corporal punishment indeed.:ermm:

That will turn them young lads into nice gentle minded people when there older.

The pratt is a border line psycho nothing more, good NCO's do not do that.

He would be on a charge in my army.

The toughest soldiers came out of this type of training. Look at how Prussians or the Imperial Japanese army used to brutalize their lower ranks. It's not "PC" these days but it certainly works effectively.

....and they still lost the war!

They were the enemies that's for sure but they showed up and gave one hel_l of a fight regardless even when outnumbered and out equipped. There's nothing in recent times that even comes close to the fighting prowess of those two nationalities.

Arab armies are a joke in comparison.

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I have been told these guys are training to kick the ass of all those long-nosed farangs that keep logging in public forums with the aim of bashing off the wonderful citizens of the best kingdom ever existed in human history :ph34r:

Glad to see you woke up out your coma. Wrong forum. Boys comics are under literature. :rolleyes:

i am still looking for the right emoticon for my ironic and beer fueled posts :whistling:

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For a long time, I've admired those in volunteer special forces who have endured, and overcome, the physical, emotional and mental hardships they subjected themselves to during elite forces training.

And then coming to Thailand, gaining 8 stones and a " Sex Instructor - First Lesson Free " t-shirt and regaling all within earshot that they were part of a canceled mission to assassinate Saddam Hussein.

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(Gentlemen) Farang Cravngs and Transam.

This is just training. You can't be so sensitive.

As Wintermute pointed out, to have a strong resilient army you have to teach them to understand how much life means.

Look at the gentle kicks being thrown.

If that was real, one (propper) stamp on the head and its all over.

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Corporal punishment indeed.:ermm:

That will turn them young lads into nice gentle minded people when there older.

The pratt is a border line psycho nothing more, good NCO's do not do that.

He would be on a charge in my army.

The toughest soldiers came out of this type of training. Look at how Prussians or the Imperial Japanese army used to brutalize their lower ranks. It's not "PC" these days but it certainly works effectively.

That is actually true, but it desensitizes the trainee for any chance of civilian life. Hard core combat and commando forces have to go through that type of training so they will not break if captured. But, that doesn't make it right.

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The folks who call this exceptable training what is your background, what military training do you have that makes you an expert. If a nco has to resort to physical abuse then he is not compatent to lead men. there are ways to motivate people that donot envolve physical abuse.

Years ago marine recurits died on a regular basis but the NCOs were held responsible and court martialed as they would be today for physical abuse.

There is a difference between hard physical training that will test ones physical and mental strength and physical abuse administered by a foot or slap of a hand.

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Im sure all our Military stuck in Iraq Afganistan etc will be happy to hear you think they have an easy job and think so highly of them

Your average grunt always gets the sh*t end of the stick. It's part of the job. I feel sympathy of course but they volunteered.

I just don't think the "wars" or "police actions" these days can even compare with the massive struggles in the past. A million men dead on each side is bad..<20,000 casualities in 7 years of sporadic fighting is a cake walk.

Plus the fact is Iraqis and Afghans are impoverished people who lacked any sort of serious ability to damage the U.S. military juggernaut anyways.

Those impoverished Afghanis kicked the arse of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, the Soviet Union and, by the time they've finished, they'll have kicked the arse of the US too.

Afghanistan has been invaded by all sorts of juggernauts. It's never been conquered by any of them.

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Those impoverished Afghanis kicked the arse of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, the Soviet Union and, by the time they've finished, they'll have kicked the arse of the US too.

Afghanistan has been invaded by all sorts of juggernauts. It's never been conquered by any of them.

You forgot that there were other circumstances involved in all those situations ie. the Afghans were supported by proxy through the U.S. at time of the Soviet-Afghan war and given stinger missiles. Genghis Khan didn't actually lose there he just burned it down and moved on because half the "Afghans" at the time were shiftless nomads.

The British Empire lost because of pure hubris and folly invading undermanned.

Alexander actually lost close to India not Afghanistan.

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Finally we agree. The Afgans were given a bit more than stinger misiles!! They got a billion dollars in aid! Not just the US either. Isreal and egypt were instrumental in getting the weapons to the "rebels" so they could knock those Hind choppers out of the sky and blow up the tanks.

Rambo III(?) was a sweet film aluding to the US support. "Charlie Wilson's War" is a much better account.

Edited by Loz
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I served in the army once too, for 2 and a half years to be exact. Got bullied on a daily basis but not as bad as what we saw on the video. From personal experience, prolong exposure to this kills you inside. You lose the ability to think and innovate. You just follow orders, not questioning, not thinking, not suspecting just respecting or rather, fearing the authority and power. Yea, you get fodders from this but not a thinking soldier.

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I served with a SF unit, I left in 1991 and let's get this right, I was NEVER punched, kicked, even slapped about, nor did I witness it…. Not in the way it's being implied, yes I got knocked about, but no more than a footballer may get kicked in a football match……Shit happens. I'm not saying bullying never happens it will be different from Army to Army, unit to unit, prevalent mainly in conscript armies.

Hazing or as we Brits call it initiating…… Well I don't know about Hazing but we don't tend to beat the crap out of friends and comrades! It's backwood redneck bullshit! My initiation; I had to (along with 2 other new guys to the unit) do a treasure hunt, (for my own cloths, in the arctic, -10 at the time) I was given my boots, snow shoes, a map and compass and my cold weather hat, did I mention I was naked! We all had a laugh…..when I got some feeling and my cloths back.

I don't mean to sound rude, but civvies; you watch way too many Hollywood and old black and white war films, for people who have not served in the Armed Forces you will never, ever get it! I say this not meaning to put anyone down, but civvies draw "facts" and conclusion from watching films like Rambo, and hearing bullshit stories from a SAS or Black Opp's bar fly's, I never once saw any bullying the entire time I served, save basic training and that was one recruit on another. Most modern thinking Armed forces discharge Bullies from their ranks. From my experience people who display bullying type qualities don't tend to be very good soldiers, IMO they tend to be egotistical, (they don't bond well) basically not willing to step-up when things go pear shaped!

Think how much more effective troops are if they get taught SELF discipline, and free thinking along with a feeling of "espree de corp." instead of humiliation…………Ask anyone who has served, let alone in a, let say; tip of the spear type unit, regardless of nationality.

Bullying in forward thinking Armed Forces around the world is very much disapproved of for many reasons, Two the main reasons; it destroys unit cohesion, a soldiers self confidence, and not least it's very very expensive to train a SF soldier, to put a man though a basic military parachute course (average two weeks long) back in 1980 was over 50,000 pounds! I've read some comments about SNCO and NCO using bulling as part of training, I think there is a fair amount of misunderstanding in what is verbal encouragement and bullying…….Yes, it's a fine line, I finally left, PVR'd (Premature Voluntary Release) at my 16 year point, my last job before my discharge was the troop Sgt on the all Arms Commando Training. Team………….Bullying? Physical abuse, no, never! Verbal encouragement Oh yes, lots of it and a good "beasting" for the entire troop when an individual got out of line.

One fact that seems to be overlooked, SF solders are volunteers……They can quit anytime and RTU!

I've no doubt I'm going to get some cheap shots taken for writing this, so in for a penny….. One other massive misconception regarding SF solders, it's called the Hollywood syndrome! Why do people think the more clandestine the unit, the more moody and bad tempered the Troopers are? Did you know a major phase in UK SF selection is a long jungle phase in which all candidates are under review over the whole period for compatibility when working in a small team, isolated for long period of time. So the mean and moody "Predator" (the movie) types SF troopers need not apply. A SF solders best asset………Apart from being a good solder, is knowing his mates have his back when it gets a bit thick, (NOT some &lt;deleted&gt; self serving bully) and a sense of humor, a good sarcastic, "I bet that hurts" type of humor.

Bullies! I have no respect for these gutless nobbers and any establishments who allow bulling to happen.


Great Post

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I served with a SF unit, I left in 1991 and let's get this right, I was NEVER punched, kicked, even slapped about, nor did I witness it…. Not in the way it's being implied, yes I got knocked about, but no more than a footballer may get kicked in a football match……Shit happens. I'm not saying bullying never happens it will be different from Army to Army, unit to unit, prevalent mainly in conscript armies.

Hazing or as we Brits call it initiating…… Well I don't know about Hazing but we don't tend to beat the crap out of friends and comrades! It's backwood redneck bullshit! My initiation; I had to (along with 2 other new guys to the unit) do a treasure hunt, (for my own cloths, in the arctic, -10 at the time) I was given my boots, snow shoes, a map and compass and my cold weather hat, did I mention I was naked! We all had a laugh…..when I got some feeling and my cloths back.

I don't mean to sound rude, but civvies; you watch way too many Hollywood and old black and white war films, for people who have not served in the Armed Forces you will never, ever get it! I say this not meaning to put anyone down, but civvies draw "facts" and conclusion from watching films like Rambo, and hearing bullshit stories from a SAS or Black Opp's bar fly's, I never once saw any bullying the entire time I served, save basic training and that was one recruit on another. Most modern thinking Armed forces discharge Bullies from their ranks. From my experience people who display bullying type qualities don't tend to be very good soldiers, IMO they tend to be egotistical, (they don't bond well) basically not willing to step-up when things go pear shaped!

Think how much more effective troops are if they get taught SELF discipline, and free thinking along with a feeling of "espree de corp." instead of humiliation…………Ask anyone who has served, let alone in a, let say; tip of the spear type unit, regardless of nationality.

Bullying in forward thinking Armed Forces around the world is very much disapproved of for many reasons, Two the main reasons; it destroys unit cohesion, a soldiers self confidence, and not least it's very very expensive to train a SF soldier, to put a man though a basic military parachute course (average two weeks long) back in 1980 was over 50,000 pounds! I've read some comments about SNCO and NCO using bulling as part of training, I think there is a fair amount of misunderstanding in what is verbal encouragement and bullying…….Yes, it's a fine line, I finally left, PVR'd (Premature Voluntary Release) at my 16 year point, my last job before my discharge was the troop Sgt on the all Arms Commando Training. Team………….Bullying? Physical abuse, no, never! Verbal encouragement Oh yes, lots of it and a good "beasting" for the entire troop when an individual got out of line.

One fact that seems to be overlooked, SF solders are volunteers……They can quit anytime and RTU!

I've no doubt I'm going to get some cheap shots taken for writing this, so in for a penny….. One other massive misconception regarding SF solders, it's called the Hollywood syndrome! Why do people think the more clandestine the unit, the more moody and bad tempered the Troopers are? Did you know a major phase in UK SF selection is a long jungle phase in which all candidates are under review over the whole period for compatibility when working in a small team, isolated for long period of time. So the mean and moody "Predator" (the movie) types SF troopers need not apply. A SF solders best asset………Apart from being a good solder, is knowing his mates have his back when it gets a bit thick, (NOT some &lt;deleted&gt; self serving bully) and a sense of humor, a good sarcastic, "I bet that hurts" type of humor.

Bullies! I have no respect for these gutless nobbers and any establishments who allow bulling to happen.

I agree with all that you have said with some minor caveats; I served 36 years and one of my closest friends was an army intelligence captain, in my previous post I alluded to the sort of training that he endured during his corps training for IO. What was done to him and his cohorts during that phase of the training was significantly worse than what was seen in the OP's video. In no way was what they went through considered bullying and we do not know the context in which the video was taken.

One thing a trainee knows during training is that the overriding consideration of the training staff is trainee safety and if things get over the top there is always "safeguard". My mate tells me that after the 48 hours of interrogation he and his cohorts that passed the training were taken out for the evening by the trainers and officially welcomed to the Int corps.

I have also attended the hazing ceremonies of several E7's on promotion to E8 (US Navy 1989) and their treatment was also worse than seen on the OP's video.

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Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

The elite military units still haze their recruits. Maybe not a boot to the face sort of physical punishment/training but it's along the same lines ie..hours of forced Physical "training" sessions in scorching or cold temps.

Wrong, as has already been explained.

There is a world of difference between training in extremes of temperature, etc, and "hazing".

The problem with physical abuse being used as a training method to "harden" troops is that it only hardens them to that sort of abuse; it does nothing to harden them to combat conditions or to make them physically or mentally stronger or self-reliant.

Physical abuse plays little or no part in resistance to interrogation training, which such prone-to-capture units are subject to, as most interrogators/tactical questioners now accept that direct torture is counter-productive (most people when tortured will say anything to stop the torture, true or not) and there are far more productive methods available.

Comparing conventional warfare and counter-insurgency by any reference to casualties achieves nothing. Most people who have been involved in both will say that counter-insurgency is considerably harder both mentally and physically: In counter-insurgency warfare it is far harder to differentiate betwen your friends and your enemies, you have the added pressure of operating surrounded by non-combatants, operations tend to be conducted at a much lower level with greater delegation and responsiblity, and often less direct support.

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I served with a SF unit, I left in 1991 and let's get this right, I was NEVER punched, kicked, even slapped about, nor did I witness it…. Not in the way it's being implied, yes I got knocked about, but no more than a footballer may get kicked in a football match……Shit happens. I'm not saying bullying never happens it will be different from Army to Army, unit to unit, prevalent mainly in conscript armies.

Hazing or as we Brits call it initiating…… Well I don't know about Hazing but we don't tend to beat the crap out of friends and comrades! It's backwood redneck bullshit! My initiation; I had to (along with 2 other new guys to the unit) do a treasure hunt, (for my own cloths, in the arctic, -10 at the time) I was given my boots, snow shoes, a map and compass and my cold weather hat, did I mention I was naked! We all had a laugh…..when I got some feeling and my cloths back.

I don't mean to sound rude, but civvies; you watch way too many Hollywood and old black and white war films, for people who have not served in the Armed Forces you will never, ever get it! I say this not meaning to put anyone down, but civvies draw "facts" and conclusion from watching films like Rambo, and hearing bullshit stories from a SAS or Black Opp's bar fly's, I never once saw any bullying the entire time I served, save basic training and that was one recruit on another. Most modern thinking Armed forces discharge Bullies from their ranks. From my experience people who display bullying type qualities don't tend to be very good soldiers, IMO they tend to be egotistical, (they don't bond well) basically not willing to step-up when things go pear shaped!

Think how much more effective troops are if they get taught SELF discipline, and free thinking along with a feeling of "espree de corp." instead of humiliation…………Ask anyone who has served, let alone in a, let say; tip of the spear type unit, regardless of nationality.

Bullying in forward thinking Armed Forces around the world is very much disapproved of for many reasons, Two the main reasons; it destroys unit cohesion, a soldiers self confidence, and not least it's very very expensive to train a SF soldier, to put a man though a basic military parachute course (average two weeks long) back in 1980 was over 50,000 pounds! I've read some comments about SNCO and NCO using bulling as part of training, I think there is a fair amount of misunderstanding in what is verbal encouragement and bullying…….Yes, it's a fine line, I finally left, PVR'd (Premature Voluntary Release) at my 16 year point, my last job before my discharge was the troop Sgt on the all Arms Commando Training. Team………….Bullying? Physical abuse, no, never! Verbal encouragement Oh yes, lots of it and a good "beasting" for the entire troop when an individual got out of line.

One fact that seems to be overlooked, SF solders are volunteers……They can quit anytime and RTU!

I've no doubt I'm going to get some cheap shots taken for writing this, so in for a penny….. One other massive misconception regarding SF solders, it's called the Hollywood syndrome! Why do people think the more clandestine the unit, the more moody and bad tempered the Troopers are? Did you know a major phase in UK SF selection is a long jungle phase in which all candidates are under review over the whole period for compatibility when working in a small team, isolated for long period of time. So the mean and moody "Predator" (the movie) types SF troopers need not apply. A SF solders best asset………Apart from being a good solder, is knowing his mates have his back when it gets a bit thick, (NOT some &lt;deleted&gt; self serving bully) and a sense of humor, a good sarcastic, "I bet that hurts" type of humor.

Bullies! I have no respect for these gutless nobbers and any establishments who allow bulling to happen.

I agree with all that you have said with some minor caveats; I served 36 years and one of my closest friends was an army intelligence captain, in my previous post I alluded to the sort of training that he endured during his corps training for IO. What was done to him and his cohorts during that phase of the training was significantly worse than what was seen in the OP's video. In no way was what they went through considered bullying and we do not know the context in which the video was taken.

One thing a trainee knows during training is that the overriding consideration of the training staff is trainee safety and if things get over the top there is always "safeguard". My mate tells me that after the 48 hours of interrogation he and his cohorts that passed the training were taken out for the evening by the trainers and officially welcomed to the Int corps.

I have also attended the hazing ceremonies of several E7's on promotion to E8 (US Navy 1989) and their treatment was also worse than seen on the OP's video.

Hi midasthailand, I can’t really comment on Armed services other than British, and then really only in my line of sight, I’ve just spoke as I saw it.

Your 2nd paragraph, for me sums it up very well, as part of SF selection involves an “Escape and Evasion” phase, this inevitable ends up as an integration….No one ever escapes, or evades, (they set the RV points) and it’s rigged to get you on or around the day 4 of being on the run. No violence or threats of violence was used, but being cold, wet, nack’d and hungry the psychological effect of two day with your head in a sand bag hearing the blood curdling screams of other prisoners being beaten up and electrocuted…………(not really, But sounds like it,) It's strange the worst thing I remember about it all was, the barstewards played “Brown girl in the ring” really loud over and over again for had to be 48 hours, Funny thing, if I ever hear it playing now, I get cold sweats and dread the song coming to an end as I might hear screaming again! Don’t know about 5 minutes alone with the alleged bully (OP’s Topic)It’s been 30 years but, I would still give my right nut for 2 minutes alone in a room with “Bonnie M” and a 1ft rubber hose pipe. Did I ever feel bullied in the E&E phase, No.

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I served with a SF unit, I left in 1991 and let's get this right, I was NEVER punched, kicked, even slapped about, nor did I witness it…. Not in the way it's being implied, yes I got knocked about, but no more than a footballer may get kicked in a football match……Shit happens. I'm not saying bullying never happens it will be different from Army to Army, unit to unit, prevalent mainly in conscript armies.

Hazing or as we Brits call it initiating…… Well I don't know about Hazing but we don't tend to beat the crap out of friends and comrades! It's backwood redneck bullshit! My initiation; I had to (along with 2 other new guys to the unit) do a treasure hunt, (for my own cloths, in the arctic, -10 at the time) I was given my boots, snow shoes, a map and compass and my cold weather hat, did I mention I was naked! We all had a laugh…..when I got some feeling and my cloths back.

I don't mean to sound rude, but civvies; you watch way too many Hollywood and old black and white war films, for people who have not served in the Armed Forces you will never, ever get it! I say this not meaning to put anyone down, but civvies draw "facts" and conclusion from watching films like Rambo, and hearing bullshit stories from a SAS or Black Opp's bar fly's, I never once saw any bullying the entire time I served, save basic training and that was one recruit on another. Most modern thinking Armed forces discharge Bullies from their ranks. From my experience people who display bullying type qualities don't tend to be very good soldiers, IMO they tend to be egotistical, (they don't bond well) basically not willing to step-up when things go pear shaped!

Think how much more effective troops are if they get taught SELF discipline, and free thinking along with a feeling of "espree de corp." instead of humiliation…………Ask anyone who has served, let alone in a, let say; tip of the spear type unit, regardless of nationality.

Bullying in forward thinking Armed Forces around the world is very much disapproved of for many reasons, Two the main reasons; it destroys unit cohesion, a soldiers self confidence, and not least it's very very expensive to train a SF soldier, to put a man though a basic military parachute course (average two weeks long) back in 1980 was over 50,000 pounds! I've read some comments about SNCO and NCO using bulling as part of training, I think there is a fair amount of misunderstanding in what is verbal encouragement and bullying…….Yes, it's a fine line, I finally left, PVR'd (Premature Voluntary Release) at my 16 year point, my last job before my discharge was the troop Sgt on the all Arms Commando Training. Team………….Bullying? Physical abuse, no, never! Verbal encouragement Oh yes, lots of it and a good "beasting" for the entire troop when an individual got out of line.

One fact that seems to be overlooked, SF solders are volunteers……They can quit anytime and RTU!

I've no doubt I'm going to get some cheap shots taken for writing this, so in for a penny….. One other massive misconception regarding SF solders, it's called the Hollywood syndrome! Why do people think the more clandestine the unit, the more moody and bad tempered the Troopers are? Did you know a major phase in UK SF selection is a long jungle phase in which all candidates are under review over the whole period for compatibility when working in a small team, isolated for long period of time. So the mean and moody "Predator" (the movie) types SF troopers need not apply. A SF solders best asset………Apart from being a good solder, is knowing his mates have his back when it gets a bit thick, (NOT some &lt;deleted&gt; self serving bully) and a sense of humor, a good sarcastic, "I bet that hurts" type of humor.

Bullies! I have no respect for these gutless nobbers and any establishments who allow bulling to happen.

Good stuff buddy, well said, much respect and regards to you.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

The elite military units still haze their recruits. Maybe not a boot to the face sort of physical punishment/training but it's along the same lines ie..hours of forced Physical "training" sessions in scorching or cold temps.

Wrong, as has already been explained.

There is a world of difference between training in extremes of temperature, etc, and "hazing".

The problem with physical abuse being used as a training method to "harden" troops is that it only hardens them to that sort of abuse; it does nothing to harden them to combat conditions or to make them physically or mentally stronger or self-reliant.

Well you tell that to the old school marine corps, the IJA forces, and the SS which were all schooled with corporal punishment. They were extremely tough and mean SOBs. History shows such conditioning _does_ work especially if you want men who aren't afraid to do certain things that would be frowned upon in today's political climate.

The modern military doesn't need this because when was the last time there was any war that was the size or scale of WW2? No developed country has had to face an existential struggle for survival in the past 50 years.

Like I said pushing around destitute brown people in the desert is nothing ..absolutely nothing compared to the wars of old.

Edited by wintermute
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