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Thai Gf Likes To Hit Me?


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So as the title says my Thai gf likes to hit me. I am just wondering whether this is a common trait among all Thai girls or just my gf. i usually get about 5-10 hits per day. They dont hurt and they are not malicious. for example if I forget to collect our washing from the laundry I will get a hit . Or if i am driving to fast our bike I will get a hit.

Anyone else experience this?

When i ask her about this she says she likes hitting me....?

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Maybe her way of expressing affection. Who knows I have seen similiar stuff in the US. If it isn't violent or abusive I wouldn't worry about it.

I think it is what moe says. I've experienced it as well. It is a sign of affection. Occasionally, the gal will hit a tender part of the anatomy and it will hurt, but I know in my experiences the hit was not malicious. You can always tell by the look in their eyes. It's more of a little girl thing than a mature woman habit.

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I used to play backgammon with an ex Thai GF and the loser would have to suffer. ohmy.gif

How many pieces you lost by were the total number of whacks you got, it started off by just throwing the pieces at the losers azz, then when that was no good, it was the hand to the azz, then the hand gets sore, so then it was a plastic shoe, then it was a coat hanger, then it was a cane, then it was, well, it just carried on getting more weird.

Great fun though, we used to take girls home sometime and my ex GF would whack them on the azz with the backgammon board.

I miss her. ph34r.gif

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It's an expression of fun... enjoy it.

Equality or from the early Moses bible a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye, would judge a like minded discipline when she errs... when its comes to thai phu-yings their bottoms are just made for .... :):)

Edited by Roadman
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Hmm, I have been wondering, Thais seem to have something with violence.

Does it come from Buddhism?

When taboos are strong it gets worse once they are broken.

See how Thais pack together in fights.

I have witnessed some bar fights in farangland during my discotheque years, but these get classified as "cat fights" as compared to real fights over here.

Saw a very bad group fighting at a technical school once: a boy and a girl attacked by 20 boys, not nice.

I often witness aggressive behavior on doorsteps, against children who need to be punished for "bad" behavior, more even against pet animals.

We took a puppy dog from a neighbor lady and the dogs would play together. She would take two of them, one in each hand and then bang them together to maker them aggressive, whilst smilingly admiring her own smartness.

My gf showed her disapproval of such behavior.

But: we have two dogs now and I do witness occasional aggressive behavior from her towards the dogs.

Her face then has the same expression of satisfaction I witnessed on our woman neighbor.

It leaves me with the feeling something is amiss with all Thais in regard to violence, clearly an education/culture issue.

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Your story make me feel like I'm living in a country full of mad people  :lol:

Hmm, I have been wondering, Thais seem to have something with violence.

Does it come from Buddhism?

When taboos are strong it gets worse once they are broken.

See how Thais pack together in fights.

I have witnessed some bar fights in farangland during my discotheque years, but these get classified as "cat fights" as compared to real fights over here.

Saw a very bad group fighting at a technical school once: a boy and a girl attacked by 20 boys, not nice.

I often witness aggressive behavior on doorsteps, against children who need to be punished for "bad" behavior, more even against pet animals.

We took a puppy dog from a neighbor lady and the dogs would play together. She would take two of them, one in each hand and then bang them together to maker them aggressive, whilst smilingly admiring her own smartness.

My gf showed her disapproval of such behavior.

But: we have two dogs now and I do witness occasional aggressive behavior from her towards the dogs.

Her face then has the same expression of satisfaction I witnessed on our woman neighbor.

It leaves me with the feeling something is amiss with all Thais in regard to violence, clearly an education/culture issue.

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It leaves me with the feeling something is amiss with all Thais in regard to violence, clearly an education/culture issue.

Sorry mate, its just your GF and the other woman, how can you say ALL Thais are like this ?

I agree, Sillyman. What an absurd generalization tartempion is making. According to his line of reasoning, I can conclude most anything based on scant evidence. Let's see, since America went to war in Iraq, and likes American football, and boxing, and hockey, and has gang issues, and has routine schoolyard fights, I therefore must conclude that Americans are violent-prone. Is this a Christian thing?

Stupid beyond words.

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She is just training you like you are a dumb animal. This is how animals are trained when they make a mistake. She obviously sees herself dominant in the relation. It happens but not often id say, most girls are more submissive in nature.

I do know however i would not accept it, in any relation im in its an equal relation where im just a little bit more equal :D

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Thais are more touchy feely than westerners. Look at the way Thais hold hands and arms and have their arms around there necks, both men and women. This translates to these playful hits. Most Thai women do it. Men do to, to each other.

Western women do as well. Didn't your mother every tell you when you were a kid, if a girl is hitting you, she likes you?

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There's not very much I know for sure, but one of the things I know for sure is that my daughter loves me very much. One of her ways of expresssing that love is to punch me in the gut several times per day. Your mileage may vary.

My Mrs of 4 years or so used to do the same thing when I first met her she also pulled a knife on me ONCE, I made it very clear that hitting me is not acceptable behaviour and pulling a Knife means immeditate termination of the realtionship PERIOD NO EXCUSES

Since that time she has never done either again

If you let it happen thats up to you make it very clear that its not acceptable to you and you will leave her if she continues but be prepared to follow through.

If you like it leave it as is

Many guys I know have there women pull knives on them hit them etc what do you expect when its drummed into them via thai soap operas since they were kids

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There's not very much I know for sure, but one of the things I know for sure is that my daughter loves me very much. One of her ways of expresssing that love is to punch me in the gut several times per day. Your mileage may vary.

My Mrs of 4 years or so used to do the same thing when I first met her she also pulled a knife on me ONCE, I made it very clear that hitting me is not acceptable behaviour and pulling a Knife means immeditate termination of the realtionship PERIOD NO EXCUSES

Since that time she has never done either again

If you let it happen thats up to you make it very clear that its not acceptable to you and you will leave her if she continues but be prepared to follow through.

If you like it leave it as is

Many guys I know have there women pull knives on them hit them etc what do you expect when its drummed into them via thai soap operas since they were kids

Are you joking? It's the highlight of my day. No kinives, no soap operas, just kids being kids. A teenager can't come right out and tell you how much they love their old man all the time, now can they? That's pretty uncool. I'll take the pulled punches and hugs.

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B) My first live in Girlfriend in Thailand grabbed a knife and threatened me with it. I told her " If you come after me with that knife you better make sure you kill me" She knew I was F'ing serious and put the knife down.


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