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Scandalous Royal Thai Police Sexual Harassment Case

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Scandalous Royal Thai Police Sexual Harassment Case

A high-ranking officer in the Royal Thai Police has been accused of multiple counts of sexual abuse and misconduct on Wednesday. The accusations stem from revelations unveiled in the Thai media that he had intimate sexual relations with numerous female officers against their will.

Thailand, the 22nd of September 2010: Following revelations and video footage of the officer’s misconduct and suspected sexual abuse of co-workers and subordinates, a full internal investigation has been launched by Thai authorities looking to minimise the damaging effects such a case has on the Royal Thai Police in its entirety.

Full story HERE


-- 2010-09-23


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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Could this be the same footage as shown on Thai TV about 4 AM Wednesday morning at the bus station in Phitsanulok. All the Thais jumped up and surrounded the TV (about 20) as if a disaster had struck.


I loved the comment on the Channel 5 news this morning that this terrible act had tarnished the image and reputation of the Royal Thai Police, yeah right ,

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BTW , Even the mythical Officer Somchai ( Thai version of Officer Plod ) would be that stupid to have a camera running in his office pointed at the very corner where he was going to do the deed so the question might be ,who put the camera there ???? or was he just a major voyeur ?

On a small point , the good captain was immediately suspended pending a review etc. Khun Somkid , despite having a summons to appear in court in 6 weeks on a capital charge , was going to be promoted until common sense won the day. Go figure, this amazing country we live in. a smile every day


Disgusting man. Unfortunately, even if his actions were "above the norm", the attitude of Thai police that they are the law - not servants of the law - is very much the norm, at least so I have seen in my 8 years of living here.

I hope more people, both Thai and foreign, have a go at corrupt coppers to their face in the future (as I do) rather than accept it as a Thai custom. I consider it my civic duty to do so. And yes, I know that in the future there might be 'repercussions' - but you can say the same with almost any disagreement in this country. Besides, I'm a stoic and I'm not willing to take unwarranted rubbish off someone whose salary comes from the tax I pay. If I do something wrong, then fair enough - otherwise $?&% off!

Having recently moved to Phuket, I had to laugh at the recent 2-page article in the Phuket Post that stated that corruption is 'impossible' by the Patong police department. Ridiculous, I hear corruption stories almost every day, both from the public and policemen.

I know the Abhisit government has put a fairly high priority on reforming the police, but I don't think they have the manpower to sack and replace the lot of them, which is not far off what is needed.

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Friends, in my opinion, this is not so surprising. People in power, whether politicians, police or even in management circles have been caught in other countries as well. It is surprising that when they have power, they become perverts. The moral values in today's society is going rapidly down hill. It's best just to read this kind of news and only pray to give these people their punishment in their this life itself. I truly believe that God sees all and punishes them in this life nad make them pay for their misdeeds.

BTW , Even the mythical Officer Somchai ( Thai version of Officer Plod ) would be that stupid to have a camera running in his office pointed at the very corner where he was going to do the deed so the question might be ,who put the camera there ???? or was he just a major voyeur ?

On a small point , the good captain was immediately suspended pending a review etc. Khun Somkid , despite having a summons to appear in court in 6 weeks on a capital charge , was going to be promoted until common sense won the day. Go figure, this amazing country we live in. a smile every day


How many other senior officers have done the same or worse that haven't been caught on camera? I'm sure he is not the only one, just the only one to get caught on camera... I'm sure it happens in the military and other places as well as other countries. But I'm glad to see some are caught in their abuse of power! Just wish more would be...


When I worked in hospitality in Bangkok there were a couple of off duty coppers drinking in the lobby bar. At the end of their stint they just got up and walked off fairly boozed up. The waitress approaching them with the bill was threatened with being shot.

Now this hotel (part of an international chain) didn't put up with any <deleted> of the " Do you know who I am? " variety and the GM got in touch with his contact at the local police station to give him the lowdown. Got a call back later asking how much was the bill and they'd settle it. Not good enough. Formal complaint made. Result? 2 officers reprimanded.

Reprimanded for threatening to kill a civilian because they weren't going to pay the bill.

Thailand. Nutshell. I do what I want when I want because there'll be no consequences.

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This kind of activity in the work place with subordinates is not a sex act, its a power trip. An abuse of power. He could just as well have any women he can dream of at his own hand (pun) if it was just some sexual release he that he needed, but he needs to control and show his power over others that are at his control to be satisfied. The sign of a damaged personality for sure.

Real men don't date, disrespect, or abuse subordinates. Sick. Next he will claim some kind of long term relationship which she started. Ha. Just another victum of his own success.


"Thai authorities looking to minimise the damaging effects such a case has on the Royal Thai Police in its entirety." What a joke.:rolleyes:

A bit late for that. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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I loved the comment on the Channel 5 news this morning that this terrible act had tarnished the image and reputation of the Royal Thai Police, yeah right ,


I think they must be pretty deluded if they think they have an image or reputation to tarnish. I guess they do have a reputation, but it's not exactly one that could be tarnished any further.

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According to Thai papers, the Police man claim that the clip was edited.

Sure they were, Edited on Photo Shop. :rolleyes:

You may well beleive what you are told in the papers, but educated Farang do not.

"Thai authorities looking to minimise the damaging effects such a case has on the Royal Thai Police in its entirety."

Do you think maybe they are trying to

1. minimise the damaging effects such a case has on the Royal Thai Police in its entirety?


2. Blame the female, which is the norm for these creepy BIB.

Some objectivity required on your part.


Wonder if there's a good stain on her dress? Might make it worth something.

And were cigars involved in any way?


Previous complaints of gambling in Cambodian Casinos, and assualting subordinates. He was promoted afterwards. A "rigorous" investigation should be able to sweep this under the rug and put him in line for further promotion. :huh:

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Anyone have a link to the video clip? The moving one, not just still photos.

WOW a girl that likes porn just like me :D can I get your number :)

How do u know she/he looks like the avatar....you be very careful about what u want or wish for B)

Thai authorities looking to minimise the damaging effects such a case has on the Royal Thai Police in its entirety.

Here's a list of new guidelines set out by the police to ensure their reputation isn't tarnished.

1) Police officers committing cold blooded murder may only do it once and face no charges. Twice and the situation will be looked into. A little.

2) Refusal to pay a bill in a restaurant/bar/etc is not permitted. A token gesture must be offered. As a rule of thumb 10% of the total bill should suffice. Note this does not apply to western pub owners where no payment should be made whatsoever because the aforementioned pub owner can brag to anybody he knows that he is " friends with the police "

3) Shooting of guns into the air outside your house whilst drunk and after an argument with your spouse will only be permitted between the hours of 1 and 2 am on Thursdays.

4) Any officer found to have blown his entire salary on playing cards before the 2nd day of the month after payday will be forced to be on traffic duty outside the local Anuban school for a week. Those losing their salary after this date will face no penalty.

5) The minimum age for a police officers " gik " shall be raised from 15 to 16 years old.

6) Wearing of motorcycle helmets shall be mandatory for all police officers. Securing the chin strap shall still remain optional.

7) Any shop/business/food stall/restaurant owned by a police officer or his immediate family operating completely illegally and in contravention of all local municipal rules and regulations must first be approved by the police general of that region. Usual fees apply.

8) Police officers on duty in traffic boxes will face stringent new regulations regarding time and motion. These are as follows:

1) Sleeping on duty. 10 minutes per 1 hour.

2) Reading the newspaper. 10 minutes per 1 hour.

3) Completely ignoring a traffic accident with injuries. 10 minutes per 1 hour

4) Talking to a sexy girl. 5 minutes per hour.

5) Not actually being in the police box but sitting at the local mom and pop coffee shop behind the aforementioned police box drinking iced tea. 15 minutes per 2 hours.

The usual rules for paying no attention whatsoever to a myriad of traffic violations because you're talking on your mobile telephone still apply.

9) When a dignitary ( or a convoy of Toyota Commuters with government low level drones inside ) is approaching traffic officers must reduce the waiting time for vehicles stopped to allow them to pass from 20 to 10 minutes.

10) " Freebies " should only be accepted from women with no legal immigration status in Thailand. Thai nationals should not be procured.


Love it, Very good and so true. :cheesy:


Disgusting man. Unfortunately, even if his actions were "above the norm", the attitude of Thai police that they are the law - not servants of the law - is very much the norm, at least so I have seen in my 8 years of living here.

I hope more people, both Thai and foreign, have a go at corrupt coppers to their face in the future (as I do) rather than accept it as a Thai custom. I consider it my civic duty to do so. And yes, I know that in the future there might be 'repercussions' - but you can say the same with almost any disagreement in this country. Besides, I'm a stoic and I'm not willing to take unwarranted rubbish off someone whose salary comes from the tax I pay. If I do something wrong, then fair enough - otherwise $?&% off!

Having recently moved to Phuket, I had to laugh at the recent 2-page article in the Phuket Post that stated that corruption is 'impossible' by the Patong police department. Ridiculous, I hear corruption stories almost every day, both from the public and policemen.

I know the Abhisit government has put a fairly high priority on reforming the police, but I don't think they have the manpower to sack and replace the lot of them, which is not far off what is needed.

i've actually found the thai police to be far more chill than american cops. i've spoken to thai cops and immigration in ways that would of had me in jail and probably beaten to a pulp if i'd spoken that way to law back home... i've also run from cops on my motorbike when not having my helmet on and they just say eh, mai pen rai and have never chased me. in america i'd be in jail for that. these guys aren't so bad.



i've actually found the thai police to be far more chill than american cops.  i've spoken to thai cops and immigration in ways that would of had me in jail and probably beaten to a pulp if i'd spoken that way to law back home... i've also run from cops on my motorbike when not having my helmet on and they just say eh, mai pen rai and have never chased me.  in america i'd be in jail for that.  these guys aren't so bad.
You do have a point. Yes, they are a corrupt lot but I regularly speed through police stops with no comeback.

Do that in the U.K. and they'll call out a FLIR-equipped  helicopter to chase me. :ermm:

Here they just get back on the sidewalk and wait for the next 200Bt to come along.


I hope more people, both Thai and foreign, have a go at corrupt coppers to their face in the future (as I do) rather than accept it as a Thai custom. I consider it my civic duty to do so. And yes, I know that in the future there might be 'repercussions' - but you can say the same with almost any disagreement in this country. Besides, I'm a stoic and I'm not willing to take unwarranted rubbish off someone whose salary comes from the tax I pay.

stay away from balconies then buddy... seriously

would you 'get in the face' of the HA same same

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