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Advanced Training Techniques By The Thai Army


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Yeah ok tough guy. If you were in the military and smarted off like that you'd get your ass kicked all the same.

Besides these guys are just going through a little corporal punishment. Nothing wrong with that in their line of work.

I didnt see anyine mouthing off I saw a couple of kids getting stomped on by a BULLY

and theres NO EXCUSE for that sort of abuse in this day and age

if you think its ok to be an obvious spineless bastard beating on little kids well your no better than he is

Edited by FarangCravings
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if you think its ok to be an obvious spineless bastard beating on little kids well your no better than he is

What? These aren't little kids..older teenagers for sure. Plus it looks to me they are going through military training. Do you expect them to be pampered and coddled in the military?

They aren't French.

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if you think its ok to be an obvious spineless bastard beating on little kids well your no better than he is

What? These aren't little kids..older teenagers for sure. Plus it looks to me they are going through military training. Do you expect them to be pampered and coddled in the military?

They aren't French.

LOL on the French Part

They are kids in my book being bullied by a man 25 kicks to the face and body with a serious stomp to the spine which could of caused sever damage

Im afraid that's not military training THAT'S ABUSE

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name='FarangCravings' timestamp='1285144169'

LOL on the French Part

They are kids in my book being bullied by a man 25 kicks to the face and body with a serious stomp to the spine which could of caused sever damage

Im afraid that's not military training THAT'S ABUSE

If you think that's bad you should see some of the training for Russian military recruits or the U.S. marine corp about 35 years ago.

If you call that "abuse" you're unbelievably soft.

Edited by wintermute
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name='FarangCravings' timestamp='1285144169'

LOL on the French Part

They are kids in my book being bullied by a man 25 kicks to the face and body with a serious stomp to the spine which could of caused sever damage

Im afraid that's not military training THAT'S ABUSE

If you think that's bad you should see some of the training for Russian military recruits or the U.S. marine corp about 35 years ago.

If you call that "abuse" you're unbelievably soft.

Oh !! Yeah !!! so whose the tough guy now. :jerk:

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Corporal punishment indeed.:ermm:

That will turn them young lads into nice gentle minded people when there older.

The pratt is a border line psycho nothing more, good NCO's do not do that.

He would be on a charge in my army.

The toughest soldiers came out of this type of training. Look at how Prussians or the Imperial Japanese army used to brutalize their lower ranks. It's not "PC" these days but it certainly works effectively.

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name='FarangCravings' timestamp='1285144169'

LOL on the French Part

They are kids in my book being bullied by a man 25 kicks to the face and body with a serious stomp to the spine which could of caused sever damage

Im afraid that's not military training THAT'S ABUSE

If you think that's bad you should see some of the training for Russian military recruits or the U.S. marine corp about 35 years ago.

If you call that "abuse" you're unbelievably soft.

I have several familly members who are X marines and I am fully aware of how they suffered abuse too during training, it was less than 35 years ago but that don't make it right does it

Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

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I have several familly members who are X marines and I am fully aware of how they suffered abuse too during training, it was less than 35 years ago but that don't make it right does it

It's a part of discipline and being in the military. I seen nothing wrong with it. The teenagers these days would benefit greatly from being slapped around a bit.

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Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

The elite military units still haze their recruits. Maybe not a boot to the face sort of physical punishment/training but it's along the same lines ie..hours of forced Physical "training" sessions in scorching or cold temps.

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I have several familly members who are X marines and I am fully aware of how they suffered abuse too during training, it was less than 35 years ago but that don't make it right does it

It's a part of discipline and being in the military. I seen nothing wrong with it. The teenagers these days would benefit greatly from being slapped around a bit.

Yes, I think we all know the professional and 1st class Thai fighting forces this type of 'training' produces.

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I have several familly members who are X marines and I am fully aware of how they suffered abuse too during training, it was less than 35 years ago but that don't make it right does it

It's a part of discipline and being in the military. I seen nothing wrong with it. The teenagers these days would benefit greatly from being slapped around a bit.

Yes, I think we all know the professional and 1st class Thai fighting forces this type of 'training' produces.

There are units in the Thai military that are actually pretty disciplined and competent. For all you or we know they could be recruits on the early training track to becoming part of the Thai rangers or some other elite unit.

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Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

It's hard to say because honestly the Anglo-Brit and U.S. military hasn't been truly tested in this day and age. Pushing around third world countries who can barely scrape together food to eat much less fight a protracted guerilla war doesn't exactly deserve to be on a list of impressive military conquests.

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Are you saying now that the US, British Military are less of a soldgiers now they DONT have to suffer abuse like that

I dont think so

It's hard to say because honestly the Anglo-Brit and U.S. military hasn't been truly tested in this day and age. Pushing around third world countries who can barely scrape together food to eat much less fight a protracted guerilla war doesn't exactly deserve to be on a list of impressive military conquests.

Well that confirms it

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name='FarangCravings' timestamp='1285146707'

Well that confirms it

Confirms what exactly? What i'm saying is true, there hasn't been a recent war in modern times that involved millions of men with similar economic backing against each other in an existential struggle for survival.

Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Vietnam was peanuts compared to let's say the Battle for Stalingrad, Iwo Jima, or even the Korean war.

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name='FarangCravings' timestamp='1285146707'

Well that confirms it

Confirms what exactly? What i'm saying is true, there hasn't been a recent war in modern times that involved millions of men with similar economic backing against each other in an existential struggle for survival.

Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Vietnam was peanuts compared to let's say the Battle for Stalingrad, Iwo Jima, or even the Korean war.

Confirms what Exactly

Well I cant really say as I promised a nice lady with a whip that i would be a good boy


Im sure all our Military stuck in Iraq Afganistan etc will be happy to hear you think they have an easy job and think so highly of them

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Im sure all our Military stuck in Iraq Afganistan etc will be happy to hear you think they have an easy job and think so highly of them

Your average grunt always gets the sh*t end of the stick. It's part of the job. I feel sympathy of course but they volunteered.

I just don't think the "wars" or "police actions" these days can even compare with the massive struggles in the past. A million men dead on each side is bad..<20,000 casualities in 7 years of sporadic fighting is a cake walk.

Plus the fact is Iraqis and Afghans are impoverished people who lacked any sort of serious ability to damage the U.S. military juggernaut anyways.

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Im sure all our Military stuck in Iraq Afganistan etc will be happy to hear you think they have an easy job and think so highly of them

Your average grunt always gets the sh*t end of the stick. It's part of the job. I feel sympathy of course but they volunteered.

I just don't think the "wars" or "police actions" these days can even compare with the massive struggles in the past. A million men dead on each side is bad..<20,000 casualities in 7 years of fighting is a cake walk.

Not if ya one of the 20,000

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I have several familly members who are X marines and I am fully aware of how they suffered abuse too during training, it was less than 35 years ago but that don't make it right does it

It's a part of discipline and being in the military. I seen nothing wrong with it. The teenagers these days would benefit greatly from being slapped around a bit.

Maybe years ago in training it did have a result but only out of fear, so I will agree with some of what you say but it applies to the past now.

First world war British troops were shot for desertion when they were only suffering from " Shell Shock " that's just one devastating cock up.

Would you have that come back. I am not sure really what it is your trying to say.

I cannot speak for others but me personally and my sons would never put up with that kind of treatment.

Training nowadays in England don't get much tougher than SAS training, probably the same as in US, Russia, and others.

The guys chose to transfer to SAS only if they were consider worthy, some of them have died in training so it don't come much tougher than that.

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Speaking as someone who actually works on a Thai army base, I can tell you that 3 weeks ago a soldier drove into my car while it was parked on the base. He did some light panel damage to three panels, Door sill and wing. He broke his tail light into the bargain (found peices on my side step) but being the responsible guy you'd expect to find in a military role, and being at least 40 years of age its fair to assume he's no raw recruit, so why pray tell was his response to this incident to drive away without so much as an apology? I mean, his car was a beaten up old P.o.S. One might "guess" he lacked the resources to repair my car. But I always thought of military staff having a code of honour which would have prompted an apology.

If that is the level of personal responsibilty a 40+ year old Soldier has (it was left to the wives of other base staff to report his registration number to me) then you'll understand why the video clip does not shock me at all. That combined with the fact that the kids at the school on the base are caned and have chunks cut out of their hair on a daily basis by at least 6 staff that I have seen up close personally, tells me that you guess is as good as mine as to what those guys in the video had been up to, cos it seems anything goes!

The school kids incidently have to attend "Moral camps" put on by the army. One shudders to think what goes on there. I have no intention of joining one, though!

There are some lovely chaps on the gates of the base and the parents of kids that I have met seem perfectly charming, but the key word was picked up on earlier. Context. What these people do when they think nobody is looking may well be another matter.

But then ask yourself honestly, what do YOU do when you think nobody is looking. Not excusing it at all. Just saying we all have done things we are not proud of.

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Corporal punishment indeed.:ermm:

That will turn them young lads into nice gentle minded people when there older.

The pratt is a border line psycho nothing more, good NCO's do not do that.

He would be on a charge in my army.

The toughest soldiers came out of this type of training. Look at how Prussians or the Imperial Japanese army used to brutalize their lower ranks. It's not "PC" these days but it certainly works effectively.

....and they still lost the war!

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if you think its ok to be an obvious spineless bastard beating on little kids well your no better than he is

What? These aren't little kids..older teenagers for sure. Plus it looks to me they are going through military training. Do you expect them to be pampered and coddled in the military?

They aren't French.

Let me see...you're probably one of those individuals who renamed French fries "Freedom fries" when the French refused to follow George &lt;deleted&gt; Bush into Iraq to get to all those WMDs??  :blink:

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if you think its ok to be an obvious spineless bastard beating on little kids well your no better than he is

What? These aren't little kids..older teenagers for sure. Plus it looks to me they are going through military training. Do you expect them to be pampered and coddled in the military?

They aren't French.

Let me see...you're probably one of those individuals who renamed French fries "Freedom fries" when the French refused to follow George &lt;deleted&gt; Bush into Iraq to get to all those WMDs??  :blink:

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I have been told these guys are training to kick the ass of all those long-nosed farangs that keep logging in public forums with the aim of bashing off the wonderful citizens of the best kingdom ever existed in human history :ph34r:

You mean the United Kingdom of course. :coffee1:

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