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Tuskers To Close


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Quite a ridiculous comment that obviously hasn't been given much thought.

Regulars and not so regulars will be there tonight to say farewell to Chas and Rachel and will be putting money over the bar in the usual way.

As George says:

Have a good time and drink the bar dry please!


And we wish Chas and Rachel well with their pending arrival and glad they are staying in CM and not returning to Blighty.

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It is inappropriate for people who have never or hardly ever spent any time or money in Tuskers to go along to a farewell party for the same bar when a little bit more of their custom over the years at the many events that Chas and Rachel have gone to enormous trouble to organise (apart from the freebie TV parties that so many of you on this site are more than willing to attend) might not have led to tonight's closing party.

Another thing is that tonight is not a freebie so the parasites amongst you should stay well clear lest you have to spend some money on food or drink.

If you had followed earlier threads you would find that the closing is due to them starting a family.

What Chas and Rachel actually said was:

"We are afraid we have some sad news to report – Tuskers will close permanently on Monday after a final quiz.

After a difficult trading year with no prospect of a buyer and wishing to move on to other things, including of course the birth of our first child, we felt we had no option but to close.

On Saturday night we will be holding ‘The Mother of All Parties’ to go out with a bang and we hope you will all join us for a fitting farewell."

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If the rumours of a coffee shopp are true they may see more of me...especially if I can get my wheelchair in there.

I'm just glad they will be around and have no intention of returning to the UK. I didn't know about a coffee shop rumour but that sounds a great idea.

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Like others, I am sad to hear there about another foreigner owned establishment that is now closing. But since the thread does specifically address the closing of Tuskers I have a couple of questions that I hope I won't be attacked for asking.

First, how can a business that gets so many glowing comments from so many posters not make it? To me, it seems obvious that they really never got enough loyal and dedicated regulars, otherwise they would have at least made enough to keep their heads above water. At least long enough to find a viable buyer.

Second, how can the business go from such a short time frame as being on the market, off the market and then there is basically no market? With the high season just around the corner, I can't understand how any business would just close down and not hang in there until a buyer is found, even if you don't get the price you expect to.

Let's be honest here. There was something seriously wrong with this business. No one puts in this much time, money and effort and then calls it quits without getting something back out of it.

well though out and said. anyone with any successful business background will understand what you are saying.

but you'll be shot down in flames pretty soon by the lemmings.

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Like others, I am sad to hear there about another foreigner owned establishment that is now closing. But since the thread does specifically address the closing of Tuskers I have a couple of questions that I hope I won't be attacked for asking.

First, how can a business that gets so many glowing comments from so many posters not make it? To me, it seems obvious that they really never got enough loyal and dedicated regulars, otherwise they would have at least made enough to keep their heads above water. At least long enough to find a viable buyer.

Second, how can the business go from such a short time frame as being on the market, off the market and then there is basically no market? With the high season just around the corner, I can't understand how any business would just close down and not hang in there until a buyer is found, even if you don't get the price you expect to.

Let's be honest here. There was something seriously wrong with this business. No one puts in this much time, money and effort and then calls it quits without getting something back out of it.

Indeed, let's be honest here.

I, for one, felt that C&R offered more than ample rationale for closing and I am totally willing to take them at their word.

If there are deeper, perhaps even personal, reasons for this closure, it is really none of my, or your, business.

How frequently I was a customer at their business and/or ordered delivered delightful food from them, matters far less

than the fact that I made good and trusted friends in the two of them as have, obviously, many others in this town.

If this many people paid homage to MY character, I would be very proud indeed and would simply ignore the grinches who post only negativity...


Edited by Dustoff
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I had a good time last night. C&R were great hosts, as always, and there was a great turn out.

I completely agree with Dustoff's comment "If this many people paid homage to MY character, I would be very proud indeed and would simply ignore the grinches who post only negativity..."

I wish C&R all the best.

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As Tuskers are to be open for two more days, Sunday and Monday:licklips:, I suggest, and suggest only, this modest proposal - it is just an idea:

Those of us who have the feelings of the owners in mind, that is those of us who wish to express thanks for their efforts, appreciations of the institution now lost to us, and knowing glows about starting with their first child, might continue to do so here, where the subject is Tuskers itself.

Those if us who want to discuss business and business decisions can take our new, considered, and beneficial thoughts over to the thread about businesses, "Chiang Mai Closings and Businesses for Sale," which is popular and specific to that aspect of the subject and invites broader development of these matters.

I realize that the title and sub titles don't suggest the separation, but after all, this has clearly become a paean here. Disharmony might be thought of as being out of place.

(I invite those who feel that my suggestion is unwise to send me a pm rather than cluttering up my easily confused mind here.:coffee1:)

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Although I don't know the hosts and have only been to Tuskers twice, don't these people have the absolute right to close their business if they want, and for that matter, make any business decision, without speculation and/or criticism from people on TV?

I don't see any speculation on the thread. This is a public forum and the only comments I see are based on what the owners themselves have said. It does seem a quick decision and difficult to reconcile the bad trading conditions quoted by the owner with the very positive comments posted by TVers in the past and currently. But it is their business and I wish them well. And I or one am glad they are staying in Chiangmai.

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Although I don't know the hosts and have only been to Tuskers twice, don't these people have the absolute right to close their business if they want, and for that matter, make any business decision, without speculation and/or criticism from people on TV?

I don't see any speculation on the thread. This is a public forum and the only comments I see are based on what the owners themselves have said. It does seem a quick decision and difficult to reconcile the bad trading conditions quoted by the owner with the very positive comments posted by TVers in the past and currently. But it is their business and I wish them well. And I or one am glad they are staying in Chiangmai.

I see no conflict in the Owner's comments. The difficult trading conditions would have impacted the ease of selling the business however because of their efforts they had a viable bussiness which would have made more money in the high season even if it was not going to be a great one this year. I feel their decision to close is based on their forthcoming child and their wish to participate fully in this wondr\erful experience. They allways seemed nice people, they seem even nicer after this decision.

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Location, location, location.

UG, I agree with you 100%. When I first saw this establishment being refurbished way back when, my first thought was it is going to take a small miracle to make it a go at this location.

I'm sure the owners did everything possible under the sun to make it happen as the overwhelming number of testimonials attests to this. So I would place my bet it was the location that was the downfall.

Also, the title of the thread is "Tuskers to Close" so I see no reason for anyone to jump on my comments like I'm some kind of grinch. Some of you need to lighten up a little and not take offense at benign posts where somebody simply expresses an opinion or states a fact. And that's all I did.

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Yes, I keep reading posts from people who are usually negative about things. They seem to have a need, born of their own profound unhappiness, to put a great deal of vinegar in the soup. It is strange to find in a place where it is summer all year round (sometimes, tooo much of it), but I'm guessing that the angry types are very unhappy inside.

We bring our problems with us and they don't go away without addressing the causes; changing the weather won't help. Elephants and babies go together, but those sad inside won't understand.

I suppose that many of us pity those who do nothing effective to establish a balance. Their worlds are filled with dentists drilling. Pity

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Also, the title of the thread is "Tuskers to Close" so I see no reason for anyone to jump on my comments like I'm some kind of grinch. Some of you need to lighten up a little and not take offense at benign posts where somebody simply expresses an opinion or states a fact. And that's all I did.

Actually, I think this thread should be closed and a "Let's thank Chaz and Rachel" one opened and carefully monitored.

Most posters just want to want to express their thanks and admiration. However, some posters sincerely want to share their ideas about the business and how it worked. There are also a few who want to stir up a hornet's nest for their own reasons.

How about, lets change the topic title and not give anyone any justification for posting anything that might cause negative feelings?

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I too have been following this thread closely being in a similiar business myself.

Circumstances being what they are, I never had the pleasure of meeting Chas and Rachel, other than through the posts of others here on TV. I must say that they appear to be a most liked couple and dear friends to many. That is my impression received by myself as expressed by others.

I am sad that they are closing for whatever reason. But that is their, and only their decision to make as to when & why. I too wish them all the happiness and success in whatever they choose to do. And most importantly to having a beautiful , healthy and wonderful baby. When all else in down and open, the children are what we are all about, the rest of life is just window dressing.

But I also wish to say something else. "Karma" what goes around , comes around.

Thank you George, you have created a very powerful tool for us the members of TV to use.

It is here to be use positively or negatively, and how we use it will paint us the members, is a certain way in the eyes of fellow members.

If someone , for their own personal reasons, throws rocks at someone else, well liked by the majority of fellow members, because of their own personal reasons, that just may come back to haunt the thrower.

If , for example, I was selling my business and a fellow TV member were to be interested in purchasing it, but they had decided for their own reasons, that I was against the wall and HAD to sell , but thought the price I was asking was to much,they just might feel I just WOULD have to take any offer they made.

That just might not be the case in reality. If I decided not the accept their offer, and by the way, never once stated that I was made this lowball offer to anyone but just went about my business, the person making this offer may see themselves best off by trying the Thai way of saving face.

They might even feel that , "what the hel_l", this guy is going out, I can go to the property owner and make a better deal and not have to go through the bother of buying it. I'll just make my deal with the owenr and still have the benefit of all the customers coming to MY place. And all the cheaper for me.

I personally think that if this were to be the case, and fellow TV'er knew and liked me personally, and that this rock thrower, did in fact do those acts, well I feel that fellow TV'ers just might boycotte the place. This certainly would not be good for anyone concerned on any side of the equation.

I hope that is not the case here.

Anyhow , Chas and Rachel, it has certainly been my loss in never having the pleasure in meeting both of you. I hope that may somehow change , someday in the future. Have a beautiful, happy and healthy baby and look forward to meeting the little one also.

End of my rambling expressions


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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